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1. In the old of trade, people didn’t use money but they exchanged
something they had for something they needed. The word
“exchanged” is closest in meaning to ................
A. gave
B. offered
C. exported
D. altered
E. bartered

2. It is easy to produce electricity from a wind generator. This is simply

a windmill that converts the kinetic energy of the wind into
The underlined word means ..........................
A. develops
B. adapts
C. changes
D. replaces
E. produces

3. I like casual dress very much because it’s more ........................ to wear
in a relax situation.
A. comfortable
B. complicated
C. acceptable
D. impressive
E. easy
4. Children began their ............................. education at the age of six.
A. finish
B. learn
C. spend
D. formal
E. outside

5. The soldiers had to hide in the woods without food for a week.
Fortunately none of them starved to death.
The underlined word means .......................
A. have no pain
B. unbearable feeling
C. suffer from illness
D. suffer from hunger
E. have supplies of food

6. One bad effect of playing a computer game is eye irritation.

The underlined word means ..............................
A. advantage
B. result
C. benefit
D. issue
E. cause
7. “The Borobudur temple needs a complete restoration that focuses
mainly on cultural factor.” The underlined word means .......................
A. concentrates
B. gathers
C. points
D. directs
E. presses

8. “Come on. You cannot depend on me to solve all your problems. Grow
up, young man!”
The undelined word has the same meaning with ..............
A. go on
B. refer to
C. belong to
D. consist of
E. rely on

9. In Tana Toraja the corpse is left in the house until a funeral

ceremony is held.
The underlined phrase means ....................
A. the way a dead person is burried
B. a ceremony held for a dead person
C. a procession before burning
D. a ceremony to burn a dead body
E. a tradition to honour a dead person

10. Banks normally hold customers’ money in two distinct forms: current
account and deposit account. The underlined word is similar to ............
A. different
B. important
C. similar
D. seperated
E. equal

11. All departments are supposed to figure out how much money they
each need to run their project. The underlined phrase means .............
A. to visualize
B. to carry out
C. to realize
D. to subsidize
E. to work out

12. In the United States, .................................. which is a branch of sport

using an oval-shape ball, is more popular than soccer. They start
playing it since they are kids.
A. volleyball
B. baseball
C. cricked
D. softball
E. rugby

13. Accepted behaviour among members of a particular social group is a

part of ...........
A. law
B. rule
C. culture
D. attitude
E. education

14. In the era of high-technology solar energy is used to power various

devices used to make life more comfortable. The underlined word
means ..............
A. designs
B. sources
C. inventions
D. equipment
E. development

15. The aim (71) of planting one million trees in cities is not only for
restoration, but also for ..................... pollution.
A. combating
B. absorbing
C. reducing
D. soaking
E. driving
16. Folklore, such as customs, habits, traditional stories, is handed down
from father to son, mother to daughter, grandparent to grandchild.
The underlined phrase means ..............
A. given
B. brought
C. repeated
D. passed on
E. transferred

17. If you have a current account, you do not have to ...................... large
amounts of money and run the risk of loosing it.
A. carry
B. save
C. send
D. pay
E. get

18. A leak in a nuclear power station endangers the lives of people living
in its surroundings. The underlined word means ..............
A. explosion
B. power
C. source
D. crack
E. spot

19. One of the effect of bank liquidation( closing down) is that small
industries have to ................ their business. Many of them have
dismissed their workers.
A. stop
B. move
C. alter
D. cancel
E. change

20. Most farmers in Brebes grow onions because its land is sufficiently
fertile to grow onions. Another word for fertile is ............
A. scarce
B. healthy
C. productive
D. prosperous
E. appropriate

21. People living near this river are prohibited to use its water because
it has been heavily ..................... with industrial chemical wastes.
A. refined
B. purified
C. damaged
D. restricted
E. contaminated
22. The government has given a/an ............................ to factories which are
polluting a neighbouring river with their waste.
A. note
B. warning
C. attention
D. regulation
E. announcement

