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First Learning Result

Final Test

Instructions: Read carefully and do all that each item ask. Upload a pdf document with
all your answers in teams, save your document with your full name.

1. In the wordsearch find 5 words related with food vocabulary. Make one sentence
with each word using the article “a” or “an”.

Example: I need an orange. 10 points.

2. Write the correct time to each clock. 10 points.

3. Complete the following sentences with the correct preposition of time. 10 points.
4. Complete the conversation with the correct information. 10 points.
5. Read the information bellow and fill the chart. 10 pints.
6. Complete the sentences with the correct word have or has. 10 points.
7. Complete the sentences with the correct verb be, then write the same sentence in
a negative way. 10 points.
8. Mention each room of the following house and write at least 3 furniture in each
space. 10 points

9. Unscramble the words to guess which hobby is it and then make a sentence
using the correct structure. 10 points.
10. Write a paragraph about the daily routine of your family, include activities you do
and don’t do and the specific time, at least 10 lines. 10 points.

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