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Neuropathology of 

Cerebral Palsy
Christian Hagel

The clinical picture of cerebral palsy (CP) develops subsequently to
hypoxic/ischaemic or inflammatory/toxic injury of the developing central
nervous system in the pre-, peri- or postnatal period. The distribution of
lesions reflects peculiarities of foetal vascular development, increased vul-
nerabilities of developing cells or supply territories of the basal cerebral
arteries. The present chapter focuses on pathophysiological aspects and
the neuropathological alterations observed in CP. The pathologies
described comprise (a) periventricular leukoencephalopathy which is pre-
dominantly seen in preterm births and may impress as small infarcts or
gliotic foci, (b) germinal/ventricular haemorrhage mainly affecting pre-
term neonates presumably resulting from hypoxic damage to the endothe-
lium of immature vessels in the germinal layer, (c) por-/hydranencephaly
developing in the 5th gestational month following systemic hypotension,
(d) pontosubicular neuronal apoptotic necrosis observed between the 30th
gestational week and the 2nd postnatal month after severe systemic
hypoxia, (e) cortical border zone infarction/ulegyria, (f) territorial infarc-
tion due to occlusion of a basal cerebral artery in mature neonates up to
infant age, (g) marbled state referring to bilaterally abnormally myelinated
scars in the basal ganglia and thalami due to lesioning in the perinatal
period until an age of 6–9 months, and (h) multicystic encephalopathy, a
global hemispheric necrosis developing postnatally up to an age of
18 months. The neuropathological findings particularly underline the
importance of localization, extent and timing of brain injury for the clini-
cal picture, whereas data on brain development may indicate possible time
windows for therapeutic intervention.

C. Hagel
Institute of Neuropathology,
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf,
Hamburg, Germany

© Springer International Publishing AG 2018 35

C.P. Panteliadis (ed.), Cerebral Palsy,
36 C. Hagel

5.1 Introduction Table 5.1  Ontogenesis of the brain

Brain structure
Hypoxia-/ischaemia-related brain damage is a Neurulation 3rd–4th gestational week
major factor for morbidity and mortality not only Pons 5th gestational week–3rd
in the adult but also in the pre- and perinatal trimester
period where it clinically frequently presents as Cerebellum 4th gestational week–15th
postnatal month
cerebral palsy (CP). Despite considerable prog-
Basal ganglia 13th gestational week–12th
ress in obstetrics, the prevalence of CP has postnatal month
remained stable for more than four decades with Induction of the 5th gestational week
two to three cases per 1000 live births of which telencephalon
about half are born premature and half at term Cortical lamination 2nd–3rd trimester
[1]. The present chapter describes pathophysio- Cortical gyrification 14th gestational week–2nd
logical aspects of CP in relation to brain develop- year of life
Corticospinal tract Starts 1st trimester–reaches
ment and delineates the morphological alterations
spinal cord 2nd trimester–
in CP. The neuropathological findings particu- postnatal refinement until
larly underline the importance of localization, mid-adolescence
extent and timing of brain injury for the clinical Neuronal development of the telencephalon
picture, whereas data on brain development may Proliferation of 5th–30th gestational week
indicate possible time windows for therapeutic neuroblasts
intervention (see also Chaps. 6 and 7). Migration of neuroblasts 6th–35th gestational week
Axonal/dendritic growth 10th gestational week–end
of 5th year of life
Neurotransmitter From 8th gestational week
5.2 Brain Development synthesis
and Pathophysiology Formation of synapses From 8th gestational week
of Cerebral Palsy Glial development
Mature astrocytes From 15th gestational week
The insult on a developing system has its own Myelination 14th
special risk factors, pathophysiology and mor- gestational
phology. Depending on the developmental stage
Vascular development
of the brain, different regions and cell types may
Circle of Willis End of 4th gestational
show an increased vulnerability to injury leading week–8th gestational week
to defined tissue defects and developmental alter- Vascularisation of basal 5th gestational week to
ations. Table 5.1 gives an overview of the onto- ganglia and 24th–28th gestational week
genesis of the brain. diencephalon
As depicted in Table 5.1, the vascularisa- Long penetrating arteries 16th–23rd gestational week
supplying the deep white
tion of the brain starts at the time of the closure matter
of the neural tube around day 28 of gestation. Short penetrating 23rd gestational week–
The primordial vessels present as an indistinct arteries supplying cortex postnatal period
meshwork, also called the head plexus. One to and subcortical white
2 days later, the internal carotid arteries can be matter
recognised which join at their caudal divisions
to form the posterior communicating artery a­ rteries. As ­dorsal branches of the mesencephalic
at day 29. By day 32 the basilar and vertebral arteries extend, they take over the territories of
arteries are formed, and at day 35 the anterior the posterior cerebral arteries which are supplied
cerebral arteries become distinguishable at the by the internal carotid arteries at earlier stages of
anterior divisions of the internal carotid arter- development. Between day 44 and 52, the mature
ies, and the medial cerebral arteries evolve as pattern of vascularisation with the circle of Willis
lateral branches of the proximal anterior cerebral and the cerebral arteries is completed [2].
5  Neuropathology of Cerebral Palsy 37

