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SNHS implements Earthquake Drill

In line with the DepEd Memorandum NO. 209, S. 2023, Solsona National High School
participated in the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) First Quarter, March 10,

More than 1000 students including the teaching and non-teaching staffs joined the
activity headed by the teacher coordinator, sir Arellano Jr.

The activity included students executing the Duck, Cover, and Hold. Comments and
recommendations were given by the coordinators after the drill was finished. It emphasize
resilience among SNHS learners to promote Disaster Risk Preparedness before, during and after
an earthquake.

According to sir Arellano, the said program seeks to educate and raise awareness to
students and staffs the importance of Disaster Risk Preparedness and to facilitate proper
response when an earthquake does occur.
SNHS, stakeholders conducts Dental Mission

In line with the Department’s flagship program on promoting health and wellbeing
dubbed Oplan Kalusugan (OK), Solsona National High School (SNHS) conducted a Dental
Mission, at SNHS covered court, March 11

A total of 62 grade 7 and 8 learners underwent tooth extraction, 112 students with
the Flouride Varnish Application, 60 students received oral health kits from the school fund.
Students also received free medicine and food pack.

The said program was spearheaded by the school nurse of SNHS, Mrs. Lilibeth Sacro in
collaboration with dental practitioners of Schools Division of Ilocos Norte (SDOIN) , Provincial
Health Office (PHO) and a private dentist.

This is anchored from the school’s flagship program Project Tender Loving Care(TLC)
which ultimately aims to ensure students and employees’ welfare and development.

Grade 7 and 8 learners listened attentively while the dental practitioners deliver their
speech to educate the students and staffs regarding dental health awareness.

“Prevention is always better than cure. Good oral hygiene habits will keep away the most
of the dental problems seeing you from toothaches and costly dental treatments” said by an
officer from PHO.
Ressa reiterates Truthful Information in Journalism

“Without facts, you can’t have truth. Without truth you can’t have trust” said by Mrs.
Maria Ressa, the founder, CEO, and executive editor of Rappler, a news website during her
speech on the conduct of Mini Pressconference held for the Journalists at SNHS, March 11.

“I stand before you, a representative of every journalist around the world who is forced
to sacrifice so much to hold the line, to stay true to our values and mission: to bring you the
truth and hold power to account” she began by emphasizing that we should be truthful in every

She said how gendered disinformation is a new threat and is taking a significant toll on
the mental health and physical safety of women, girls, trans, and LGBTQ+ people all over the
world. Ressa also highlights that women journalists are the epicenter of risk. This pandemic of
misogyny and hatred needs to be tackled.

She stated that social media is a fatal fame for power and money. Facebook may be the
world’s largest distributor of news, however, studies found out that lies laced with danger and
hate circulates faster than facts on social media.

According to her, without trust, we have no shared reality, no democracy, and it is not
possible to fight with the world’s existential problems such as corona virus, climate change
particularly the battle for truth.

“Now, please with me, close your eyes. And imagine the world as it should be. A world
of peace, trust, and empathy, bringing out the best that we can do. Now let’s go and make it
happen. Let’s hold the line. Together” Ressa ended her speech by giving the journalists a
challenge to overcome.

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