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My Carmine Red (COMPLETED)

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: |
KinnPorsche: The Series (TV),
| KinnPorsche: The Series (TV) RPF
Relationship: Build Jakapan Puttha/Bible Wichapas Sumettikul, Pete Phongsakorn
Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Arm & Pete Phongsakorn
Character: Bible Wichapas Sumettikul, Build Jakapan Puttha, Bas Asavapatr
Additional Tags: Cheating, Infidelity, Rough Sex, LGBTQ Character, Implied/Referenced
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-08-16 Completed: 2022-08-29 Chapters: 21/21 Words:

My Carmine Red (COMPLETED)

by yourjjstory


Arm and Pete are happy couple. Three years together and they've known as the perfect
couple. Made in heaven and picture perfect of what healty relationship should look like. But
then, Vegas happens.

(English is not my first language, please forgive me if there's wrong in spelling or anything
in how i wrote this fanfict.)
Chapter 1


"Happy anniversary, babe." i woke up early to cook his favorite meal, grilled chicken with honey.
So i can wake him up on our 3rd year anniversary with breakfast in bed, which he can never do that
because i'm very strict about house rules.

"Hmmm smell so good. Thank you, baby. Happy anniversary!" he kissed my forehead and hug me
tight whilst snuggled his head to my neck and sniffing my neck like he usually do.

"But, didn't it too heavy for breakfast?" he asked. "This is Thailand and we are Asian, stop acting
like you still lived in London." Arm spent his 2nd year of college in London for his research. So
last year we were on long distance relationship for 8 months and after he came back, a few times he
still refuse to eat heavy food for breakfast and only want to have eggs and bread which not enough
for a guy from Southern Thai like me.

"Let's eat."

Then, we finish all the food and while i washing the dishes, Arm hugged me from behind and
kisses my neck. I know for sure what this is heading.

"Babe, i know today is our anniversary, but we have to hurry. You have an important meeting with
alumni about your internship, right? Also i have a really crutial class this morning. I can't come late
again, i already late 3 times on that class." I said that without looking at him and still washing all
the dirty utensil.

"Oh God, i totally forget about that. Okay i take a shower, then. You can join after finish that." he
run to grab his towel and close the door loudly. "Hey!!" i shouted and he re-open the door and
close them again gently. We always did that if he (mostly) bang the door loudly.


"Have a great day, babe. I'll pick you at 7, okay?" Arm drop me off in front of my faculty building
and he sped up after waving his hand at me and gave me a kiss sign with his red lips.

"Happy anniversary, lovebird!" Jin startled me, he came from nowhere and suddenly he stading
next to me hand in hand with his boyfriend, Zee.

"You remember my anniversary? What a great friend, Jin." i said, "Really? You were not stop
talking about this Wednesday is your 3rd year anniversary. Of course i remember." Jin talks really
fast when he's irritated. "Slow down, love. It's 9 in the morning and you really have this much
energy?" his boyfriend intefere and Jin immidiately give him the death stare. Let me tell you, if
your partner is on fire, don't ever try to shut them down.

"Let's go, we have to do the most unnecessary thing in the whole world. Study." Jin pull my arm
and walk with me to class.

Class is over since 6 PM and now i sit on the coffee shop in front of the campus, waiting for Arm
to come pick me up at 7. And now 7.15 and he still hasn't come. My text was left on read when i
asked about tonight. Maybe he's on the way.

I try to call him for the 19th time, he still not answering. My heart was pounding so fast. I'm afraid
something bad happens to him.

But then he calls me back

"Why? What happened? I text you since 6 and you left me on read. I called you multiple times and
you were not even answered. Don't you realize how afraid i am?" i'm a little upset because he
sounds like nothing happened and just saying that without saying sorry first.

Arm explained things and i still upset with him.

"Ok. Take care."

"Have fun, babe. I coming home by myself then. Take care."

"I love you, too."

I hang up the phone and finish my iced coffee so i can go home. Five minutes later i already outside
the coffee shop standing on pavement and try to order online taxi. So i look down staring at my
phone and a motorcycle stopped in front of me.

"Pete, what are you doing here this late?" Vegas, my senior who i knew since high school are on
that red motorcycle stopped before me. He took off his helmet and asked "Waiting for Arm?"

I shook my head.

So basically everyone knew about me and Arm, we won 'The Cutest Couple on Campus' title last
year after Arm came back from UK.

"Then why you are still here?" he asked

"Just about to order the taxi." i answered

"Where do you live?"

"Green Earth Apartment." i answered awkwardly because we were never talked before. Vegas is
the kind of guy who only talk when it's important. The only person which i saw with my own eyes
talking with Vegas only Boun, his bestfriend. And maybe Boun's boyfriend, but i try to say that he
never talks. He is cold. And his face, he looks like he wants to slaughter everyone who stands in
front of him.

"Really? How can we lived in the same building but i don't even noticed. Hop on!" he gave sign
with his head, asking me to hop on to his motorcycle. It took about 30 seconds to decide and i
hopped on with grabbing his shoulder to help me climb up this Vegas' red ride, and there's nothing
wrong with it. Arm knows Vegas and Vegas knows Arm, plus we lived in the same building. This
is just me trying to justified my decision.

"Why you were there until this late if you weren't waiting for Arm?" he asked and i find it difficult
to answer because the wind hitting my face like they want to fight me and make me mad.
"Okay i'll slow down." Vegas noticed and slow down a little bit.

"He can't make it. So i have to go back by myself." he nodded and i realized that i didn't ride a
motorcycle for a long time. I really enjoy this. Those city light. This wind. The cold of night air
who absorbed by my skin which only wearing short sleeve t-shirt and grey thin cardigan as an

"You really enjoy night ride like this, huh Pete?" Vegas asked as he saw me closed my eyes and
inhale this night air from his rear view mirror.

"Yea. But Arm never let me. I got sick easily. I might got cold or fever tonight. But i love this, i
don't mind getting my nose running for three days." i laugh a little and i can see from those tiny
mirror that Vegas is smiling. I don't know it was only a reflect of the pulse pulling his cheek
muscles or what. But he doesn't look like 'Vegas The Devil' like what other people said.

"Do you want me to drop you off at the lobby?" he asked

"No, i just come with you to the parking lot." he parked his motorcycle on the basement and we
walk together from there. We walk into the elevator and i just realized that i left my keycard this
morning because Arm and i were planning to got home together.

"Vegas, i think i have to go back to the convenience store and just wait right there." i said.

"Why?" he asked and hold the elevator door so fast so it doesn't close yet.

"I left my keycard, so i have to wait for Arm." he let the door closing itself and put his hand back to
his pocket. "You can just wait in my room, then." he said that without even look at me, he stares at
the number who shows the floor number below the elevator door. And i notice that he already push
his floor number, it's 8, he lived at 8th floor, just one floor below mine.

"You come with me, or what?" the door open and he walks out, heading right, and look at me
through his shoulder gave the signal to follow him to his room.

"Make yourself at home. There's food and water on the fridge, just help yourself. I take a shower,
then." he said, i'm just being uncomfertable not only we didn't even that closed, like, at all. But this
place, his room, is so cold and very strange. Like no one lives here. Grey, black, and broken white
dominated this room, the bed is so neat and clean, there's no dirty clothes or dirty plates on the
sink, is he really lived here? But this isn't like abandoned room, there's no dust and this room
actually smell really calming like mint or citrus, i can't really tell. He's really are a different breed.
21 years old dude who take care of himself like this is really rare.

Few minutes later, he come out from the bathroom with black short and nothing on top, yes, Vegas
is topless and i can see his body still half wet while he's stroking the towel to his wet hair. I'm
getting nervous and look away.

"You didn't took anything to drink, Pete?" he asked whilst open the fridge and take out a can of
soda. "Soda?" he asked. "Please." i nodded, then he opened that can first and handed it to me. What
a gentleman.

"Do you need s straw or do you want me to pout it into a glass?" i shake my head and he continue
drink his.

"So, what time Arm come back? Have you tell him you're here?"

"Yes, i already left the text for him. I told him to come get me here when he get back. But he hasn't
reply, maybe he's on the way, or maybe he's still drinking with his friends." i answered awkwardly
because he pulls the chair and sitting right next to me. I swear i can't even stop staring at his body.
I mean, Arm also working out and have a nice body, but i never seen anyone abs this up close other
than Arm's before.

"Feel free to touch it." his voice break the silence and made me realized that i've been staring down
to his abs these whole minute.

"Hmmm, no, i was just hmmmm." i stuttered like i've been interviewed by murder detective or
something, i don't even have anything on my mind right now.

there's someone knock on the door, Arm, thanks God for saving me from this further

"I think that's my boyfriend right there." i get up and open the door with intention of runaway really
fast from this room.

"Hi Vegas, thank you for letting Pete waiting in your room." Arm said.

"Do you want to grab a drink first?" Vegas offered Arm to go inside his room first. I scream so loud
on my mind 'NOOOOO, SAY NOOOOOOO!!'

"Okay, this year we can celebrate our anniversary with the new companion. Right, babe?" Arm
smiled and get inside Vegas' room.


"So today is your 3 years being together? That's really cool." Vegas having a chit-chat with Arm
for about 15 minutes and Arm feels like he enjoy Vegas' companion. "Yes, and i think he's going to
be upset with me because i bailed out our promise to go out together tonight, but he seems fine."
Arm looks at me and smiling. I have no choice than smile back. What can i do? Get mad because
he ruined my perfect picture of cute fancy dinner on our 3rd anniversary or get mad because i have
to face Vegas again after he caught me stripped him down with my eyes.

"So, Vegas, maybe this one or two months i'll get really busy with internship's preparation and will
come home late very often, if Pete is alone and have no one to talk to, please keep him company,
will you?" what???? He didn't even comunicating this with me first and come to this ideas right
away? He really did that? Ask Vegas to keep me company?

"No, he doesn't have to." i interfere and shake my head.

"Okay, i'll give you my number so you can just tell me if you want me to give him a ride or
anything." Vegas proposed an idea and Arm who looks very confidence give his phone to Vegas so
Vegas can type down his number.


Back on our room, Arm said he was really tired and go staight to bed after showered.

This is not the anniversary celebration that i've imagined the whole day.

Wrong Turn.


It's been three days since my 3rd anniversary, me and Arm are barely talk. After his meeting with
his senior on our anniversary, he got chosen to do the internship on his company. I'm so happy for
him, i really do, but these past 3 days we only saw each other before he went so sleep, around
midnight and only said good night and good morning. I asked about how was his day, but he was
always too tired to answered. I got it, so i was just wake up early to preparing his breakfast and
pack his lunch. He texted me on lunch time, but only thanks for the lunch. Not even ask about have
i eaten yet or what did i do today.

How can he become so much more busy then when he was doing the research abroad?

"Pete.." Gen startled me. "I called you three times already, are you okay?" he asked. "Oh, i'm fine.
I just stressed out about the exam." i lied.

Gen looks really concern and he knew something's not right. Jin and Zee are more like newly weds
couple, they're hugging each other and kissing each others on the cheeks multiple times i noticed.

"Guys, got a room." Gen warned them when they're starting to give each others peck on the lips.

"We were going to eat lunch at my place and watch the new movie on netflix, sooooo we're going
first, okay?" Jin said his farewell with the 'face' and we understood what he meant with netflix and
chill terms.

"All right, darling. Just don't get pregnant!" Gen tease them, and they're just vanished right away.
That's what happened on first month being together.

"Pete, what's on your mind?" Gen still curious.

"No, nothing, Arm really got super busy these days. I just missed him, you know?" i spill it out,
Gen is one of the most wise person i've ever known. He alwasy gave the best advice and he also
very good listener.

"Hmm about that internship thingy?" he asked, i remember i once told him about Arm's internship

"Yes, but it's good tho. After he graduate, maybe this is what the future looks like. He's gonna be
busy with his career and i still have a lot of free time until i graduate and then we'll be busy together
once i dive into work and adulthood. Maybe like any others mature couple who spend their quality
times every weekend. Right?" i talk pretty fast.

"You're getting anxious, Pete. Maybe you should talk to him about how you worry and misses him
like this." he really understand me.

"Okay, maybe i should call him right now. Right?" i asked Gen for his advice, again.

"Yea, it's still half past twelve. Still a lunch time." he nodded and i dial Arm's number.

"Babe, what time do you come home today?" i asked with low voice, almost whispering, because i
never asked anything who pointing to the 'possesive' direction.

"Hmm, actually i have to go to central city to buy something for my art project. I thought you can
come home at 5 and accompany me. Can you?"

"Oh, okay. I just strolling by myself then. How's the lunch, babe? Was it good?" i tried to building
up the conversation.

"But it's not even 1 pm, you still have time, right?"

he hung up.


"He is really busy. Don't get mad at him, Pete. It's only three days. Maybe after one or two weeks,
he'll find the rythm and can come home on time." Gen try to cheer me up.

"Oh, he text me." i'm so happy when Arm's name popped up on my screen.

Bby, Vegas wants to help you find your stuff. He's free this evening. I gave him your number and
he'll call or text you to talk about where he can pick you up. Love you.

"What did he say?" Gen asked. "Nothing. Just cheering me up." i tried to hide the facts that i'm
going to have another encounter with the devil.


5 PM, my last class was dismissed and i check my phone, there's 3 missed calls and one text.

"Hi, Pete." i don't even have a chance to read the text and Vegas already standing outside of my
class. Gen and i are looking at each others, Gen really trying to figure out why this dude calling my

"Gen, i'm going. You take care, and text me when you're home." real fast, i walk toward Vegas and
pull him by his left arm.

"Vegas, you can't just showed up on my class like that." i warned him. "Why?" he asked.
"Because.." i find it really hard to found the excuse.

"It's not like we are cheating or something. Your boyfriend asked me to help you. That's it." Vegas
gave the very right answer. And i just stood there looking at him. "Hey.." he calls me again/
"Sorry. I'm spacing out. Okay, where are you park your motorcycle?" i look away.

"I didn't bring my motorcycle today. I drive my car. Let's go." he lead the way and we're in front
his red car and he opened my door.

"You don't have to do this, Vegas." i said. "But i want to." that man, i don't know he did that on
purpose or he just that kind of man who treats people nicely. But i said it before and i'm gonna say
it again, Vegas is different breed.

"So where are we going?" he asked when we passed the campus' gate. "Actually i have nothing to
buy, can we just go home?" i said.

"You really want him to come early, huh Pete?" he knew i lied to get Arm's attention. "You know i
can be your trash can for you to throw your emotion, right?" he added.

"No. Maybe just a little. But yea, i really need him right now." i don't realize why i tell this to
Vegas. I'm sure he's not really want to listen to my story, he just trying to be nice.

"Do you wanna get something to eat and talk about what you feel?" he asked. "Are you sure?" i
look at him and he nod his head. "What you want to eat? Japanese food? Chinese food?" he gave
me choices. "Thai food, do you like Thai food?" i suggested Thai food because i feel like i want the
spicy food right now.

"Actually i have Thai food at my place, my maid from home send me food this morning. Do you
want to come to my room instead? We can heat up the food and talk comfortably at my room." he
gave another choice.

"Sounds good."

And he took the one-eighty and drive to our apartment building.


We enjoy our food and not gonna lie, his maid's cooking are great. Taste really good.

"Are you ready to talk about your concern, Pete?" shit, i think he's really wanna listen to my
problem. We finished our dinner and he still wants to listen to my problems.

"So, since the anniversary day....." i talked a lot, he answered and respond once a while. We talked
for almost an hour and i slipped and say "I feel kinda lonely."

"You don't have to be lonely." he said.

We lost on each other's eyes, his face is getting closer to mine. We sitting on the sofa next to each
others, he leaning towards me and i can feel his breath on my face. He kisses me. On the lips. Like,
full kiss and not a peck.

I can't move, i should push him away and scold him, right? But why i feel like i want to feel the
kiss, too? I want to feel his kisses.

I think it's my fault, we should going to eat Japanese or Chinese food instead.

We just took the wrong turn.

The Devil.

"You don't have to be lonely." he said.

We lost on each other's eyes, his face is getting closer to mine. We're sitting on the sofa next to
each others, he leaning towards me and i can feel his breath on my face. He kisses me. On the lips.
Like, full kiss and not a peck.

I can't move, i should push him away and scold him, right? But why i feel like i want to feel the
kiss, too? I want to feel his kisses.

I think it's my fault, we should going to eat Japanese or Chinese food instead.

We just took the wrong turn.



Vegas keeps kissing me and i kissed back. I even close my eyes now. I... i wanna taste him so bad
right now.

His right hand grab me on my neck and his left hand grab my hair from behind and his grip is
getting harder every second.

"H...hurt." i said it under my breath. He didn't even loosen his grip. He uses his right hand to move
my head so he can kiss me on my neck. He bit me. "Vegas!" i warned him not to leave any marks.
He pull himself and run his hand through his messy hair before he pulls me by my arms then he
take me to his bed.

My heart beats faster, my heart knows this isn't right, but the minute Vegas hover on top of me and
took off his grey t-shirt, i lost it. He leads my hand to touch his upper abs and he slid it down to his
lower abs. I can feel i'm catching my own breath, and he noticed.

He roughly remove my clothes, my lilac shirt gone first, i'm topless now. He continue kissing my
neck and roughly go down until he stopped when he kissing my hip bone.

"I'm crazy about your hips, Pete. I really wanna do this since the first time i saw you in high
school." he said that with his deep voice and so slow almost like a whisper. Then he bite it, he bit
my hip. I try to push his head, but i have no power against him. Vegas is so strong, he didn't even
move a bit when i push his head so hard. I got a glimpse of Arm's face right now, but Vegas keeps
biting my left hip and squeeze the other right so hard. And i don't even feel any pain, all i feel is
pleasure all over my body. What's this feelings?

He turn my body over after he unzip my jeans and he take off my pants while i lay on my stomach.
My heart is pounding really fast, when his lips touch my thigh from behind, i can help but

"Hhh Ve..gas... ahh" then he stopped and roll me over again, now i laying on my back and he
stripped down his pants. He lean down to kiss my lips again, now i feel his bare skin and his
muscles touch my skin. I got goosebumps all of the sudden.

"Can i do it?" Vegas ask me. What are you thinking to ask this question after we both naked on the
bed like this? I said nothing and pull him by his neck and kiss him again. Our tongue feels like
complement each others. And what makes me really turn on are Vegas is moaning in between our

I pushed him and switch our position, he's now under me, i kiss all over his body and he keeps
moaning with his raspy voice "Yes Pete, i love that.." he said when i started to put his penis inside
of my mouth. Only for good two minutes maybe, he push me again to lay on my back.