Like in adults a complete occlusion of a ending in the germinal matrix only consist of a
c­erebral artery may occur leading to cerebral single layer of endothelium. Direct damage to
infarction and consecutively to congenital hemi- the endothelium due to hypoxia possibly aggra-
plegia. The lesions are mainly seen in mature vated by hypercarbia-induced increase in blood
infants [3]. The causes for the development of flow has been proposed as cause for periventricu-
thromboemboli are manifold and include among lar and intraventricular haemorrhage [7] which
others disorders of the heart (patent ductus arte- originates from the germinal layer in the vicin-
riosus, pulmonary valve atresia, etc.), alterations ity of the terminal vein between the thalamus and
in composition of the blood (homocysteine, lip- caudate nucleus. In accordance injections into
ids, polycythaemia, Factor V Leiden, Protein S the carotid artery of preterm infants resulted in
and C deficiency, abnormal prothrombin, etc.), leakage of injected material into the capillary bed
infections, vascular malformations, trauma, birth of the germinal layer, suggesting that the capillar-
asphyxia, dehydration, diseases of the mother ies, which are supplied with blood by Heubner’s
and placental alterations. artery, may rupture by a rise in arterial pressure,
The border zones or watershed regions particularly in conditions of hypercapnia and
between the main basal cerebral arteries play an hypoxia [8]. Minor maternal trauma was pro-
important role in hypotensive brain injury occur- posed as possible cofactor for the development
ring around term. On the brain surface, these bor- of subependymal and intraventricular haemor-
der zones form a parasagittal line, whereas in the rhage [9]. Tissue necrosis as possible cause of
parenchyma, the borders of the anterior and mid- the haemorrhage was suggested by Towbin [10],
dle cerebral arteries run anterior to the frontal which is in accordance with the observation that
horns of the lateral ventricles, and the borders the two conditions may coexist in up to one third
between middle and posterior arteries are located of patients, although in different locations [11].
in the white matter around the occipital horns [4]. Blood supply of the white matter occurs
Parasagittal cortical border zone infarctions in from the surface of the convexity through long
term infants may appear as so-called ulegyria penetrating thin vessels which descend between
(gyral scarring) [5]. Clinically the patients may the 16th and 23rd week of gestation followed by
present with mental retardation, motor deficits short penetrating arteries which become recog-
and epilepsy. However, ulegyria may also occur nisable from the 23rd gestational week onwards
within the territory of one major cerebral artery. and supply the cortex and subcortical white
The intrinsic vasculature of the brain develops matter [12]. The development of the short pen-
around week 5 of gestation with large penetrating etrating vessels accompanies the rapid cortical
arteries running as branches of the middle cere- organisation, axonal outgrowth and formation
bral arteries from the base of the brain to the basal of synapses that takes place in this period [13].
ganglia and diencephalon as well as to the germi- The short cortical arteries are not fully devel-
nal matrix of the subependymal periventricular oped until post-term period resulting in relatively
zones. The germinative zones show a high angio- low blood supply of the subcortical white matter
genesis and high levels of cyclooxygenase and [14]. This area is typically affected in the diffuse
vascular growth factor [6]. The vascularisation of and subtle type of periventricular leukomalacia
the basal ganglia and the diencephalon is com- (PVL) which nowadays accounts for 90% of PVL
pleted by 24–28 weeks of gestation. patients. The regions corresponding to the end-
Regarding the maturation of the vascu- points of the long penetrating arteries match with
lar walls, an arterial muscular layer appears at the focal necrotic type of PVL mainly observed
20 weeks in striatal vessels, at 24 weeks in the in very low birthweight survivors [15]. In fact,
putamen and at 26 weeks in the caudate nucleus. PVL appears to be the most important factor for
A clear arteriovenous differentiation of extrastri- neurologic morbidity in very low birthweight
atal parenchymal vessels is apparent only in the infants (<1500 g). In a series reported by Banker
last weeks of gestation [2]. Hence, the p­ enetrators and Larroche [16], periventricular infarcts were
38 C. Hagel

