EN46 - HDH - Dịch Nâng Cao II PDF

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Hanoi Open University Learning Opportunity for All

My dear students!
This electronic material (Collection of Lectures) for the subject “Translation
II” is compiled basing on the syllabus and the curriculum of the Faculty of English
approved by Hanoi Open University in accordance with the educational regulations
of the Ministry of Education and Training. This electronic material is carried out
relying on the original textbook of “Translation II” already compiled by teachers
at Hanoi Open University.
General introduction:
This book is meant to help English as a Foreign Language (EFL) university
students familiarise themselves with the advanced translation skills.
The material, designed mainly from a practical perspective, comprises 4
lectures which are expected to correspond to 2 credits (30 classroom hours)
assigned in your curriculum as follows:
Lecture 1: Chủ đề: Văn hóa- Văn học (Culture- Liturature)
Lecture 2: Chủ đề: Môi trường (Environment)
Lecture 3: Chủ đề: Xã hội (Social issues)
Lecture 4: Chủ đề: Kinh tế (Economics)
First you should have a look at the contents of the book so that you can
visualize what you expect to do or have to do.

Lecture 1:
1.1 English- Vietnamese Translation
1.1.1 Vocabulary
1.1.2 Text Analysis- Notes for translation
1.2 Vietnamese- English Translation

TRANSLATION II Advanced Level_Dịch nâng cao II – EN46 Trang 1

Hanoi Open University Learning Opportunity for All
1.2.1 Vocabulary
1.2.2 Text Analysis- Notes for translation
Lecture 2:
2.1 English- Vietnamese Translation
2.1.1 Vocabulary
2.1.2 Text Analysis- Notes for translation
2.2 Vietnamese- English Translation
2.2.1 Vocabulary
2.2.2 Text Analysis- Notes for translation
Lecture 3:
3.1 English- Vietnamese Translation
3.1.1 Vocabulary
3.1.2 Text Analysis- Notes for translation
3.2 Vietnamese- English Translation
3.2.1 Vocabulary
3.2.2 Text Analysis- Notes for translation
Lecture 4:
4.1 English- Vietnamese Translation
4.1.1 Vocabulary
4.1.2 Text Analysis- Notes for translation
4.2 Vietnamese- English Translation
4.2.1 Vocabulary
4.2.2 Text Analysis- Notes for translation

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Hanoi Open University Learning Opportunity for All
The guide in details:
Chủ đề 1: Văn hóa- Văn học
I. English- Vietnamese Translation
Bài lựa chọn: What is happiness?
After this lesson, students will be able to:
- Get familiar with the steps of doing English-Vietnamese translating
- Analyze the sentence patterns and their component functions
- Get accustomed to the use of gerund
- Use some structures and expressions properly in translation
Bài tập cho sinh viên thực hành: dịch bài Merry Anniversary
II. Vietnamese- English Translation
Bài lựa chọn: Một thoáng hồ Gươm
After this lesson, students will be able to:
- get familiar with the steps of doing the English-Vietnamese translating.
- get to know how to analyze the sentence patterns and their component
- get to know how to relate or link ideas with one another.
- get familiar with how to deal with rhetorical devices in translation.
Bài tập cho sinh viên thực hành: dịch bài Chợ Việt Nam

Chủ đề 2: Môi trường

I. English- Vietnamese Translation
Bài lựa chọn: Acid rain
After this lecture, students will be able to
- get familiar with vocabulary related to environmental problems
- get to know how to analyze the sentence sentences and their component
TRANSLATION II Advanced Level_Dịch nâng cao II – EN46 Trang 3
Hanoi Open University Learning Opportunity for All

- get to deal with noun phrases and expressions of cause in translation.

Bài tập cho sinh viên thực hành: dịch bài Environment
II. Vietnamese- English Translation
Bài lựa chọn: Khan hiếm nước- Thách thức toàn cầu
After this lecture, students will be able to
- get familiar with pun
- enrich their vocabulary of environment
- get to know how to analyze the sentence patterns and their component
- get to know how to relate or link ideas with one another.
- get familiar with how to deal with parallelism, cause-effect sentences
Bài tập cho sinh viên thực hành: dịch bài Con người đang tự hủy diệt mình

Chủ đề 3: Xã hội
I. English- Vietnamese Translation
Bài lựa chọn: The true value of age
After this lesson, students will be able to:
- Get knowledge of how to take care of their health in general
- get familiar with technical terms and structures of health care.
- Get to know how to exploit the implication of hidden meaning of text.
Bài tập cho sinh viên thực hành: dịch bài Do we really want to live to 130?
II. Vietnamese- English Translation
Bài lựa chọn: Hạt nhân của bình đẳng giới
After this lecture, students will be able to
- get familiar with vocabulary related to social issues
- get to know how to analyze the sentence patterns and their component

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Hanoi Open University Learning Opportunity for All

- get to know how to relate or link ideas with one another.

