Lbi #7

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No. 1-7
To put it simply, plant-based meat is meat made from plants. It is created and
manufactured to appear, feel, and taste like conventional meat from animal products.
It is often thought to make a great alternative to actual meat. And Lal agrees, saying
that “plant-based meat is a healthier option compared to meat."

"Compared to real meat, alternative meats seem to have low amounts of total and
saturated fat, higher amounts of fiber, and comparable amounts of protein and
calories," says Supriya Lal, RD, a registered dietitian with a private practice.

(1)Eating foods high in saturated fat can result in high cholesterol. (2)
Consequently, it increases your risk of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes. (3) Fiber
intake, on the other hand, can reduce the risk of developing breast, colon, and other
digestive-related cancers. (4) Too much fiber can cause constipation, but it is very
rare that someone actually consumes too much of it.

Red meat, in particular, is tied to an increased risk of chronic diseases like type
2 diabetes and heart disease. Processed meats like sausage, bacon, and hot dogs also
increase the risk of stomach and bowel

There's a catch for alternative meats, though. Plant-based meats are far from
perfect. "They typically have higher amounts of sodium, usually in an attempt to
make it more palatable and shelf-stable," Lal says. Too much sodium can cause
adverse health effects, including high blood pressure and stroke.

source: (with modifications)

1. What is the relation between paragraph 1 and paragraph 2?

a. Paragraph 1 introduces alternative meat and paragraph 2 describes its

negative effects.
b. Paragraph 2 describes a kind of food introduced in paragraph 1.
c. Paragraph 1 compares the two kinds of meat introduced in paragraph 2.
d. Paragraph 2 compares the amounts of two kinds of meat mentioned in
paragraph 1.
e. Paragraph 1 introduces a kind of food and paragraph 2 explains its

2. The word 'catch' in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ....

a. Drawback
b. Capture
c. Difficulty
d. Mistake
e. Inconvenience

3. Which sentence in paragraph 3 discusses a possible negative effect of

alternative meat?

a. sentence 1
b. sentence 2
c. sentence 3
d. sentence 4
e. there is no correct answer

4. From the passage we can assume that ....

a. diabetic people should avoid consuming plant-based meat

b. alternative meat may look different from actual meat since they are plant-
c. most processed meat was sourced from red meat
d. red meat is the least nutritious among all kinds of meat
e. plant-based meat should be consumed in moderation

5. The author uses the word 'comparable' in paragraph 1 mainly to ....

a. compare a certain good quality of both red meat and alternative meat
b. exaggerate the nutritional benefits of consuming plant-based meat
c. show how the plant-based meat can be a replacement for red meat
d. stress on how plant-based meat doesn't fall behind in terms of taste
e. emphasizes on the advantages of plant- based meat against normal meat

6. Although boasting better qualities in general, plant-based meat is also

very likely to cause discouraging health effects, from constipation to
Is this claim supported by the passage? Which part confirms it?

a. Yes, it is mentioned that plant-based meat can cause constipation due to

its fiber and stroke due to its sodium content.
b. Yes, it is mentioned that eating foods high in saturated fats can cause
cholesterol which can be detrimental to health.
c. No, it is mentioned that sausages, bacon and hotdogs increase the risk of
bowel and stomach cancer, not constipation nor stroke.
d. No, it is not mentioned that plant-based meat has better qualities nor
causes any health issues to its consumers.
e. No, it is not mentioned that there's a high likelihood that plant-based
meat could lead to the diseases mentioned.

7. If a person were to reduce their red meat consumption and resort to the
plant-based alternative, they.

Which of the following is suitable to continue the sentenceabove?

a. would have a high likeliness of getting stroke.

b. would be subjected to more fiber and less saturated fat.
c. would have been less likely to have type-2 diabetes.
d. will still get similar level of calories and protein.
e. will be more likely to suffer from constipation.

No. 8-14
Another 2021 study that utilized the UK Biobank showed that for people
with no diagnosis of heart disease, regular coffee consumption of 0.5 to 3
cups of coffee a day was associated with a decreased risk of death from heart
disease, stroke and early death from any cause when compared to non-coffee

Several studies have also shown that three cups of coffee a day can
decrease the risk for Alzheimer's Disease. Caffeinated coffee can help the
brain in several ways by increasing production of
granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, according to the UK Alzheimer's
Society. Called G-CSF, it helps protect and repair neural brain cells. Neither
decaffeinated coffee nor caffeine alone was shown to help in this way,
"suggesting that there could be a
combination effect between caffeine and an unknown compound in coffee,"
the society said.

More is not always better when it comes to coffee. People drinking more
than 6 cups a day were at an increased risk of dementia and smaller total
brain volumes, according to a study published in Juni in the journal
Nutritional Neuroscience. The results of the most recent study may point to
some benefits of
drinking coffee and tea, but that doesn't necessarily mean that everyone
should start to brew more cups across the day.

"A word of caution, one man's cappuccino is another man's espresso,"

Schwamm said. "Not all coffee beverages have the same amount of caffeine,
and people estimate a cup's worth of coffee or tea differently, so we should
keep in mind that most things are best consumed in moderation."

Credits :

8. What study would the previous paragraph most likely


a. The relation between drinking coffee and a person's health.

b. The benefits drinking coffee brings to health.
c. How drinking coffee decreases risks for certain diseases.
d. Diseases non-coffee drinkers have a higher risk of developing.
e. The cosumption of people with No. heart diseases.