"I can't hold it any longer, Pete." he pushes my legs up onto my stomach and he reached for the
drawer next to his bed and take out condom and new flip top caps of lube and ripped out its seal
and coating his finger with it. He pushed a finger deep to my behind and right away put the second
fingers in. My sound of moan is getting louder. "Scream as hard as you want, Pete. I love it." he
said whilst keep moving his fingers in and out my behind. "Ahh.. Vegas.. just put yours inside." i
said as i can't even hold for my release.

"Beg me." he said and he bite me on my thigh again. "Please Vegas.." i begged.

He opened up the condom with his teeth and i saw it right on top of me, he is so damn sexy.

He gave the condom to me and ask me to put it on him, "Put it on me."

I put it on him, my hands are shaking, it feels like the very first time i'm doing it, i feel really
embarassed. But whatever, i really feel the needs right now. I want him. I want Vegas.

"Good boy." he said that and push me back to my position and he rubbed the lube on his penis and
he thrust his penis inside me in one push. Damn, it hurts like hell. But after all of his are inside of
me, he leaning his body again and kissed my chest and neck to relaxed my body. Then he moving
his hips in slow rhythm. "Ahh yess, Vegas, i like it.. Hhh" i keep moaning and he grab my feet and
push it against my stomach to make my arsehole open wider. Then he fasten his rhythm and i can
hold it any longer, i do the release and it squirted on my body.

"You're so sexy." he wipe my pleasure liquid which touching my chin. With no warning, he flip my
body and rise my hips to be in bend positions. He coating his penis with lube again, and put it
inside me in one push, just like he did earlier. But then he grab my hair and fuck me faster. Which i
freaking loved it. This is very new to me. And i got my second release.

I can hear the little giggle like Vegas is having smirk on his face right now.

"You like it rough, huh?" he pushed my head to his white pillow and fuck me even harder, i can
feel his breathing tempo is faster and he move his hips so fast and "I...i coming.. i'm coming
pp..pete.. aahhh" he keeps doing the move even though i can feel that he's already do the release
inside me. Then he loosen up his hand which pushed down my head.

He tossed the condom and me who showering with our sweats are lay on my back and try to
control my breathing tempo.

Then i saw Vegas open up his drawer again and take out the condom, next round right away?

"Vegas, i think i need a break." i can't handle him, i'm afraid i got a heart attack if we continue to
do this right away, my heart beat is not normal.

"Shut up." he pulls me by my both arm and put me on the edge of the bed with my feet still folded
on my stomach and only my ass sticking out from the bed. Then he fucks me again.

My back aching because he keep pushing my head and my back so my body is lay straight with the
bed, my ass cheeks are getting numb because he slapped it so many times and hit me very hard
with his big hands. He really liked it rough.

We did it for 6 times already, we had the last round on the bathroom after he said that those five
are enough and we're gonna just take shower together.

My body are sore and aching everywhere. He gave me his shirt, because without Vegas even
realized, he threw the condom on the floor earlier and it touched my shirt. So my shirt got his
semen spilled on it.

"I'm gonna buy you another clothes." he said. "No. i can just wash it." i answered and i can't even
look at his face.

"Do you regret it?" he asked. "Regret?" he nodded. "I wouldn't do it at the first place if i knew i'm
gonna regret it. We did it for six times, Vegas. Don't ask ridiculous question right now." i answered
whilst typing my phone's password. It's almost 1 AM, Arm didn't even left me a text or gave me a
call. Is he not even worry about me?

"Let me sleep here." i said. Without even hearing Vegas' response, i walk towards his bed and
asked where the new bedsheet so i can change the sheet before i go to sleep.

"Why don't you go back to your unit?" he asked after he gave me the new bedsheet.

"Are you chasing me out?" i stopped what i was doing and look at him.

"No, i just think what's gonna happen if Arm found out you spending the night in other's man
bedroom?" he asked.

"He didn't even care, i think. He gave me to you, right? He knew i was with you the entire night,
but he didn't even asked anything. It's one fucking AM in the morning and my phone battery is still
98 persent. He didn't even bomb text me or calling me non-stops. HUH.." i said what i want to said
and losing my breath.

"Why don't you call him first?"

"No, i don't need to. Here. I changed the bed sheet, so you put this out." i handed him the dirty

"Are we gonna sleep on the same bed?" he asked.

"You think?" i climb up to his bed and cover my body with the blanket after i took of my jeans and
only wearing my boxer to sleep.

While my mind are full with 'how did it happened?' and 'what if Arm found out?', my face and my
mouth said that i don't care about Arm as long as he doesn't show me that he care for me more than
his internships.

"Pete.." Vegas calls me again after i can felt his body already on the bed behind me and got closer
to me.

"Huh?" i asked.

"Can i hug you?"

I turn my body, so i face him right now, and i ask question that i forgot to ask earlier.
"Vegas, when we made out in the begining you said that you love my hips and you really wanna
did that since we were on high school. Was it me heard you wrong, or that was true with what you
were saying?" i'm curious.

"I liked you since you were a freshman, Pete. From day one, since you wore that stupid glasses."
his answer is took me by surprise.

"What?? I don't even know you until like the end of freshman year. When you were beating up
some thugs from other school which made you almost drop out from school.

"I knew you since you were gave me my motorcycle key back." he said.

"What? Where? When was it again?" i can't even remember.

"You found the key at the canteen and you gave it to me on the parking lot when i was looking for
my key until i throw everything on my bag to the ground.

"Oww yaa i remember that. I knew that was your key because you were the only one person who
drive motorcycle to school. But i didn't even know your name or what grade you were in at that
time. How did you know me?"

"I asked around."

I don't know that was a real story or he just made it up, but the 'key' accident were real, so i
supossed to just hope this is all real and learn the facts that he liked me back then, or trying to be
denial and thinks this is all a joke so i don't catch feelings after having sex with him.

"Vegas.. I'd never had one night stand before. How can we do this? Like, what we'd be doing after
this?" i asked out of my curiousity.

"I'd never did this either. But i think this is not one night stand, Pete."

'What is it, then?" i asked and we look at each other eyes again.

"You are my future boyfriend."

I don't know he can tell a joke.

Not A Mistake.


"You are my future boyfriend." Vegas said.

"I don't know a guy like you can tell a jokes too." i said.

"Who's joking? I'm being serious." i don't want to ask anything anymore, so i look away from him
and try to sleep. Vegas getting closer and hug me from behind.


The next morning, i woke up alone on Vegas' bed. I can't find him everywhere, but i found a little
note written on sticky notes on the fridge;

Gotta go, i have morning class. See you at lunch.

Lunch? Who said i'm going to have a lunch with him?

I walk out from his room and walk to my room. I bumped into Arm which already dressed for
another day of his internship. Damn, what should i say?

"Hi babe? So sorry i went home really late. I'm glad that i can count on Vegas to look after you. He
told me that you were talking nonstops about yourself and watching movie the whole night."


"Hmm, yea.. It was.... it was really fun." i stuttered and hoping that Arm didn't find it weird.
"Okay i gotta go, babe. Love you." he kissed me on the cheek and left.
"Hmm babe, i already booked a table on our favorite restaurant and i invited Vegas to have lunch
with us. As an apology for you about yesterday and for him because i really got his hands full."
Arm, i felt so bad about hiding things from you. You are really a good guy. You always looks for
something good at people. I spent the whole night with Vegas, and you invited him for lunch?

"Okay babe. See you at lunch, then." then he goes to work and i got back to my unit.

So that's why Vegas said that we're gonna meet at lunch.

I go to bathroom and standing in front of the mirror. There's a lot of bruises from last night. I hope
Arm's gonna be too tired like these past days so he won't ask for sex until this marks are gone.


At campus, me and Gen are texting each other about meeting up on art room before we go to class
at 10. And there he is, with his baby pink polo shirt and white trouser, standing outside the room
and wave at me.

"Hi Gen. Why don't you get in?"
"Class is cancelled, Pete. So we have free time now. We'll have another class on 3PM. Do you
wanna get something to eat? Or maybe coffee? I wanna talk about yesterday." Gen said with
serious face. Did he know about Vegas??

"I'm going to have lunch with Arm today, so maybe we can only have snacks so i don't get full
later." i said. Then Gen ask me to with him top coffee shop which not really far from campus.


At the coffee shop, we sit next to the huge glass who can easily spotted by people who walking by.

"Yesterday, why did Vegas pick you up from class?" Gen didn't waste anymore time, he asked me
the second we sat on the chair.
"Arm asked him to accompany me."
"That's really long story, the only thing that i can tell you is Arm is like, trusting me to Vegas. He
asked Vegas to be there for me while he's away and busy with his internship." i'm telling the truth,
even though not the whole story.

"Did Arm know about Vegas?" Gen asked.

"What's wrong with Vegas?"
"Did Arm know that Vegas liked you back then and maybe until right now?" Gen's question
startled me.

"How did you know?" i asked.

"Everyone knows. Wait... don't tell me that you didn't know that Vegas is head over heels for
you?" Gen which earlier talking to me whilst sipping his drink, now he put his mug and look at me
dead in the eyes.

"I have no idea." me, answered and telling the truth.

"What?? After everything he has done??" i'm getting more confuse.

"He was the one who stopped York for punished you when we were on freshman year." i
remember very well that back then, there was this one guy on sophomore year who really enjoyed
annoy me. He asked me to buy his food, wipe his shoes, even bringing his bag at school, he was a
bully. But one day, suddenly he walked past me and not even have a balls to look at me in my eyes.
He walked past me like i was invisible. I wonder why.

"York? That guy just stopped bullying me, i thought he found new religions or something. What
was actually happened, Gen? I don't know anything. And why was that have to do with Vegas?"

"There was a senior asked me what relationship that you and Vegas had. He was so curious,
because he said that Vegas was threating York with his legs if he didn't stop bullying you. You
know York is football player, right? And he knew Vegas always be true with his words, so he had
chosen his legs over bullying you." That was shocking. How was i knew this right now? The story
like this, why did i only knew after 5 years.

"And he also made you can participate on art project on our senior year. When we were on senior
year, Vegas already a student here, so he was the one who told the judges from art major to gave
you a chance. I heard that from p'pink few months after we got into this university." Gen told me
the whole another story which not make me any less confuse than the previous one.

Why did i never know that Vegas is all around me those whole time?

"So, Arm didn't know about Vegas?"

"Are you kidding me? I was just learning this story right now, and you ask me about either Arm
knows it too? How the fuck i know, Gen?" me stressing out about everything i heard.
But that was all from the past, why did i bothered? We met by accident when i was ditched by
Arm. That was all only a coincidence.

"You should tell Arm, Pete."

"Why? That wasn't really important."

"Pete, Arm have to know that the man who he asked to be with his boyfriend is the one who crazy
over his boyfriend for 5 years." Gen told his point. And i still being denial.

"We didn't even know about that, Gen. No one could keeping that kind of feeling for 5 years." my
mouth speak faster than my mind. After said that, i got a flashed on my head about what Vegas'
said. He said, i'm his future boyfriend. Did he trying to steal me from Arm? Did having sex with
me last night was already planned? That's why he had the brand new lube and all the condoms are
new from the sealed package. I have to ask him.

"Who're you gonna call?" asked Gen when i dial a number and put my phone on my ear.

"Vegas, can we meet?" i asked and he was really just got out from his class was agreed to meet me
at this cafe. And Gen just play along.


Took him less than 5 minutes to meet me inside the cafe.

"Hi p'Vegas." Gen greets him.

"Hi, Gen." Vegas replied.

"You know him?" i asked Vegas about Gen.

"Gen, he was on our school. Of course i knew him." right, i forgot that Gen is also from the same
high school with me and Vegas.

"We really need to talk." i said to Vegas.

"Let's talk, then." Vegas sit on the chair next to me and i found Gen sit in front of me looking

"Gen, i think we'll go somewhere else. I'm going. Bye Gen." i pulls Vegas' hand and left with him.

"Why?" Vegas let go of my hand and asked me with his resting face.

"Do you still like me?" i asked right to the point.

"Yes." he also answer my question without any hesitation.

"You supposed to say 'no', Vegas."

"And why you want me to telling lies?" he said that with his natural face. Not shy or stutter, he
talks with his natural tone.

"Why are you agree to keep me company when Arm asked you?"

"Because i like you. How can i turned down opportunity like that?"
"Opportunity for what? Having sex with me?"

"Spending time with you. I never had a courage to asked you out. Not then and not now. Suddenly
Arm gave me that opportunity, so i took it." he said, again, with no expression. Flat.

"Okay, so you admit that you are well aware that you still into me even though i have a boyfriend,
and you were happy that my boyfriend asked you to be with me, right?"

He nodded, he agreed with everything i just said.

"Then not only you took that as the opportunity to get close to me, you also leading me to made a
mistake and having sex with you?" i got a little bit mad at him.

"I did take that as an opportunity to get close to you since i dropped you off that night, then Arm
asked me to stay with you and being your friend while he's busy, that was all how the fate works, i
think. And about last night, i didn't led you to make a mistake, i didn't even think that was a
mistake. Do you think that was a mistake, Pete?" he asked.

"OF COURSE, VEGAS! I have a boyfriend but i having sex with other man." i yelled at him and i
can see a little bit of disappointment on his eyes.

"I really want to justified what i did last night as a rebound sex when i got mad at my boyfriend,
then, what your excuse? Are you really enjoy having sex with someone's boyfriend and think that
wasn't even a mistake?" i asked him again. I think he's gonna stay silence and said nothing.

"Yes, i really enjoy what i did last night. And i probably gonna do it again. And about someone's
boyfriend or not, i don't really care. I told you last night that you're my future boyfriend. I alwasy
think of you that way. I've never think about you as someone's boyfriend. That's my excuse."

I just stood there and at that moment, i'm terrifying with what standing in front of me. Vegas is
really serious about what he said. I'm afraid to imagine what he will do to Arm.

"It's not like i'm gonna kill your boyfriend and make you mine, i'm not a psychopath if that what
you think." it's like he could read my mind.

"Just, do me a favor, don't tell anything to Arm. I beg you."

"I'm not like that, of course i'm not gonna tell him that i made his wifey screaming out my name the
whole night." he and his smirk.
He whispered on my ears and then he just walked away.

Another unpleasant encounter with the devil.


- Arm, Pete, and Vegas having lunch together -


"Thank you so much, Vegas. I've heard from Tem that you were picked him up at his class." Arm
said that while stroking Pete's back who sits next to him.
"Tem saw that?" Pete seems really uncomforatble sitting with me and Arm at the same table.
"Yeah, Tem said he was meeting with his friend at your faculty and he saw you both walked to
parking lot together." me and Pete sit across each other and i can see his sweating and his face is
pale. He really afraid Arm found out about what really happened that night.

The shivering moment are being alive again when the waiters come and bring out our lunch. We
eat and having a chit-chat for about 20 minutes. Arm keeps looking at his watch while we were
eating, it seems really impolite and unnecessary thing to do. No wonder Pete is getting lonely even
though it less than a week since Arm joined the internship.

"Hmm what exactly you two did at Vegas' unit?" suddenly Arm asked that question.

"A...hmmm.. we... we were.." Pete stuttering and look back and forth to his dessert bowl, my face,
and Arm's.

"We were watching Stranger Things, netflix series. Do you know it?" i told the lies and Arm
answer me with excitement. "Ohh ya, i heard that new season are coming out this month. Why are
you watching that without me, babe?" Arm looking at Pete and Pete was only gave his awkward
smile. He has nothing to say.

"So, you guys watch until which episode?"


We both answer at the same time but with different answer. Arm is still shoving his ice cream
dessert to his mouth and laugh.

"Pete, you watch until 3rd episode and fell a sleep, right? Hahaha that's just how he is, Vegas. You
can't expect him to watch the whole series or movies with him. He fell a sleep easily." Arm is
always come with his positive thoughts. I respect that.

"So you already watched until 5th episode? What happened there? I watched the trailer and Hopper
are still alive. How was that possible? He got blown up, right?" i don't know Arm is testing me or
he just curious.

"Yea, Hopper is still alive and got force to doing the rough work for Russian. And Max broke up
with Lucas. And Eleven got bullied at her new school. A lot happened on this season. You should
watch it, Arm. I don't mind rewind from the first episode if you want watch them together." thank
God that i already watch all episodes of the newest season.

"Sounds great! We should make time to watch that." Arm agreed.

"You, Arm. You should make time." Pete breaks his silence. He was so quite earlier, now he looks
like he wants to scold Arm. Arm who understood that Pete was doing that on purpose, immediately
calming him down.

"Babe, i promise this is only happen in my first two months. Or maybe next month i'll be free every
weekend and finish work on time. And by then, i alredy got paid and we can go to the beach and
you can have your dream vacation." Arm is hugging Pete from his right side and kissing his cheeks
multiple times. Not a view i'd glad to watch.

"But for now, i'm so sorry that i have to go back now. I'll take care the bill and you have class at 3,
right?" Arm asking Pete and he nods giving him answer.

"Vegas, once again, thank you so much. I'm pretty sure it's all brought by destiny. When i'm busy,
there's you who living in the same building with us and happy to keep my boyfriend accompanied.
You always bring a good thing to me." Arm praising me all the time.

"Why you said that like he did a lot for you? He only been helping me twice, Arm." Pete curious.

"No, he did a lot to me, Pete. Since he was a freshman and i was on second year, he were always
helping me to do things. That's why me and Tem really likes this guy. Okay, i'm off. See you
tonight, babe!" Arm seems really in a rush and left both of us sitting still on our table after kissing
Pete on his head.

"What did you do?" Pete asked me as soon as Arm left the restaurant.

"I was just helping him with my connection when he need someone to be his source. Arm is study
International Relation which really are my family business. So i was just gave him a hand." i gave
him the truth.

"When you were a freshman, it means i'm in senior year of high school, and Arm is second year.
So at that moment, we already been together, right? Did you helped him because you know he's my
boyfriend?" Pete speaks really fast, he should consider being a rapper as his future career.

"Yes, you get it right." i nodded and left.

Pete is following me, so i stopped and turn around. Then he bumped into my body and stop. Now
we face to face, well, not actually face to face, he was about 30cm shorter than me, but we're
staring into each other and i decided to tease him.

"Do you wanna skip class?" i asked while leaning over closer to his face.

"No. I just curious, if you liked me so much, why didn't you tell me back then?" he asked.

"Am i look like the type who told people if i like them?" he shake his head and ask another
question. "Then why'd you tell me that you like me earlier?"

"No, i didn't. You asked me if i like you or not, and i said yes. I didn't come up to you and said i
like you, right?" his looks is the looks that i've never seen before.

"Why?" i asked.

"I just curious." he answered with his pouting face.

"Don't make that face!" i told him while looked away.

"Why??" he keeps doing the face and trying to make me look at him.

"You make me wanna kiss you." i said.

"Kiss me then. We never knew that maybe Tem is looking from that way, or maybe your friend,
Boun is looking from that way, or maybe Gen is looking from that way.." he keeps pointing out of
all the directions. And i grab his jaws and give him a peck.

