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Chapter  16 

Pathophysiology of Obstructive
Sleep Apnea

Chapter Points pressure is associated with increased upper airway

• Patients with OSA have a positive critical pressure inspiratory activity in the genioglossus.
during sleep. A positive intraluminal pressure is • Upper airway muscle activity falls with sleep onset and
needed to keep the airway patent. the decrease is greater in patients with OSA than in
• Patients with OSA have airway occlusion or severe normal individuals. During wake, increased upper
narrowing during sleep because of a variable airway muscle activity in patients with OSA may
combination of factors including unfavorable upper compensate for unfavorable anatomy.
airway anatomy, inadequate upper airway muscle • The arousal stimulus during obstructive apnea and
compensation, and instability in ventilatory control. hypopnea appears to be proportional to the
Whereas a high arousal threshold may prolong magnitude of inspiratory effort (esophageal pressure
respiratory events, a low arousal threshold may excursions). Hypercapnia and hypoxemia may cause
predispose to instability in ventilatory control. increasing respiratory effort, but arousal occurs when
the level of effort reaches an arousal threshold.
Traits Contributing to Obstructive Sleep Apnea • The arousal threshold to respiratory stimuli during
NREM sleep is increased in patients with OSA
ANATOMIC/ compared with normal individuals (higher inspiratory
PHYSIOLOGIC TRAIT APNEA PREDISPOSITION effort is needed to trigger arousal).
Upper airway anatomy Small pharyngeal airway • Factors associated with more severe arterial oxygen
desaturation include a higher BMI, low awake SaO2 or
Upper airway motor Poor muscle response
PaO2, longer respiratory events/shorter period of
control during sleep
ventilation between events, and a smaller ERV.
Ventilatory control stability High loop gain
Arousal threshold Low arousal threshold
From White DP: The pathogenesis of obstructive sleep apnea. Am J Respir
Cell Mol Biol 2006;34:1–6.
• The reasons for the greater prevalence of OSA in men AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION
than in women are incompletely understood. Men
have longer upper airways and this may predispose to Multiple factors determine upper airway patency during
upper airway collapse. sleep (Table 16–1).1–9 Different factors may be more or less
• The activity of phasic upper airway muscles (e.g., important in a given individual. Patients with obstructive
genioglossus—tongue protruder) increases with each sleep apnea (OSA) tend to have small upper airways either
inspiration. The activity of tonic upper airway muscles secondary to a small bony enclosure or due to increased soft
is constant (does not vary with respiration). However, tissue surrounding the airway.10,11 In general, a short and
the activity level of tonic muscles can vary with sleep posteriorly placed mandible, a long dependent palate, a large
state (wake > NREM > REM). The activity of phasic tongue, nasal obstruction, and thick lateral pharyngeal walls,
upper airway muscles is controlled by central pattern and/or pharyngeal fat all predispose to upper airway collapse
generators, sleep state (wakefulness stimuli, NREM, during sleep. Most studies have suggested that the shape of
REM), and negative-pressure stimulation of upper the upper airways of OSA patients differs from that of normal
airway mechanoreceptors. More negative upper airway individuals and is narrower in the lateral dimension.10–12 A
study comparing the passive properties of the upper airway
264 Chapter 16    Pathophysiology of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

during general anesthesia in normal individuals with those during inspiration is commonly caused by narrowing of a
of OSA patients found that the upper airways of OSA patients hypotonic upper airway in response to the increasingly nega-
are narrower and more collapsible.13 tive intraluminal pressure developed during inspiration.14,15
Airflow through the pharynx shows various degrees of In Figure 16–2, the first three breaths do not show airflow
airflow limitation during sleep. Inspiratory flow limitation is limitation and airflow has a round shape. The fourth breath,
defined by an increase in the pressure drop across the which occurs after sleep onset, demonstrates airflow limita-
upper airway (more negative supraglottic and intrathoracic tion with a constant flow during the time when the inspira-
pressure) without a corresponding increase in flow rate tory pressure (supraglottic pressure) as reflected by
(Fig. 16–1). This alinearity in the pressure-flow relationship esophageal pressure is becoming more negative (increased
pressure difference across the upper airway).
The pharynx is not rigid and pharyngeal resistance is not
TABLE 16–1  constant. The nonrigid portions of the pharynx tend to
Factors Determining Upper Airway Patency become increasingly narrow with more negative inspiratory
OPEN UPPER AIRWAY CLOSED UPPER AIRWAY pressure. The collapsibility of the upper airway and tendency
for closure can be defined by the pharyngeal passive closing
pressure (PCRIT).16,17 The PCRIT values for normal people,
• Larger, stiffer upper • Smaller, more compliant snorers, patients with obstructive hypopneas, and patients
airway (PCRIT 0 or negative) upper airway (positive PCRIT ) with obstructive apnea are plotted in Figure 16–3.14 As upper
• Large bony enclosure • Small bony enclosure airway dysfunction increases (normal → snorers → apnea),
• Less soft tissue (thinner • More soft tissue the PCRIT is progressively more positive. During sleep, a posi-
lateral pharyngeal walls) • Lower lung volume
tive pressure is needed to keep the airway open (PCRIT > 0)
• Higher lung volume • Supine posture
in patients with sleep apnea. In normal patients, the airway
• Lateral decubitus posture
does not collapse unless a negative mask pressure is applied.
UPPER AIRWAY MUSCLE FACTORS The PCRIT is determined by applying various positive or
• High upper airway muscle • Low upper airway muscle negative mask pressures (Pmask) and determining the inspi-
activity activity ratory flow rate. In patients with OSA, flow decreases as
• Large upper airway • Low upper airway muscle mask pressure decreases from a more positive pressure (Fig.
muscle response to response to negative upper 16–4). The mask pressure at which flow is zero is PCRIT. The
negative pressure airway pressure inverse of the slope is the effective resistance (Δ pressure/Δ
VENTILATORY CONTROL STABILITY flow) and is called the upstream resistance (Rus). The equa-
tion relating flow ( V max), mask pressure, and PCRIT
DRIVE V max = (Pmask − PCRIT )/ R us
• Low loop gain • High loop gain Pus = Pmask in Starling resistor model
• Low controller gain • High controller gain
Equation 16–1
• Low plant gain • High plant gain
• High arousal threshold • Low arousal threshold
The relationship between flow and mask pressure can be
PCRIT = passive closing pressure of the upper airway.
modeled using a Starling resistor (Fig. 16–5) using Pus