23. Wearing such an expensive suit, Bill looks like a wealthy man. The
underlined word means ..................
A. rich
B. modern
C. famous
D. healthy
E. gentle

24. From 1967 onward, cinemas began to loose their ...................... People
prefer watching TV programs at home.
A. sponsore
B. audiences
C. producers
D. companies
E. cameramen

25. “Please send your ................ letter including your curriculum vitae to
the Personnel Manager.”
A. inquiry
B. application
C. invitation
D. request
E. personal

26. Edy comes to my house at 7 p.m.

When I open the door, he says ...............
A. good morning
B. good evening
C. good night
D. good day
E. good bye
27. I can’t ....................... a holiday in Singapore, my money is not enough
for that.
A. afford
B. propose
C. start
D. maintain
E. acquire

28. The big flood destroyed rice fields and the farmers suffered a
great loss. The synonym of the underlined word is ........................
A. swept
B. broken
C. watered
D. damaged
E. improved
29. Everybody likes him because of his humility towards his neighbours.
The antonym of the underlined word is ...................
A. pride
B. patience
C. courtesy
D. politeness
E. hospitality

30. Hundreds of soocer hooligans disburse from the stadium after a

clash with other supporters. The underlined word has the same
meaning as ......................
A. meet
B. reunion
C. conflict
D. training
E. competition

31. The sun’s heat has a bad ........................ on our skin. It can cause skin
A. abuse
B. affair
C. effort
D. effect
E. access

32. Most of the actresses care a lot about their performance, so they
follow ..................
A. the oldest fashion
B. the second fashion
C. the latest fashion
D. the cheapest fashion
E. the out of date fashion

33. If a builder is going to build a factory, a lot of workers have a good

chance to ........................ the jobs.
A. observe
B. create
C. take
D. apply for
E. do
34. People who want to see the collection of ancient objects that are
closely related to history can go to the museum. The word closest in
meaning to the underlined one is ..................
A. antique
B. expensive
C. old
D. new
E. unique

35. In June 1945, an international organization, which is known as the

UN, was founded. The word founded means ...............
A. got up
B. set up
C. warmed up
D. closed up
E. looked up

36. Indonesia exports commodities such as oil, natural gas and tin. These
commodities belong to the class .....................
A. crops
B. timber
C. fabrics
D. services
E. minerals

37. To attract readers, a reporter should provide up to date aticles for

his newspaper. The underlined words means ...................
A. modern
B. earliest
C. factual
D. latest
E. good

38. It’s incridible that in our country the inflation rate has risen to two
digits. The underlined word means ................
A. impolite
B. impossible
C. unbreakable
D. unbelievable
E. uncomfortable
39. Ann is going to America next month. She’s never been there before.
She’s really ........................... now.
A. excited
B. worried
C. confused
D. horrified
E. surprised

40. Candi Borobudur is a/an ............................... work of art which depicts

the history of Budhism.
A. relaxing
B. motivating
C. spectacular
D. enetertaining
E. encouraging

41. Computers are electronic machines that handle .....................

a. report
b. number
c. memory
d. process
e. instruction
42. Cut Nyak Dhien, R.A. Kartini, and Dewi Sartika are well-known as ....
a. fighters
b. warriors
c. heroines
d. chairladies
e. politicians

43. A suddent and violent shaking of the ground caused by ....................

has damaged the village.
a. flood
b. eruption
c. hurricane
d. earthquake
e. tidal-wave
44. We decided to stay home because Sita wasn’t very keen
on ........................ out in the rain.
a. go
b. goes
c. went
d. to go
e. going

45. Metal coating on the disk reflects the laser ............................. into the
light detector.
a. line
b. light
c. heat
d. beam
e. wave

46. A rainbow, which has beautiful stripes, .................. in the sky after
a. sets
b. rises
c. shines
d. appears
e. explodes
47. Most people in big cities cannot .................. fresh air because it has
been polluted by smoke from factories and cars.
a. reach
b. take
c. feel
d. taste
e. beathe

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