"Shit, Vegas. What were you doing?" Pete pushed my body.

"I thought yoou gave me a dare earlier."

"No, you dummy!" he looking around to assure that no one saw what we did.

"How do you know Boun? Are you secretly stalking me?"

"Everyone knows Vegas, Boun, and Dao. Three guys who no one ever dare to touch. But lately i
barely saw three of you hanging out together." he asked.

"Yes. Boun and Dao is dating. So maybe they were to busy mating anywhere they can. Last time i
caught them doing full on make out session on the car, on campus parking lot. Disgusting." i speak
the truth.

"But it's kinda sexy, tho." Pete answer is triggered some bad nature in me.

"Do you into that kind of thing?" i asked.

"I have to go to class. Thank you for made up story with Arm earlier." he didn't answer my
question and walks away.

"Pete, let me drive you home after class." he looked back and nod.

"Okay, the class is over at 6PM. Pick me up, then." he gives me his cute smile again. How can i
stopped and let you be happy with Arm if you still give me this kind of hope.

Is it possible if you can like me back one day? And left Arm?


6PM, i already waiting on Pete's faculty building.

"Vegas!" i heard his voice. He's walking towards me with Gen and Jin, his bestfriends.

"Hi phi Vegas." they both greets me and saying goodbye to Pete before they both took off.

"Are they already know about me?"

"Yes, they knew about Arm and you. That's why i told you to meet me here." he said.

"Do you bring your bike or car?" he asked when he decide which way that he'll take.

"Car." i walked passed him. He grab my arm and holding on to my jacket sleeves. It's kinda cute,
his cute little hand is on my arm.


It's getting dark, i asked him if he wants to grab something to eat before heading back to our
building. And we agreed to buy a pizza for dinner.

"Vegas." Pete calling me when i'm about to start the car engine.
"Huh?" i looked at him.

Out of nowhere, he kissed me on my lips. And of course i kissed him back. I started to grabbed his
neck and i unbulk my seat belt so i can getting closer to him. He kissed my neck and his hand is
grabbing my junk which been turn on right after i felt his lips pressing mine.

In the middle of the make-out session, he stopped and sit back again like nothing happened.

"Pete. What the hell?" i've been left hanging with my pants zipper is open and my shirt is

"So, is make-out in the car and campus parking lot still disgusting?" he made me taste my own
medicines, i told him earlier that i found Boun and Dao are disgusting and here i am, dying to have
another minutes of make-out in the car.

"Come here!" i pull his head again and try to kiss him.

"Vegasss. Let's eat first! Come on, let's get some pizza." he pushed me again and turn on the lamp
inside the car.

"Shit!" i immidiately turn off the lamp and i saw Pete is giggling looking at mee being horny and
left hanging like this.


"Bye." he waved at me when i got out of the elevator. He still need to go up another floor to get to
his room.

I still upset with what he did on the car, he made me horny and left me just like that. After had
dinner, i try to start again the make out session, but he refuse it. Damn it!


I finished bathing and now i only wear my silk sleep-robe and i heard someone knocking at my

"Pete? Why are you here?"

Lost Myself Again.


I was standing in front of Vegas' door, wearing oversized dusty pink sweater which more like mini
dress on me because it covered only until my upper thigh, and fury slipper with hooded on.

"Why are you wearing that?" that's the first question he ask me.

"Why can't i? It's very comfy and looks cute. Right?" i put my hands on the pocket of this sweaterr
and turn around to show him the entire looks.

"Do you even wear pants underneath? You really exposed your feet." he still looks at me up and
down like scanning my looks from head to toes.

"Can i come in?" without hearing his answer, i pushed him and walked into his room.

"Why are you here, Pete? It's 11 PM."

"Arm is not coming home, he stay the night on his friends house. Tomorrow he'll have to stand by
on his office by 7 in the morning, he was afraid he's gonna be late if he come home."
"So? Why are you here? You didn't answer my question."

I cut the distance and walks closer to him. I reached out his neck and wrap my hands around his
neck like hugging him. And i kiss him. I can feel him smiling when he kissed me back. And here i
am, giving myself directly to the devil himself.


He pushes me to the wall, kissing me wildly and even bite my tongue, i don't know why but i think
i'm into this kink right now. Since the day he fucked me. I felt likt my body keeps asking for more.
Everytime i saw him. Even when i was with Arm today, still, Vegas keeps turn me on.

"Keep the sweater on!" he said while i tried to took off my sweater.

He picked me up like i was nothing, and slam my body onto the bed. He didn't even kiss me or
biting me like the other day, he just grab the condom and coating his penis with the lube, he
flipped my body so i bend my body, and roughly fucked me from behind.

"Fuck, it hurts, Vegas!" i scream so loud because he didn't even did the foreplay before he thrusted

"That's your punishment because what you did in my car ealier." he keeps moving his hips while i
still screaming out loud begging for his mercy. Once he was only take his dick off to coating more
lube on his dick, and thrusting back in and still in doggy-style position. It feels like forever when i
hold back the pain in my behind before finally he reached the peak, took off the condom, and
squirt the semen on my ass.

"Ah.. i loved it, Pete." he said when laying on his back. I still laying on my stomach and my ass
twitching in pain. I sit down and try to get up to the toilet, and i saw few drops of blood on his
sheet. No wonder i felt so damn hurt. Shit, Vegas! I didn't even finished yet.

"It hurts, Vegas!!" i'm tearing up and go to the bathroom and washed up. He didn't seem sorry at
all, he light his cigarette and throwing smirk at me when i came out from the toilet.
After saw me get out of the toilet, he flicked the cigarette that not even finish yet, and walk
towards me. I stepped back and he stop and asked me "What happened?". "I'm going back to my
unit." i open the door and try to walk out before he push the door in front of my face and not letting
me leave.

"You hurt me, Vegas. It was more like torturing me than having sex." i showed him my wrist who
full of bruised because he grabbed my hand so hard when i try to stopped him from fucking me that

"Hey, i'm sorry. I don't know it'll gonna be this bad." he take a look of my wrist carefully and
kissed them. He kissed my wrists while staring at my eyes. He looks so hot when he did that.

"Do you forgive me?" i nodded and he add "I just can't control myself when i'm around you." and
kisses me again. And i lost myself again.

We were just repeating what happened behind this closed door, we kissed while he pushed me to
the wall. But this time, he took of my sweater and i only wearing my black underpant. He keeps
kissing my lips while his hand is already inside my underpants. He kissed my neck, my body, and
all the way down until he take off my underpants and put my dick into his mouth. He keeps doing
that while looking at my face and that's really turn me on, with his super hot face and his facial
expression, and he have my penis on his mouth.

I can't hold anymore, i push Vegas' head so i can cum. But he refused and i'll squirted it into his
mouth. He smiled and wipe all the liquid with his hand and he push me to the kitchen counter
which next to his unit door. He pick me up so now i sit on the counter and he still kissing me and
biting my body. My shoulder and my chest are full of red marks from him.

Then he pulls me down and turn my body around, now i faced the counter and he bend my body
over. He set my legs apart from each other and put his finger inside my ashehole with my semen as
a coating to his fingers. He puts to fingers at once and i still feel a little bit hurt, i felt like it ripped
because what he did earlier.

"Is it hurt?" he asked right through my ear and i got goosebumps right away.

"Hhhh.." i just nodded and keep trying to catch my breath.

Then he kissing my neck again while still fingering my anus. Don't take a long time until i
cumming for the second time, then he rubbed the liquid to my behind and keep fingering it. Now
he puts three fingers and i moaning even harder.

"Can i put it in now?" he asked me with his deep sexy voice and i gave him permission to penetrate.

He puts me in very uncomfortable position, he puts my right feet on the counter and bend my body
straight to the counter table, then he put his dick in my arshehole slowy. When the tip is inside, i
can hear he is moaning with his hoarse voice that make me turn on even more. I hold onto the edge
of kitchen counter and he started to fasten his rhythm. This room is fill with moan and the sound of
our skin slapping each others.

"I'm coming, Pete. ahh.. aaahh." he still fasten his movement and grabbing my hair until i can feel
my back is cracking because how rough his hand pulls my hair. Then i felt his penis is twitching
inside me, and i realized that he didn't even put the condom. He pulls his dick and all of his sperm
is running through my left thigh to my leg. I can't even put my right leg back to the ground so
Vegas is helping me out.
I can't feel my knee right now. I just sit on his bed and i don't even care with the sticky things all
round my feet right now. Vegas come to me and kiss me on my forehead.

"I love you, Pete."


What did he said?

"You don't have to say anything. I just want you to know that i love you. I always were." i'm not
sure it's the real Vegas the devil or what, he likes me is very different than he loves me.

"Please tell me you were always saying that thing to everyone you hooked up with, everytime you
felt satisfied with the sex." i asked for confirmation.

"You know what, i only had sex twice. With my high school ex boyfriend when i was a freshman,
and with someone i met on the bar, on the day i found out that you were dating Arm, the university
star and i thought that i lost my chance to get close to you. So i got frustrated and fucked anyone i
met. After that, i didn't have sex with anyone. Then i did it again for first time after three years,
with you, the day we went home together." he told the story that no way a made up story because it
was too perfect to be a lies.

"..." i still can't say anything. If i knew there's someone who have this kind of feeling for me, i
would dated him and not Arm.

"You wanna stay the night or go back to your room?" he asked while he stand up and walks toward
the bathroom.

"Vegas." i hugged him from behind and he seems so startled with what i did. He turns around and
hug me back, while still telling a jokes like;

"So, you'll left Arm for me, Pete?" he giggled and let go of my hands which wrapped her waist and
left to the bathroom.


I spent the night on Vegas' bed, we're cuddling all night. He is totally different with Arm. Arm is
gentle and kind, he is nice to everyone, he is very smart, wise, and mature. And most of all, he
trusts me. How can i betrayed him like this? Did i have to broke up with him and stay with Vegas?
What should i do?

"What were you thinking?" it turns out Vegas is also stay awake even though his eyes were shut.

"I told you not to think about what i said earlier. I know you'll never pick me. I'm not even in the
option that you want."

"Why was that?" i asked.

"Arm is the icon of a good guy, and i'm on the other side. And you deserve someone like Arm,
which you can brought in your arms and telling to anyone with pride that he's yours. People knew
me as a bad guy who got respect by people just because i'm good at kicking people in their asses.
Hahaha." he laughed but looked so sad.

"I know you came only for the sex. I admit that our sex was really great, Pete. But don't ever you
left a guy like Arm for a guy like me. It's never worth it. Now, let's sleep." he rubbed my head and
hug me tightly the whole night.

Why does Vegas turns to be the sad guy like this?

Did he really loves me?

Too Good To Be True.


I'm still here, at Vegas's unit until Gen's call waking me up. It's 10AM and Vegas still sleep
peacefully next to me. I missed Gen's call on purpose, after the ringing is over, i read the text and
that was Arm who texted me..

bby, tomorrow' s schedule is postponed, i'll come home rn. If you can't wait for me, just sleep. I
woke you when i arrived.

Babe, whr r u? I'm home.


Pete. U'r not at Gen's or Jin's. Where are you?


And there's 34 texts which sound the same. And 22 missed calls from Arm, 9 missed call from
Gen, and angry texts from Jin who cursed me with every curse words that exist.

I'm not even finish reading all the text, my cellphone is ringing again, and that's Arm.

"Hi babe, i'm sorry i overslept." i said immediately after i picked up the phone.

"Oh my God, Pete. Where were you?? Are you okay?" even after i disappear the whole night, first
thing he do is worry about me.

"Yea, i'm just overslept."

"Where are you?"

"I'm at Vegas' unit."

"Really, this morning i've knocked on his door and no one answer. You both really stay the night to
watch the series, weren't you? Okay, i'll come get you now." Arm hung up the phone. I felt relieved
when Arm came to conclusion that me and Vegas were watching the television series.

But as soon as i look away from my phone, i saw the whole mess we made last night. My eyes are
scanning the whole room and this is not looking good at all. This is not the room when people stay
the night watching Netflix series.

"Vegas!! Wake up!!" i'm shaking Vegas' body until he open his eyes and stretching his body.
Damn, he looks really sexy. But i have to stay focused, Arm is only 2 minutes away.

"Put on your clothes, Arm is here." i still picking up the blanket on the floor, our clothes, picking
up the plastic glass and fruit basket which we threw on the floor last night because we had business
to do on the counter.

"Where?" Vegas wide awake and put on his new t-shirt from his drawer and pass me his t-shirt
because i also topless and only wearing my short.

"Pete.." Arm is here.

I make sure everything is normal about the room, and i nod to Vegas to give him permission to
open the door.

"Hi Arm. Sorry, i just woke up." Vegas still keep his cool. Why can people like him stay calm
under this circumstance?

Then Vegas asked Arm to go inside and here we are, three of us inside Vegas' apartment unit, stay
silenced for about 2 minutes. Arm is sitting on high chair next to the counter which i already wiped
clean on the 'speeding up cleaning' earlier. Vegas is checking his phone while standing in front his
bedroom door and me, i standing next to balcony door, which really weird because in my mind, i
knew i'm not supposed to be close enough with Arm or he's gonna smell something weird on my
body. Could be smell of anything. Maybe our sweat which already mixed up on ou body or maybe
he could smell the scent of Vegas' cigarettes which i believed its scents still here all over my hair
because i slept on Vegas' lap when he was inhale and exhale that nicotine.

"So, you were both watching or what?" Arm sounds really curious.

"Yes, we watched the whole night. That's why we woke up really late." i answered.

"Then why no one answer the call?"

I choked, i didn't find any answer.

"I put my phone on the bedroom." Vegas gives his answer. "Sorry Arm, when Pete told me that
you weren't come home, i asked him to finish the series on my place." he tried to back me up. I feel
release for a moment, until Arm asked me again;

"What are you wearing?" he noticed that the t-shirt is not mine or Arm's.

"It's t-shirt and short, why?" i try so hard not to look panic.

"Is it Gen's?"

"Of course, that's why it looks so big on me." sorry for brought your name into my mess, Gen.

We stayed for 15 minutes and we went back to our room.

"Are you not going to work?" i asked Arm when i realized it's only Wednesday.

"No, i text you last night that today is my off day."

"I'll take a shower, then. After that, can we go outside? Maybe eating sushi.." i suggested outdoor
activity so we don't have to do the deeds and he don't see all of these marks on my body.

"Can we just stay at home, babe?" Arm come to me and trying to kiss me.

"Let me take a shower first." i dodge him and walk towards the bathroom. But he noticed
something was wrong. He come closer and smelling my hair and down to my neck. I just stand still
and pray to God that he would came out with something positive like before.

"Why are you smell like Vegas?" shit!

"What you mean? Of course i smell like him, i just got back from his room, remember?" i tried to
walk to the bathroom for the second time.

He grabbed me by my shoulder and made me standing face to face with him.

"Arm, what are you doing?" Arm trying to take off my shirt.

"What are these?" he pulls up my t-shirt and pointing at the bruises, hickey, and bite marks all over
my body. He even turn my body and saw all over my back until down to my hips and ass. He pulls
down my short and there are several marks on my thighs, too.

"What the hell, Pete?" Arm talks with his calm voice and the tears started to fall down to my

"Vegas did this? Was it with your consent or he forced you to?" i saw Arm and his eyes was teary.

"I'm so sorry, Arm. I know i was wrong. I'm so sorry.." i realized what i did is wrong. And i have to
apologize to him.

"Pete..Arm..." then there's knocking on my door, it's Gen's voice. He told me to pull my short back
up and he went to open the door.

"Where the fuck were you? Your boyfriend didn't even sleep the whole night and looking for you
all over the place. He came to every bar, every karaoke, he came to all of your friends houses,
and.." Gen is scolded me immediately after Arm opened the door and he noticed me sitting here on
the dining chair.

"Gen, i'm sorry to cut you off like this, but right now i need to talk with Pete alone." i've never seen
Arm looks this disturbed. Gen which already sitting on the chair across me were standing right
away and leave. "Okay, Arm. I got it." he patted Arm shoulder, "You call me after this, we need to
talk." then he looked at me and show his angry tone.


Arm was standing in front of me and i sit on dining chair, no one said anything for few minutes.
Then he took me by surprised, he get on his knees and hugs me.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Pete. I'm sorry that i was so busy this week. Even before, i'd never paid
more attention to you. I alwasy put school and career above you. I'm sorry." he said that while he's
hugging me. I can hear his voice trembling, he is crying.

"Arm, i was cheated on you. With your friend. It supposed to be me who said sorry." i hug him
back and we both cried. I felt really terrible for what i did to Arm. "I'm sorry." i said that

He let go of my hand which wrapped around his body, then he kissed my lips. There's still tears on
our faces and yet we still kissing each other passionately.

"Arm.. can i washed up first?" i asked whilst he's kissing and licking my neck.

"No." he pulls me and lead me to our bed and gently remove my clothing until i'm naked. Then he
lay me down and staring on the bruises all over my body.

"I'm sorry he did this to you." Arm is touching the bitemark on my thigh and kisses them. He kisses
every spot that have bruises and bitemarks all over my body.

"Pete.. Are your body hurts?" he asked me when i was trying to catch my breath because of his

"Can i do it?" Arm which still fully clothed looks at me deeply. "I'm afraid i hurt you more if i
doing it."

"Just do it."


We did it for like 10 minutes, and Arm is sleeping pretty damn well on our bed. I already took a
bath and eating noodle for lunch. Now i have to wait for Arm to wake up so we can grab some
food together.

Now in my head is only how can i have a perfect boyfriend like him, he even asked me respectfully
when he wants to have sex with me. And he asked me after we passed our make out session which
means, we are going to do the next part, sex, but that's just the way he is. He have the thing that
Vegas will never have. The selfless thought.



It has been a week since Vegas happened. I always avoid every possible way to have an encounter
with him. He texted me twice, the first day after the day we had sex. But i didn't answer and he
maybe got the memo that i ignored him, so he didn't try any harder.

"Pete, for this two days i'm going back to campus and finish all the papers i need for preparing the
graduation. So i back to work by Monday. And for this two days, can i ask you to waste your time
for me only. There's no Gen and Jin." Arm said when i was about to go to campus.

"So, can we go together?" me being happy because i don't have to take the public transportation to

"Of course.."

"Why didn't you tell me? So i don't have to woke up this early. I have class at 10, so we can leave
at 9 and i should've woke up at 8.30." me sulking at him because it's 8 AM and i already on my
'war' gear. With this heavy backpack and all these art books on my hands.


"We'll meet after class around 5PM, okay? I love you, babe!" Arm dropped me off on my faculty
building, Gen and Jin already waiting for me there.

"Pete, did you still don't want to share about what happened that night to us?" Gen asked me when
we walk to our class.

"Did you cheats on him?" Jin said that without any hesitation while keeps chewing gum on his

"..." i stay silent and didn't respond anything.