P  5
pressure Airflow
Greater pressure
difference across
Nose P  0 Lungs Inspiration the upper airway
Upper at B versus A with
airway Pressure 5 no increase in flow
A cm H2O
P  10

P0 Pressure difference  flow  resistance

FIGURE 16–1  A higher pressure (P) difference across the upper airway (more negative supraglottic pressure) at B compared with
A does not increase airflow. This is an example of airflow limitation. The effective resistance has increased with more negative
supraglottic pressure.
Chapter 16    Pathophysiology of Obstructive Sleep Apnea 265

Wake Sleep (stage N1)








Airflow limitation


Phasic genioglossus activity


Tonic genioglossus activity

Supraglottic 0
(cm H2O)

FIGURE 16–2  With sleep onset, there is a fall in genioglossus activity and inspiratory effort and flow. This results in airflow limitation
(flat flow). Note the phasic (inspiratory) increase in genioglossus activity during stable breathing preceding sleep. ECG =
electrocardiogram; EMGgg = genioglossus electromyogram; MTA-EMGgg = rectified moving time average of EMGgg.  Adapted from
Berry RB: OSAHS definitions, epidemiology, and consequences. In Carney P, Berry RB, Geyer JD (eds): Clinical Sleep Disorders, 1st ed.
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, p. 261.

(upstream pressure) = Pmask. This consists of a collapsible muscles of the respiratory pump. This allows for a stable
segment between rigid tubes.16 As long as the intraluminal upper airway during inspiratory flow. The inspiratory activ-
pressure within any point of the collapsible segment is less ity of the GG muscle is affected by (1) negative intraluminal
than PCRIT, the relationship in Figure 16–4 will hold. Creating pressure via effects on upper airway mechanoreceptors in
more negative pressure downstream from the collapsible the laryngeal area, (2) central pattern generators in the
segment will not increase flow. When the intraluminal pres- brainstem, and (3) influences of sleep state (wakefulness
sure along the entire collapsible segment is less than the stimulus).1–6 The activity of the phasic upper airway muscles
PCRIT, no flow occurs. (GG) but not the tonic palatal muscles relates closely to
During wakefulness, upper airway muscle activity main- pharyngeal pressure. The activity of tonic upper airway
tains an open upper airway even if the airway is anatomically muscles appears to be more sleep state–dependent (wake
narrow. Some upper airway muscles such as the genioglossus > non–rapid eye movement [NREM] > rapid eye movement
(GG; tongue protruder) and palatoglossus show increased [REM]).18,20
activity with inspiration (phasic activity) (see Fig. 16–2), The effects of negative upper airway pressure on the GG
whereas others such as the tensor velli palatini (a muscle of are mediated through a reflex neural pathway. The pathway
the palate) show tonic (constant) activity.18–20 Activation of starts with upper airway mechanoreceptors and travels
phasic upper airway muscles is triggered slightly before the through the superior laryngeal nerve to sensory brainstem
266 Chapter 16    Pathophysiology of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

PCRIT (cm H2O)

. Rus
4 Vmax




Condition #1 10 Condition #2

Normal Snorer Obstructive Obstructive Pmask (Pus)
hypopnea apnea
FIGURE 16–4  The relationship between the flow rate ( Vmax)  and various mask
* * * pressures (Pmask) in a sleeping patient. When Pmask falls below PCRIT, no flow is noted
FIGURE 16–3  This figure compares the values of pharyngeal passive closing pressure (Condition #1). When Pmask exceeds PCRIT (Condition #2), the flow depends on the
of the upper airway (PCRIT) for normal subjects, snorers, and patients with obstructive pressure difference (Pmask – PCRIT) and the slope of the line is the inverse of the
hypopnea and obstructive apnea. The data are presented as both individual values and upstream resistance (Rus). In the Starling model, the Pmask is considered the upstream
means ± standard deviation (SD) for the four groups. Note the progressive increase in pressure (Pus)—see Figure 16–5.  From Gold AR, Schwartz AR: The pharyngeal critical
the mean pharyngeal PCRIT with increasing levels of pharyngeal collapsibility and airway pressure. Chest 1996;100:1077–1088.
obstruction (P < .01).  From Gleadhill IC, Schwartz AR, Schubert N, et al: Upper airway
collapsibility in snorers and in patients with obstructive hypopnea and apnea. Am Rev
Respir Dis 1991;143:1300–1303.