found in 19% of infant autopsies, and 64% of streptococcal sepsis in preterm infants ([21]; see
these cases were premature infants. In an inves- also Chap. 7) and a 9.4-fold greater risk of ante-
tigation by Shevell et al. [17], 24.9% of a total natal PVL for preterm neonates with purulent
of 217 patients suffering from CP had a history amniotic fluid [22] was found. Further, an over-
of periventricular leukomalacia. The most impor- expression of tumour necrosis factor-alpha and
tant factor for the development of periventricular IL-6 could be demonstrated in neonatal brains
infarcts is a severe perinatal anoxia necessitating with PVL [22].
resuscitation. Pontosubicular neuronal necrosis is observed
The white matter, which is injured in PVL, between week 30 of gestation until 2 months
comprises oligodendroglial progenitors, growing postpartum occurring consecutively to hypoxia/
axonal pathways and the subplate zone. The lat- ischaemia or hypoglycaemia. It presumably
ter harbours a variety of axonal guidance mole- relates to an increased perinatal hypoxic vulner-
cules making it both a substrate and a gradient ability of pontine and subicular neurons.
zone for the navigation of thalamocortical axons However, the pyramidal cells of the subiculum as
[18]. Focal hypoxic-ischaemic damage of the well as in CA1 and CA2 also belong to the most
periventricular regions supplied by long penetrat- vulnerable neurons concerning hypoxia/isch-
ing arteries affects crossroads of projection, asso- aemia in the adult. The affected neurons in ponto-
ciative and commissural fibres, whereas injury of subicular necrosis show the typical picture of
the watershed regions between short and long apoptosis including apoptotic bodies and DNA
penetrators may also strike the subplate zone and fragmentation. In addition, the Fas/Fas ligand
disturb the formation of cortical connections. system and caspase-3 were revealed to contribute
Damage to oligodendroglial precursors to pontosubicular necrosis [23].
between weeks 24 and 34 of gestation results in CP is not exclusively a disorder of the brain
PVL. In vitro experiments showed margination but also involves the neuronal circuitry of the spi-
of chromatin, nuclear condensation and DNA nal cord. Development of the corticospinal tract
fragmentation in injured oligodendroglial precur- starts in the first trimester, but establishing effec-
sors consistent with apoptosis as the mode of tive connections between motor cortex and mus-
death [14]. In vitro studies further demonstrated cle takes until near term. Postnatally synaptic
that oligodendroglial precursors are vulnerable connectivity is refined until adolescence depend-
not only to oxygen/glucose deprivation but also ing on activity of spinal neurons. In an early
to free radicals and cytokines [19]. The cells phase, which lasts until the age of 6–12 months,
express lower levels of antioxidant enzyme laterality of the initial bilateral spinal projections
manganese-­ containing superoxide dismutase is determined by synaptic competition. In the
which catalyses the dismutation of superoxide to second phase, which lasts until adolescence, the
hydrogen peroxide and oxygen. In addition, oli- strength of synaptic connections is shaped (for
godendroglial precursors are more vulnerable to review see [24]).
excitotoxic injury by kainate than mature oligo-
dendroglia because they express α-amino-3-­
hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate 5.3 Animal Models
(AMPA)-kainate receptors. Lastly, cytokines like
interferon-γ are released in the context of intra- Animal models play an important role in CP
uterine infections and may affect oligodendrog- research since they allow studying the pathophys-
lial precursors (for review see [7]). As possible iology of this heterogeneous disorder systemati-
source of toxic molecules, microglia was identi- cally in living organisms. However, the relevance
fied which may not only release these substances of the results may—just as in vitro experi-
consecutively to asphyxia but also in infections ments—be of limited value to human pathology.
and a number of other pathological conditions Mammals with a gyrencephalic brain and a ges-
[20]. Accordingly, an association of PVL with tation time of several months like rabbits, sheep
5  Neuropathology of Cerebral Palsy 39

