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In this opportunity, let me deliver my speech about mental health.

In my opinion, there are still many people that indifferent or even do not care about this important
topic. The purpose of my presence here is to tell you what is still vaguely heard from us. Indonesian
citizens still do not fully understand the importance of mental health over physical. The same does for
physical health which must be cured if it’s hurt, mental health should also be addressed immediately if
a disturbance occurs. It aims to prevent people with mental disorders from committing crimes or things
that we don’t want.

People with long-standing mental disorders can cause stress or even depression. According to basic
health research in 2021 shows that mental health disorders in Indonesia experienced by the young
generation aged 15 years and over represent 6.1 % of the total population of Indonesia.

There are still many people who commit self-harm by slashing their wrists and torturing themselves not
to eat for days, there is even someone whom every day cries over their fate of life to the point of
thinking about ending his own life in hope that the problem will be solved and there is no one burdened
by them.

If there is someone who asks, why is such a young age would feel that their problem is big? We are
different people, so the problem will be also different, we never believe if we did not feel it.

So that is why, you who experienced what you feel. don’t ever try to hide or avoid it. Maybe that scar is
still there, but you forget how the pain feels, but we will feel the pain more when we feel that we are
healed but other people are reintroducing the pain. For those of us who are live side by side with them,
we are both trying to live this life, not judge each other, be kind to ourselves and others, or at least we
can try to not hurt each other.

Thank you so much for your kind attention.

My deepest congratulation on your 26th year of excellence. This milestone is a true indication of your
success. I believe this institution will have continuous academic development and achievement.

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