Rigid tube Condition #2

Sealed box 10

15 9
Collapsible segment
Pus  Pcrit 10 Pds  Pcrit
A C . Pus  Pcrit

Condition #1 Condition #3

Pus  5 15 11

Pus  Pcrit Pout  10 Pus  Pcrit Pds  Pcrit

FIGURE 16–5  A, Starling resistor model with pharynx assumed to be a collapsible segment with rigid tubes on the upstream
and downstream sides. The intraluminal pressure (Pin) and extraluminal pressure (Pout) are shown. B, The upstream pressure (Pus)
is less than critical closing pressure (Pcrit). No airflow occurs. Pout is the pressure surrounding the collapsible segment of the upper
airway. C and D represent the addition of +15 cm H2O pressure to the upstream side of the collapsible segment (Pus). C, The Pus is
greater than the Pcrit and airflow depends on the resistance of the upstream resistance (Rus). The collapsible segment collapses or
flutters to maintain the intraluminal pressure at its downstream end at +10 cm H2O. If flow stops, the pressure along the entire
collapsible segment suddenly becomes +15 cm H2O and flow temporarily resumes until pressure reaches +10 cm H2O and the
process repeats. The pressure downstream (Pds) from the collapsible segment is less than Pcrit. D, The Rus is lower, such that the
pressure drop across the collapsible segment is less than Pcrit (Pds > Pcrit) and flow is not limited by the collapsible segment but
depends on the resistance of the entire tube. Vmax  = flow rate.  Adapted from Gold AR, Schwartz AR: The pharyngeal critical
pressure. Chest 1996;100:1077–1088.
Chapter 16    Pathophysiology of Obstructive Sleep Apnea 267

nuclei (nucleus of the solitary tract [NTS]). Neurons in the measured. The etiology of the effect of posture is not clear.
NTS then stimulate hypoglossal motoneurons in the brain- With sleep onset, the loss of the wakefulness stimulus on
stem that innervate the GG via the hypoglossal nerve. upper airway muscles causes a decrement in their activity.
Greater upper airway inspiratory muscle activity occurs This may be mediated in part by a loss of serotonergic or
with more negative upper airway pressure. Hypoxia and noradrenergic excitatory modulation of upper airway motor
hypercapnia could potentially modulate (increase) upper neuron activity.5
airway muscle activity via effects on the central pattern gen- At the onset of NREM sleep, the activity of both phasic
erators or indirectly by augmenting ventilatory drive/ and tonic upper airway muscles decreases18,19,22,23 and upper
inspiratory effort, generating more negative upper airway airway resistance increases24 (see Fig. 16–2). With stable
pressure (higher suction pressure). Pillar and coworkers21 sleep, the activity of the GG may actually return to waking
administered exogeneous CO2 to normal individuals during or higher than wakefulness levels as upper airway pressure
NREM sleep and found no significant augmentation of GG becomes increasingly negative25 (Fig. 16–6). If upper airway
activity. The epiglottic negative pressure was not significantly activity is favorable or upper airway muscle activity has
different between baseline and CO2 inhalation. Thus, hyper- “compensatory effectiveness,” stable ventilation will be main-
capnia was not associated with more negative upper airway tained. Compensatory effectiveness requires a sufficient
pressure or an increase in GG activity. This study was per- increase in upper airway muscle activity (stimulated by
formed with subjects in the lateral sleep position. In contrast, hypercapnia and negative upper airway pressure) and that
during monitoring in the supine position, Lo and colleagues8 the increase in muscle activity is effective in maintaining
did find that exogenous CO2 administration augmented GG upper airway patency.26
activity. The administration of continuous positive airway Patients with OSA tend to have higher than normal awake
pressure (CPAP) did not change the slope of the GG response basal GG activity.27–29 The higher activity is believed to be
to hypercapnia. However, upper airway pressure was not compensation for an intrinsically narrow or more collapsible

Wake Cyclical S2 Stable S2 Stable SWS

50 A B
GG mta
GG raw
(cmH2O) C
1 D
(L) 0

FIGURE 16–6  Tracings from a patient with periods of both obstructive apnea and stable ventilation during sleep. During stable
stage N2 sleep without apneas (Stable S2), high genioglossus activity (B) is noted associated with more negative epiglottic pressure
(PEPI) (D). Note that the genioglossus activity is higher than during wakefulness. During slow wave sleep (SWS; stage N3), the
genioglossus activity is higher than stage N2 and PEPI is more negative. The inspiratory activity of the moving time average of the
genioglossus (GG mta) is higher at B than at A because epiglottic pressure (PEPI) is more negative at D than at C. ABD = abdominal
band; Cyclical S2 = stage N2 with repeated obstructive apneas; RC = chest band; SaO2 = arterial oxygen saturation; VT = tidal
volume.  From Jordan AS, White DP, Lo YL, et al: Airway dilator muscle activity and lung volume during stable breathing in obstructive
sleep apnea. Sleep 2009;32:361–368.
268 Chapter 16    Pathophysiology of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

upper airway. Most patients with OSA also have a greater During upper airway obstruction, phasic GG activity
than normal fall in GG activity with sleep onset.29 A reflex increases proportionately to esophageal pressure deflections
activation of the GG muscle to a sudden brief pulse of nega- (reflecting increased respiratory drive) (see Figs. 16–6 and
tive pressure can be demonstrated.30 The response of the GG 16–7).9,37,38 Stimulation of chemoreceptors by hypoxia and
and palatal muscles to negative pressure is reduced during hypercapnia increase inspiratory drive and esophageal pres-
sleep.30–32 During wake, patients with OSA have a greater sure deflections increase. At apnea termination, both GG
response in GG activity to a sudden negative pressure pulse and palatal muscles are preferentially augmented and the
than normal subjects.33 The greater response to negative upper airway opens.9,37,38 Although it was once assumed that
pressure and higher basal GG activity allow the upper airway increasing GG activity during obstructive apnea or hypop-
to remain open during wakefulness. In contrast, the response nea was driven entirely by hypoxia and hypercapnia, a study
of the palatal muscles to negative pressure may be impaired of the effect of upper airway local anesthesia suggests that
in OSA patients.34 Despite evidence for higher basal upper mechanoreceptor stimulation (from increasingly negative
airway muscle activity during wakefulness, the upper airways pressure below the site of obstruction) plays an important
of OSA patients are still more collapsible than those of role in the augmentation of GG activity.37 In Figure 16–8, the
normal persons.35 With sleep onset, the wakeful stimulus to top panels (Pre-lidocaine) show a progressive increase in GG
GG activity is no longer present and upper airway muscle activity during apnea. After topical lidocaine anesthesia of
activity falls in normal individuals and patients with OSA. the upper airway, the GG activity is markedly diminished.
However, as noted previously, OSA patients have a greater This implies that mechanoreceptor stimulation from increas-
than normal fall in upper airway muscle activity.29 Owing to ingly negative pressure below the site of obstruction results
unfavorable anatomy, the residual upper airway activity is in augmentation of GG activity.
not sufficient to maintain an open upper airway. In Figures Traditionally, a concept of a balance between negative
16–6 and 16–7, a fall in GG activity as the patient returns inspiratory pressure tending to collapse the airway and
to sleep is associated with an obstructive apnea. Posture upper airway muscle dilating forces was assumed to deter-
also has important effects on airway patency,36 and some mine the state of the airway. However, more recently, the
patients with OSA have apnea or hypopnea only in the concept of passive collapse at sleep onset (including return
supine position. to sleep after termination of respiratory events) has gained

