English Speech Competition

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English Speech Competition

Term and Condition

 Make One Take Video (1-3 Minutes Duration)

 Speak Without Text
 Send the Video Via Google Drive

Speech FrameWork

Speech Title: ()

 During the duration of the video, contestants must:

- Ensure that their camera is mounted or secure
- Ensure good lighting in the area so the judges can see the contestants’ facial expressions
- Check if the surrounding area is quiet so that they have the clearest sound
- Be mindful of the timing signal
- After opening, begin to introduce yourself ( Name and Where you from)
- Begin your speech
- Closing
- Birthday wishes For the 26th Years Anniversary of Ariyanti

Scoring Criteria :

 Appearance
 Intonation
 Fluency (smooth delivery and good pace)
 Expression
 Body language
 Pronunciation
 Eloquence ( Did the Participant Show interest and enthusiasm for the topic)

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