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3rd Written report

Laura Lucia Báez Salcedo

A good city requires several aspects, starting with good maintenance

throughout the city, in many countries the mistake is made of thinking
that by having a part of the city clean, in good maintenance they are
already advanced, but not really, for having a good city requires the
entire city to be well from every point, to start the maintenance of a
good city requires having a good mayor a person who guides, who has
strategies to guide the city to have a good function.

For a good city, fundamental aspects are required, beginning, that to

have a future with a sustainable city, the most important thing is to
have a clean environment. Breathing fresh air helps us prevent some
of the most common respiratory diseases in children, in addition to this,
Maintains the most stable quality of life, water is the source of life, night
life and entertainment is important because people need to relate,
meet new people, in addition to tourism, which is a fundamental part of
a city, many cities require night life to stay stable, a good public
transport is important, with good management of public transport, it
would reduce pollution a little, since one of the sources of
contamination is the gas that is thrown away by public transport and
this produces pollution, public spaces and green areas are vital, trees
provide clean air, help decontaminate a little and maintain air without
less pollution, an important factor is that the current population wants
to study, to reduce poverty, an example is Swiss, the quality of life is
better because the population from a very young age tries to study to
get a stable job, and thus be able to maintain a healthy economy
country is based too much on the economy, in these moments of
quarantine the economy and health are important aspects, a stable
economy, helps a country and more a city to have resources, to be
able to solve problems in the future, an important element is a good
landscape, keeping our natural resources in good condition is
important, taking care of our environment, keeping the ocean clean,
taking care of it so that it does not have garbage, do not put plastic,
take care of animals, keep our natural reserves in good state, take care
of the mountains, parks, oceans, trees, terrain.

In conclusion, if we want to have a clean city in good condition, we

have to take care of our city, we have to start from now, taking care of
what we have, good maintenance will help us to have, in the future,
good connections, that is, with a city that remains stable in all aspects,
both in the economy in health, in the environment, we will soon achieve
a better quality of life

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