Arousal Arousal



16 seconds




FIGURE 16–7  After the arousal, genioglossus activity decreases as the patient returns to sleep and is associated with an obstructive apnea. During
the obstructive apnea, the moving time average of the genioglossus muscle (MTA-EMGgg) progressively increases and esophageal pressure swings
also progressively increase. However, the airway does not open until there is a large increase in genioglossus activity associated with an arousal. 
ECG = electrocardiogram; EMGgg = electromyogram of the genioglossus muscle; SaO2 = arterial oxygen saturation.
Chapter 16    Pathophysiology of Obstructive Sleep Apnea 269

FIGURE 16–8  Genioglossus activity increases with

increasing inspiratory effort during an obstructive
apnea (*). Topical lidocaine to the upper airway greatly
reduces the increase in genioglossus activity (*). After
Pre-lidocaine anesthesia has worn off, genioglossus activity returns
to baseline. EMG-GG = electromyogram of the
genioglossus muscle; MTA = moving time average.
MTA From Berry RB, McNellis M, Kouchi K, Light RW: Upper
EMG-GG * airway anesthesia reduces genioglossus activity during
sleep apnea. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997;156:
60 cmH2O

Post lidocaine

88 cmH2O

Lidocaine off for 120 min

60 cmH2O

5 sec

favor. In fact, at sleep onset, the ventilatory drive decreases The upper airways of patients with OSA have greater lung
and supraglottic pressure may initially decrease (less nega- volume dependence than normal individuals.41 The lung
tive) in some patients (although resistance increases). Upper volume dependence of the upper airway may be mediated
airway closure has also been documented during central via passive distending forces due to a downward tension
apnea in which there is no inspiration or negative collapsing on upper airway structures during inspiration (“tracheal
forces.39 Therefore, suction pressure during obstruction may tug”).43 Another way of thinking of the tracheal tug is a
help keep the airway closed but is not necessary for the onset decrease in extramural pressure surrounding the airway.
of airway occlusion. Cyclic variations in ventilatory drive can Any fall in end-expiratory volume (functional residual
induce obstructive or central apneas at the nadir in drive.40 capacity [FRC]) would then reduce upper airway size. FRC
Thus, even if ventilatory drive to the respiratory pump is known to decrease during sleep,44 and this would tend
muscles decreases, the simultaneous reduction of neural to predispose to airway closure. Morrell and coworkers45
drive to the upper airway muscles can result in airway nar- demonstrated a progressive fall in end-expiratory retro-
rowing or collapse. palatal cross-sectional area as well as end-expiratory lung
volume in the breaths leading up to obstructive apnea.
Heinzer and colleagues46 found that an increase in lung
volume (induced by extrathoracic pressure) resulted
Upper airway size also has a dependence on lung volume in a lower level of CPAP required to prevent airflow
with decreasing airway size as lung volume decreases.41,42 limitation.
270 Chapter 16    Pathophysiology of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

high loop gain may respond to a mild elevation in PaCO2

with sufficient ventilation to result in hypocapnia (“over-
Ventilatory instability tends to occur when there is high ven- shoot”) rather than simply bringing the system back to the
tilatory drive. Hypoxia and hypercapnia from apnea coupled original state (eucapnia). Patients with high loop gain are
with arousal at apnea termination results in a large increase predisposed to ventilatory instability. High loop gain may be
in ventilation. The increased ventilation postapnea may due to high controller gain (high hypercapnic ventilatory
reduce the arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide response) or high plant gain (large decrease in PaCO2 for a
(PaCO2), and this coupled with a return to sleep reduces given increase in ventilation). Plant gain is increased when
ventilatory drive. The cycles of increased and decreased ven- there is hypercapnia, a low dead space, and a low FRC.1,2
tilatory drive predispose to subsequent upper airway closure
and help perpetuate repetitive cycles of respiration and Loop gain = response to disturbance / the disturbance
apnea.2,40 As ventilatory drive fluctuates, both upper airway Loop gain = controller gain (chemosensitivity) ×
muscle and diaphragmatic activity may fluctuate with apnea plant gain
or hypopnea tending to occur at the nadir of ventilatory
drive. If the patient falls asleep rapidly after arousal, the Controller gain = change in ventilation per change in PaCO2
PaCO2 may be near or below the apneic threshold, the level (reaching chemoreceptors)
of PaCO2 below which ventilation is no longer triggered Plant gain = change in PaCO2 per change in ventilation
during sleep.47 If the PaCO2 falls below the apneic threshold, Equation 16–2
a central apnea will occur. If the upper airway is closed at the
time of resumption of inspiratory effort, an obstructive Younes and associates51 found that chemical control is
apnea will occur. This is the etiology of mixed apnea (initial more unstable in severe compared with milder OSA patients.
central portion, terminal obstructive portion).48 Alterna- Wellman and colleagues52 subsequently reported that loop
tively, an obstructive hypopnea or obstructive apnea may gain measured during NREM sleep was an important predic-
occur as ventilatory drive and upper airway muscle activity tor of apnea severity (respiratory disturbance index), but
fall but the PaCO2 remains above the apneic threshold.49 only in patients with intermediate collapsibility of the pha-
Patients with a small difference between the sleeping ryngeal airway. Individuals with extreme airway collapsibil-
PaCO2 and the apneic threshold would be more likely to have ity will have obstructive events regardless of loop gain. Thus,
a central apnea on return to sleep.47,50 Of note, obstructive it would appear that ventilatory control instability may play
apnea may occur before the nadir if inspiratory effort is an important role in the pathophysiology of airway obstruc-
reached. If one monitors esophageal pressure in patients with tion in some patients with OSA.
OSA, the nadir in deflections in some patients can occur two
or three breaths into the apnea (Fig. 16–9).
Recently, the concept of loop gain has been applied to
explain ventilatory instability. Loop gain characterizes the The obstructive events are longest and arterial oxygen desat-
response to a perturbation. For example, a patient with a uration the most severe during REM sleep. Many patients