and primates resemble the human situation better Since the injury affected primarily inhibitory
than small rodents such as mice and rats. striatal neurons Gunn and Bennet [25] speculated
Gunn and Bennet [25] reviewed data from that the damage might in part result from abnor-
hypoxia in foetal sheep pointing out that the mal excitatory inputs to these neurons. Lastly,
brain can fully adapt to a moderate reduced oxy- the authors underlined the neuro-­protective effect
gen supply down to 10–12 mmHg as long as of hypothermia which is disproportionate to the
substrate delivery is assured and no hypotension changes in metabolism associated with the tem-
occurs. In this situation vasoconstriction redi- perature change. This correlation also applies to
rects blood flow to the heart and brain, oxygen an increase in body temperature. Hyperthermia
extraction from the blood increases and the brain of 1–2 °C markedly worsens brain damage.
switches to lower EEG frequencies. Energy con- Inder et al. [26] presented an animal model
sumption of the cells may be reduced by reduc- of periventricular leukomalacia in the baboon
tion of nonobligatory energy consumption via which differed from other models in that there
inhibitory neuro-modulators like adenosine. To was no direct insult other than the standard
some extent anaerobic glycolysis can become a neonatal intensive care situation. A white mat-
source of energy. ter injury occurred in 50% of the animals and
Asphyxia without hypotension is associated was mostly located in the parietal and occipital
with only modest brain damage. Neuronal loss in lobes. In addition, haemorrhages were seen in
foetal sheep was only seen if in addition to pro- the subarachnoid space (38%), ventricles (5%),
longed severe partial asphyxia (partial occlusion germinal matrix (9%), white matter (28%) and
of the uterine artery), episodes of acute hypoten- cerebellum (9%).
sion occurred. Therefore, acidosis resulting from A model for peri- and intraventricular haem-
asphyxia is by itself a clinical measure with only orrhage was presented by Chua et al. [27] using
limited predictive value. rabbit pups. The risk of spontaneous germinal
The predominant mechanism of brain injury is matrix haemorrhage in premature rabbits could
severe hypotension which after a short phase of be increased from 10 to 80% by intraperito-
compensative vasoconstriction leads to progres- neal administration of glycerol. This procedure
sive deterioration of brain function. In the course resulted in dehydration and high osmolarity of the
of events, the blood flow is diverted from the cor- serum and arterial hypotension leading to haem-
tex to the basal ganglia and brain stem. The initial orrhage. Posthaemorrhagically 70% of the pups
vasoconstriction ceases and finally a profound survived for 14 days or longer developing ven-
systemic hypotension develops. triculomegaly, motor dysfunction with increased
In transient (peripartal) hypotension (success- muscle tone or complete paralysis. Upon autopsy
ful resuscitation), a short period of clinical recov- gliosis and reduced myelination of the white mat-
ery may be seen after normalisation of blood and ter were noted. Hence, the model mimics many
oxygen supply, both in animal models and in of the clinical and ­histopathological alterations
newborn infants. Nevertheless, if the brain dam- found in germinal matrix haemorrhage in pre-
age initiated a cascade of biochemical reactions term infants. However, the authors also pointed
leading to delayed cell death, a second phase of out some limitations of the model. Since the pups
deterioration will follow 6–15 h after birth. were delivered by caesarean section and hand-fed,
Due to redirection of blood flow to the brain the model is somewhat laborious. Furthermore,
stem and the basal ganglia in hypotension, these glycerol may potentially open the blood-brain bar-
areas are often spared from injury. A single isch- rier which would lead to metabolic changes. Like
aemic insult of 30 min mainly resulted in neuronal Inder et al. [26] the work of Chua et al. [27] mainly
loss in the parasagittal cortex (watershed regions) focused on the reproduction of certain clinical and
in near-term foetal sheep. However, after three morphological aspects of perinatal brain injury;
10-min episodes of hypotension at 1-h intervals, new data on the pathophysiology and biochemical
the striatal damage prevailed the cortical injury. signal cascades of the disorder was not presented.
40 C. Hagel

