Cap 3 Epidemiologia

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Epidemiology of the Cerebral

Eve Blair, Christine Cans, and Elodier Sellier

Epidemiology of CP aims to describe the frequency of the condition in
a population and to monitor its changes over time. Also it studies the
determinants of this condition which responsible for some changes over
time. Classification of CP is an important step toward describing more
homogenous subgroups of persons with CP. Several classifications exist
based on neurological signs and topography, on motor function loss, on
associated impairments, on severity of the clinical pattern and on the neu-
roimaging findings. Overall prevalence of CP is around 2 per 1000 live
births in developed and in developing countries, with a trend toward a
decrease during the last decade, at least for the more severe subgroups
and the more tiny babies. Caution should be paid when interpreting
changes in prevalence rates since factors that may influence these esti-
mates are numerous.

Cerebral palsy (CP) is an umbrella term for a

­collection of conditions resulting in lifelong motor
disability. Together they constitute the most com-
E. Blair (*) mon cause of physical impairment in children and
Telethon Kids Institute, University of Western are responsible for permanent ­activity l­imitation
Australia, Perth, WA, Australia
e-mail: and lifetime participation restriction [1]. CP is
defined by motor impairment due to maldevel-
C. Cans
Universite Joseph Fourier Grenoble, opments of, or injury to, the immature brain,
Grenoble, France the latter being a phrase open to variable inter-
E. Sellier pretation but often taken to be before 2 postnatal
Département de l’Information Médicale, years; see Chap. 2. Children and adults included
Pôle Santé Publique, Pavillon Taillefer, under the CP umbrella have very heterogeneous
Grenoble Cedex 9, France clinical presentations. In addition to motor
impairments, they may also have impairments of

© Springer International Publishing AG 2018 19

C.P. Panteliadis (ed.), Cerebral Palsy,
20 E. Blair et al.

cognition, vision, hearing, communication, pro- trend in prevalence refers to a systematic change
prioception, behaviour and/or epilepsy that may in prevalence over a period of time.
exacerbate or even overshadow the disability Incidence refers to the number of new cases of
due to the motor impairment. By definition the a condition arising per unit time. However since
responsible cerebral pathology is not progressive, this is of little epidemiological interest (unless
but the clinical manifestations change over time the size of the source population is known),
with d­ evelopment and the ­long-term ­deleterious ­incidence is often used as a shorthand for inci-
effects of motor impairment on the musculoskel- dence density rate which is the ratio of new cases
etal system. Those with severe CP tend to have of a condition to the number of person-time units
significantly lower survival rates, especially if at risk, where time is usually measured in years.
oromotor impairment is present. Incidence (density rate) is therefore more rele-
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution vant to aetiological investigation.
and of the determinants of disease frequency in The relationship between prevalence and inci-
a population. The aims of epidemiology of CP dence is simplified for a lifelong condition, since
are multiple. Firstly it aims to evaluate the bur- an individual contributes only once to incidence
den of a disease by describing its frequency and will contribute to prevalence for the duration of
according to its clinical characteristics. Secondly their survival. The problem with a condition such
it monitors trends in prevalence over time in the as CP, which may not be recognised at the point
search for clues regarding aetiology and preven- of acquisition, is that death may precede recogni-
tion. These trends are considered an important tion. This is of little interest to service providers
measure of the impact of developments in pre-, who routinely divide the number of persons surviv-
peri- and neonatal care since more than two ing with the CP label, typically to 2 years of age,
thirds of CP cases are considered to have aeti- by the number of births from which they arose, a
ologies involving these periods [2, 3]. Thirdly it ratio sometimes termed “birth prevalence”. This
seeks specific risk factors and combinations of will not estimate true prevalence if any losses or
risk factors associated with CP or different sub- gains occur in the source population before the
types of CP. age at which the numerator is ascertained (due to
Following the first step of defining and describ- death or migration) but is nonetheless the method
ing CP (see Chap. 2), two other major steps are used by the majority of CP surveillance systems [4]
(1) to collect information in order to be able to which typically exist in developed countries where
study the frequency of the disease and (2) to seek neonatal and infant mortality is low.
explanations for any changes in frequency.