FIGURE 16–9  An obstructive apnea

(double-ended arrow) associated with a fall in
genioglossus activity. Note that the minimum
effort does not occur until the second
obstructed effort. A = timing of arousal;
EMGgg = electromyogram of the genioglossus
muscle; MTA = moving time average;
(Pes) min = minimum esophageal pressure MTA EMGgg
deflection during apnea.

Pes min
Chapter 16    Pathophysiology of Obstructive Sleep Apnea 271

have obstructive events only during REM sleep or the apnea- individuals did not find a significant change in ventilation
hypopnea index (AHI) is much higher during REM sleep. between early and late REM sleep periods because an increase
However, the reason for the susceptibility for apnea during in respiratory rate compensated for fall in VT.54 However,
REM sleep remains unclear. During REM sleep, ventilation patients with OSA or lung disease are more susceptible to
is irregular even in normal persons. REM sleep without the phasic changes of REM sleep and VT falls with either no
phasic eye movements is called “tonic REM” and with eye change in respiratory rate or a change insufficient to main-
movements “phasic REM.” There tends to be more respira- tain ventilation.55 During REM sleep, there is generalized
tory irregularity during periods of bursts of eye movements muscle hypotonia and the muscles of respiration other than
(phasic REM)53,54 (Fig. 16–10). During phasic REM, there are the diaphragm are less active.55 Although the diaphragm is
often periods of reduced airflow, tidal volume (VT), and not affected by the generalized tonic muscle hypotonia of
respiratory effort. The eye movement bursts are markers of REM sleep, periodic decrements in diaphragmatic activity
brainstem phasic REM activity that affects respiration. (inspiratory effort) do occur and are often associated with
Because periods of REM sleep are longest and the REM bursts of eye movements (Fig. 16–11).55 The decrements in
density (number of eye movements per time) highest during diaphragmatic activity are associated with reduced VT. Upper
the early morning hours, it is not surprising that this is the airway muscles are also affected during REM sleep. In normal
time of the greatest changes in ventilation during sleep in persons during REM sleep, GG tonic activity is reduced
patients with lung disease and OSA.53,55 One study in normal but phasic activity can still be detected if intramuscular





Chin EMG

(nasal press)

20 cm H2O

FIGURE 16–10  A period of reduced airflow associated with decreased inspiratory effort as reflected by esophageal pressure
deflections during REM sleep (stage R). The reduced airflow occurs during a prolonged burst of eye movements. Note that the airflow
profile is flat during inspiration, suggesting the presence of airflow limitation. EMG = electromyogram.

FIGURE 16–11  Recording from the lateral geniculate body (LGB)

and diaphragm of a cat during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The
LGB deflections in the LGB tracing are pontogeniculo-occipital (PGO)
waves that occur during bursts of eye movements. These phasic REM
changes can be associated with fractionation or decrement in the
diaphragmatic electromyogram (EMG) noted between the dashed
lines).  From Orem J: Neuronal mechanisms of respiration in REM
sleep. Sleep 1980;3:251–267.
272 Chapter 16    Pathophysiology of Obstructive Sleep Apnea



0.3 L/sec


Tidal volume



FIGURE 16–12  Reduction in genioglossus activity during bursts of eye movements in REM sleep (stage R). EEG = electro­
encephalogram; EMG = electromyogram; EOG = electro-oculogram.  From Wiegand L, Zwillich CW, Wiegand D, White DP: Changes in
upper airway muscle activation and ventilation during phasic REM sleep in normal men. J Appl Physiol 1991;71:488–497.