"Pete.. why don't you denied what Jin said?" Gen is stopped in the middle of the campus hall, me
and Jin followed.

"I just talking nonsense. Forget about it, Gen. If he was cheating on Arm, there's no way Arm drop
him off with smiley face like that." Jin said.

"Pete..." Gen still doesn't care about anything and try to hear my answer.

"Pete, did you sleep with Vegas?" Gen question shocked me.

I have really obvious answer with my respond after Gen asked that question.

"God, Pete! Did you really did that to Arm?" Gen looks really disappointed in me. He just left after
asked that questions.

He ignored me this whole morning. After the class dismissed, i try to talk to him again and he still
doesn't wanna talk to me. Gen is basically knew everything about me and Arm, he's the one who
encouraged me to open my heart to that university dude when i was on senior year on high school.
Gen was really happy when i told him that we were offically together. On our first anniversary,
Gen is the one who scolded me when i got upset at Arm just because he came late to our
anniversary dinner. Gen have his favorite line, 'You'll never find anyone like him even if you're
wait for thousand years.'

And he was right then and super right, for now, Arm is the best thing that ever happened to me.

"Gen!! Stop!" i pull his hand and he have no choice than standing face to face with me.

"You are really stupid, Pete! I told you before that you should cut the bullshit with Vegas. Look
what you did!" Gen is totally upset.

"Everything is cool between me and Arm. We settled things up. You don't have to worried."

"Oh ya?? Do you really think he was just let bygones be bygones that easy? Do you think he was
just forget what you just did? Pete, come on, no way you think about it like that, right?" i just stood
still, i don't know what i have to say.

"Do you remember when you were mad at him and didn't answer his phone and texts weeks after
your first anniversary? When you were the one who on purpose talking to other guy just because
you were angry because you thought he never gets jealous it means he never loved you?" Gen
temper is get worse. "Do you remember that?" i nodded.

"He failed to show off his skills on basketball game that day, he stressed out because that was his
opportunity to be drafted into national team. And he didn't even told you that he was crying and
drunk that night because you were go out with other guy. Even though he knew that you did that
just to make him jealous, but he thought that it was his fault that he keeps letting you did what you
wanna did and made it looks like he didn't care about you. But you know what, he let you do
anything you want because he trust you. And he loves you that much so he doesn't want you to feel
uncomfortable if he tells you what you can and what you cannot do. He cried a lot, Pete. He cried
everytime he talks about how much he love you and wants you to be happy." i understand why
Gen is so mad, but why did he know all of these?

"Gen, i know what i did is totally wrong. I won't deny that. But we're good." i try to explain why
Gen should not be worry.

"Talk to me tomorrow. I just don't want to be bothered for now." he walks away, just like that.



"Stupid!" i still cursing Pete even though we already apart. I walk towards my car.

"Gen!!" Arm running towards me from the administration office.

"Hi Arm, Pete is still in front of art building." i pointing on the building behind me even before
Arm ask anything. Because i knew the only reason he calls me is because of Pete.

"No, Gen. I was looking for you. I called you twice." i check my phone and he did call me twice.

"Why were you looking for me, Arm?" i pretend that i didn't know anything about Pete and Vegas.
Arm asked me to go with him to the cafe nearby. And he doesn't look like someone who settled
everyting down like what Pete said.

"Gen, you were always giving me very nice inputs and good words and i really need them right
After Arm said that, i just remembered that he was always come to me everytime he had problem
with Pete, and me, i'm being a good friend for both of them and always try to made them make up
their misunderstanding.

"He cheated with Vegas." he just spilled the news right away.

"How did you find out?" i asked and he explained everything.

"What doesn't make sense is it looks like Vegas didn't even try to hide it. He left marks on Pete's
body, a lot of it, it seems like he wants me to see those marks, Gen. What should i do?" Arm's eyes
looks really sad. He seems really hurting. If only you know that last time i saw you looked like this
was when you were almots broken up with Pete a year ago.

"I think you should talk to Vegas. I believed that you already talked it out with Pete, right now it's
the right time to set things straight with Vegas. Make sure he knew where's his place." just like me
who knew my place since day one. Since the first time i saw you on basketball court at my school
when i was just a freshman and you were senior from other school. I really regretted what i didn't
do that day.

I remember that day, i still hung out with my group friends from orientation, i didn't even knew
Pete or Jin, you smile widely when you scored and that day i realized that i fell in love at the first
time. It was young love, though, me as 16 years old boy who had a crush with his senior. Next year
when i was a sophomore, you visited my school again but as a university student and you looked
really good looking that day. With your slick back hair and plaid shirt, you came to my direction
and talk to me. Then after we were talking, the six of us, me, Jin, Pete, you, and your friends, i
realized that not me who you had interest with. I knew in the middle of conversation that your eyes
looked different when you staring at Pete while he was talking.

You were really into Pete. I couldn't even blame you, Pete is really cheerfull guy, he is so cute with
his cute dimples on the corner of his lips, and he is sweet, too. That's why i became your wingman,
i want you to end up with my good friend, Pete. And i was right, the day you both officially dating,
you looks so happy and so does with Pete. I thought that was the best decision i've ever made. But i
think i was wrong.

"But if you believe that Pete will never do that again, then you just wasting your time talking to
Vegas. Because Pete would never do that again. I know him. Maybe he did that just out of his
curiosity or maybe he was drunk. Right?" i try to give another solution.

"So should i or shouldn't i talk to Vegas about this?" he asked me again.

"Maybe just fix things with Pete first, if you are really thinks everything is back to normal like
before Vegas, then you don't have to come after Vegas." i smiled even though i scream loud in my
heart to left my bestfriend and i can treat you better. But i couldn't. It's not me. I could never hurt
my bestfriend.

I can keep this feeling for myselft. I'm happy to see you happy.

"Thank you for always be there for me, Gen. You always knew what to say and how to comfort
me. I'm glad that you are always be the good friend of mine."

Me, too. I'm happy that i can always be near you.



Today is Monday and Arm is back to his busy schedule. I started my morning with preparing his
lunchbox and give him a steamy kiss to start up his day. What a pervert, you Pete.

It's 11 AM, i have class on 2 PM but i feel like i wanna get there early and grab some snacks from
street food nearby the campus. I'm on elevator and its stop one floor below my floor, i didn't have
anything in mind, until the elevator door was open, and there he is, Vegas.

Why did he always show up when Arm is not with me?

He just got into this elevator and said nothing, until we reach the lobby and i stepped out, he still
said nothing even though he looked at me in the eyes when the door is about to closing up.

"Vegas." i hold the door and stepped into the elevator again.

"What?" he asked with his snob face.

"I'm sorry i ignored your text and your calls."

"When was it? A month ago? I already forget, you should forget it too." he said that and the
elevator made a sound which telling us not to hold the door opened for too long.

Then i stepped out and Vegas still doesn't say anything.


"Are you okay?" Gen again noticed something wrong with me. We're in the class and i'm spacing

"I need to leave." i bring my bags with me and left the class. I'm standing in front of Vegas' faculty
building, then i spotted Boun which sitting on the pavement with 2 guys that i didn't know.

"Phi Boun, hi.. I'm Pete. I wanna ask, do you know where's Vegas now?" he staring at me and took
a deep breath before he answer. "He's with his boyfriend right there." he points at the window
behind where they're sitting.

"Boyfriend?" i was confused.

"Right through this way. The first room on the right." Boun shows me the direction. "But knock
before entering the room, i'm afraid Vegas is doing his business right there." then three of them

I walked to the way that Boun pointing at, but i doubt myself either i should approach Vegas or
should i leave? He have a boyfriend, it all make sense now about how he acted on the elevator
before. Then what's the point to come all the way here?

The second i decided to walk away, i turned my body around and Vegas' voice startled me.

"Pete, what are you doing here?" Vegas came out from that room with someone i didn't knew. Cute
boy i say, with full red lips and fair skin. So, this is Vegas' boyfriend..
"Nothing. I should go back to class." i left.

I don't know why, my heart feels weird. I feel like i wanna throw up. My stomach is wiggling
inside. My chest hurts. I cannot breathing properly. Am i getting a heart attack?

"Pete, are you okay?" Vegas' sounds suddely appear from behind me while i'm hovering in the
middle of the sidewalk between his faculty and mine. Our faculty building is next to each other.

"I can't breathe.." i really try so hard to managed my breathing tempo.

"Take a deep breath, Pete!" Vegas holding my face with his both hands while i already sitting on
the pavement, and instead of taking a deep breath like what he said, i grab his neck and kissed him.
Then i got my breathing rhythm back to normal again.

I let go of my hands and scoot my butt back away from Vegas and looking around, lucky for me
that all the people is on their classes right now and no one around.

"Sorry. I shouldn't do that." i stood up and walk away.

"Do you think you can just kissed me and leave?" Vegas' pulls my backpack which made me stop.

"Why were you at my faculty? You don't have anyone to meet there but me. Did you come to meet
me?" Vegas' asked me with his hand rubbing my cheek.

"At first i came to talk to you, but then Boun said you were with your boyfriend, so i decided not

"Boyfriend? Who?" Vegas looks confused.

"The one with you earlier."

"Hhh... he asked me to be his boyfriend, but i said no. Boun was really love joking around. Let me
kick his ass later." Vegas giggled. This is the first time i saw him giggling. "Are you jealous?" he

"But i thought you both in the empty room was doing the..." i don't even finished my sentence,
Vegas pulls my hand and we walk back to his faculty building. We walk passed few doors and end
up in this room which looked like tools and supplies room, i don't know. He locked the door from
inside and whisper in my ears. "We can talk here, no one will come here. What was you just said?"
he sits on the table and i'm standing in front of him.

"I thought you both having sex inside that room." i answer bluntly.

"Okay, i didn't have sex with him. I turn down his offer to be his boyfriend. He is my junior, his
name is Tap. I don't have feelings for him. I don't even like him. Is it clear for you to not jealous
with him?" Vegas teases me, he smile from ear to ear after saying that.

"I thought he was the reason you ignored me this morning."

He pulls me closer without even aswering. He still sit on the table when he pulls me, so now i'm
standing between his thighs.

"You stole a kiss from me earlier, now can i kiss you?" he asked me while his face is close enough
with my face and our nose touching.

"hmm.." i nodded my head and he waste no time, he kisses me on my lips.

When we kissed, i felt it again, pounding in my heart is different with when i'm with Arm. I feel
like i'm addicted with Vegas' lips.

His kisses is move to my neck, he kisses my neck and i don't know why i did this, but my hands is
unzip is pants.

"Pete.." Vegas trying to stop me. "Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes." that's the only word which came out from my mouth.

I pulls down Vegas' jeans and boxer, i lean towards his junk and suck it. Vegas is holding my head
by my hair and moving it up and down while he moaning heavily. Not wait for long, he hold my
head in that position with his penis still inside my mouth and he ejaculated inside my mouth. I
gagged and spit them out, Vegas looks very pleased after seeing my face become red because of

He then hop on from the table and switch the position. He pick me up and put me on top of the
table. While keep kissing me, he grabbed my waist and pulls me until i can feel i already sit on the
edge. He remove my trousers and put my legs folded up on the table.

"I don't have condom with me, so i'm gonna do it without using one. Are you okay with that?" i
noticed that his penis which two minutes ago just bursts out his pleasure liquid now already wood
stiff. I nodded agreeing with him and he puts his two fingers into my mouth to coating them with
my saliva and start thrusting my behind with his fingers. I felt sorry for Arm, i really do, but i've
never felt excitement like this before. Not with Arm.

Vegas keeps kissing me while he thrust his dick inside me, he doing in gently and i can help but
begging for more.

"Do it harder, Vegas." i whispered on his ears. I can see he gave me the smirk which i found so hot
and he pushed his hip harder then before so all of his dick is now filling my body. I can feel
something tickle in my gut, his hand stroking my dick and he still kissing my neck.

He really do it rough, he pushed both of my legs up and put them on his shoulder, with this
position, i can feel his dick stroking much deeper and touching my pleasure spot.

"ahh Vegass.. yes.. right.. there.." i keep mumbling and Vegas turn my body so i faced my stomach
to the table, i bend over and he fucks me from behind. He pulls my arms from behind and moved
his hips faster. I can feel my penis was ejaculated for the second time.

"Ahh Pete.. Moan harder, say my name, i wanna cum" Vegas whispering on my ear while choking
my neck with his left hands and his right hand hold the edge of the table to keep the balance of our

"Fuck me Vegas.. Harder.. Ahhh... harder!!" i repeatedly said those words shouting.

Finnaly he cumming inside me, he kissing my neck and my back while he's finishing his outburst.

"I didn't leave any marks now." he said when i put on my clothes. I don't know why he said that.

"So we can do this often without worrying about somebody finds out." he smile and kissed me on
my forehead.

"By the way, how about this mess?" i refer to the equipment and some things that i didn't know
what is that was messing on the floor.
"Don't worry about it, i will ask one of my junior to clean that up." wow, i'm glad i was not take
this major. Those men are wild.

"Vegas.." i called him right before he about to open the door lock.

"I think i'm gonna broke up with Arm."



"Vegas,i think i'm gonna broke up with Arm." i said that when Vegas about to open the locked

"Why?" he let go his hand from the door knob.

"I like you, Vegas. I want to be with you."



"Arm, what's on your mind?" Tem who sit next to me is scooting his chair and get close to me.

Tem is my bestfriend since we were on middle school. We went to the same school until
university. And even now, we had internship in the same company. Maybe because we always
think a like that we were always choose the same thing over and over again.

"Let's go some coffee, it's 20 minutes before lunch time and Mr. Harry is not in the office. We can
leave right now." i grabbed my phone on my desk and walk out with Tem follows me from behind.

- at the coffee shop -

"What happened?" Tem seems really concern. "Was is it about? Pete?" he asked while sipping his
hot mocca latte.

"He cheated on me." Tem choked a little and put his mug on the table and move it to a side, so he
can leaning closer towards me. He knew this is some private matter that shouldn't be heard to th
whole coffee shop.

"Are you sure? Or is it just your assumption?"

"He admitted it."
"Okay. Hmmm, cheating like having a date with another guy or sleeping with another guy?"
"Both." i only answered what he asked, i have no idea where to start the story.
"Do you know the guy?"
"Vegas." my answer is really startled him.

"Vegas???? THE VEGAS from engineering? The junior that helped you out with the admission?"
Tem knows about Vegas since day one. He told me that Vegas looks suspicious and i shouldn't
trust him. But i thought he always come with a good deed.

"I told you, Arm! I knew i was right! Didn't i tell you that my friends from engineering said that he
is known as the devil? He only have one friend, Boun, the guy with the tattoo and looks high all
the time, you know him right? This Boun is always causing trouble. One day, he was beating up
the teacher just because the teacher didn't let him handed his assigntment when it was overdue. So
all the people thinks that Vegas and Boun are really compatible because they have the same nature,
the nature to have whatever they want to have and do whatever they want to do. They are selfish
and self-centered person. And now that you told me Vegas slept with Pete, the only advice that i
can give you is broke up with Pete. Because Vegas never have a girlfriend, boyfriend, or dating
anything before. Many people questioning that about him, like what he's into or who's the one who
can get his attention. Now he slept with Pete, it must've been something between them. How could
Pete did this to you?? By the way, how can Pete know Vegas? How were their encounter began?"

That's Tem, the one who always talks a lot.

"They met when i ditch on Pete on our 3rd anniversary." i explained.

"Oh, coincidence happened. But i'm not sure that a guy like Pete would slept with the man after
bumped like that."

"They were in the same high school. So they basically knew each others. But after that coincidence
that i told you, i was the one who told Vegas to accompany Pete when i wasn't there. And the night
they were having sex, it was the day when i asked Vegas to drive Pete to the mall to find his
suppplies for art project or something."

Tem leaning back to his chair and shook his head.

"I've known you for years and now i finally knew that you're not that smart. Why you did that?
What were you thinking? Pete have Gen and Jin, why Vegas? You should be questioning his
motives since he agreed to waste his time with Pete. You know for sure what kind of man he is,
he'd never waste his time for things like this unless he had interest in your boyfriend."

I never thought of that.

"Now you have to have a real talk with Pete, set a rules or something, told him to not talking to
Vegas anymore." Tem sounds really mad. And i can't blame him, his bestfriend just got cheated on.

"It's gonna be difficult, Tem. Vegas is living in the same apartment building with us, so maybe Pete
will bumped into him once a while." Tem flick my forehead with his fingers and yell "HEY,
ARM!!! What the hell!!"

"Lower your voice!" his voice made everyone staring at us.

"So, the conclusion is; your boyfriend slept with other guy, and that guy is the one you asked favor
to accompanied your boyfriend, and then he lived in the same building with you? Right?" i nodded.

"So, when you are coming home late or maybe spend the night outside like few days back when
we were finish the project overnight, your boyfriend could possibly met him anytime, like... any
fucking time. WOW, YOU ARE REALLY STUPID." Tem smacks the table few times while he
was talking.

"Please tell me you asked me here to talk about you're gonna get a new apartment." i'm shaking my
head and Tem take a deep breath.

"Arm.. Okay, i'm gonna ask this, you have to answer as fast as you can. Don't think, just answer."
"Why are you confused for?"
"I'm not confused, Tem. I forgave Pete and we're in a good term, but there's something that feels
not right." i can't explain anything anymore, i don't even know about what feeling this is, but it just
feels not right in my relationship.

"That's your guts telling you what to do, Arm. When you forgave him and trust him, your guts
telling you not to."

"What? So you telling me not to trust Pete?"

"No, not me, your gut did." Tem seems really sure about what he was talking. But i still cannot find
it's make sense if my gut telling me not to trust my own boyfriend.

"Pete said he'll never did that again." i still try to defending Pete.

"Hmmm i lived for 24 years and i never heard or saw someone caught cheating and told his or her
partner that they'll gonna cheats again next time.." Tem mocked me. "OF COUSE HE SAID
THAT!! What you expect he would say? 'sorry i cheated on you, Arm, but don't worry, this is not
gonna be the last time, imma fuck Vegas again next time', like that???" Tem imitated how Pete
talks and got me thinking.

"You're right."

"Yes, i know i'm freaking right. In facts, you can ask everyone, ask that cashier or that woman with
pink hair right there, we're gonna be unison and said that you should move out from that apartment
and set up some rules with your boyfriend. It's always okay for partner to make a list of things that
what you can and what you cannot do. It's quite normal. I know you don't wanna sounds like
possessive boyfriend or what, but your boyfriend is slept with another guy, so it's your right to do
that." That's right, i never want to make Pete feels like he was constrained by me.

"But i thought Vegas is a good guy, he seems really nice." i said.

"Devil is always someone with pretty face. Like Vegas." his words got me thinking that maybe i
should set some rules with Pete.

"I think i'm gonna leave early today, can you back up my work?"