3.2 Factors Affecting

3.1  efinitions About Rate
D the Ascertainment
and Trends, Methodological
Issues Cerebral palsy registers have been established
around the world with the aim of estimating preva-
Prevalence refers to the proportion of a popula- lence rates of CP in a population [5]. The first CP
tion with a condition and is most relevant for ser- registers set up in Europe were in Sweden (1954),
vice provision. It is calculated as the number of England (1966), Ireland (1966) and Denmark
persons with a condition (the numerator) divided (1967). Then, other registries were created in other
by the number of persons in the population from European countries. In 1999, a network of regis-
which the numerator arose (the denominator). ters was established—gathering 14 registers or
Since both numerator and denominator change population-based surveys from 8 different coun-
over time, prevalence must be estimated at one tries [6]. After harmonisation of their data, these
point in time (referred to as point prevalence) registers set up a common database. At present,
which may or may not be stable over time. A the network includes 24 active registers. In Western
3  Epidemiology of the Cerebral Palsies 21

Australia, a CP register was created in 1975, fol- throughout the world; see Table 3.1. However
lowed by registers in the States of South Australia detailed examination of these surveys is beyond
and Victoria. Recently, new registers were imple- the scope of this chapter.
mented in other parts of Australia, and a common Registers are population databases utilising
database, the Australian Cerebral Palsy Register information from multiple sources, relying on a
(ACPR), has been ­created, gathering data from all clear definition and inclusion and exclusion crite-
registers [7] and assisting in the creation of com- ria of CP [5]. The use of multiple sources seeks
patible registers in New Zealand and Bangladesh. to maximise the accuracy and completeness of
In Japan, a CP register has been collecting data for data collection in a defined area (county, region or
children born since 1988 in the Okinawa Prefecture country) and minimise selection bias that may arise
[8]. In the USA, the Autism and Developmental from hospital- or clinic-based studies. Population-
Disabilities Monitoring Network (ADDM) [9] based studies also use multiple sources but dif-
includes three sites where population-based sur- fer from registers in that the inclusion of cases is
veys of CP are periodically held. Several excellent not continuous over time but limited usually to a
surveys have been conducted in other parts of the predefined span of birth dates. Although indepen-
world including house-to-house data collection in dently created registers vary in methodology, simi-
developing countries, demonstrating that the child- larities exist regarding their aims, definitions and
hood prevalence of CP does not differ greatly the data they collect ­creating the possibility for

Table 3.1  Most recent prevalence estimates of cerebral palsy in different geographical locations
Study Children Birth
Reference Location population with CP (n) cohort Denominators Prevalence rate
Sellier et al. 20 registers in At least 10,756 1980–2003 Per 1000 live 1.90 in 1980 to
[10] Europe 4 years old births 1.77 in 2003
ACPR [7] 3 registers, 5 years old 3662 1993–2009 Per 1000 live 2.0 in 1993–
Australia births 1994 to 1.6 in
Van Naarden Metropolitan 8 years old 766 1985–2002 Per 1000 1-year 1.9 in 1985 to
Braun et al. Atlanta, USA survivors 2.2 in 2002
Touyama et al. Japan >2 years old 639 1988–2007 Per 1000 live 1.8 in 1988–
[8] births 1997 and 2.0 in
Liu et al. [12] China, seven <7 years old 622 1990–1997 Per 1000 children 1.6
cities in Jiangsu <7 years old
living in
surveillance areas
Yam et al. [13] Hong Kong 6–12 years old 578 1991–1997 Per 1000 children 1.3
enrolled in the
education system
in the school year
Smith et al. British Columbia, At least 497 1991–1995 Per 1000 live 2.7
[14] Canada 3 years old births
Oskoui et al. Quebec, Canada 9–11 years old 228 1999–2001 Per 1000 children 1.8
[15, 16] living in
surveillance areas
Oztürk et al. Turkey 2–16 years old 102 1990–2004 Per 1000 live 1.1
[17] births
Banerjee et al. Metropolis of <19 years old 48 1984–2003 Sample of 16,979 2.8
[18] Kolkata, India children
<19 years old
22 E. Blair et al.