electromyogram (EMG) electrodes are used (Fig. 16–12). patients with OSA had more REM-induced changes in upper
During bursts of eye movements, diaphragmatic and GG airway muscle activity than normal subjects. Therefore, the
phasic activity are often decreased.56 normal REM-associated changes in respiratory physiology
As noted previously, many patients have obstructive may have greater impact on patients with susceptible upper
apnea only during REM sleep (REM-related OSA). However, airway anatomy. More investigations in this area of inquiry
two studies found no greater collapsibility (PCRIT) of the are needed.
upper airway during REM than during NREM sleep.36,57 This
variance with clinical experience could be due to REM-
associated manifestations that do not affect the PCRIT mea-
surement. These might include changes in lung volume A number of investigations have sought to determine the
during prolonged reductions in ventilation or impairment pathophysiology of the higher incidence of OSA in men
of the ability of the airway to compensate for increasing than in women. Men have longer upper airways and this is
resistance. Jordan and coworkers58 studied OSA patients believed to predispose them to pharyngeal collapse.60 Of
who could maintain upper airway patency during some note, postmenopausal women have longer upper airways
periods of NREM sleep. Stable breathing during stage N2 than premenopausal women.61 One study found that men
was compared with cyclic REM sleep (with apneas). The also have more fat around their upper airway than women.62
end-expiratory lung volume and peak GG EMG did not There have been no clear gender differences in loop gain,
differ. During REM sleep, the relationship between the nega- upper airway collapsibility (PCRIT), or pharyngeal muscle
tive epiglottic pressure (PEPI) and the phasic GG activity also activation.63–65 Pillar and associates65 found that men deve­
did not differ from stage N2 sleep. However, PEPI was much loped more hypopnea due to resistive loading. Because no
less negative and the tonic GG activity was lower during difference in upper airway muscle activation was noted, the
REM sleep (Fig. 16–13). Perhaps lower GG tonic activity increased tendency for male upper airway narrowing was
during REM sleep makes the upper airway susceptible to believed to be due to anatomic factors. There have been
closure especially at end-exhalation when the upper airway efforts to determine whether a difference in ventilatory
size is the smallest. Eckert and associates59 did not find that control between men and women could explain the higher
Chapter 16    Pathophysiology of Obstructive Sleep Apnea 273

Wake Cyclical REM Stable S2

GG mta
(%max) *
GG raw *
30 **
1 **

FIGURE 16–13  Comparing rapid eye movement (REM) sleep with obstructive apneas with breathing during stable stage N2
sleep (S2). The tonic (expiratory) genioglossus (GG) EMG is much lower (*) and the epiglottic pressure (PEPI) is much less negative (**).
ABD = abdominal band; mta = moving time average; RC = chest band; SaO2 = arterial oxygen saturation; VT = tidal volume.  From
Jordan AS, White DP, Lo YL, et al: Airway dilator muscle activity and lung volume during stable breathing in obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep

prevalence of OSA in men. Loop gain is not different between BOX 16–1 
men and women.63 As previously noted, the apneic threshold Respiratory Arousal Mechanisms
is the sleeping PaCO2 at which ventilation is no longer trig- • The arousal stimulus during obstructive apnea and
gered (see Chapter 21). Men have a smaller difference hypopnea appears to be proportional to the magnitude
between their sleeping PaCO2 and their apneic threshold, of inspiratory effort (esophageal pressure excursions).
predisposing them to central apnea or hyponea after periods • Hypercapnia, hypoxemia, and negative pressure stimuli
of hyperventilation.66,67 In summary, no clear explanation for during obstructive respiratory events result in increasing
the gender difference in the prevalence of OSA has been respiratory effort. However, arousal occurs when the level
found. Anatomic differences (longer upper airway length) or of effort reaches an arousal threshold.
increased upper airway susceptibility to resistive loading • The arousal threshold to respiratory stimuli during NREM
or falling ventilatory drive in men may be possible sleep is increased in patients with OSA compared with
normal individuals (higher inspiratory effort is needed to
trigger arousal).
• A higher arousal threshold may predispose to longer
MECHANISMS OF APNEA TERMINATION respiratory events, but a low arousal threshold may
AND AROUSAL contribute to ventilatory instability.
• Obstructive apneas and hypopneas are longer during
Obstructive apnea or hypopnea termination is often associ- REM than during NREM sleep. In contrast, normal
ated with cortical arousals. The relationship between these individuals arouse from experimental mask occlusion
two phenomena is still the subject of investigation (Box more rapidly in REM than in NREM sleep.
16–1). During obstructive apnea or hypopnea during NREM • The mechanisms responsible for obstructive event
sleep, upper airway muscle activity increases proportional to termination and respiratory arousal have similar time
inspiratory effort. Studies by Reemers and coworkers9 sug- courses but may be independent parallel processes. In
some studies, 20–40% of obstructive event terminations
gested that airway opening does not occur until there is
are not associated with cortical arousal.
a preferential increase in upper airway muscle activity
274 Chapter 16    Pathophysiology of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