A more recent study focused on the activation Subarachnoid haemorrhage may result from
of the inflammatory cascade in chronic foetal spreading of an intraventricular bleeding to the
hypoxia in the guinea pig [28]. The authors con- brain surface but may also arise independently in
firmed earlier data of alterations in mRNA levels asphyctic conditions in any location over the
of P53, Bax and Bcl-2 involved in proliferation cerebral hemispheres, probably resulting from
and apoptosis. Further, a significant neuronal loss capillary diapedesis. Subsequently to subarach-
in the hippocampus was demonstrated as well as noid haemorrhage, obstructive hydrocephalus
an upregulation of inflammation cytokine genes may develop, either acute from haematomas
by means of quantitative RT-PCR. Three cohorts clogging the basal cisterns or over a longer period
of six animals were held in chambers with nor- of time due to fibrosis of the subarachnoid space.
moxia or 12.5% and 10.5% oxygen, respectively. Furthermore, a superficial siderosis may develop
Of 22 cytokines that showed changes in expres- as demonstrated by MR imaging of seven infants
sion levels under hypoxic conditions, TNF-α and [32]. In adults the siderosis may lead to ataxia
IL-1β were upregulated under hypoxia in a dose-­ due to neuronal degeneration predominantly of
dependent manner. Purkinje cells in the cerebellum.
Intradural haemorrhage into the falx and ten-
torium may frequently be observed in term and
5.4  orphology of Brain Lesion
M premature infants, is absorbed quickly without
Associated with Cerebral residua and has no clinical significance.
Palsy Subdural haematomas are most often related
to head trauma at delivery. They result from a
5.4.1 Haemorrhage rupture of a bridging vein between dura and
Subependymal, intraventricular or leptomenin-
geal haemorrhages are the most common autop-
tic pathological finding in brains of premature 5.4.2 Prenatal Neuronal Death
asphyctic infants. Most haemorrhages were
found between 5 and 35 h postpartum for gesta- Neuronal necrosis in premature infants typically
tional ages between 27 and 31 weeks [29]. In an is observed in the ventral pons and subiculum
autoptic study by Leech et al. [30] on 170 infants of the Ammon’s horn [6]. In infants delivered
with respiratory distress syndrome, the most before the 28th gestational week, karyorrhexis
common sites of intracranial haemorrhage were may also be observed in other brain regions such
found to be the subependymal tissue (60%), the as the inferior olivary nucleus, the cerebellum,
ventricles (68%), the subarachnoid space (44%) the basal ganglia, thalamus and cerebral cortex,
and the dura (intradural 48%, subdural 3%). implicating that neuronal maturation as one of
Subependymal bleeding spreads within the the ­pathogenic factors for this type of neuro-
germinal tissue and may disrupt the ependyma nal necrosis [33]. The alterations are related to
resulting in intraventricular haematoma. Massive asphyxia at birth and are frequently associated
haematomas may occlude the aqueduct and with subependymal haemorrhage or infarcts [34].
obstruct the flow of CSF. Cases in which the sub- Upon autopsy, there is no macroscopic altera-
ependymal parenchyma is destructed may later tion of the hippocampus and pons. Histological
suffer from cerebral palsy [31]. On autopsy fresh examination reveals scattered shrunken eosino-
lesions are readily identified macroscopically philic neurons with condensed and karyor-
and impress as masses of erythrocytes on his- rhectic basophilic nuclei in the subiculum of
tological examination (Fig. 5.1a). Haematomas Ammon’s horn and in the ventral pons in fresh
are resolved by macrophages, some of which lesions (Fig. 5.1b). The damage in the subicu-
remain within the residual cystic defect as lum diminishes towards the hippocampal CA
haemosiderophages. regions and towards the parahippocampal gyrus.
5  Neuropathology of Cerebral Palsy 41