9. “A word of caution, one man's cappuccino is another man's espresso,"

What is the meaning implied in that sentence?

a. People have different tastes and choices of coffee.

b. An espresso is a better choice for higher caffeine consumption.
c. Cappuccino can be sufficient caffeine intake for certain people.
d. The level of caffeine tolerance varies from person to person.
e. We shouldn’t measure a person’s caffeine levels with our own.

10. The bolded word 'in moderation' in Paragraph 4 means to ....

a. take something excessively
b. do something within appropriate limits
c. measure our activities
d. do or take something carefully
e. compare our intakes with another person

11. We can conclude the following from the text, except

a. Getting enough coffee can help you avoid a variety of diseases.

b. Drinking coffee will be beneficial to your health if you drink it
c. The appropriate amount of coffee consumption can reduce the risk of
heart disease.
d. Caffeine tolerance will increase if you consume coffee more often.
e. Your brain can benefit from the right amount of coffee consumption.

12. According to the passage, what can we conclude about the

overconsumption of daily coffee intake?

a. A It can have a negative impact on your blood-regulation.

b. It increases the risk for heart-related diseases.
c. It decreases your tolerance towards caffeine.
d. Its effect might differ from person to person.
e. It could have a harmful impact on your brain.

13. The expression "in this way" in paragraph 2 concerns whether ....

a. chemicals in coffee may have a cumulative impact on how the brain

b. the production of G-CSF can improve neural brain cells
c. decaffeinated coffee and caffeine can increase the production of G-CSF
d. the risk of Alzheimer's disease can be reduced with G-CSF
e. three cups of coffee each day can lower the risk of Alzheimer's disease

14. Information supplied in the passage is sufficient to answer which of the

following questions?

a. Does espresso contain a higher level of caffeine than cappuccino?

b. Can we live longer if we drink more decaffeinated coffee?
c. Is there such a thing as a special type of coffee?
d. Can we cure Alzheimer's by drinking enough coffee?
e. Should we increase our daily coffee intake?
No. 15-20
For many of us, totes are more than just receptacles for running errands
but have instead become an essential part of our daily lives, bringing us a
sense of comfort and connection everywhere from the grocery store to our
TikTok feeds. The tote bag didn't become an omnipresent accessory
overnight. [1] Over recent decades, however, it has become a go-to bag for
so many people, mainly because of the easy, functional way it allows for

[2] The canvas of a tote bag is, well, a blank canvas. Yours can say a lot
about you: what publications you read, where you align politically, what you
believe in, what you dream of, or who you love. All of that can live on a single
piece of cloth, neutral or brash simple or complicated. [3] The customizable,
mutable nature of this accessory has helped the obsession transcend
generations. Still, there is a catch, of course, to a tote's simplicity, which is its
lack of nuance, in that it becomes easy to talk the talk without walking the

“The tote bag fits a larger trend of the democratization of fashion," said
professor Dicky Yangzom, a cultural and economic sociologist at New York
University. "Originally, these textiles [like canvas] were meant for labor.
Similarly to utility wear in fashion with the rise of the jumpsuit, this wasn't
designed for mass fashion. It was more geared toward people who mass
fashion. It was more geared toward people who do more manual work, right?
So all of these categories are shifting."

In addition, the tote bag has symbolic depths. [4] Yangzom explained that
the vital aspect of the tote bag carries a lot of value because of humans' history
of rituals. In the pre-modern age, she said, people had very strong beliefs about
religion and what symbols were aligned with their respective religious
practices. These institutions haven't entirely collapsed, of course, but the
relationship many have with them, and certainly our collective values, has
changed and evolved. [5] However, the human need to hold some object
dearly is innate. The ritual of packing our lives into these bags, taking them
with us daily, feeling their weight on our shoulders, and having their messages
visible to all perhaps has become essential to our every day and to our

15. From the passage, it can be assumed that the possible drawback of the tote
bags trend is which of the following?

a. It ruins the relationship between people and their strong religious beliefs.
b. It might lead to a problematic culture of performative activism trends.
c. It encourages people to gain a new sense of political and social
d. It persuades consumers to purchase a product solely for vanity purposes.
e. It makes performative activism exclusive to those who can afford the

16. Which statement best summarizes the central idea of the second paragraph?

a. The function of tote bags has shifted from a way to carry things to a way
to express one's personal style and taste.
b. People found themselves drawn to tote bags for their practicality and for
how they made others see one's identity.
c. Ownership of tote bags becomes an act of self-promotion, advertising a
subtle statement of one's fashion taste.
d. Tote bags are a form of personalized statement and expression as they
help define a characteristic of the wearer.
e. A tote bag with a slogan will bring liberation to people whose identities
are inherently political

17. The sentence "They give each of us the power to say who we are, and to do
so in a practical, affordable way." would be best inserted to the passage in
which of the following locations?

a. Before Sentence [1]

b. Before Sentence [2]
c. After Sentence [3]
d. After Sentence [4]
e. After Sentence [5]

18. As used in the fourth paragraph, the word "innate" is closest in meaning to

a. Natural
b. Familiar
c. Symbolic
d. Important
e. Predictable

19. It is reasonable to infer that the phrase "these categories" in the third
paragraph refers to

a. categories in mass fashion

b. democratization of fashion
c. tote bag and jumpsuit
d. utility fabric and wear
e. manual work clothing

20. The attitude of the author towards tote bags can be best described as ....

a. Critical
b. Shielding
c. Glorifying
d. Persuasive
e. outspoken

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