(compared with the diaphragm) (see Figs. 16–6 and 16–7). hypoxia or hypercapnia seems to trigger arousal.70,72,73 Thus,
The preferential increase in upper airway muscle activity the level of effort is an index of the combined arousal stimu-
was believed to be due to associated arousal. One problem lus. Studies have suggested that information from upper
with this concept is that not all event terminations are asso- airway mechanoreceptors may contribute to the arousal
ciated with cortical arousal (e.g., 60–80% of event termina- stimulus.76,77 In NREM sleep, arousal appears to occur when
tions are associated with arousal). Sometimes, obstructive inspiratory effort reaches an “arousal threshold.” Normal
event termination is associated with signs of cortical activa- subjects tend to arouse during mask occlusion when suction
tion, although the electroencephalogram (EEG) changes pressure reaches –20 to –40 cm H2O. In contrast, many
may not always meet American Academy of Sleep Medicine patients with OSA arouse only after esophageal pressure
(AASM) criteria.68 For example, a delta burst may be seen at reaches –60 to –80 cm H2O.70,73,78 The increased arousal
apnea termination. O’Malley and coworkers69 suggested that threshold in OSA patients is probably due in part to chronic
by using frontal electrodes, one could detect arousal in the sleep deprivation or hypoxemia. Withdrawal of CPAP for
majority of events. Even when cortical arousal cannot be even three nights has been shown to increase the arousal
detected, some have hypothesized a state change at the level threshold in OSA.78 However, chronic CPAP treatment does
of the brainstem.70 These are sometimes referred to as sub- not restore the arousal threshold to normal. Patients with
cortical or autonomic arousals because changes in sympa- OSA could have an intrinsically increased respiratory arousal
thetic tone, heart rate, or blood pressure can occasionally be threshold. Another possible explanation for an elevated
detected in the absence of cortical changes meeting criteria arousal threshold is damage to mechanoreceptors from years
for arousal. of snoring or to chemoreceptors from repetitive nightly
Younes71 has challenged the concept that arousal is an stimulation. Support for this idea comes from studies
essential component of upper airway opening. His work showing that upper airway sensation is impaired in patients
found that arousal may precede, coincide with, follow, or with OSA.79 A study of respiratory-related evoked potentials
not occur with upper airway opening. Thus, in this view, (RREPs) in patients with mild OSA suggested that there is a
arousal may be associated with event termination, but what sleep-specific blunted cortical response to inspiratory occlu-
opens the airway is a sufficient augmentation of upper sion.80 At least in these milder patients, there was no evi-
airway muscle activity by chemical and mechanical stimuli. dence of impaired mechanoreceptor function because the
Thus, Younes hypothesizes that airway opening and arousal RREP was normal during wakefulness. One study found that
are two separate independent phenomena that occur in par- the prolongation in event duration that occurs overnight in
allel with similar time courses during obstructive respira- patients with OSA is secondary to a blunting of the cortical
tory events. Upper airway muscle activity is progressively response as the level of inspiratory effort at apnea termina-
augmented until an upper airway opening threshold is tion increased during the night.81 Another study found that
reached and the airway opens. Likewise, during obstructive the within-night variation in the arousal threshold followed
events, the arousal stimulus (proportional to the level of the cycles of NREM sleep82 with a higher arousal threshold
inspiratory effort70,72,73) increases until the arousal threshold associated with higher EEG delta power (deeper sleep).
is reached and arousal occurs. If augmentation of upper Sforza and colleagues83 studied the within-night changes in
airway muscle activity is brisk, the required degree of the arousal threshold associated with respiratory events and
muscle augmentation is not excessive, and the arousal found that the arousal threshold tended to peak during the
threshold is high, the airway could reopen without arousal first 3 hours of sleep, plateau, and then decrease slightly in
(the patient remains asleep). Evidence for this concept is the last hour of sleep. They did find a mild increase in apnea
that most patients with OSA have some periods of the night duration over the night. The authors concluded that their
without events and, thus, are able to maintain upper airway findings showed the arousal threshold was not dependent on
patency without arousal. However, this concept does not sleep fragmentation (which should have continued to worsen
explain event termination during REM sleep when upper during the entire night) and might reflect circadian or
airway muscles do not necessarily augment during the event homeostatic rhythms. Another explanation is that greater
(see Fig. 16–13). In addition, whereas phasic upper airway delta power (sleep depth) occurs in the early part of the
muscles augment with increasing inspiratory drive (and night82 and greater sleep depth delayed arousal.
more negative upper airway pressure), tonic upper airway It is worth noting that the apnea duration (time to arousal)
muscles do not. Tonic muscles increase their activity with a depends on both the arousal threshold and the rate of
state change (arousal). Thus, arousal may play a role in ter- increase in inspiratory effort (respiratory response to
mination of some obstructive events. Even if arousal is not arousal).70 For example, the addition of supplemental oxygen
essential to upper airway opening, repeated arousals are results in longer apneas (reduction in rate of augmentation
thought to contribute to daytime sleepiness (along with the in inspiratory effort) but event termination occurs at similar
associated hypoxemia).74,75 levels of esophageal pressure (similar arousal threshold).70 If
The mechanisms that contribute to respiratory arousal are one believes that airway opening is independent of arousal,
also of interest and still incompletely understood. Whereas a similar scheme can still be invoked with the determinants
hypercapnia and hypoxia drive the increase in respiratory of event duration being the rate of upper airway muscle
effort, the level of effort rather than individual values of augmentation and the airway opening threshold.
Chapter 16    Pathophysiology of Obstructive Sleep Apnea 275

In REM sleep, the arousal mechanisms are less well BOX 16–2 
understood. Esophageal pressure deflections do not show a Factors Associated with More Severe Arterial
steady increase (see Fig. 16–13). However, normal subjects Oxygen Desaturation
arouse more quickly from mask occlusion during REM sleep
than during NREM sleep.70,84 In contrast, patients with OSA • Higher BMI
have the longest apneas and most severe desaturation during • More effect during REM than NREM sleep.
REM sleep.85 • More effect supine > lateral sleep.
The reasons for the delayed arousal (longer event dura- • More effect men > women.
tion) during REM sleep in OSA patients are not known. The • Lower baseline awake supine PaO2 or SaO2
slower and erratic augmentation of respiratory drive that • Lower ERV (FRC – RV).
occurs during REM sleep could delay arousal and event ter- • Low FRC—obesity.
mination even if the arousal threshold is similar to that of • High RV—obstructive airways disease (COPD).
NREM sleep.86 Conversely, there could be an increase in the • Longer event duration.
arousal threshold during REM compared with NREM sleep • Greater change in V T (hypopnea).
in some OSA patients with chronic REM sleep fragmenta- • Short ventilatory period between apnea.
tion. Certainly, some OSA patients exhibit a tremendous • REM sleep versus NREM sleep (REM events are also
increase in eye movements during REM sleep on the first
• Supine versus lateral position.
night on CPAP. This may be evidence of prior REM sleep
fragmentation or deprivation. Prior sleep disturbance could BMI = body mass index; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
ERV = expiratory reserve volume; FRC = functional residual capacity;
increase the arousal threshold. Zavodny and coworkers87 NREM = non–rapid eye movement; PaO2 = arterial partial pressure of
found evidence that sleep fragmentation from acoustic oxygen; REM = rapid eye movement; RV = residual volume; SaO2 = arterial
stimuli impaired the arousability to resistive loading in stage oxygen saturation; V T = tidal volume.