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 5.1  Pathology of pre- and perinatal brain lesions. (a) (H&E, original magnification ×100); (e) macroscopic
Fresh haemorrhage in the germinal layer in a female foe- findings in multicystic encephalopathy of a female full-­
tus with a malformation of the heard, 25th gestational term infant with perinatal asphyxia born by caesarian sec-
week (H&E, original magnification ×5); (b) fresh neuro- tion; (f) same case as in e, histological overview showing
nal necrosis presenting as eosinophilic neurons with kary- gliotic remnants of the cortex (H&E, original magnifica-
orrhectic nuclei in the subiculum of a male foetus, tion ×5); (g) immunohistochemical labelling of reactive
intrauterine death at the 38th gestational week (H&E, astroglia at the border of the necrosis, same case as in e
original magnification ×250); (c) old absorbed ischaemic (GFAP, counterstain haemalum, original magnification
periventricular leukomalacia in an asphyctic female infant ×100); (h) immunohistochemical labelling of residual
suffering from a tumour of the heard, born at the 38th ges- axons and axonal swelling in the cortex of multicystic
tational week, survival 24 days (H&E, original magnifica- encephalopathy, same case as in e (neurofilament, coun-
tion ×25); (d) same case as in c, numerous macrophages terstain haemalum, original magnification ×100)
and foam cells are present at the borders of the lesion
42 C. Hagel

g h

Fig. 5.1 (continued)

An ­astrocytic response to the injury develops the ­lateral ventricles and lateral to the occipital
after 3–5 days [6]. The neuronal necrosis is horns. The size and weight of the brain may be
absorbed by macrophages and activated microg- normal, but a reduction in the volume of the brain
lia within a few weeks; some of the affected neu- is seen in the dissected brain with enlargement of
rons may mineralize. Since the glial elements the lateral ventricles and a thin corpus callosum.
persist, the lesion does not impress as a defect, Since the upper part of the pyramidal radiation
but the parenchyma may focally show a spongy runs near the lateral corners of the lateral ven-
texture. tricles, periventricular leukomalacia frequently
Karyorrhexis is a feature of programmed cell results in diplegia of the legs.
death, and accordingly previous studies have dem- Histologically the earliest signs of necrosis
onstrated fragmentation of DNA as indicator of consist of a sponginess of the tissue, cytoplasmic
apoptosis in pontosubicular necrosis [35] as well eosinophilia and nuclear pyknosis. The microglia
as expression of apoptosis-related protease cas- is activated in the vicinity of the lesion, macro-
pase-3 and poly-ADP-ribosylated proteins [36]. phages invade the necrosis from its borders and
astrocytes proliferate (Fig. 5.1c, d). The absorp-
tion of necrotic tissue is completed by 3–4 weeks.
5.4.3 Periventricular Leukomalacia Mineralisation of axons near the lesions may be
observed. Most lesions are ischaemic; hence, no
On autopsy, the necrotic lesions macroscopically haemosiderin may be found in the lesion in
impress as pale, yellowish or chalky, sharply ­contrast to periventricular haematomas. However,
demarcated areas measuring a few millimetres haemorrhages may occur subsequently to focal
in diameter with a distance of 1–15 mm from tissue necrosis which may be massive [37]. PVL
the ependymal surface (see Chaps. 1 and 6). A may occur in association with status marmoratus
perifocal oedema may present as softening of the of the basal ganglia [38] or cortical infarction
adjacent tissue. In the course of absorption, the [39]. In severe cases the entire white matter may
lesions become cystic cavities which contain cell be involved resulting in a spongy state formed by
debris and later clear extracellular fluid; finally multiple cavities.
a ventricular enlargement is seen. The defects In the more diffuse form of PLV, typical alter-
are separated from the ventricles by glial tissue. ations include an astrogliosis and temporary
Most frequently the infarcts are located anterior microglial activation, but total tissue necrosis
to the frontal horns, near the lateral corners of with formation of cysts is not observed.
5  Neuropathology of Cerebral Palsy 43

