Final Bemise 2B

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I Put the underlined letters in order to complete the sentences.

1. My dad is growing vegetables in the garden but he's only got one big red mottoa! __________

2. My brother eats choolteac every day. __________


3. 'Do you want anything to drink?' 'Yes. A loca, please.' __________


4. We often eat ghutryo as a dessert. It's very nice. __________


5. Do you eat eetsws every day? __________


6. At our school, the boys play yubgr and not football. __________

7. My mum doesn't let me play divoe mages every day. __________

video games

8. Teenagers in our town go ksgnebrtaaoid every Saturday. __________


9. I'm wearing a hat, scarf and gloves today because we are gnsowordbnai. __________

10. Some people say icamearn football is a bit like rugby. __________

11. On Saturday afternoons, we love going gilnwob. __________


12. Is seshc a difficult game? I like board games and want to learn. __________

13. The boys all enjoyed playing American alfotblo in the garden. __________

14. In the winter, I play shecs with my cousin. Sometimes we do it online. __________

15. We're watching the stygmanics on TV at my house. Do you want to come over? __________

II Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

1) Can you get the [chocolates / soups / potatoes] ready for lunch, please?
2) Put some [soup / onion / sweets] in the salad, please.
3) Do you want any [cola / butter / sweets] for your bread?
4) I like a piece of [cola / cake / onion] after my meal.
5) Some people say you eat [cake / soup / onion] and others say you drink it!
6) My mum says [carrot / butter / sweets] are bad for your teeth.
7) My favourite [potato / soup / cake] is chocolate.
8) Please can I have a [yoghurt / tomato / chocolate] milkshake?
9) I have a(n) [onion / chips / yoghurt] for my snack every day at school.
10) 'There's only one [tomato / cake / butter].' 'It's OK. I don't want salad.'

III Choose the option in brackets that describes the sentence.

1. I feel great! I feel fantastic! I feel really healthy! (lazy / well)
2. She doesn't love me! She says she doesn't love me! Waaaah! (well / unhappy)

3. Aargh! I've got so much work to do! (stressed / active)

4. Martha is always making things or doing jobs in the house and garden. (stressed / active)
5. We're going to the funfair today. Fantastic! (lucky / unhappy)

IV Complete the sentences with a lifestyle adjective. More than one answer is sometimes possible.
1) The doctor says I need to be more __________
active , so I'm walking every day.
2) I'm __________
stressed because I've got a test in the morning and I'm not ready.

3) Why are you so __________

lazy ? You never help your mum. I help my mum every day.
4) 'Sorry, but Mr Brown is __________
unhappy right now. Can I take a message?'

5) I think I'm __________

ill . My head is very hot. I need to see a doctor.
6) I have a very __________
well life and I do a lot of sport.
7) But you don't do anything! How can you be so __________
fit ?
8) I'm sorry but I'm really __________
tired , so I'm going to stay in tonight.
9) Listen. Don't get __________
stessed about your exams. Relax.
10) I'm really __________
busy with work today. How about tomorrow? Are you doing anything?

V Write the sport or game next to the definition. Some answers have two words. More than one
answer is sometimes possible.
1. A ball game popular in the USA that is similar to rugby. __________
American football

2. There are two teams in this game and they try to hit a small red ball. __________
3. You can't do this sport without snow! __________

4. You must be very fit to do this. Sometimes it's like dancing. __________

5. This is a fun game for teenagers where you roll a big, heavy ball. __________

VI Complete the words with the missing letters.

1) You must be careful not to _it
h the other players.

2) In this competition, horses must _j _mp

u _o _er
v the fences without knocking them down.

3) _t _row
h the ball to another player on your team.
4) In most games, players take turns _m _ving
o – just like in chess.
5) In this game you have to cli_m _b up walls and over things.
6) In basketball, you _s _oot
h by throwing the ball into the basket.
7) The horse must ju_m_p _o _er
v the wall and go into the castle.

8) In this game you make a home. At the start you have to lo_o _k for furniture for each room.
9) If the other player d_ _e _troys
s your castle, you lose.

10) The aliens _l _ok

o f_o _r people to take into their spaceship.

VII Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

1. 'We can't find the dog.' 'Sometimes it [looks for / climbs] over the wall.'
2. It is a good idea to [look for / hit] a place to hide.
3. You need to serve fast, move well and [hit / jump] the ball hard to play tennis well.
4. When you're losing in this game, you can [destroy / climb] out of the window.
5. Do you [lose / jump over] the wall to get away?
B. GRAMMAR __/10

I Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

1) 'I'm hungry. Can you make chips?' 'No, sorry. There aren't [any / some] potatoes.'
2) I would like [some / any] more pizza, please.
3) There isn't [many / any] pasta in the cupboard. Do you want rice?
4) 'Have you got anything to drink?' 'Yes, there are [much / a lot of] drinks in the fridge.'
5) There isn't any rice. What about [any / some] bread?
6) It's not easy to play music [perfect / perfectly]. You have to practise.
7) Amy can [play / to play] football, baseball and rugby.
8) You can only join the football team if you can [stay / to stay] late on Mondays.
9) My younger brother loves watching football but he can't [to play / play] it.
10) I don't think my homework is difficult. I can do most things [easy / easily].
11) I can't [to play / play] many sports but I'm good at chess.
12) 'Can your sister do gymnastics?' 'Yes, she [can do / can].'
13) I don't want Philippa in the team. She plays really [bad / badly].
14) 'Can you shoot and score a goal?' 'No, I [can't not / can't]. I don't like football.'
15) I like going out at night but I [can / can't] get up early the next day!

