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  : Excuse me for being late to work.

Ghifari   : Where have you been?

Ahmad   : My car has broken down.

Ghifari   : That’s too bad. Please try to fix it so that it doesn’t happen again.

Ahmad   : Yes, I’ll work on it.

Ghifari   : Thank you, have a seat. We are working on the new project.

Ahmad   : Great! Fill me in.

Which expression shows appology?

That’s too bad.

Thank you, have a seat.

My car has broken down.

Excuse me for being late to work

Atika               : Oh my God! My Laptop suddenly shut down!

Moh Hasan     : ……………….

Atika               : I hope so.

I hope you are not angry.

hopefully you will be all right.

hopefully everything will run well.

I hope you don’t loss important data.

For whom the card is sent to?

Questions are based on the following text

for the writer’s teacher

for the writer’s friend

for the writer’s father

for the writer’s mother

The Phrase “strong shoulders” mean that… .

Questions are based on the following text

hard worker




What does the text tell us about?

Preparing for Asian Games.

Preparing for the friendly match.

The team of Asia’s football legends.

Confirming the head coach for Asian Games.

 “We would like to inform you that your team ...”.

The word “We” refers to … .

footbal Player

head Coach



From reading text above, we can conclude that a special thing of Monas is … on the top of tower..

The following text is for questions !

Rectangular tower

Spiral stairs

Base part

Gold foil

This obelisk was built in 1961 with the purpose to commemorate the struggle and fight of
Indonesian to achieve their independence.

The underlined word means … .

keep alive in someone’s memory

care to the national monument

respect to Indonesian people

as an unspecial things

What is the text about?

The part of our house

The size of Indonesian’s museum.

The obelisk named National Monument

The special things on the top of building.

What should we do if we want to find flame of Independence?


We must be a good traveler.

We invite to all people in Jakarta.

We should reach by using spiral stairs.

We make an observation in Nasional Monument.

The advertisement will be useful for … .

someone who needs money

someone who needs handphone

someone who needs smartphone

someone who needs new internet packet

We should click my eXeL.com … we get complete feature in your smart phone.





Batalkan pilihan

What does the writer want us to do from the text?

To have some money

To sell internet packet.

To buy internet packet.

To bring new smartphone.

“A packet for a  free  call”.

The underlined word is closest in meaning to … .

complete features

no cost or payment

unable to act as one wishes

under the control of another

The dialogue above tells us about… .

the student must help their parents before going to school

the obligation of student to obey the school rules

the student must give reason if they come late

the teacher must know about the school rules

What is the reason the student came late?

He assist his mother and father before going to school.

He help his teacher to obey the school rulles

He help his teacher to clean the school.

He want to get law from his teacher

What is the aim of the text above?

to describe the library

to renovate the library

to tell the librarian’s inconvenience

to announce the temporarily closing of the library

Why is the library closed?

there have been some inconveniences

the students will arrange the books

the librarian will have a vacation

the books will be rearranged

“We are sorry for the inconvenience.” The underlined word can be replaced by . . .  .





What is the benefit of reading the label above? 

We can buy the product easily.

We will know how to make the product.

We know where to get the product easily.

We get the detailed information of the product.

What should you do before drinking the juice? 

Shake well the bottle.

Keep in the refrigerator

Consume within 3 days.

Squeeze the whole orange

The followings are the descriptions of Sandi Riyadi, except ... .

pointed nose

long black hair

small moustache

long angular face

He has long angular face and pointed nose.

The same meaning of the underlined word is ... .





“Hi, I want to tell you about my uncle.”

The word “you” refers to ... .

my uncle

the writer

the readers

Sandi Riyadi

What is the text about?

The writer’s happiness.

Tourist attraction in Paris.

The writer’s experience in Paris.

The journey from airport to Paris.

What did the writer do during the holiday in Paris?  The writer … .     

stayed in writer’s friend’s house

bought souvenirs all the time

went sightseeing everyday

flew city to city by airplane

“it was two hours from….”(line 3)

The word it refers to…         

Austria’s airport

friend’s house

the flight


What is the intention of the text above?

To entertain the reader with the story of lake toba.

To describe what are a man and a beautiful princess like.

To tell the reader how a man married a beautiful princess.

To explain the relationship between a man and a beautiful princess.

What is the moral value of the text above?

Be a patient person.

Don’t get married with animal.

Don’t break a promise that we have made.

As a human, we have to help one another

What is the relationship between a man who was living in North Sumatra and a big golden fish?

They are close friends.

A big golden fish is his daughter.

They are friends who have the same hobby.

A man who living in North Sumatra is her husband.

Unfortunately, he found out and got furious, and shouted; “You damned daughter of a
fish.”(Paragraph 3)

The underlined word has similar meaning to… .




What is the text about?

It describes hippos in general.

It describes a particular hippo.

It explains where and how hippos live.

It describes a certain hippo which lives in Sahara, Africa.

They inhabit rivers, lakes and mangrove swamps.

The underlined word refers to ... .





“... grazing is a solitary acitivity, and hippos are not territorial on land.” (Paragraph 2)

The underlined word has similar meaning to ... .



in groups

in couples

together with

What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

Hippos are semi-aquatic.

Hippos can only be found in water.

Hippos make their body cool by staying in water.

Hippos mostly spend their time in water and emerge at dusk to graze.

What should we do after candy caramel crack?

Combine the granulated sugar.

Pour onto cookies sheet.

Dip into cold water.

Remove from heat.

Which one is not the step of making candy?

Combine the granulated sugar, light corn syrup and water in a heavy saucepan.

Cook over medium-high heat until the hard-crack stage.

Sprinkle with less powdered sugar.

Pour onto the cookie sheet.

Complete the sentence with the right conjunction.

Fawazt : What are you doing?

Fathia  : I’m eating fried tofu.

Fawazt : We should avoid oily food ... be healthy.

Fathia  : You’re right.


so that


in order to

Somebody cleans the room every day.

The passive voice is ... .

the room was clean by somebody every day

the room is cleaned by somebody every day

the room is clean by somebody every day

some body has cleaned the room every day





What does the text mostly tell about ?

Brown bears

Fighting tigers

Strong hunters

Alaska people

Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text ?

brown bear eats meat

Brown bears can be beat a tiger

Brownie will keep away when it sees people

Brown bears are tame animals

“It weight over 1.600 pounds” the word “It” refer to…




brown bear

  Rani        : How do you go to school ?

 Anggun  : I .....the bus to school 




Batalkan pilihan

The train always … on time



to arrive



Which of the following sickness cannot be relieved by this medicine ?





What's the purpose of writer to write the text above ?

TO Inform the process Of making cold breaker

TO persuade people to use the product

TO explain the ingridients Of the product

TO describe the illnesses that can be cured

The writer got the pet from …?


his neighbour

his mother

pet shop

his friend

Miko's eyes are ….




dark brown

What is the text about ?

My lovely dog

His mother

My best friend

My pet shop

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