5.4.4 Cortical Infarction middle cerebral artery which may be explained

by haemodynamic differences due to a patent
Upon autopsy acute border zone infarctions (ule- ductus arteriosus and by the shorter distance
gyria) are rather indistinct lesions and may be between heart and left carotid artery in compari-
missed on inspection. In the phase of absorption, son to the right side. The middle cerebral artery
the lesions are more easily identified as cortical originates as direct continuation of the internal
defects or narrowing of the cortex at the bottom carotid artery and supplies the largest part of the
of the gyri. premotor and motor cortex. The earliest morpho-
Histologically acute lesions present as pale logical alteration consists of oedema present-
spongy oedematous tissue with neuronal chro- ing as spongy state around the necrosis. In the
matolysis, nuclear pyknosis and dissolution of majority of cases, the thromboembolus under-
neurons. Within a few weeks, a massive prolif- goes lysis resulting in secondary haemorrhagic
eration of glia and blood vessels and an abun- transformation of the lesion. Within a few weeks
dance of macrophages are seen. The residual the necrotic tissue is absorbed by macrophages
state of the necrosis is characterised by partial or leaving a cystic cavity behind which is filled with
total neuronal loss and a radial gliosis in the form cerebrospinal fluid and surrounded by a dense
of small gliotic scars extending from the bottom astrocytic gliosis. In haemorrhagic lesions hae-
of the lesion towards the pia mater resulting in mosiderin may be detected.
an irregular granular appearance of the cortical
surface (granular atrophy). A possible explana-
tion for the peculiar morphology of the lesions 5.4.5 Status Marmoratus
was given by Norman [40] who presented a case
of ulegyria in which viable neurons were found Marbled state of the basal ganglia was first
along cortical arteries descending from the lep- described by Anton [41] and refers to abnormally
tomeninges interspersed by stripes of neuronal myelinated scars in the basal ganglia frequently
necrosis. Hence, the radial scarring may repre- seen bilaterally. Additionally to the striatum and
sent microscopically small border zones between thalamus, the claustrum, the red nucleus and the
penetrating arteries in an immature cerebral vas- subthalamic nucleus may be affected, whereas
culature. Ulegyria may also present as laminar the substantia nigra, amygdala and mammillary
necrosis mainly affecting the large neurons in bodies are usually spared. Clinically the children
the third cortical layer. Further, in minor lesions may show bilateral choreoathetosis from early
abnormally orientated myelinated fibres may be infancy, mental retardation, motor deficits, spastic
present (plaques fibromyeliniques) which are paraplegia and epilepsy. In a compilation of data
similar to status marmoratus of the basal ganglia. from 42 well-documented cases given by Friede
Depending on the damage of the grey m ­ atter, a [6], an association with complicated delivery was
rarefication and gliosis of the underlying white observed in 70% of the cases. About half of the
matter may be encountered. Although the cer- cases reported were full-term infants and less than
ebellar cortex is less vulnerable to hypoxic-­ 5% premature births; the rest was ­without data.
ischaemic injury in newborn, some infants also Early lesions in infants about half a year old
suffer from border zone infarctions between the are not associated with macroscopic changes but
superior cerebellar artery and the posterior infe- histologically present as randomly distributed
rior cerebellar artery presenting as gliotic band myelinated fibres within glial scars of microin-
along the edge between the convex basal surface farctions of the striatum [42]. Late lesions in con-
and the flat upper cerebellar surface. trast are visible with the naked eye and present as
Territorial infarction due to complete throm- white spotty irregular areas. The affected nuclei
boembolic occlusion of a cerebral artery is most may be of normal size or show different degrees
frequently observed in the territory of the left of atrophy.
44 C. Hagel

Microscopically late lesions are characterised manifestation indicates a systemic hypotension