- get familiar with how to deal with modality, passive and active voice
when translating

Bài tập cho sinh viên thực hành: dịch bài Xóa đói giảm nghèo

Chủ đề 4: Kinh tế
I. English- Vietnamese Translation
Bài lựa chọn: Economics
After this lecture, students will be able to
- enrich their vocabulary of
- get to know how to analyze the sentence patterns and their component
- deal with modality, cause-effect sentences effectively
Bài tập cho sinh viên: thực hành dịch bài: What is marketing?
II. Vietnamese- English Translation
Bài lựa chọn: Chìa khóa của tăng trưởng- Đẩy mạnh xuất khẩu
After this lecture, students will be able to
- get familiar with business words
- get to know how to analyze the sentence patterns and their component
- get to know how to relate or link ideas with one another.
- get familiar with how to deal with concessive clause, comparative
Bài tập cho sinh viên thực hành: dịch bài Lĩnh vực hợp tác của ASEAN.

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Hanoi Open University Learning Opportunity for All
In the middle of the lecture you are given some QUESTIONS FOR
DISCUSSION. After reading and answering those questions, you have a
chance to check what you have learned or approached. If you haven’t
mastered or understood any theories or principles of phonetics and
phonology, you may reread or relearn the previous parts. If you are sure that
you know all the matters well, you can confidently move on to the next parts.

The required textbooks for this subject:

 Tài liệu bắt buộc:
1. Giáo trình Giáo trình dịch, quyển II, Tủ sách khoa tiếng Anh (2013) Khoa
Tiếng Anh - Viện Đại học Mở Hà Nội;
2. Bài giảng điện tử học phần Dịch nâng cao II - biên soạn tháng 5/2017.
At the end of each lesson there will be some questions and exercises for
students to answer and practise. It is necessary for learners to practise and
consolidate all the knowledge and matters that have been taught and explained. If
you make sure that you have mastered the concepts and problems presented and
explained, and that you have completed al the exercises successfully, you can move
on to the next lessons. When you are not sure of the things you have learned, you
have to redo all the exercises and revise all the basic contents in the previous
In order to study this electronic material effectively, you should take the
following steps into consideration:
1. Prepare all the mandatory documents, text books and reference books required.
2. Listen and read all the instructions and texts carefully and memorize the
objectives of each lesson.

TRANSLATION II Advanced Level_Dịch nâng cao II – EN46 Trang 6

Hanoi Open University Learning Opportunity for All
3. Study each part of the lesson in sequence, prepare pens and notebooks in hand
in order to take notes of the necessary information and make a list of complaints if
any so that you can share them on your forum
4. Do all the exercises and answer all the questions with care and autonomy.
5. Read all the reference books required.
6. Evaluate all the objectives you have gained or mastered yourself so that you can
readjust your strategies of study on different parts of each lesson or any contents
in this material or any reference books.
Besides, you are given some of the reference books as follows
Các tập tutorial handouts, phần mềm powerpoint.
 Tài liệu tham khảo:
1. Nguyễn Thượng Hùng [2005] Dịch thuật: từ lý thuyết đến thực hành,
Nxb Văn hóa Sài Gòn.
2. Nguyễn Quốc Hùng [ 2006] Hướng dẫn kỹ thuật biên dịch Anh Việt-
Việt Anh, Nxb TP Hồ Chí Minh
3. Douglas Robinson [2000] Becoming a translator – An introduction to
the Theory and Practice of Translation, London and New York
4. Lê Hiếu Ánh [1999] Hướng dẫn dịch báo chí tiếng Anh, Nxb Thanh niên
5. Giáo trình dịch 2,3 của khoa Tiếng Anh, Đại học Ngoại thương

Make a success of your study!

Lecturers: ThS. Vũ Tuấn Anh
ThS. Nguyễn Thị Thu Hường
ThS. Võ Thành Trung

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