valid data comparisons and research collaborations terms, mainly between diplegia and ­quadriplegia,
[4]. Numerous factors may affect the probabil- is not reliable enough [22, 23]. None of these cat-
ity that a child will be identified by a CP register. egories have a standardised definition in terms
These factors include eligibility criteria, age of of motor impairment, and their interpretation
ascertainment, consent requirements and methods is further complicated by variable assumptions
used to identify new cases. Nevertheless, despite sometimes being made concerning non-motor
these limitations, CP registers constitute invaluable impairments. For instance, some professionals
sources of detailed information for monitoring CP will classify a child with CP diplegia type if the
characteristics, rates and trends and for the plan- two lower limbs are “predominantly” involved,
ning of services. They are useful also in the endless while others will classify the same child as quad-
search for causal pathways to CP. riplegia because all four limbs are involved, and
for yet others the choice between these two cat-
egories may be determined by cognitive ability.
3.3  lassification of Cerebral
C One more simple classification system was
Palsy proposed recently by the European SCPE net-
work, with agreement between partners on the
Clinical presentation is very heterogeneous with clinical findings required for each following CP
examples found at all points of several continua, type: bilateral spastic, unilateral spastic, dyski-
though clinical descriptions do tend to cluster. It netic and ataxic. In the SCPE database, half of
is these clusters that are responsible for the tra- children with CP have a bilateral spastic type,
ditional classification systems by type of motor nearly a third a unilateral spastic type, and the
impairment, bodily distribution and severity. For others have either a dyskinetic or an ataxic type.
epidemiological purposes it is convenient to define When more than one type is present, i.e. spastic-
subgroups of individuals with a significant degree ity with ataxia and/or dyskinesia, the child should
of clinical homogeneity, but it must be appreciated be classified according to the dominant clinical
that such divisions are somewhat artificial; clini- feature [24]. This classification system had sub-
cal heterogeneity remains within subgroups, and stantial to excellent interrater reliability [25] and
examples exist that defy such classification. is recommended for epidemiological studies.

3.3.1 Classification Based 3.3.2 C

 lassification Based on Motor
on Neurological Signs Function Loss
and Topography of Motor
Impairment The impact of the brain lesion on the motor func-
tion is often assessed through the ability of the
The different classification systems based on child to walk. It has been shown that walking
clinical findings serve different functions, some ability is strongly associated with CP type [26].
of them having been proposed a long time ago However, walking ability might mean walking
[19]. The main differences between classifica- outdoors in everyday life, being able to walk
tions in use are the number of the different CP just a few metres or able only to walk indoors.
types described. CP types have been given names During the last decades, scales have been devised
such as diplegia, quadriplegia, double hemiplegia, specifically for children with CP to assess the
triplegia, dystonic, dyskinetic, ataxic and mixed loss of motor function in both the lower and the
mainly spastic [20, 21]. All these CP types are upper limbs, with the aim of increasing the com-
quite useful for a clinician when describing the parability of assessments between profession-
condition of one child; however, for c­ omparison als and geographically diverse research groups.
purposes (often required in epidemiology), it has A five-­point scale for the trunk and lower limb
been shown that the distinction between these motor function, i.e. the Gross Motor Function
3  Epidemiology of the Cerebral Palsies 23

Classification System (GMFCS) (see also chap- o­ ptimal outcomes in children with CP and their
ter “Integrated management with Botulinum families [37].
Neurotoxin A”), was proposed and validated by Intellectual impairment is the most com-
the Canadian research group CanChild ([27], monly associated impairment encountered among It was subsequently extended children with CP. It occurs in 30–40% when
and revised [28]. Similarly, two five-point scales restricted to severe intellectual impairment (IQ
for fine motor abilities of the upper limbs have level < 50) [38] and up to 60–70% if “mild” intel-
been proposed: the Manual Ability Classification lectual impairment or any specific learning dis-
System (MACS) and the Bimanual Fine Motor abilities are also included. On account of their
Function (BFMF) scales [29, 30]. It is possible other impairments, it is not always easy to appre-
to take into account the asymmetry of the upper ciate the intellectual level in children with CP, and
limb function with the BFMF scale which also it is probably quite often underestimated [39].
provides complementary information about the The second most frequently associated impair-
fine motor capacity [31]. Within these broad ment is epilepsy which may appear early in life
categories, human functional abilities are mul- or not until school age. Many studies report that
tidimensional, so it should come as no surprise about 30% of people with CP have active epi-
that the two scales that purport to measure upper lepsy varying in type depending on the type of
limb function differ somewhat in which aspects the brain anomaly [40]. Some will require con-
of upper limb function are assessed, as do the tinuous long-term treatment in order to avoid
two scales assessing communication. Moreover, repeated fits compounding the original cerebral
both GMFCS and BFMF scales allow the level anomaly.
to be determined from medical records, and par- The third most frequent associated impair-
ents have been shown to be able to reliably assess ment is visual impairment which can be a squint
their child’s GMFCS level [32]. The use of these and/or a loss of visual acuity. Several studies
scales represents a great step forward in describ- report that about 15% of children with CP have a
ing a child with CP and has greatly increased the severe visual impairment (visual acuity below
validity of comparing results between registers 0.01 on the better eye after correction) [41].
and surveys. Severe hearing impairment, defined as a loss
of 70 db or more in the better ear before correc-
tion, is rare in children with CP at around 2–3%.
3.3.3 Classification Based Children with CP may also present with
on Associated Impairments, behavioural disorder, as a direct consequence of
Including Epilepsy the brain lesion or as a consequence of their activ-
ity limitation and participation restriction. Severe
As mentioned in the most recent CP definition psychiatric conditions such as autism are also
[33], a child with CP may present several other infrequently observed in children with CP [42].
associated neurosensorial impairments. Many
of them are well defined and quantified, and
detailed descriptions are given in Chap. 10 on 3.3.4 Severity Assessment
comorbidities. For some such as communica- in Children with CP
tion and speech disorders and feeding problems,
standardised assessment tools have only very Using the classification systems described
recently been proposed [34–36], and population- above, it may be possible to say that one child
based studies assessing their frequency among with CP presents with a more severe pattern of
children with CP are lacking. The use of these any particular facet of their impairments than
standardised tools to collect information on all another. This is very important when comparing
these comorbidities is highly recommended both study samples whether considering prevalence
for epidemiological purposes and to achieve of CP, assessing medical or educational needs or
24 E. Blair et al.