"Yes, i can tell Mr. Harry that your paper from campus still not right so you go back to reprinted

"Thank you, Tem. I love you so much, idiot!" i stood up and leave.

"You're the one who got cheated on with a guy next door and you telling me i'm the idiot one?" i
can still hear Tem saying that.


It's 2 PM and i already arrived at my apartment. Pete is still have classes until 5PM, so i have
approximately three hours to prepare something for him before he got back. I think about romantic
dinner and we can talk about the boundaries and stuffs. I have to set him to good mood first, so he's
not gonna think i'm being over protected or possessive to him.


I set up the table, there's candles and his favorite foods, and there's also a flowers. I never did this
for three years we've been together. I hope this gonna be the new chapter of our love journey. And
we can just wait until we both graduated and i'll ask him to marry me. That's my perfect plan since
the first day i asked Pete to be my boyfriend.

It's 5.20, Pete answer my text earlier and he said he's gonna go straight back home after his last
class. So he's gonna come in a minute, because campus is about 20 minutes from our apartment if
he took the bus like he usually do.

I blew the candle since 5.30, i'm afraid the candles gonna run out.
And now, it's 7PM already. Where are you, Pete?


I encouraged my self to stepped out from my apartment unit, get inside the elevator, and go down
one floor below me. I'm going to come to Vegas' room. I think that i'll find Vegas and ask if he
know where Pete at since i can't reach him since his class was dismissed. And i hope Vegas is by
himself on his room.

''Please don't let me see Pete inside Vegas' room. Please.'' i talked to myself while i was in the
elevator. Then the elevator door is open, there's Vegas and Pete, both of them, they're gonna use
the elevator from this floor, Vegas' floor. I think next time i need to be specific about what i asked.
I asked to not seeing him at Vegas' room and God gave it to me, i didn't find him at Vegas' room,
but here we are, bumped into each others at elevator. Vegas is standing with Pete hold onto his

"Arm..." Vegas seems startled, i never seen he made this kind of expression before. Pete
immediately let go of Vegas' arm.

"What is this?" i stepped out of the elevator and pushed Vegas' body.

"How can you do this to me?" i punch Vegas in the face and Pete come between us try to seperate
me from Vegas.

"Arm.. Hey, listen to me!" Pete pulls my body back when i was about to swing another punch to
Vegas. Vegas just stay still and not even trying to come to me. He just took my punch like he knew
he deserved it.

"What? Listen to what, Pete? You slept with him once when i was away and now you lied to me
when you said you're gonna come home after class and now you're with him?"

"Four times. We had sex four times. And the last time we had sex is 10 minutes ago." Vegas' face
made me can't hold back the anger.

I come at him once again and swing punches like four or five times until i felt my fist are numb.
Pete pushes me away from Vegas and he touches Vegas' face which bruised and there's bleed
come out from his nose and mouth.

"Why'd you did that?" Pete screaming at me, now there's few people watching us like we gave
them the free show.

"You ask me why i did that and not ask him why he said that things he said earlier? Really, Pete?
You're more worry about how his face got hurt than how my heart shattered because of what you
both did??" i don't know how, but tears came down my cheeks and i can't control it. One thing i
know, my heart hurts so bad. I really wanna scream at him that he hurts my feelings but i can't.

"Come home. We need to talk." i beg Pete to come home. Vegas already stand on his feet, he
gestured for Pete to follows me home. "I'm ok, settled things with him." Vegas' said that and Pete
nodded and follows me home.


"What is this?" Pete asked me when he saw what i've been prepared the whole evening.

"I made this for you. Everything. I even left work early just to have a deep talk with you about our
relationship. But how can you did this to me? Is it true what Vegas' said earlier? You had sex with
him for four times?? It wasn't even by accident anymore, Pete. Do you know that??" Pete just
sitting there on the dining chair and wiped his tears once a while.

"I supposed to scold Vegas for messing with someone belonging, but i think i must to talk with you
more, because you obviously giving him the fucking green light to fuck you." i never cursed
before, so it sounds pretty weird to heard those words coming out from my mouth.

"Sorry for cursing at you like that." i said that and Pete is still crying.

"I want to broke up."


My world just shattered into pieces. I didn't expecting him to say that to me. Not in this situation.

"Pete, i understand that you maybe felt like you wanna try something new or maybe you thought i
bore you. But broke up is not what i want. I'm not that mad, Pete. I just want to try to understand
about what you're thinking. What made you did that with other guy, Pete?" i said it with my heart,
i'd never thought about broken up, not even once.

"No, Arm. It's me, i want to broke up with you." i hold Pete's head and trying to assure him not to
leave me because of a fling.

"Pete, listen, this.. this thing what you have with Vegas is only a fling. It's only like a new game
which really freshen you up from our 3 years being together. You don't nedd to cut me up like this.
I know you think you might like him and wanna be with him, but it's all temporary, Pete. Trust me,
you might only attracted to Vegas because of the sex you both have. I've heard about this things a
lot from my friends." i try so hard to make him stay with me.

"Arm, i love you.. I really do. But i just found out that i love Vegas, too. And i think if i really love
you, i would never fall for another guy, right?" Pete's logic is not make any sense to me.

"No, what you have with Vegas is not love. Maybe you like him, you like the idea of him. His
badboy aura or his piercing or his motorcycle. It's what you can never get from me, so that's why
you think to play a little game. But don't stay in the game, Pete. Back to the real world. I am your
real world." i cried, i really cried, i can't imagine losing Pete for someone that have opportunity to
get close with Pete because of me. It's like i handed Pete to Vegas myself.

"Can we just.. think about it for now?" he asked.

"What's that even mean?"

"I think i need a break. We should stay apart from each other. To think this thru." Pete stood up
from the chair and took a bag then put his clothes inside.

"And where are you going? Vegas's room?"

"No, i'm stay with Gen.. You can call him when i get there so you know i'm with him."

After he packed up his things, he walked towards the door and i grabbed him.

"If you're done playing around, just look back and i'll be right here patiently waiting for you. You
know i love you, right?" i asked Pete, he nod his head and just leave.


"Why are you here?" i asked Gen who showed up on my door this morning.

"I heard everything from Pete. He stayed at my apartment this two days." he said.

"Here, i brought you breakfast. Tem called me and asked me to look after you since he so busy
with finishing two projects at once while you took your days off." Gen keeps talking while he put
the porridge he broght to the bowl.

"Here, there's no crab in it. I cooked it myself. I know you didn't eat these past two days. Eat!" he
handed me a bowl full of rice porridge. I ate it and i can feel my energy charged up.

"Go back to work tomorrow, Arm. You're going to keep suffering if you stay here like this."

"When will Pete come back?"

"Never. He don't feel anything anymore towards you. I can tell with just looking at his eyes when
he talked about you. I know it was only two days, but you should try to let go." which side Gen's
standing right now?



"Do you ever feel like this, Gen?" Arm asked me whilst eating his breakfast.

"What? Let someone go?" i asked and he nodded.

"I don't know which one is heavier to bear. Your pain to let someone who not yours anymore, or
me, who letting go person which never mine." yes, i talking about you, Arm.

"You did? Did it work?"

"No. But i learn to just accept it, accept that he's not mine and i have to let go. Until right now, i
still have hope that one day he'll look at me like the way i look at him."

"Have you told him about yout feeling?" he asked. No, Arm, never.



"I... i just can't."

"Don't be sad. That's me who supposed to be sad. Not you." Arm giggle when he stood up to put
his empty bowl to sink.

"Did Pete tell you i can't eat crab?"

"You both are together for 3 years and i'm with you guys all the way. I know everything about
you." i said.
"About the guy you likes, do i know him? Is it Tem?" Tem? What? That clumsy dude who looks
like a clown because laughing all the time?!

"Tem?? What the hell!?"

"I saw you both talking a few times, way before my internships. Pete also told me that you both are
going out together often." it was like the movie, when the person you like asked about who the
person you likes. Should i answer that person is him? No, don't, you'll make it worse.

"Arm.." i don't even finish my answer, there's someone on the door.

"Hey Tem, why are you here?" speak of the devil, that's Tem.

"I bought you this." he showed up a plastic bag from the Chinese food downtown.

"I already ate my breakfast, Gen cooked for me." Arm open the door wider and Tem can see me
sitting on the dining chair.

"I want to get the file from your laptop, i called you but you didn't answer." Tem entered the room
and sit across me.

"Just copy the file, my laptop is on the bag. I'll take a shower then.." Arm took his towel and went
inside the bathroom


"Gen.. I think you should tell him. It's the right time." Tem, he told me to tell the truth about my
feelings to Arm like that was super easy to do.

"He just broke up with my bestfriend two days ago, and the first thing he asked me when i met him
this morning was when Pete come back? I don't think there's any right time soon, Tem."

It's only about 10 minutes and Arm got out the bathroom.

"Are you sure you took a bath? It's super fast, dude." Tem teasing Arm.

"Hey, you both dating?" he asked that again.

"What the fuck, Arm?!" Tem choked.

"I heard you both whispering."

"We were talking about the guy that Gen loves from very long time. How long is it? 4 years, right,
Gen?" i really wanna smack his face right now.

"What??? Four years?? Since you were in high school?? Why didn't you tell him?" Arm seems so

"Yes, Gen. Why didn't you tell him?" Tem unplugged the flash drive from Arm's laptop and look
me death in the eyes while repeating Arm's question.

"You know who is it, Tem?"

"Oh, i know since day one. Since we were in senior year and he was a freshman." Tem tried to give
a clue.
"But we were on the different high school with him. How did you know?"

"Arm, let me ask you.. If Gen is keeping that feeling for himself these part four years, and that
person is single right now, did you think he should coming clean to that person about his feelings?"
Tem asking another ridiculous question.

"Of course, Gen. Go for it. It was never about what the other person think or say. But it more like
releasing what's on your mind. At least you say it and you know how he thought about you. So you
don't have to take a guess everytime about how he feels about you." stupid, stupid Gen.

"Guys, i think i have to go. I'm gonna be late to work, and tomorrow you still have a day off, waste
it wisely, Arm. And Gen, listen to what Arm just said. Fighting!" Tem left after making me panic
and sweating.

"Gen.. Talk to him, i don't know who is he, but if he knows you, he must've been like you back this
whole time. You are really a good person, Gen. And smart, too. There's no way that guy doesn't
like you." again, Arm made me fell for him even harder.

"I guess i'll take it slow."

"How slow? You've been in love with this guy for four years. Do you wanna wait for another four
years? Can i help you with anything? I can be your wingman." he said that like he didn't have
issues with his relationships, i know he still suffering because of Vegas and Pete.

"You should think about how your plan to move on from Pete, Arm. Don't bother thinking about
me and my hopeless dream." i said that not to draw any pity from Arm, i just delivering the truth.

"Hopeless dream? Why are you so pessimist?" Arm keeps pushing me.

"It's you, Arm." i answer him with sound almost like whispering.


"I gotta go. Thank you for finishing my food." i stood up and about to leave.

"You like me for four years?" he asked and i have no choice then tell him everything. At this
moment, i don't care if i have to lose him for good, i just have to tell him what i feel.

"Yes. Since the day we met at your school gym. When you played basketball against my school's
basketball team, right when you.."

"When i smiled at you who sit in the bench with your bright yellow cardigan." he finished my

"You recognized me?"



"Of course i recognized you, i came to talk to you after the game but you weren't there. And the
next year, i was the one who volunteer myself to come to your school. To meet you again." it made
me have a flash back to that time.

I got attached with his smile. I even got back when i was on my freshman year on the college, when
there was project to give a promotion to high schools in Bangkok, i volunteered and chosen his
high school, so i can see him again. Gen caught my eyes first, way before Pete did.

"To meet me? But you were too invested at Pete at that moment."

"I talked with Pete for 5 minutes and you said we were look so good together and after that, we
even connected on facebook and the only things you talked to me on facebook is about Pete. I
thought you were not interested in me even a little bit."

"I thought you like Pete." he said and looks really confused.

"So that's why Tem didn't believe me when i said i'm dating Pete. I remembered that Tem is asking
me about you instead. And i said that Pete who liked me and not you."

"Tem knew since that day, when i staring at you at the basketball game, he came at me and told
me that you were single and i should talks to you. But i got shy and got back to class before the
game is over, i was afraid that Tem gonna came to me and brought you with him."

"Hahahaha, so we were just crossed each other's lifeline without realizing it." I was laughing our
fate off.

"But i know these past three years you love Pete with all your heart, i don't tell you this to ask you
for being my boyfriend. I just think i have to tell you this." Gen looks panic.

"Of course i love Pete, i relly love him. Until right now. But thank you for still be there for me
even though you know i love your bestfriend. And you were never trying to do bad things, you
were always trying to make me and Pete happy." i said that from the bottom of my heart. I really
thankful that i have Gen in my life.

"Pete said you will waiting for him to come back after he got bored with Vegas. Is that true?" he

"Yes, i said that."

"Can you not doing that?" i look at him and he looks serious with what he said.


"I can't see you get any more suffer than this." he said that and i can feel he really means it.



We are staring at each others, i know i don't have any rights to say anything about what he's want to

"Sorry, i don't think you deserved that." i wasn't trying to lure him or anything, i just saw by myself
that Pete is really into Vegas. These past two days, all he do was talking about Vegas. Vegas this
and Vegas that. I was really furious about that, but he's my bestfriend, i have to support him for
anything he did if that made him happy. But of course i've been preaching about i don't want him to
hurt Arm like that. I told him to gave Arm some time to heal before really going out withh Vegas.
Vegas lived in the same building with Arm, nobody wants to see Arm witnessing Pete and Vegas
living together right after their break ups.

"You know i always believed what you said, right?"

I nodded.

"I'm gonna ask you this, one time only. Do you think Pete gonna come back at me? Do you think
Vegas and him are just temporary thing?" his face looks really depressed when he asked that,
completely different then when he talked about other things earlier.

"Pete is not gonna come back to you as your boyfriend, but you can still be his friend. You know
he loved you so much, there's no way he stopped loving you in this fast. And about Vegas, i don't
wanna say this to you right now when you're really on rock bottom like this. But Vegas is always
have interest with Pete. He loves Pete for a very long time.Pete told me that Vegas once helped
you with your admission, that was all because you're Pete's boyfriend. So i don't think what
happened between them is a temporary thing." i answered with honesty and hoping Arm will

"Okay. I'm gonna try my hard to let him go." he smiled,

"Thank you for being here, Gen. Thank you for always been there for me." he hugs me.

"Just, give me time to finish all the things about Pete in my heart."

"Take your time. Just call me if you need someone to talk to. I'm all ears for you."

Yes, Arm, i'll be right here. Then and now. When you were trying to be the best for Pete and now
when you're trying to forget about him. Even if in the future you don't end up with me, at least i did
my best to keep you happy.

Good Side Of Bad Karma.


It has been a three weeks since i broke up with Arm, i still stay at Gen's place. I still have some of
my things on Arm's place. We still talked once a while and i think we're good now. I already told
him that we're better off as a friend and he agreed. Two days ago i caught Gen is texting someone
and blushing hard, and this morning i found out that the person is Arm, i told him that i'm beyond
happy if they both can end up together. Arm is a good guy, i'd love him to end up with my
bestfriend, Gen.

"You should ask him out, Arm will never asked you out first. You know him, Gen." i try to give
Gen the best advise that i could give. Finger crossed, i really hope they're become boyfriends.

"He asked me out yesterday, and we're going to watch movie this evening. Are you really okay
with this?" he asked me.

"YESSSSS. You should go! I know you for a very long time and this gonna be your first official
date. Well, you've been in tons of dates before but never gone right. Either you ditch him in the
middle of the date because you find no chemistry or you ditch them after the first date and ghosting
them when they want to go to secoond date. Tonight you have to have a great night, Gen. You and
Arm are always get along really well together. So it's not gonna be hard." i encouraged him. I know
he feels uneasy about this because he's gonna date my ex, but i don't feel anything but happy for

"I'm gonna come home late, don't forget to bring the extra key with you." Gen asked before leave
for the class.

"I thought you're gonna go back to Arm's place tonight." i teased him until he's blushing and left
with his car. I still waiting to Vegas to pick me up.

And there he is with his red car, he wearing his grey t-shirt and classic blue jeans. I got inside his
car and we drive to campus.

"Pete, when are you gonna leave Gen's place and move in with me?" he asked me out of nowhere.

"Do you asked me to move in with you?" he never asked me to move in with him, so i thought this
is how he ask.


"But we're not even dating officially." i try to ask for the clarity of what status we have right now.

"After all what we've been through, do you think i'm only a friend to you?" he seems mad.

"No, i mean, you never asked me to be your boyfriend."

"We're not teenager, Pete." he said. "Can you move in today? I only have one class and finish
before lunch time, we can start picking up your things from Gen's and you sleep at my place
tonight. Our place." i got goosebumps with the way he said 'our room'. We finally have something
to share together and use the term 'our'.

I still hoping he asked me properly to be his boyfriend, though.


After lunch, i already told Gen that i'm gonna pick up some stuffs and put them on Vegas' place.
Gen shocked at first but then he told me that he support whatever i do, so i'm happy now that my
bestfriend still have my back. About Jin, he didn't know much about the detail because he also
busy about his relationship with Zee who now doing the internship outside Bangkok.

"Ah, finally everything is done." Vegas exhausted after brought my stuff six times back and forth
from his car and his apartment.

"Here, drink." i gave him a can of soda, his favorite.

"Thank you.." he drinks it.

"Why are you look at me like that?" i asked because Vegas looking at me like he wants to eat me,
like a lion look at its prey.

He pulls me and kiss me harshly, he sucking my lower lips and i can taste blood from my lips when
he bit it carelessly.

We both still sweaty and even our hair is wet because of the sweat, but he seems not give a fuck
about that. He pushed me to the balcony door which made of glass and he kisses my neck when my
body was pressed against the glass door.

We still standing, he keeps kissing my neck and start to removing my clothes.

"Vegas, we should take a shower first."

He didn't even bothered to answer and keeps kissing my back after removing my t-shirt. He waste
no time and pulls down my short immediately, he made me sticking up my ass towards him and
open up both of my legs, i don't even know when he took the condom and the lube, because when i
feel he's trying to penetrate me, i looked at his dick and it already wearing a condom and coated
with lube.

"Stay still." he said and grab my neck from behind to stop me from looking back.

I can feel his finger start to penetrate first.

"Ahh.. Ve..gas.. It hurts.." i'm not doing it for almost a month, i felt my arshehole is getting tighter.

He's down on his knees and open up my buttcheeks and licking my arshehole, until it totally wet
and he put his fingers back in. I still moaning because of the pleasure that i felt all over my body.

Now he's standing behind me and try to make my ass stick out more while i still pressed to the
glass door, then he whispered "i'm gonna put it in." while he pushed his hip to thrusting his dick
inside of me.

