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1. Complete the sentences with A / AN / SOME / ANY.

a - I need _______________ information about the city.

b - I always have _______________ egg for breakfast.
c - Can you help me? I need _______________ advice.
d - We don't have _______________ money.
e - Is there _______________ milk at home?
f - Have you got _______________ pen?
g - We didn't see _______________ people in the streets.
h - Does Peter have _______________ magazines in his office?
i - Did you buy _______________ chips?
j - My wife doesn't want _______________ dog.

2. CIRCLE the correct alternative.

1. Rice - countable / 6. Pasta - countable /

uncountable uncountable

2. Chair - countable / 7. Time - countable /

uncountable uncountable

3. Sugar - countable / 8. Bread- countable /

uncountable uncountable

4. Hours - countable / 9. Cups - countable /

uncountable uncountable

5. Coffee - countable / 10. Car - countable /

uncountable uncountable

Conteúdo exclusivo para escolas conveniadas ao SISTEMA PIAGET.

3. Complete with the correct MODAL VERB.

1. George has travelled a lot. He _____ speak many languages.

a) can b) should c) have to

2. I can hear you quite well. You _____ shout.

a) can’t b) shouldn’t c) have to

3. I'm not sure where I will go for my holidays, but I _____ go to Italy.
a) must b) should c) may

4. She _____ ride her bike at night without lights. It's not allowed.
a) should b) doesn’t have to c) mustn’t

5. She _____ not eat so much chocolate because it's bad for her health.
a) can b) should c) have to

6. I understand him.He _____ speak louder.

a) can b) should c) have to

7. It's later than I thought. I _____ go now.

a) can’t b) might c) have to

8. Talk to Ann about your problems. I'm sure she _____ help you.
a) must b) may c) have to

9. You _____ not vacuum the carpets because Carol has already done it.
a) can’t b) mustn’t c) don’t have to

10. You _____ be tired because you have worked very hard.
a) can b) must c) have to

11. He _____ come to my party because he is ill.

a) can’t b) must c) has to

12. He _____ go to the dentist when he has a toothache.

a) must b) can c) might

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13. It's not very important. You _____ not do it now. You _____ do it tomorrow.
a) can / can’t b) shouldn’t / can c) have to / might

14. _____ you speak many languages?

a) can b) should c) have to

15. I am very busy this weekend and I _____ go to London.

a) can b) may c) can’t

16. Smoking is very unhealthy. You _____ stop it.

a) can b) should c) have to

17. Playing football is good exercise. You _____ try it.

a) should b) must c) can’t

18. You have time. You _____ hurry.

a) can’t b) don’t have to c) have to

19. You _____ have a passport to visit most foreign countries.

a) can’t b) should c) must

20. I’m very tired. I _____ finish this now.

a) may not b) don’t have to c) can’t

4. Read the text and answer the questions below.

Advantages and disadvantages of GPS location technology

1. It can help drivers find their way in places they are not familiar with.
2. In case of emergency, the police can find where the person who needs help is.
3. It can help you find a person who is lost.
4. It can be used to monitor the reproductive habits and health of some endangered
5. Parents can easily know where their children are.

Conteúdo exclusivo para escolas conveniadas ao SISTEMA PIAGET.

1. GPS does not work when you cannot pick up an internet signal.
2. GPS might not recognize the existence of some mountains and rivers, so the
information you get might be wrong.
3. Hackers can hack your phone and get personal information.
4. A lot of private information is available to everybody when GPS is used.

Adapted from: Acesso

em: mar. 2022.

A. What is a positive point about location technology that is mentioned in the text?

a. Children can use it to monitor the reproductive habits of endangered species.

b. It is helpful when you drive to places you have never been to.
c. Children who are lost can find where their parents are.

B. What is a disadvantage of tracking technology that is pointed out by the author?

a. It is very expensive to keep a good internet connection.

b. If you have a bad connection, you probably won’t be able to use GPS.
c. You cannot use GPS if you are in a boat on a river.

C. According to the text, which statement is true?

a. You can follow rivers and mountains to find your location.

b. A GPS chip can help scientists study animals in extinction.
c. If you have an emergency, you just have to use your cell phone to find help.

D. Which statement is not true?

a. Your phone may be cyber-attacked.

b. People might get unauthorized access to your personal information.
c. You cannot access GPS if you only have wi-fi.