the appropriateness or efficacy of management scpenet/en/my-scpe/rtm/neuroimaging/neona-

interventions. tal-neuroimaging/). In both MRI and neonatal
Clinicians usually consider severity in terms ultrasound imaging classifications, the main cat-
of loss of motor ability, possibly in combination egories in the European system are maldevelop-
with type of motor disorder [43], and the wide- ments, predominant white matter injury (PVL,
spread use of GMFCS, BFMF and MACS have IVH) and predominant grey matter injury (basal
greatly increased the comparability of results ganglia, cortical subcortical, arterial infarc-
between centres [44]. In Australia the Australian tions), while the Australian system separates
Spasticity Assessment Scale is used to categorise out the focal vascular insults and reports that
the severity of spastic impairment [45]. Another combinations of categories occurred rarely [54].
scale has been developed for dyskinesia based Population-based registers indicate a lesional
on the Barry-Albright Dystonia (BD) scale [46, pattern in more than two thirds of MRI results,
47]. In some studies motor function and intel- more often predominantly in white than corti-
lectual impairment levels are used together to cal or deep grey matter. Maldevelopments were
define mild, moderate and severe impairment observed in less than 10% of cases and nor-
[48–50], and in a study of life expectancy, the mal findings in a bit more than 10% [53, 54].
type and severity of motor impairment, together Harmonisation of neuroimaging classifications
with impairments of intellect, epilepsy, sight and international consensus are important for
and hearing, were combined into a 12-category the future [54], and training tools based on web
overall disability score [51]. Ideally, the assess- imaging will be very helpful for the physicians
ment of overall disability in the person with CP and students [55]. Quantitative aspect may also
would be assessed by combining the standardised be taken into account for neuroimaging classifi-
assessments of the many possible components of cations, and several have been proposed recently
impairment. The challenge is to know how to including one for unilateral spastic lesion [56]
weight the different components, since the contri- and a semi-quantitative one for all children with
bution to disability of each individual component CP [57]; however these should currently be con-
varies with the activities under consideration. sidered as research tools rather than tools for
clinical practice.