"ahh, Vegas, hurts." i moaning while saying that. It hurts but i like it.

"Ah Pete, it's twitching inside. It feels so good." his hoarse voice really made me turn on.

"Harder Vegas.. ahh i like that."

Then Vegas is fasten his movement while spanking my ass hard.

Not too long, he reached his peak. Only for three minutes after i laying on the bed, he climb on top
of me and ask me to suck his dick. And i did. He keeps moving his hips and fucking my mouth
while he's in on top of me. He pulls out his dick and pushed my thigh up. My asshole open wider
like welcoming Vegas' dick.

He thrust his dick with one push, i scream out of pleasure and pain in the same time. I really enjoy
this kind of sex.

We did it again until 4 times and now we cuddling on the bed. He is hugging me from behind and
whisperng to my ears.

"Can i be your boyfriend?" he asked.

I'd like the facts that he didn't ask me to be his boyfriend but he asked if he can be my boyfriend. I
turn around and facing him, i said yes and we start to kiss. We end the night with long steamy kiss.



"Thank you for tonight. I really enjoyed it. Hmm, do you wanna come over? Pete told me he's
gonna stay in Vegas' for tonight." i asked Arm to come to my house.

I serve him a drink and snack, he looks at me and smile.

"Is it bad that i already moved on in this short period like this?" he said it slowly and more like a
whispered but i can still heard that.

"What you mean?" i asked.

"I think i fell for you. I like you." Arm took me by surprise with kiss me on my lips. It was only a
peck, but i blushing (of course). The person i liked and i thought were never had a chance with,
now kiss me in my house after we went on a date. Who would've thought that?

I grabbed his neck and pull him for another kiss. Now we using our tongue, with the door still open
and the gate is wide open, we didn't care about anything. We make out on my sofa in the living

He unbotten his shirt and then remove my shirt, he kissed my body gently like it was a holy things
to taken care of.

"I'd never done this before." i said that when Arm trying to unzip my trouser.

"Then let me be the first." he pulls down my trousers and jerking up my penis, he's moving his
right hand up and down while his left hand is touching my nipple. Then i felt warm, and it's Arm
putting my dick inside his mouth and sucking it gently. I swear this is the best feeling that i've ever
felt in my entire life.

It took only 5 minutes for me to ejaculated, then he putting my sperm on my asshole and slowly
rubbing it. "It's gonna be hurt a little. Can i do this?" i nodded, i didn't even know what he means
with 'do this', i assuming he's gonna penetrate me, but then i felt that he puts his middle finger
inside my behind. It feels a little hurt but after few times he pull and push his finger, i enjoyed it so
much and starts moaning.

"Ahh.. keep going!" Arm is sit down on the sofa while i was laying on my back with my legs wide
open, Arm puts me in this position. I felt embarassed earlier because he can see my naked body
clearly, but i don't mind it anymore. I've never felt this kind of pleasure on my body before. I want

"AAh it hurts, Arm. Ff..fuckk.. ahh" i keep moaning and getting louder every time. Now he puts
two middle fingers and keep trying to opened up my arshehole with his fingers.

Then he pulls up condom from his wallet and a sachet of lube, he puts the condom on and coating
it with lube. Then he leaning down towards my face and kissing me on my lips.

"It's gonna be hurt a little, stay still." he puts his dick inside me, i think it was only the tip but i felt
like he ripped my asshole. It hurts like hell. I can help but moanig so hard and Arm kiss my lips to
try reduce my sound.

"Ahhh Arm... Shit.. ahh it hurts.." i keep saying that until Arm thrust in one push and i felt really
hurt in my back.

"Shit, what you did? Ahh, take it off, Arm.. aahhh it.. it hurts." he kisses me again

"It's gonna be fine soon, relax." he whispering this to me while kissing my ears and my neck. He
moving his hips in slow rhythm in and out my back. It took few minutes until i felt amazing with
this sex. We still in missionary position that allows me to look at Arm's face which really enjoying
this sex.

"i'm coming.." he said that and fasten the tempo until i felt his dick is twitching inside me. He pulls
up his dick and took off the condom.

He laid his head on the sofa while sitting with his dick still standing hard. I took the initiative and
hop on top of him while he still sitting.

"Hey, another round right away? You still hurting, right?" how nice of him, yes i still feel hurt on
my back, but i really want him more than anything tonight.

So i try to put his dick inside me while i'm on top of him, he was just sitting here and put his hand
on the head of the sofa like the king who waited to be pleased.

I can feel his dick is fill my inside part, in this position, his dick is all the way inside my ass. I'm
moving up and down with still feeling sore all over my body. He helped me with grabbing my hips
and moving my body up and down. We didn't even use condom this time and we didn't notice until
we both squirted our semen at the same time and i can feel it bursting inside my ass.

My body is fell on top of his while he still sitting, he hugged me and tonight we did it three times, i
cannot go for the fourth because my ass feel numbed. I don't know because this is my first time or
what, i can't even sit properly after take a shower, it felt like my behind been ripped out.

"Gen.." Arm called me right after i'm laying on my bed. He wore my clothes so it looks really tight
on him.

"Hehehe, you looked like hulk when he's getting bigger and his clothes is about to ripped." i

"Laugh as you like, you were the one who gave me this."

"Yes. that was the largest t-shirt i could find.." i answered.

"Aw.." i startled when i move my body and my butt bumped in to Arm feet.
"Is it still hurt?" Arm asked me while we're looking at each others and he kissed me again after i

"I'm so sorry you have to feel that." he said that in between our kisses.

Then we fell a sleep while hugging and kissing each others.

The Other Problems.


It has been 4 months since Vegas asked me to be his boyfriend and i lived in his apartment since
then, we hung out everyday and even though he was totally different with Arm, i try so hard to
diving into his world. Not trying to be compare between my boyfriend and my ex-boyfriend, but
Arm never did this.

"Don't wear that!" Vegas pointing out my short.I was gonna wear this short to Gen's BBQ party at
his house, Vegas cannot be there because he have a report that he have to finish today.

"But i wore this kind of short, like, everyday." i stand up for my choice, because i'm pretty sure as
long as i remember, i were always wearing this white short, not too short, just about three
centimeters above the knee, and nothing happened if that's he worrying about. Why is he so

"I cannot be there, and there's Arm over there."

"You worry about Arm which now dating Gen?"

"Yes, the same Arm that dating you for three years."

"Arm will never did anything like what's on your mind right now, and please don't start arguing
with me."

"How can you be so sure that Arm will never did anything to you? You both being together for so
long, and you show up with those sexy short, how can i believe that he can resist that kind of
temptation?" Vegas just being Vegas, paranoid over his boyfriend.

"Because Arm is not a cheater. He will never cheats on Gen. If he chosen to be with someone, he'll
focus only to that person, and never look away. You supposed to remember that i was the one who
cheated on him and not the other way around." i got irritated and gave Vegas a little attitude.

"I don't care about whatever your defense is, i'm not gonna let you leave this place if you're
wearing that short."

It's already 5 PM and i was already put my shoes on. I have no choice then take off my shoes and
go back inside our bedroom and change my short. Now i'm wearing this lame washed black jogger

"Be back before 10, Pete!" is he really testing my patience with all the rules he gave me?

"Vegas! The real dinner start at 7 or maybe 8, then we'll have a chat, drinks, and chat again, like
the other normal party at someone's house. And i have to be back at 10? Even the sun not set yet." i
hyperbolic my words.

"Then, i'm not allowing you to go."

"So, this is exactly what toxic relationship feels like." my mouth works faster than my brain. I left
the apartment with anger.

On the elevator, i thought about what i said and i feel terrible for saying that. But he really got my
nerves, i've never felt this kind of pressure when i was with Arm. But i can't keep comparing him
ith Arm, i have chosen to be with Vegas all the way.

I change my mind and go back to my floor the second this elevator touched the ground floor.

"Here!" the second this elevator door opened, vegas already stood there and handing me my baby
blue sweater that i left on the dining chair.

"Tell me what time you wanna go back, i'll pick you up. Take care and have fun." he said that and
left, i follow him and hug him from behind.

"Sorry for what i said earlier and thank you for wanting to picking me up."

Vegas didn't say anything but rubbing my hands which wrap around his stomach.

"I'll text you what time you should come to pick me up, maybe after midnight. Hehehe, see you!!" i
ran into the elevator after Vegas turn around and about to scold me again.


"You both looking good together." that's the first time i said when i saw Gen and Arm standing
next to each other while preparing the BBQ on there backyard.

"Why are you wearing that?" Arm ask me when he notice i wore this jogger pants.

"Vegas made you wear that i bet." Gen guessing it right. I was only giving them 'the smile'.

Few hours passed by, it's 5 minutes into midnight, Gen is passed out because he is a lightweight
and out other friends are already left.

"So you moved here? I though Gen gonna move to your place." i started the conversation with Arm
which the only sober person beside me.

"Yes, so we don't have to pay rent. Gen's parents bought the house months ago and it's his house

"Did you meet Gen's parents?"

"Yes, two months ago."

"I'm really happy for you." this conversation seems a little bit awkard remembering what we've
been through before, but like i said, Arm is very mature person, he didn't hold back the grudge and
let the past be the past.

"How are you and Vegas? Everything's fine?" he asked.

"Yes." i nodded.

"Maybe it's all because.. this is very new.. Like, you both only trying to know each other for few
months, right? So there are a lot of things that need to be put it align. Just, have a communication
with him." i think he knows what's up. He knew just by seeing my expression.

"But you both didn't seems like struggling to understand each other."

"We knew for long time. I knew him as good as i know you." right, him and Gen is knew each
others for years. Maybe he was right, i need to discuss a lot of things with Vegas.
I took out my phone from my pocket and the battery runs out.

"Hey, can i borrow your charger?"

Arm stood up and walked inside, of course i follow him because i want to charge my phone. We
left Gen sleeping on the porch sofa while we went inside.

"Thank you, i need to call Vegas to come pick me up." i said that after Arm handed me the phone

"Did he treats you right?" out of nowhere, he came up with that question.

"I saw marks on your body that day, i knew it was all because his preferences of sex, but now the
bruise is really visible, Pete. This.." he shows the faded bruise near my left eyebrow and touch it.

"I knew everyone saw this but didn't say anything." he said that while keep rubbing this bruise.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Vegas? Hmm, i borrow the charger, i just about to call you to pick me up." Vegas walked in and
Gen is standing behind him. Arm immidiately move his hand from my face.

"He asked about this bruise, Vegas, Gen." i try to explain.

"He just went inside to grab the charger, Vegas. nothing to worry about." Gen also trying to explain
to Vegas. Which i know Gen also confuse with what he just saw. His boyfriend's hand is on my

"Ouch, Vegas, it hurts." i said in response when Vegas grabbed my arm roughly and pull me

"Hey! You don't have to do that!" Gen scolded Vegas by trying to let go of my arm from his hand.

"Sorry Gen, but this is my business right here. Don't meddle up." Gen is stunned in silence. I bet he
didn't know what to say after heard Vegas' words. Then Vegas keeps pulling me by my arm and
shove me into his car. I can see Gen and Arm is still watching me leave from his porch.


In the car, i didn't say any word even though he keeps asking me questions.

"You still don't want to talk?" Vegas asked, but he used the lower tone now.

"Are you done screaming and yelling?" i asked him back. He was screming and yelling at me these
past 10 minutes.

"Sorry, i was just so stressed out about the assignment. Are you okay?" he was trying to look at my
right arm that he grabbed so hard earlier.

Another bruise, right now this bruise is obviously will visible if i use short sleeve clothes. So start
from tomorrow, i will only use longsleeve or cardigan as the outerwear until this bruise is fading.

"I don't like if someone touches what's mine. When i walked in, i saw Gen is sleeping outside and i
couldn't find both of you, my mind automatically blurred out of anger. Then i saw him rubbing
your cheeks like that."
"He was rubbing the bruise you gave me. Here!! Look!! You accidentally hit me three days ago
when you drunk after your senior's birthday party." i bring my bangs up and show him the bruise he
gave me.

"Did i do that?? Why didn't you tell me?" he asked while parking his car, we already on our
apartment building. He parked his car and we sit still in the car to talk about what happened at

"You didn't even pay any attention to me, Vegas. This bruise is really bad in the first day, you were
always looked at my face everytime we talk or eat or even when we were having sex, but you
didn't even realized there's a bruise on my freaking face!!" i got mad all of the sudden. It's not
about my arm which really hurt anymore, it's all about how he didn't even notice about the bruise
on my face.

He just stay silent the whole minute.

"Now you have nothing to say, huh?" i asked.

"I don't know what you've expecting when you were letting me to become your boyfriend, but i
thought you knew what kind of guy i am. I'm sorry if i didn't meet your expectations, but i promise
you i'll try harder."

I didn't know he can say something like this.

"And sorry for overreacting about Arm, i just a little bit unfomfortable."

"I know you were jealous, but you also know that i chose you over him. Him and i are really just
friend right now, and you have to remember that he is Gen's boyfriend. Arm already met Gen's
parents, by the way.. So they might be really serious about their relationship." i shared the story
about Gen's parent with Vegas back then. I told him that Gen's paretns are really busy and super
strict. So that's why Gen never looking for any relationships before, because he was afraid that his
parents would disagree about his orientation. But i think it's all in good term right now, their
parents bought the house that Gen's rented this past year, so he can lived there with Arm. How cool
is that?" i told him this story just to sharing the good news about my bestfriend. But he took it

"Did you tell me that because you also want to meet my family?" Actually, we've never talked
about Vegas' family before. I've never hear him calling any of his family member, last time i asked
him about his parents, he didn't even bother to answer and just walked away. So i think i should
wait until he wants to talk about his family."No, that wasn't what i meant. I just wanna tell you
about Gen and Arm, that's all."


We've reached our end of conversation and went inside the apartment.

I think his mood after talking about his family is worse than after he talked about Arm touching my
face. What's wrong with his family?

The Toxic One.


"Gen, i'm sorry about last night." i said my sincere apology to Gen where we were about to leave
the class.

"Nah, it's okay. If i were on Vegas' shoes maybe i did the same. Actually i was shocked as well
when i saw him touching your face like that. But then i saw the bruise and i know he was worried
about that." Gen keeps looking at me and stop what he was doing.

"Did he hit you?" he asked me and looked really worry.

"By accident. He was drunk and when i'm about to took off his shirt, his hand landed on my face,
just like that. He maybe a little bit rough on bed, but not hit me in daily basis, if that what's you
were afraid of." i explained everything to Gen, i just don't want him to think that Vegas puts his
hands on me.

"Okay, now can i ask again?" Gen looks really serious about this one.


"Are you happy?"

"You mean, happy about my relationship with Vegas?"

"Yes. I don't wanna cast out him or anything, but he seems a little bit... hmmm..." Gen is searching
for the word, when suddenly Jin intefere.


"Not toxic, it's more like a little bit tempramental. I saw you dragged home like that and i was
shocked." Gen and Jin looked at me waiting for my answer.

"I left early because today Zee have work to do, but i heard everything from Gen and Vegas is
really toxic. Like, he is the walking red flags, Pete. I've been watching you and Arm for a very long
time, and you always look happy. You looked at him with smiley eyes. But nowadays, even when
our class is ended late and you have to come back home late, you seems really scared like you lived
in boarding house which strict with their in and out schedule. You seems... unhappy." i've never
heard something like this came out from Jin. He was always minding his own business and never
put his nose into someone's matter. Now he looks really concern about me.

"We didn't mean to talk shit about your boyfriend, but i think you have to talk to him about how he
handle his anger. I know he known as Vegas the Devil which have enemies everywhere and
nobody wanna mess with him, but you're his boyfriend, he supposed to care for you and not treat
you like the way he treated other people." Jin added.

Gen is only nodded as he agreed with everything Jin said.

"So, are you happy?"

I still don't know how to answer that, they're letting me keep this question and think about it until i
found the answer by myself. Gen told me that i have to talk about it to Vegas. But, where should i


It's 7PM and i already finish my homework and showered, i sit on the sofa and looking for
something to watch while waiting for Vegas to come home.

"Hi Pete." its's 9PM and he came home sober, maybe i can talk about what JIn and Gen told this

It took about 30 minutes for him to shower and checking his phone, now he sits next to me and
asking about series that i watched.

"Are they in a prison?"

"Yes, this about the stories about the life inside the prison and the prisoners problems."


"Yes, Korean."

"What's the title?"

"Prison Playbook."

Then we just sit still watching until this episode ended. When the credit title is running on the
screen, i staring at Vegas' face as he looking at his cellphone.

"Why?" he asked me.

"I think we need to talk." my heart pound faster, i'm afraid that his mood change and he's get angry.

"About what?" he looked at me and smile whilst he puts his phone down.

"About my arm." i point out my right upper arm which still bruised.

"Come here!" he hugged me and rubbing my head.

"I'm sorry, Pete." he said.

"Can you not do that again? You always did that everytime you got angry or not in the mood. Pulls
me harshly or grabbing my hand so hard until i felt numb. We've been together for almost 7 months
and you still did that to me."

"I'll do everything you want, Pete. I'm sorry that i keep doing this." he lean down and kissed the
bruise on my arm. He keeps kissing it and move up to my neck and cheek.

"I swear i will try so fucking hard to not letting my anger hurt you anymore." then he kissed me

"I don't want people to see you as a toxic boyfriend or the walking red flags and keep comparing
you with my ex." i pushed him and talks about another matter.

"And, i really want you to let me hang out with my friends and doing other things outside. Can i?"

"Of course you can."

"But you always tell me to come home right after my class dismissed."

"I just.. okay, but keep telling me every single thing you do. Where you are, with who, what you
do, and always bring the powerbank and charger with you. So don't you dare not telling me where
you are and give the 'my battery is died' as an excuse."

It's easier then i expected.

"Okay.. So, i can go with Gen and Jin tomorrow to buy bedroom decor, right?" i took that as a
opportunity for asking Vegas' permission.

"Bedroom decor?"

"Yes, Jin is moving in with Zee, he wants me and Gen accompany him to go shopping. It's not my
fault to have a good taste of interior design so Jin asked me to help him."

"Hmm, okay. This is really a good taste of interior design." Vegas teasing me with the sofa
cushions that i bought online. The pink cushion is not a match with this black leather sofa in Vegas'
living room.

"Ck, at least i have something cute in this vampire castle." i scanning the whole room which fill
with dark stuff everywhere.

He back to what he was doing, kissing my neck and grab me by my neck.

"Vegas, i have the morning class tomorrow and so are you. Can we not doing it tonight?"

"15 minutes, Pete." he keeps kissing me while try to bargain with me.

He starts unbutton my sleepwear and kissing my chest. And now i can't resist this kind of

"Only once, Vegas I don't wanna wake up late." i keep remind him about my morning class. He
immidiately remove all my clothes and kiss my whole body.