by focal loss of neurons and a network of thin as causative event. On the brain surface, the
dispersed myelinated nerve fibres which are not lesions are covered by a thin arachnoid mem-
grouped in bundles like in the normal striatum. brane. The septum pellucidum is usually absent.
The thin nerve fibres cross the gliotic area and con- The bordering cortex may either show polymi-
tinue in the normal parenchyma. Mineralised neu- crogyria, which may be present in a patchy pat-
rons may commonly be found in the affected areas. tern over the hemisphere, even distant to the
In electron microscopic studies, abnor- defect, or the gyri adjacent to the lesion may radi-
mally thick myelin sheaths were found cover- ate towards the defect. There is no or little gliosis
ing structures which were thought to represent around the lesion. Frequently a loss of the lami-
astrocytic processes [43]. However, Friede and nar architecture of the cortex is observed with
Schachenmayr [42] exclusively observed myelin- irregular, sometimes heterotopic masses of grey
ated nerve fibres in marbled state. The findings matter near the porus. Some pyramidal neurons
of Friede and Schachenmayr [42] were later con- may be transformed into local-circuit interneu-
firmed by immunohistochemical studies on 12 rons, and some of the interneurons may be
cases with marbled state which demonstrated that enlarged [46]. On the basis of polymicrogyria,
glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-expressing porencephaly may be dated to develop in the fifth
astrocytes showed no continuity with abnormally month of gestation.
myelinated fibres [44]. Hence, the data suggests Infants presenting with hydranencephaly often
that status marmoratus is caused by microinfarcts die at delivery if the basal ganglia and the hypo-
developing perinatally or in early infancy which thalamus are affected; the other patients show
may be caused by repeated hypotensive episodes neonatal automatisms, absence of motor develop-
(see Sect. 5.3). Upon scarring a disorientation of ment, spasticity and epileptic seizures. At birth
fibres occurs which sprout through the lesion. the cranial size may be normal or microcephalic
The deviant fibres are abnormally myelinated, with an enlargement occurring in the following
including myelination of normally unmyelinated months, attributed to gliotic stenoses of the aque-
fibres. Since myelination in the basal ganglia duct or of the foramina of Monro. The defects in
starts approximately in the sixth postnatal month, the hemispheres usually occur bilaterally and
marbled state may not form later than within the typically correspond to the territories of the
first 6–9 months of life. carotid arteries. The temporal lobes and the basal
occipital cortex are usually preserved. The corti-
cal surface lacks the pattern of convolutions and
5.4.6 Lobal Hypoxic-Ischaemic presents as a fluid-filled sac with a smooth inner
Encephalopathy surface. The leptomeninx may be fibrotic and
contains haemosiderophages. The remnants of
Cerebral injury during early development results the cortex consist of gliotic tissue with some
in deviant formation of cerebral structures. residual and/or mineralised neurons. The basal
Depending on the severity of the insult, a n­ ecrosis ganglia and thalamus may be intact. The brain
may present as circumscribed hemispheric lesion stem shows no abnormalities, except for the
termed porencephaly or as massive hemispheric absence of the cerebral peduncles and medullary
necrosis termed hydranencephaly in which the pyramids. The cerebellum may show some cystic
residual parenchyma of the hemispheres forms defects and/or alterations on the microscopic
thin-walled fluid-filled bubbles. level.
Porencephaly develops in utero before the A hypoxic-ischaemic injury of the brain
adult features of the brain manifest [45]. The towards the end of gestation or in early infancy
defects are commonly found in the insula and may lead to multicystic encephalopathy. In a
pre- and postcentral gyri and are in continuity study by Sie et al. [47], it was found that rela-
with the ventricular walls. The frequent bilateral tively mild episodes of hypoxia-ischaemia may
5  Neuropathology of Cerebral Palsy 45

suffice for a consecutive development of multi- Table 5.2  Types of pre-, peri- and postnatal hypoxic-­
ischaemic brain injury in children and their date of origin
cystic encephalopathy. The alterations present as
multiple bilateral cavities with varying distribu- Type of lesion Date of origin
tion separated from each other through gliotic tis- Periventricular Perinatal in preterm
leukoencephalopathy births, declining
sue (Fig. 5.1e–h). The basal ganglia and the
prevalence with
structures supplied by the vertebrobasilar circula- increasing gestational
tion are often spared [48]. Microscopically the age
lesions present as incomplete necrosis of brain Germinal/ventricular Perinatal,
tissue with neuronal loss, reactive gliosis and haemorrhage predominantly in
preterm neonates
lipid-laden macrophages.
Por-/hydranencephaly 5th month of gestation
In contrast to multicystic encephalopathy,
Pontosubicular necrosis 30th gestational week
global hemispheric necrosis refers to large total to 2nd postnatal month
necrosis of brain tissue. Clinically the disorder Border zone infarction/ Mature neonate
starts with sudden onset between the first days ulegyria
after delivery and up to 18 months of age. The Territorial infarction Mature neonate to
infants present with loss of consciousness, coma, infancy
convulsions and bulging of the fontanel as signs Marbled state Perinatal period until an
age of 6–9 months
of decerebration. Consecutively to the total
Multicystic encephalopathy Early infancy
necrosis of the brain tissue, neuronal and glial Global hemispheric necrosis Postnatally up to an age
proteins appear in the cerebrospinal fluid, like of 18 months
GFAP which was found to be elevated fivefold in
infants with perinatal asphyxia [49].
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