II Complete the sentences with a lot of, much, many, some or any. More than one answer is
sometimes possible.
1. Would you like __________
some juice with your breakfast?
2. Would you like a dessert or do you just want __________
some fruit?
3. I don't want any cake. Can I have __________
4. Can I have __________
some salad with my pizza, please?

5. This restaurant is really great and the food doesn't cost __________
much .
6. I drink __________
some juice – maybe a litre a day.
7. Have you got __________
any cola?
8. My mum always puts __________
some fruit in my packed lunch.
9. How __________
much sugar do you want in your coffee?
10. You can be healthy if you eat __________
a lot of fruit and vegetables.

III Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

1) I don't like __________ my bag for school on Sunday night – it's boring.
a packking
b packing
2) We love __________ our aunt and uncle.
a visiting
b visitting
3) Daisy loves just __________ with her friends.
a beeing
b being
4) I love __________ computers in our IT lessons.
a useing
b using
5) I don't really like __________ video games.
a playing
b plaing

IV Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I don't like __________
tidying my room but I like it after I do it! (tidy)
2. I really love __________
speaking to my friends on the phone or online. (speak)
3. I like __________
for a party or someone's birthday. It's fun! (wait)
4. I don't like __________
. I ask my mum or my sister to get me things. (shop)
5. Phil just loves __________
playing games. He's got a lot of them on his computer. (play)
6. I like talking to my friends. I don't like __________
doing sports. (do)
7. I love __________
going to the museum in town. (go)
8. I love __________
staying in when it's raining outside! (stay)
9. I love __________
swimming in the sea but not in a pool. (swim)

10. Everyone in my family loves __________

visiting the theatre. (visit)

V Correct the mistakes in the underlined words.

1) We need to finish these exercises quick. There's a good film on TV. __________

2) Ahmed sings – but really bad! __________


3) Ludmila loves sports but she can play any. __________


4) When we come to a lesson lately, the teacher gets angry. __________


5) 'Can your sister play tennis?' 'Yes, she can play.' __________
she can

VI Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

1. Samuel [hasn't / doesn't have] to go to school tomorrow because it's Sunday.
2. 'Do we have to go to school tomorrow?' 'No, we [haven't / don't].
3. 'Does your sister have to help in the house?' 'No, she [don't / doesn't]. But I do!'
4. OK. I'm ready. What [do I have to / have I to] do?
5. 'Do we have to do this for tomorrow?' 'Yes, we [have / do].'
6. You [have not / don't have] to tidy your room now if you aren't well.
7. The dog comes in the house sometimes but it [has / have] to sleep in the garden.
8. In this game, each player [has / have] to destroy the other player's castle.
9. 'Do you have to go now?' 'Yes, [I have / I do]. I have to write an essay tonight.'
10. It's a great game and you [don't have / not have] to have any special equipment.

VII Complete the sentences with have to, has to, doesn't have to or don't have to.
1) You can put onions in this meal but you ___________________________
don't have to if you don't like them.
2) We all ___________________________
have to do PE every Tuesday and Thursday.
3) Dad ___________________________
doesn't have to get up tomorrow because he's not working.
4) Good news! I ___________________________
don't have to go to school next Tuesday! It's a day off!

5) For salad to be healthy, it ___________________________

have to be very fresh.

C. READING __/10

First read the text. Then answer the questions.


Ingrid, Sweden
At my school we have a fruit soup with bread and some cheese. When I go home we
usually have a meat or fish dish for dinner. It’s usually with potatoes and different types of
bread. Sometimes we have cake too.
Atal, India
We leave school at two o’clock, so there aren’t any school lunches. When I go home I have
meat with rice, or Indian bread, and salad or a vegetable dish.

Anong, Thailand
At my school we usually have rice with vegetables and lots of fruit. We don’t have much
meat but sometimes there’s fish.

Brian, UK
I don’t like the lunches we have at school, so I take sandwiches from home with cheese or
meat. I also have fruit or vegetables – I love carrots!

Caroline, Germany
We usually have meat, cabbage and potatoes, or cabbage rolls with burgers. We either have
chips, boiled potatoes or potato salad – but there are always potatoes!

Maria, Italy
There’s usually pasta and tomato sauce for lunch. Sometimes we have cheese and bread, or
vegetables too. We don’t usually have pizza.