He remove his clothes as well and hovering on top of me. He rubs his penis on mine and leaning
over to kiss my lips. Then he flip my body and kissing my neck and back. He bite me in a few spots
and kiss them after.

"Shit!" suddenly he stopped kissing me when his lips touching my buttcheeks.

"Why?" i flipped over and panic.

"I forgot to stocks up condoms and lubes."

I smiled and pushes him until he laying down on his back.

"We'll use your cum to be the lube, then." i said it and put his dick inside my mouth.

I moved my head up and down while Vegas grabbing my hair and pushed it even harder. Not too
long until his dick twitched inside my mouth and his sperm is dripping out from my mouth.

"Damn, Pete, you look so sexy with my sperm on your mouth." Vegas whispering and shove his
finger into my mouth and use his sperm to lube his dick. He grab my waist and put me on top of
him. I grab his dick and put it inside my arshehole, it's not as hard as the first time we had sex,
maybe because we did it so many times, my body part is getting used to Vegas' huge dick.
"Ahh, yes.. keep moving like that Pete.." Vegas and his voice, i'll never get enough with his voice,
it always make me want him more.

I keep moving my body up and down and i squirted my sperm for second times. I feel really tired
and i can't feel my bones. Vegas saw me ejaculated for the second time and took initiative to switch
the position. He pick me up to the bed, lay me on my back and fucks me in missionary style.

"Do you like it, Pete?" he moving his hips faster while biting up my nipples.

"Ahh, harder Ve..gas.... Right there... ahh" he fasten his movement.

"It hurts, Vegass.." it feels dry inside, i forgot we don't have any lubes.

Vegas shoving his finger inside my mouth again and wipe them all over my mouth. Then with his
wet fingers, he starts fingering my arshehole and make it wet. He keeps fingering and replace the
fingers with his tongue. He spit a few times and fingering my back again.

Then he thrusting his dick again in one push.

"Fuck.. ahh Vegas.. I like it... harder.. harder Vegas. ahhh" i can feel his dick even get bigger
inside me right now.

"Keep calling my name, Pete." he whispering right in my ears.

"Ahhhh yes Vegasss.. Ah Vegas, harder...." i keep repeating that until he pulls out his penis and
jerking off in front of my face and squirted his pleasure liquid on my face. He did it all the time, he
loves it.


"It's 3AM, Vegas. I have to wake up at 6 and have class at 7." i keep blaming Vegas for 3 rounds of
pleasing him earlier.

"I love you." he said it out of nowhere.

"Hmmm, i love you, too?" i'm confuse.

"Thank you for staying. Thank you for talking to me first about what you don't like about me and
not just left. Thank you." he hugged me and kissing me cheeks a second i put my body on the bed
where he already laying his body first.

"Thank you for listening to whatever i said and compromised with me." i also said what's on my

"Tomorrow, do you wanna come to my house?" i startled, he never talked about his house before.

"Your family house?"

"Yes. Tomorrow you only have a morning class, right? We can have dinner at my house, then."

I'm really excited and my sleepy feeling is gone and changed with excitement, i'm going to meet
Vegas' family!

His Other Side.


"Pete, do you really want to meet my family?" we still laying on our bed when he asking that.

"Yes, i do. I do!!" i got excited just by hearing he asked me that question.

"Okay, i'll see if my brother available tonight."

"What are they look like? Are they all have intimidated look like you?"


"Yes, your parents and your brother."

"I only have my brother. My mom died when i was 8, my dad died three years ago." i never know
about that.

"I'm sorry. Why didn't you ever tell me? If it's only your brother, we can visit him often. He
must've been alone these whole time. His only brother never visit him." i protest about how
careless he is. Then he grab his phone and type a text. I think he texted his brother.

"We'll have dinner in my house tonight, then."


"Jin, Gen, what should i bring to Vegas' house? We're going to his house tonight." i asking my
bestfriend for suggestions.

"Do you guys know that Vegas' parents are died and he only have his brother left?"

"Is it? No wonder he have that kind of attitude." Jin got scolded right away by Gen who slap his
head real hard.

"Younger or older brother?" Gen is trying to show his interest in news i justt shared.

"Younger brother, Vegas once said that his brother is still in his sophomore year. So what should i

"Hmmm... why didn't you ask your boyfriend?" Jin said.

"I did ask him this morning. But he said 'no need' just like that." i imitated how Vegas' tone when
he answering my question.

"Then don't bring anything. As simple as that. You just come with Vegas, i bet his brother already
stunned. Like, how can the hell this people handle my devilish brother?" Jin teasing me again.

"Jin, do you fight with Zee? You seems really bitchy this morning." Gen noticed.

"Yesssss, he was talking to his ex." So that's why he was so sensitive.

"His ex? Which one?" then Gen and i laughed because Zee dated a lot of boys and girls before. Jin
is more irritated then before.

"Ow, your Asian vampire is arrived." it's 4 PM and Vegas come to my faculty building to pick me

"Hi phi Vegas. Do you want some?" that's Jin offering Vegas his doritos, Jin already got his smile
back because Zee is letting him checking his phone and he saw nothing in there, so he is really
happy right now.

"No." he answered. "Come on." he looked at me and gave me his hand.

"Wish me luck, guys!" i grab Vegas' hand and ask for support and prayer from Gen and Jin.

"Just, don't talk too much." Gen gave me last warning. He told that thousand times today, he well
aware that once i talked, i'll never shut up.

"Actually, you can talk as much as you want with my brother." Vegas said while we're walking
toward the parking lot.

"What's your brother's like, Vegas?"

"He is really looks like you."

"Cute and lovable?" i try to make a joke right there.

"Yes. But also talk a lot and hard to handle." he giggled a little! Yes, finally, another milestone of
our relationship. I unlocked his expression other then anger and annoyed face, now i've seen his


"Is this your house?" i stunned by the huge vampire castle that stand tall in front of me while he
pull up inside this garage and park his car.

"Yes, these people are my father's employees. Don't mind them. Let's get inside."

There's a lot of people here, carrying boxes and talking on the phone. I've heard that Vegas' runs
his family business, but i never asked what kind of business. And i think i don't need to know.

"Hi phi Vegas.. and you must be phi Pete." this cute boy with tiger face is running towards us and
still in his school uniform.

"Hi champ!! How's school?" VEGAS IS SMILING EAR TO EAR! What????

"It's all good, phi." they hugged each other and Vegas introduce me to him.

"Pete, this Macau. And Macau, this is Pete." we greet each other and Macau seems already know
about me.

"How can you know me?" i asked him.

"Phi Vegas always told me about you. Here, phi, sit here." Macau let me sit in this huge dining
table. Only three of us with a whole lot of meal.

"Here, i asked maid here to cook your favorite Thai food. Just like we had on my place the first
time we had sex." he did not just said that in front of his baby brother.
"VEGAS!" i scolded him and Macau laughed.

"He is 18 years old, Pete." Vegas said.

"I don't care, don't talk about it in front of your brother. Now just eat and stop talking." Vegas
started to eat.

After the full meal, Vegas leave to talk with his employees. Macau ask me to go with him, we
walked through some kind of backyard, then there's another house. How huge this place really is?

"This is our house, phi. Welcome."

"So if this is your house, back then?"

"That's the place for the worker lives." oo i got it. So this is the main house. Alright. He is rich
rich. Even his backyard is bigger than my house.

"Phi Pete, you're so cool." Macau told me that, out of nowhere.


"Earlier, when you scolded phi Vegas. He totally listens to you. All the maids and workers here
really surprised when phi Vegas called and telling that he's gonna bring his boyfriend over."

"When was that?"

"He called about three or four days ago maybe, at 3 in the morning." is it when i talked about Arm
meeting Gen's parents?

"Here, phi. This is phi Vegas' bedroom. You can wear his clothes on the drawer and there's clean
towels inside the bathroom. Make yourself at home. I'm gonna take shower and do my homework.
See you in the morning, phi." Macau is so nice, he smile a lot even though the first impression
when i saw his face was he is the same with Vegas, have a pretty scary face.

So, this is Vegas' bedroom. Not very different from our apartment, all dark colors and organized
really well. I picked any of his clothes from his drawer and take a shower. This house even have
hot water running. How cool is that?

"Why are you wearing those?" Vegas already sit on his bed when i came out of the bathroom.

"Macau said i can pick anything from your drawer. So i pick this." i wore his sleeveless basketball
jersey. I don't know which team or who's this belong, i think it's cute, so i wore this.

"And why don't you wear any pants?" he pulls up the jersey i wore and he saw that i only wearing
my short.

"There's nothing fits me on your drawer. So i just wore this instead." i said, "Vegas, Macau told me
that you were calling and told everyone that you'll bring me here about three days ago. Was it right
after you heard about Arm and Gen?" i asked.

"No. It was a day before you came to Gen's BBQ party."

"So you thought about taking me here to meet Macau before i told you that Arm met Gen's

"Yes." he nodded.

"Did i need the reason to introducing my future wife to my brother?" he looked at me and smile.
God, my heart is racing. Why did he say that? Was that only a joke? But he never joke around like

"What are you talking about?" i blused and he kisses my cheek gently.

Actually, i can really feel the different. He is trying very hard to change. He never yell again, he
never grab me harshly anymore, not like before when everything he did was angry, yelling, and
slamming things. And now, he only looked tough in front of everyone else. He never try to look
tough when he's with me. He can smile like this, he even brought me to meet his brother, and now,
he snuggling on my embrace when i lay on his bed. The side that only me who can see.


My Carmine Red.


"I love you." he's telling me he loves me while he's hugging me from behind.

"I thought you were sleeping. It's midnight already, let's sleep." i check my phone to see what time
is it, and Vegas turn my body to face him.

"I love you, Pete." he said that again.

"I love you, too." i smiled and gave him a peck.

"Thank you for stay with me." i don't know why this sounds too sentimental, but i feel like i wanna
cry. Vegas' looks sad and happy at the same time, i never saw him with this expression. I don't
know how to react, so i just kiss him again.

"hmmm.." he started moaning in between our kiss just like he always did, he's now on top of me
while keep kissing me.

"Vegas, your brother is in the bedroom next to us, i don't want him to hear us doing things." i
pushed him away.

"No, i told him to sleep at guest room downstairs, he understood." then Vegas back to what he was

"Vegas, how could you do that? He must've known what we're about to do. How can i face him
tomorrow?" i felt embarrassed and sit on the bed to avoid him.

"Come here, Pete!" he pulls me to lay back again, but i stand up and sit on the chair by the

"Hufh.. It's just for one night, Pete. And Macau didn't look sad or anything, he looked happy
instead. He was happy that i finally found my other half. He likes you very much, too, so he will do
anything to make you feel comfortable here." Vegas sit down and explain things to me.

"You said i'm your future wife, now you said i'm your other half. Don't say those things, Vegas.
You make me think like what you said was real." i'm just being overthinker who think too much
about everything he said about me.

"It is real."

"..." i just sit here without saying anything. Vegas stood up and come to me.

"Pete, trust me, i want you forever. I want you to be in my life as long as i live. I even thought about
you who end up with my last name someday, i want you." i still sitting down on his chair and he
got down on his knee and staring at my eyes when he said that.

I saw the sincerity in his eyes, i touch his face with my both hands and kiss him. He kisses me back
and we're so into this kiss and i don't know why, my tears are falling.

"Why are you crying? Did i say something wrong?" Vegas looks panic and hugs me after he wipes
my tears.
"I love you, Vegas!" i kiss him again.

Then he pick me up like my bodyweight is nothing in his hands, he puts me on the bed and remove
all of my clothes and lead my hands to the headboard of his bed for me to hold on to it while he
kissing my body. He left few marks on my body until he come to my hips and bite them roughly,
just like the way he likes.

He then puts my dick into his mouth and sucking it like he's starving of pleased me. He keeps
sucking while his hands playing with my nipples until i reached my peak on his mouth. He rubbing
my pleasure liquid onto my asshole and slowly put his middle finger in it, i try to grab the bed sheet
and let go of the headboard but he didn't let me.

He keeps moving his finger inside and out my behind and i can feel he puts another finger in it and
keep moving them in adagio. Then i saw him remove all his clothes and pushed my thighs up until
folded on my stomach and he puts his fingers again.

Now two at the same time, i keep moaning because he touched the right spot.

"Yes, right there, Vegas! Ahh, i'm gonna come again, ahhh.. Vegass.." i squirted for the second
time. Right now he coating his dick with my sperm, he didn't even put on condom, he thrust the tip
in to my ass.

"Shit.. Why it's still so tight, Pete?" he said that while pushing my thigh higher so he can easily
access my pleasure hole.

He pulls out his dick and now he inserted three fingers at one thrust.

"Ah, it hurts.. Vegass... stop.." it really hurts, but Vegas won't stop, he keeps shoving and moving
his fingers inside-out while he was moaning too.

"Ahhh you like that, Pete?" he bites my nipple and my neck. Then he try to put his dick back in,
now he thrusts with full push, one move and it's all inside me.

"Fuck, it's... twitching... Shit.." he keeps mumbling and i can see his face is really enjoy this.

"Ahh Vegas.. i love... it.. keep going... yes like that.. ahh" i keep moaning and this room is full of
me and Vegas' sound of pleasure. I don't even care if somebody out there hearing this since the
window is wide open.

My hand still holding onto this old hearboard, this bed squeaking made unison with the tempo of
Vegas' moves. He grab my hips and moves harder, i felt like i'm about to passed out.

After he came, he flip my body right away and put me in bend position, he put back his dick into
my ass and i can feel his nails is clawing my back while grabbing it. He fasten his move and
grabbed my hair now, he pulls my head towards him and kissed my lips while he keeps fucking me
from behind.

"I... love you.. Pete.." he said that in between our kiss and our skin to skin clapping beat. This
combination is the sexiest things i've ever heard.

Not too long until he ejaculated and he lay his body next to me which laying on my tummy because
my back is sore.
"You didn't put a condom, so now i have to washed up and do proper cleaning stuff on the
bathroom. Damn." i complained.

"No, not yet." Vegas climb on top of me again, now my position is still laying on my stomach, but
he just separate my legs and force himself to thrust into my asshole. It was like laying down-doggy
style. I don't know why this guy can have this much of stamina.

We did it again until 5 times and it's 5 AM already I have to stopped him before all the workers
awake and hear us. We washed up and fall a sleep. But on 8 AM, Vegas wake me up and he's
already wearing his nice clothes. Complete with his trousers and belt, which means he going
somewhere. And that's why he woke me up.

"Is it time to go home? Or are you gonna go somewhere?" i asked while still closing my eyes after
took a peek and look at him.

"We're going to the beach. Come on!"

"Beach? Why?"

"When you were still with Arm, i overheard that you want to go to the beach so bad, but he never
have time, so can i be the person who take you to the beach?" Vegas and his smile again, he smiles
a lot nowadays.

"HMMM thank you!!!!!" i feel touched that he remember that.

"But why this outfit?" my eyes are scanning his outfit which more suitable if he wearing that to the
office or someone's birthday party.

"I don't even know what should i wear."

Then i made him change into t-shirt and short, not so Vegas but this is how he supposed to look if
he wants to play around at the beach.

Then starting from today, he's really different person, he's not angry all the time, yea maybe
occasionally when people pissed him off, but he never put his hand on me anymore. He never
force me to come home when i'm with my friends, and he also visits Macau often. If Vegas
couldn't make it, i'm coming to see Macau by myself.

In fact, me and Macau are getting along and having a great bond.

It feels like i'm becoming his family.

I love my life. I love Vegas.






Special Chapter : The Ring.


"Vegas, what are you wearing?" i look at him strangely, it's Saturday and 7 in the morning but he
already wearing his suit and tie.

"I'm going to Macau's school." he answered me while wearing his watch.

"It's Saturday and Macau is still sleeping. Why you have to go there? Is there something wrong?"

"I'm gonna collect his yearly report. Do you wanna come with me?" he kisses my forehead. I still
sitting on the bed with blanket on, i'm too lazy to get up but i want to come with him.

"I'm not even showered yet."

"I'll wait for you, i give you 15 minutes. Hurry up!" he pulls both of my hands until i stand up.


This whole week we were both staying in Vegas' house because Macau is now having a lover and
Vegas used our holiday as an excuse to staying here, but i know for sure it's all about he's worry
about grown-up-Macau which now dating someone for the first time.

"Are you sure you only want to get his yearly report and this is not about Chay?" i asked.

"Chay? So that boy's name is Chay?" he's behind the steering wheel and look at me shocked, why
did i know about his brother's boyfriend but he didn't.

"Yes, Porchay. They were closed since Chay was in freshman year, but officially dating about
three months ago."

"What??? I knew about him dating someone was only in past two weeks, that's why i asked you to
sleepover in my house this week. Shit. What else did he hide from me?" he seems angry, but
playfull angry like felt betrayed because Macau told me everything he didn't tell his brother.

"Vegas, what are you worrying about? He's 18." i try to stand in Macau's side.

"So what if he's 18?"

"Chill, Vegas. I already digging up all about him, he seems like a good guy. Very good guy. Even
his brother is a good guy."

"You know his brother?"

"Yes, we followed each others on instagram. His brother's boyfriend is really cute, though. Have a
strong jawline and seductive brown eyes." i said what i said, i didn't even think about how Vegas
hearing what i said.

"I'll deactive your instagram when we arrived at Macau's school." hmm, i didn't expect that.

"Vegas... are you serious?" i answer with laughing and he looks serious about what he said.

We arrived at Macau's school and there's a long line to some booth that i can even read what booth
it is.

"Phi Vegas, phi Pete." there's Macau, how can he's here?

"Why are you here? I thought you're still sleeping."

"No, i was here since 7 AM to attending this..." he pointing to the long line i noticed earlier, it turns
out to be a line for university application.

"This one, phi, this one is the place that i aim for. They have a good program about sport there." he
talks to me while holding my arm and pointing to one of the booth with his other hand.

"I wonder who's your real brother, Macau." Vegas mumbling next to me.

"Are you jealous about your brother have another favorite brother or you jealous about your
boyfriend likes your brother more than you?" Macau talks back.

Suddenly, there's a boy walking cutely towards us while shouting Macau's name.

"Maaacauuu..." that's Chay, i've seen his picture ealier when Macau proudly told me that he have a

"Phi Pete, phi Vegas, this is Porchay, my boyfriend." i shake Chay's hand with my big smile, he's
so cute and adorable.

"Hi Porchay.. Really nice to see you. I'm Pete. And this is Macau's brother, Vegas." i try to break
the tension between them, Vegas looks really awkward in front of Chay.

I elbowed Vegas to give him a sign to shake Chay's hand. And he did, with his scary facial
expression. He really can't let his baby brother grows up.

"Chay.." and that's Porsche, i also recogniez him from the instagram that Macau showed me.

"Phi, they're Macau's brothers." Chay introduce me and Vegas to Porsche and his boyfried.