3.3.5 Classification Based

on Neuroimaging Results 3.4  revalence of CP and Time
Following recent recommendations, [52] cere-
bral MRI is performed more frequently on chil- Prevalence estimates of CP are around 2 per 1000
dren with CP, which together with improved live births (Table 3.1). Prevalence of CP is
image quality has allowed classification sys- strongly associated with gestational age and birth
tems of brain images to be proposed, e.g. [53, weight. The rate is 1 per 1000 live births in chil-
54]. Systematic classification is of great interest dren born at term, 7–10 times higher for children
in epidemiological studies that seek to monitor born moderately preterm (i.e. 32–36 weeks
trends over time for different groups of children ­gestational age) and 60 times higher for children
with CP according to their cerebral pathology born very preterm (i.e. before 32 weeks gesta-
and also provides important information about tional age) [15, 16, 58]. Prevalence is higher in
the probable timing of the lesion responsible of males than female (rate ratio of 1.35) [59]. The
the CP [53]. Not all children with CP receive prevalence is also higher for children born in
cerebral MRI after the recommended 2 years of multiple births, with risk increasing with increas-
age; thus, a standardised classification has also ing multiplicity. Multiples tend to be born more
been proposed for neonatal ultrasound imag- preterm than singletons, and their increased risk
ing results ( of CP is mainly related to the higher risk of
3  Epidemiology of the Cerebral Palsies 25

p­ reterm birth in multiples even though there are subtype. A decrease of bilateral spastic CP
also causal factors specific to multiple pregnan- [65,  66] and an increase of unilateral CP were
cies such as cofetal demise and twin-twin trans- described for children born between 1983 and
fusion [60]. The prevalence varies according to 1998 [66]. Prevalence of children with dyskinetic
race/ethnicity with a higher prevalence rate for CP has also risen between birth years 1976 and
non-­Hispanic black children than for non-His- 1996 [48].
panic white children [11] and a higher rate for
indigenous than for nonindigenous children [61].
Population-­based studies on CP that have been 3.5  aution with Interpretation
conducted in developing countries [12, 18] sur- of Trends
prisingly showed no large differences in preva-
lence rates between developed and developing Factors that may influence CP prevalence rates
countries. Nevertheless, disparities in methodol- are numerous, and it is difficult to determine
ogy, age range, classification systems and popu- which ones are related to the observed changes in
lations make the studies difficult to compare to trends. Similarly, differences between estimated
those made in higher-income settings [62]. rates and overtime are not easily understandable
The prevalence of CP of postneonatal origin, even if we can suggest potential reasons. First,
i.e. CP as a result of a recognised causal event numerous methodological issues may have an
occurring between the 28th day and 24 months, impact on prevalence estimates including the type
was estimated at 1.2 per 10,000 live births in of ascertainment sources (e.g. schools, registers,
Europe (birth years 1976–1998) [63] with a administrative databases), the changes over time
decrease over the period. or between countries in the inclusion or exclusion
The oldest population-based registers have criteria (e.g. inclusion of mild cases, postnatal
monitored the prevalence rate of CP since the cases or children with isolated hypotonia) and the
1950s. During several decades, no systematic denominators used. For a valid estimate of trend,
time trend was observed apart from a slight each prevalence estimate contributing to the
increase in the 1980s [64]. In more recent years, trend must be comparable. Even though registers
SCPE has shown a decrease in CP prevalence for attempt to maintain constant methods of ascertain-
children born between 1980 and 2003 in Europe ment, changes in the external environment, such
[10] with an important decrease for children born as privacy legislation or restructuring the provi-
with a birth weight between 1000 and 1499 g sion of services for children with CP, necessitate
(from 70.9 to 35.9/1000 live births), a significant “tweaking” ascertainment methods with the risk
decrease for children with a birth weight between of affecting proportional ascertainment. Second,
1500 and 2499 g (from 8.5 to 6.2/1000 live changes in the prevalence of determinants of CP
births) but no significant change for children born are almost certain to result in changes in CP prev-
with a birth weight below 1000 g or over 2500 g. alence. For example, decreases in stillbirth and
The decrease was observed primarily in bilateral neonatal mortality rates are accompanied by an
spastic CP and concerned all levels of severity. In increase of the number of surviving children born
Australia, the ACPR reported, after a long period extremely premature who remain at higher risk of
of stable prevalence at around 2–2.5/1000 1000 CP than children born at term despite declining
live births, a decline to 1.4–2.1/1000 in the 2007– gestation-­specific CP rates.
2009 period [7]. Over the 2003–2009 period, the Since CP includes conditions resulting from
rate of CP/1000 live births reduced across all ges- many causal pathways together with the require-
tational age groups although there was a decrease ment for survival to an age at CP can be reliably
in the proportion with co-occurring intellectual recognised, the constant prevalence observed over
disability [11]. many decades in developed countries and the
Moreover, studies on the different subtypes of equivalence of prevalence between developed and
CP suggest different time trends according to developing countries should not be interpreted as
26 E. Blair et al.

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On behalf of the Australian Cerebral Palsy Register

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