Conteúdo exclusivo para escolas conveniadas ao SISTEMA PIAGET.

5. Read the text and answer the questions.

Learn how to
read food labels

It is important to read and

understand a food label to
make decisions about
what foods are best for
you. The average
teenager eats around
1,800 to 2,400 calories
every day considering all
the meals. When you read
a food label, focus on the
information below.
a. Check the serving size,
the number of servings in
a package and the
calories. The serving size
is the amount one person
is supposed to eat in one meal. In this example, there are 2 servings in the package, that is,
it serves 2 people. 1 serving from this package is one cup or 228 grams which is equivalent
to 250 calories.
b. Look at the column ‘(%) daily value’. This label lists 4% of Vitamin A, which means that 1
serving provides 4% of the Vitamin A that you need each day. As a guideline, if the serving
has more than 20% of the daily value it has too much of it, and if it has below 5%, it has too
little of it.
c. Look out for saturated fat, trans fat, sodium and cholesterol. These are all connected to
heart disease and should be limited in the diet.
d. Get enough fiber, unsaturated fat, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, calcium and iron in your diet.
adapted from:

Conteúdo exclusivo para escolas conveniadas ao SISTEMA PIAGET.

A. What is true about the label above?

a. The food in this package has most of the iron needed for the day.
b. The amount of calcium in this package is OK.
c. There is enough food for 4 people in this package.

B. Which statement is true according to the text?

a. Unsaturated fat is not good for your health.

b. People with heart disease should watch out how much salt they eat.
c. Fiber is good for your health.

Read the text and answer the questions.

Everyone's an Expert

Bored with the usual encyclopedias? Then start writing your own

Putting information into the hands of the people was among the original, lofty aims of the
Internet - easy to forget amid the forests of e-boutiques and subscription-only sites. But an
online encyclopedia where all entries are written, maintained and vetted by Web surfers
themselves is trying to recapture those early democratic ideals. Called (wiki
means superfast in Hawaiian and is also the name of the collaborative software upon which
the site is built), the encyclopedia features more than 700,000 hypertexted articles on
everything from Anthrax (band) to Zeppelin. That's more listings than, and combined. 
"My dream has been to put a free comprehensive encyclopedia at everybody's fingertips",
says 37-year-old founder Jimmy Wales, who spends up to 12 unpaid hours a day
maintaining the site. "It's my obsession." It has also become the obsession of thousands of
others who contribute entries and programming time for free. The concept is as simple as it
is ambitious: anybody can create or edit the articles, and the system relies on masses of
users to catch mistakes and thus ensure the information is correct, comprehensive and up-

Conteúdo exclusivo para escolas conveniadas ao SISTEMA PIAGET.

Disponível em:,33009,901040628-653780,00.html. Acesso
em: mar. 2022.

6. Segundo o texto,

a) Wiki é o nome de um dos criadores e colaboradores do site.

b) o controle de qualidade das enciclopédias virtuais é feito pelas provedoras.
c) a enciclopédia está equiparada às enciclopédias e .
d) Jimmy Wales publicou um artigo interessante sobre o pó químico Anthrax.
e) o sonho de Jimmy Wales era lançar uma enciclopédia gratuita e abrangente ao
alcance de todos.

7. De acordo com o texto, Jimmy Wales gasta diariamente, com a manutenção do site:

a) até 12 horas bem remuneradas.

b) mais de 12 horas bem remuneradas.
c) mais de 12 horas mal remuneradas.
d) até 12 horas não remuneradas.
e) mais de 12 horas não remunerada

8. Write the names of the places.

Conteúdo exclusivo para escolas conveniadas ao SISTEMA PIAGET.

9. Write a paragraph describing your neighborhood. Include at least 4 places you can

Conteúdo exclusivo para escolas conveniadas ao SISTEMA PIAGET.

find there and give their location. Use the words on, between, near, next to, across
from and on the corner of.

10. Match the containers and the foods. Follow the example.

1. a bottle of ( ) lettuce
2. a slice of ( ) olive oil
3. a package of ( ) ham
4. a head of ( ) yogurt
5. a tube of ( ) hamburger patties
6. a corton of ( ) soda

Conteúdo exclusivo para escolas conveniadas ao SISTEMA PIAGET.

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