1 Who is the Chef Tony’s blog for? Choose A, B, C or D.

A parents B school cooks C students D teachers
Match the lunches (A–F) to the students (0–6).
0 Ingrid A A soup with bread and cheese
2 Atal _____
D B pasta with no meat
3 Anong _____
F C meat, potatoes and cabbage
4 Brian _____
E D no school lunches
5 Caroline _____
C E food from home
6 Maria _____B F rice, vegetables and fruit
Complete each sentence with one word from the text.
0 One person really loves carrots.
7 One person doesn’t have a lot of meat but there’s _____.
8 One person always has _____ for lunch.
9 One person has afruit
soupwith bread and cheese.
10 One person takes _____
lunch to school, with fruit or vegetables.

II First read the text. Then answer the questions.

My blog this week is about two students at my school. They both play team sports, not
individual sports. Kim is a rugby player and Peter plays cricket. They’re both very good, but
they want to improve their skills. Their goal is to be the best and play for our country.
Kim is 12 years old and she plays rugby for our school. She’s small and she can run very fast.
Next year she wants to play rugby for the city; however, sometimes she doesn’t throw the ball
very well. She has to practise more to have more success. The difficulty is she also plays
football, so she doesn’t have enough time to practise. She has to choose what her priority is:
rugby or football.

Peter is 13 and he already plays cricket for the city. He’s strong and he’s good at hitting the
ball. He can also throw it very far. However, he has to think hard about the decisions he makes.
Sometimes he runs at the wrong moment and then he loses. When his team isn’t winning he
can get annoyed easily. He knows this is a problem and he’s trying to get better.

Match the words in bold in the text (0–6) to the definitions (A–G).

0 individual A one person

E1 improve B a problem

G2 goal C a good result

C3 success D a bit angry

B4 difficulty E something you want to do in the future

F5 priority F get better

D 6 annoyed G something important you need to do

Complete each sentence (0–10) with one word from the text.

0 Kim and Peter play team sports.

7 Kim and Peter want to play for their _____

sports .

8 Kim needs to _____

more to get better at rugby.

9 Peter can hit and _____

throw the ball well.

10 Peter sometimes makes bad _____ .


Part 1
Listen and Choose A, B or C.
0 Who is the speaker’s sister?
A Anna B Sarah C Pam

1 How many children does Sarah have?

A2 B3 C5

2 How old is the speaker?

A 32 years old B 51 years old C 54 years old

Part 2
Listen and choose A, B or C.

3 Who is Maria?
A a waiter B a receptionist C a cook
4 Where are the speakers?
A In a restaurant B In a shop C At a cinema

Part 3
Listen and choose True (T) or False (F).
0 The speaker has Science homework. T/F

5 The time is 7.30 in the evening. T/F

6 The speaker feels tired at the moment. T/F

Part 4
Listen and choose True (T) or False (F).
7 The speaker has four classes on a Tuesday. T/F
8 The speaker gets home from school at 4.45. T/F

Part 5
Listen and choose True (T) or False (F).
9 Sam is waiting at the swimming pool. T/F

10 Sam feels tired after he swims. T/F


Part 6
Listen to the children talking about a game. Put the steps (A-F) in the correct order.

0 Step 1 A A Get a group of people.

1 Step 2 ______
D B Walk to Grandma.

2 Step 3 _______
E C Don’t move when she looks.

3 Step 4 ______
D Choose 'Grandma.
Chris Josh
4 Step 5 ______ E Grandma stands next to the wall.

5 Step 6 _______
F F Try to touch grandma.

Part 7
Listen to the teenagers talking about a game. Choose A, B or C.

0 What do you need to play the game?

A paper B the time C toy cars

6 What do you draw on the paper first?

A cars B squares C 1 to 10

7 What do you write on the paper?

A numbers B letters C numbers and letters

8 What is the rule?

A The other player B The other player C You give your paper to
can see your paper. can’t see your paper. the other player.

9 How many cars does each player have?

A1 B5 C 10

10 What do you do to win?

A hit the other player’s cars B guess the right number C hit your cars

E. WRITING __/10
I You’re going to write a short article about a sports person you admire (really like) from
your country. Write 6–8 sentences.
In paragraph 1, say:
 who the person is.
 what sport they do.
In paragraph 2, say:
 why they’re famous.
 why you admire the person.
My sporting hero is Quang Hai . He is a football player in Vietnam. He is striker in team

He is very famous because he playing football very well
and he always listens to his teammate . i admire him because i think he is so cool , handsome and play sport of world very
well .






II You’re going to write a description of your favourite meal. Write 6–8 sentences.
 what the meal is.
 what’s in it.
 what you like about it.
when/where you eat it (eg on special days/at a restaurant).
My favourite meal is BBQ . There are grill meat,sea food,drinks and other food . i love BBQ because food in there are very
delicious and you can eat delight.I love eat it with all my friends in the beach in my birthday.







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