N2 sleep but not in REM sleep. An effect of sleep fragmenta-

tion was seen during early REM sleep. However, because
most REM sleep occurred in the second part of the night,
10 mmHg decrease in PaO2
sleep fragmentation did not impair arousal when REM sleep
causes a greater desaturation
for the entire night was analyzed. Thus, to date, there is no starting on the steeper part of
compelling evidence that sleep fragmentation increases the curve
either respiratory event duration or the respiratory arousal 100
threshold during REM sleep.
% Oxygen saturation (SaO2)

There is evidence that upper airway sensation is impaired in
patients with OSA.79 This could be due to years of trauma
from snoring. It is unclear whether damage to upper airway 40
mechanoreceptors could be playing a role in the pathogen-
esis of OSA in some patients. 20


20 40 60 80 100
Patients with a similar AHI may have vastly different degrees PaO2 (mmHg)
of arterial oxygen desaturation. Box 16–2 lists factors deter- Oxygen-hemoglobin Saturation Curve
mining the severity of arterial oxygen desaturation. Studies
of breath-holding in normal subjects suggest that the rate of FIGURE 16–14  The same drop in the arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) causes
fall in the SaO2 is inversely proportional to the baseline SaO2 a bigger drop in the SaO2 on the steeper part of the oxygen-hemoglobin saturation
and to the lung volume (oxygen stores) at the start of breath-
hold.88 The rate of fall is disproportionately higher at low
lung volumes secondary to increases in ventilation-perfusion
mismatch. A study of OSA patients by Bradley and associ- in significant desaturation. Whereas apnea duration is an
ates89 found that the severity of nocturnal arterial oxygen obvious factor in the severity of desaturation, the length of
desaturation was related to several factors, including the the ventilatory period between events is also important.
awake supine arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2), the Some patients do not completely resaturate between events
percentage of sleep time spent in apnea, and the expiratory because they quickly return to sleep and the airway closes
reserve volume (ERV). Patients with a baseline PaO2 of 55 again. Long event duration and short periods between apneas
to 60 mm Hg are on the steep part of the oxyhemoglobin mean the percentage of total sleep time spent in apnea is
saturation curve (Fig. 16–14). A small fall in PaO2 results high. A small ERV is associated more with severe arterial
276 Chapter 16    Pathophysiology of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

FIGURE 16–15  A total night view shows the hypnogram with rapid eye movement (REM) sleep shown by horizontal bars. The patient had almost no events except
during REM sleep, but during REM sleep, the desaturation was significant. SaO2 = arterial oxygen saturation.

oxygen desaturation during respiratory events. The ERV is than in nonsmokers. Another study found that obstructive
the difference between the functional residual capacity (FRC; events in the supine position tended to be longer, were asso-
end-expiratory volume) and the residual volume (RV). A ciated with more severe desaturation, and were more likely
small ERV is usually due to a low FRC, a high RV, or both. to be associated with an arousal at event termination.92
In obesity, the FRC is reduced. A lower FRC is associated As previously mentioned, REM sleep is associated with
with lower oxygen stores before a respiratory event. Tidal more severe desaturation than NREM sleep.85,93 Oksenberg
breathing at low lung volumes results in substantial small and coworkers also found that supine REM sleep is associ-
airway closure (below the closing volume). This increases the ated with more severe arterial oxygen desaturation than non-
amount of ventilation-perfusion mismatch (no ventilation supine REM sleep. This was not due to longer event
reaches some alveoli). A high RV is usually due to airtrap- duration.93 Thus, one would expect the most severe arterial
ping associated with obstructive airways disease. The pres- oxygen desaturation to usually occur during supine REM
ence of obstructive airway disease also causes more sleep.
ventilation-perfusion mismatch (see Chapter 10). Low
oxygen stores at the start of apnea and ventilation-perfusion CLINICAL REVIEW QUESTIONS
mismatch both contribute to a more rapid and more severe
drop in the SaO2 during apnea or reduced ventilation 1. Which of the following factors may help explain the
(hypopnea). greater prevalence of OSA in men than in women?
Clinically, the groups of OSA patients with severe desatu- A. Longer upper airway length in men.
ration include patients with a low PaO2 for any reason (severe B. Higher PCRIT (more positive) in men.
obesity, daytime hypoventilation, and chronic obstructive C. Less pharyngeal muscle activation.
pulmonary disease [COPD]). In fact, some patients can have
D. Higher loop gain in men than in women.
significant desaturation after events as short as 10 to 15
seconds. The severity of desaturation also depends on sleep 2. Breathing through the nose rather than the mouth causes
stage. As noted previously, in most OSA patients, the longest more negative supraglottic airway pressure during inspi-
apneas and most severe desaturations occur in REM sleep ration (e.g., –6 cm H2O with nasal breathing, –2 cm H2O
(Fig. 16–15).85 Some studies also have suggested that at with oral breathing). Which route of breathing is associ-
equivalent apnea length, the severity of desaturation is ated with greater phasic activity of the GG muscle?
worsened in obstructive compared with central apnea.90 A A. Oral breathing route.
recent large study of the Wisconsin cohort found that a
B. Nasal breathing route.
higher BMI was associated with oxygen desaturation severity
independent of age, gender, sleeping position, baseline SaO2, 3. Which of the following would NOT predispose to upper
and event duration.91 A higher body mass index (BMI) had airway narrowing or closure?
a greater effect on desaturation in REM than in NREM sleep.
A. Falling ventilatory drive.
In addition, a fall in VT had a greater effect on arterial oxygen
desaturation when the BMI was higher. The predicted change B. Higher FRC.
in the SaO2 was also higher in the supine position than in C. Less negative upper airway pressure.
the lateral position, in men than in women, and in smokers D. Higher PCRIT.
Chapter 16    Pathophysiology of Obstructive Sleep Apnea 277

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