"This is phi Pete, and this is phi Vegas." Porsche have this adorable smile and out-going vibes, and
Kinn, he looks exactly like Vegas. Cold and snob.

"Hi Pete. I like your smile. Those dimples are cute." Kinn is trying to be nice. I can see that
Porsche is already told him before that he have to be nice to Macau's family. I can see Porsche is
give Kinn a very proud smile.

But Vegas, he looks... mad.

"Were you flirting with my boyfriend?" Vegas put his hands into his trousers pocket and flexing
his jaws while flinching his teeth, he looks furious.

"Hmmm Vegas, everybody says my dimples are cute, right? He's not the only one. And he's just
being nice, there's no way he flirts in front of his boyfriend." i'm half whispering while looked
straight at Vegas with 'the eye' that tells him to don't try to bring it any further. I'm afraid he'll fight
this Kinn guy and only embarassed Macau.

"Hmm actually that was me who told him to give complement when we meet Macau's family."
Porsche also trying to cool his boyfriend down. It looks really clear that Vegas and Kinn having
the same problem with their anger, after Vegas scold him from saying things about my dimples,
Kinn also flinching his teeth and looks ready to fight Vegas.
We had a little chit-chat and went to seperate ways because Macau and Chay is in different grade,
so Chay is only have to grab his report card but Macau have to discuss his university and what
major that he wants to take.


It only took 15 minute to talking about Macau with his teacher, because Macau already know
where he wants to go. And he also have a pretty impressive GPA. I didn't know that Macau is this

"Try to be nicer, Vegas. You can see that Chay was a little bit uncomfortable talking with us
everytime he saw you with that devilish face." i try to give Vegas some advices about his
appearance and trying to make him open up for a new member of his life, his little brother's

"But he texted me and said that he was so happy to know you, phi Pete." Macau which walking in
front of us the whole time turn his back and smiling at me.

"Chay is super cute, what about tonight you tell me everything about him. How you both met,
who's the first made a move, and did you two already have your first kiss??" i teased Macau and
suddenly there's someone grabbed my neck from behind.

"Vegasss.. It hurts!" Vegas pulls my body which walking next to Macau when i talking.

"He can't kiss anyone before he's 21 years old." wow, he sounds like an over protective father to

"How old you were when you first kiss someone?" i asked.


"Lies!" i rolled my eyes after hearing the biggest lies on earth.

"But Macau, did you have your first kiss yet?" Vegas asked Macau and i can smell a little bit of
awkwardness between them.

"Hmmmmm, Vegas, i think we should go home, so we can watch the series that we couldn't finish
yesterday." i grabbed his arm and lead him to his car.

"Bye Macau, see you at home!" i push Vegas' body into the car and waving to Macau who will
stay there until evening and go home with his own ride.


"You shouldn't ask that to him.." i scolded Vegas in the car on the way home.

"But you asked him first." he answered.

"It's different. You have to take one step at the time. You can't just going forward asking him about
his first kiss."

"How can you allowed to ask that and i'm not?"

"Because i already took like 5 steps when you were just about to took your second step, Vegas.
This whole time we are together, i try so hard to get closed with him and now finally i already in
the place when i can trust him and he can trust me. But he also trust you, of course, you are his big
brother. But for this kind of things, i think it's safe to say that you're not there yet." i try to
explained anything like i was the expert of teenage behaviour.

"..." Vegas didn't answer anything, he was just smiling.

"Why?" it scary when he smile all of the sudden like that.

"I'm happy that you care for Macau like he's your own brother."

"He is my brother." i answer while looking the view outside my car window.

"Let's get married, Pete."

I look at him and he looks at me, smiling again.

"Just, let's go home." i'm avoiding his question. I knew he was just talking because of this Macau's
moment. He loves teasing me about this kind of stuff. Wedding, wife, husband, and everything that
made my body shiver everytime i heard him talking about those stuff.

"I know it was only a few months, but can i give you this? It's a promise ring, more like something
that i'm gonna use to keep you for me and myself only." his right hand still on the steering wheel
when his left hand reaching out his shirt pocket.

"Here. Wear this!" he pulls out a ring and just handed it to me, just like that.

That's so Vegas, what i'm expecting? Fancy dinner with rose petals? Vegas down on his knees and
propose? No, that will be the end of the world if he does that kind of things.

"Wear that on your finger. I made it by myself." i took that ring and do a little observing.

"You handmade this?" i staring at the detail and inside the ring, there's his name, Vegas.

"If i wearing the ring with your name, what about you?" i asked him with an attitude, i knew that he
never wants to wear a ring. Maybe it's still fine for watch, necklace, or bracelets, but not a ring.

"This.." he show me his left hand, and he specifically show off his ring finger.

"Awww Vegas!" i cried, literally. He had a tattoo with my name on the right side of his ring finger.

"I love you, Pete." Vegas driving the car while his hand still rubbing my head because my eyes are
balling out crying.

Special Chapter : Part 1 : Mine and Mine Only.


"Vegas, i forgot to buy your pasta yesterday, i have to go to groceries store and be back in an hour.
Love you.." i whispered in his ear when he was a sleep, Vegas never had a deep sleep, so if i
whispering in his ear like this, even if he's a sleep, he'll listen and remember when he wake up.
What a unique human being he is.

"Hmm.." he just mumbling and nodding his head. And i just left the apartment and hit the road with
his car.

It's 9 AM on Saturday, so we just gonna stay at home the whole day but i forgot the most important
thing to buy when i went for weekly shopping, pasta, Vegas' favorite. It has been a year since we
were together, but still i always forget to buy pasta. He can't blame me, i'd never bought pasta
before, i don't even like pasta.


"Shit!" i hit the other car on the parking lot. I crossed my fingers and hoping the owner of this car
is a nice person. I got out from my car and it's only a little scratch, anyway. I can just give him/her
money to fix it. I left my name and phone number on his windshield to show her/him that i'm a
responsible person.

I can't wait here until the owner come back, i already told Vegas that i'll be back in an hour, if i
took more than an hour, he'll have the attitude the whole day and i don't want that.


Only took me about 15 minutes to grabbed the pasta and paid for it, when i back to my car, the car
next to me already gone. I checked my phone but no one called or texted me. Is it possible that he's
not gonna ask for compensation?

I put back my phone and drive home.


"You awake?" i asked the obvious. Vegas already doing the pull ups on the balcony like he always

"Why did you need an hour to buy a pasta?" he's done with his morning worked out and walks
towards me without the top and of course, sweating everywhere.

"Hmm, i just gave an estimation." i answered.

"But you did away for an hour. 55 minutes to be exact." that was one of his ability, noticing the
smallest detail.

I didn't even give my excuse, my phone rang.

"Who's calling you in this time?" he's changed so much. Usually he'd grabbed my phone and
checked everything in it. But this time, he only give me the snob face and waiting for my answer.

"I don't know, i don't know this number." i answered him and pick up the phone.

"Oh.. Halo Time. Thank you for calling me, so sorry for what i did this morning. How was your

"Actually, yes, i was waiting for your call. Thank you for let me know."

"Yes, i'm Pete. Nice to know that you are a really good guy. Thank you again for calling me. Have
a great day."

I hung up and i saw from the corner of my eyes, Vegas and his angry face. I know what he was

"I hit his car this morning, so i left my contact and he called me. That's it."

I can see Vegas' face still full of questions, but he was just nodding his head and walking to coffee
machine and make his own coffee.

My LINE notification rang.

Time texted me on LINE. Of course i replied since he is a nice guy.

I think he'd stop texting me, but then he keeps text me.

I have to say yes, so i don't owe him anything. But i have to keep it from Vegas, i don't want him to
pick a fight over a good guy like Park. He's nice enough to just asked for a coffee.

Then we decided to meet this lunchtime. I countingg the time and come to conclusion that maybe it
only take an hour to grab a coffee and talk a little bit. I can tell Vegas i'm meeting Gen and he'll be
okay with that.


'Where is he?" i arrived at the cafe that he mentioned on LINE this morning. I make sure that i'm
looking for the right person and take a look one more time to his profile picture.

So, where are this guy?I walk around this cafe until one of the employee approached me and asked
me if she can help
So, where are this guy?
I walk around this cafe until one of the employee approached me and asked me if she can help. I
show the picture and she thinks i was on a blind date.

"Do you see any one of this guys? Either this one or this one." i showed her the photo.

"Hmmm, they're both so cute. Are you blind-dating with one of them?"

"What? No, it's not a blind-date, i hit his car this morning and he asked to meet here. Do you see
him?" i try so hard to explain even though i know i don't have to give her explanation.

"Pete.." and there he is, Time. It turns out that he is the one with the see-through blouse on the

"Hi, Time." we shake each other hands and the waitress is walk away immmidiately.

"Sorry i'm late."

"But your car already here when i came." i already saw his car in front of the cafe, so i looked for
him inside.

"Hmm, yaa, i have to answer the call."

"From your boyfriend?" i asked while he leading me to one of the table near the big glass in the
corner of the room.

"Hmm, yes. He was just being unreasonable." i don't like this man. I don't like the fact that he talks
bad about his boyfriend in front of the person he just met.

The whole meeting, he was flirty all the time, i know immediately that he is a player.

"Hmm, it's already 2PM, i have to go back, my boyfriend is waiting." i finally said goodbye after
feeling uncomfortable for this past 20 minutes. I already finished my coffee and i used Vegas as an

"Okay. Hmm, you drive here?" he asked.

"No, i used taxi." i can't use Vegas' car because i said i want to meet Gen and he knew i'd never
wanted to drive by myself if i going there because Gen's house have a small garage and i always
find it difficult to park there. Last time, i scratch Vegas' car when i crash the car to Gen's garage
wall. I know i'm a bad driver.

"I can drive you home, it's raining." it only two minutes after i said goodbye and how surprise i am
when i look outside the glass window next to me that rain is falling.

"Shit!" i immediately grab my phone and called Gen.

"Gen, if Vegas call, tell him i'm at your house, okay?"

"Just help me, i'm gonna tell you once i back."

Gen agreed and hung up the phone.

"Why? Did your boyfriend didn't know you're here?" Time asked me while he sipping his last sip
of iced coffee.

"Let me drive you home." he keeps asking me to drive me home.

"No. I can order online taxi. Thank you for the kindness of you about the car. I'm off. Bye." i
immediately left while struggling to order the online taxi with my phone.


"Sorry i'm late, babe." Vegas is sitting on his lazy chair stretching his feet and changing TV chanel
with remote on his hand.
"Where were you? Gen's?" he asked without even look at me.

"Yes.." i lied.

"I don't know you can be at the two places at the same time." he keep clicking the remote which
make the situation getting creepier.

"What?" i tried to control my breathing. Did he knew?

"Boun saw you at his friend's cafe when you told me you were on Gen's place." then he turn off
the TV and stand up, walking towards me.

"Vegas..." i felt really afraid when he walking right towards me with his intimidating eyes.

"Why did you lie? Are you cheating on me?" he walks closer and grabbed my arms.

"Vegas. It hurts, please stop." i'm shivering just by looking at his eyes.

I didn't see his eyes looking like this for a long time. I'm forget that his eyes can be this terrifying.

Special Chapter : Part 2 : Mine and Mine Only.


"Vegas..." i felt really afraid when he walking right towards me with his intimidating eyes.

"Why did you lie? Are you cheating on me?" he walks closer and grabbed my arms.

"Vegas. It hurts, please stop." i'm shivering just by looking at his eyes.

I didn't see his eyes looking like this for a long time. I'm forget that his eyes can be this terrifying.


My LINE notification rang, i crossed my fingers and hoping it's not Time who texted me. Vegas
grabbed the phone from my hand and read the message.

"Who the hell is this?" he showed me text from Time, he send a candid photo of me sipping on my
iced choco while we were meet earlier. With caption; you look cute today, can we meet again
when your boyfriend didn't waiting for you.

What? Why did he text me that?

"He is the owner of the car that i hit this morning."

"So you went out with him and lied to me? It doesn't even make sense, Pete."

"I didn't tell you before because i know you'll just gonna give him some money to clear up the
problem. He only ask for a drink, so i agreed to meet him. That's all."

"Doesn't make any sense for me, Pete." his hands grabbed my arms even harder.

"Can you let me go first? It really hurts me, Vegas."

"So you just cheating on me just like you were cheating on Arm?" he lets go of my arms and walk
away from me.

"No, Vegas, i was just meeting him to say thanks and i didn't want to owe him anything after
hitting his car. Just it. Please trust me." i follow him and try to make him look at me.

"Then why are you lying?"

"Because i know you'll get angry if you knew he texted me on LINE and asked me to meet up. So i
just went there and paid his drink so he doesn't bother me anymore. Just it."

"He asked you out?" it was the only thing that Vegas heard of all my explanation.

"To made up about the car, remember?" i clarified with him.

"Then why he sent you that picture?"

"I don't know."

"Was he flirting with you??" he was raising his voice again.

"I made it clear that i have a boyfriend."

"So he texted you to meet up when the boyfriend not waiting. What a good man he is." he's being

"Please don't mad at me.." i hugging him and staring up at his face while my chin is resting on his
chest while i'm hugging him.

"I don't. If you say you didn't cheat, i trust you." he walks away again after let go of my hands
which embracing his body.

"Then why you didn't hug me back?" i'm sulking.

"I'm sleepy." he walked away towards the bedroom door.

"Vegas. Did you really mad at me?" i grabbed his hand and trying to hug him again.

"Don't touch me." he said it with his lower tone. I know i messed up right now.

"Vegas.." he didn't even stop and just enter the bedroom without even look at me.

It's not even 4 PM yet, he's not gonna sleep in this time right? Shit, he must be really mad at me. I'd
rather he hits me or yelling at me like he used to do. Not like this, i'm really confuse right now.


I take a shower to give him a little time to cool off before i come and talk to him again. I entered
the room only wearing towel from waist down and walks right away towards the drawer and before
i have the chance to open the drawer, i feel he's pulling me by my waist and hugs me from behind.

"I really gonna kill him." he talks like he mean it but still with his soft tone.


"The bastard who have my boyfriend picture on his phone." his voice changed as he speaks.

"I have this, remember?" i showed him the ring on my finger and then i know he forgave me when
he started to kiss my neck.

"If you're not mad anymore, can we start watching the new movie on Netflix? The one that we saw
the trailer last week." i really wanted to watch that movie since the first trailer came out.

"Hmm.." he just mumbling while keep kissing my neck. Actually i'm not in the mood, maybe
because i felt terrified before.

"Can we not doing it, Vegas? It's only 4PM, can we do it at night?" i try to make a deal with him.
But he is Vegas after all, he get what he wants. He turn my body around and kisses my lips. Full
kiss with sucking and the tongue. And when his hands grabbing my hip and grabbing my neck, i
feel turned on and i kissed back. I realized we didn't do this for almost a month because i was busy
with exams and he is busy with his new job.

"You are mine, Pete. Mine only. Do you understand that?" he stopped kissing me and looks deep
into my eyes.

"Ehm.. Of course." then i pull his shirt and kiss him.

He took off the fabric that wrapping my lower body and started grabbing my butt cheeks.

"I.." he mumbling under his breath while kissing my neck and down to my chest.

He pulls me and pushes me rough to the bed, he took off his clothes and we both naked. He
climbed on top of me and leaning to kiss my body again. He licking my neck and kissing my chest,
down to my stomach, and stroking my penis.

He biting my nipples and my chest while keep stroking my organ. He forbid my hands for doing
anything, he lead my hands up and ordered my to stay still while he tastes every inches of my

"Ve..gas... just put it in..." i can't hold it any longer, i beg him to penetrate me right away.

"Not yet." he now put my penis into his mouth and sucking it in slow rhythm and it's really killing
me. I want him so bad, how can he play me like this?

"Vegas.. please.." i know he likes it when i beg, i put my pleading face and he's not even fasten his

"Take it as your punishment." he's on top of me and kissing my neck again.

"Fuck me, Vegas. Please.." i beg him again. Bitting my lips and give him a little moan, so he can't
hold it back too. But he's persistent and keep kissing my body. I, again try to touch myself but he
forbid me with putting my hands over my head and held them with his hands.

"Damn, you're so hot." he kisses me again. Still with moaning in between his kisses, he then
pushing my thigh up and i can feel he's finger rubbing my arshehole.

"Do you want it?" he whispering on my ear, teasing me.

"Please.." i beg.

"Ahhh.. Vegas... hmm.." i moaning uncontrollably when Vegas forced his finger inside me.

"It's so tight, Pete." he pushes my thigh higher and spit twice to my arshehole and rubbing his
saliva to my asshole. He puts his finger inside again and it gets easier this time, he puts the second
finger and keep moving them inside and out until i feel i'm about to cum only with his two fingers.

"I.. Vegas... i wanna cum.. aahh.." Vegas smiling and put my dick in his mouth while keep
fingering me. Only few minutes and i came and squirting to his face.

"I'm.. sorry.. Vegas... i can't hold it any longer.." i still catching my breath and try to sit down and
cleaning up his face from my sperm.

"Who told you to sit down?" he pushes my body back to laying position. He wiping his own face
and back to shoving his fingers inside me while his other hand is stroking his own organ and with
his raspy moaning voice, i can feel my penis is arouse again.

"Put it inside me, Vegas.." i don't know how many times i begged him this past hours, i want him
so bad.

He grabbed lube and condom from the drawer and put on the condom then coating it with the lube.
Vegas with his horny face that really drive me crazy, he coating his wrapped penis whilst biting his
lips and look straight to my eyes. He's so hot!
"Ahh.... you're so tense, Pete. Relax.." Vegas tries to thrust his dick inside me. Don't blame me for
being tense, we didn't do it for a month and he just right in front of me naked and give me the
sexiest face like that? Sorry i can't just be chill and relaxed. I'm crazy over him.

"Just.. fuck me.. hard.." i'm catching my breath and grabbing my thigh to make my legs open up

Vegas thrusts inside me in one push, it hurts like hell, but damn.. i love it.

He moving it very slow and i already can feel the pleasure with his big junk inside me.

"Harder... Vegas...Harder..."

I can see cleary that he gave a smirk before he pushes his hair back and grabbing both my legs and
pushes his hip harder until we made a very loud clapping sound. I think i break my back bones just
with his rough tempo.

He's reaching my neck and pushes it hard until i can't breathe. I gasping for air and i can see his
eyes is lower and with his malicious grin, he said; "You look so sexy, baby!".

"Ahh... I.. came.." i can feel his penis twitching inside and he loosen his grip and i finally have air
on my lungs. It's been a long time since we did this kind of thing.

He only took off the condom and put a new one right away. I can see his dick is still hard as before.

He turn me back until i lay on my stomach and fucks me in doggy-style.

"It hurst... Vegas... Slower.." i felt terrible for asking for harder sex earlier and now demanding him
to move slower. But he pulls my neck with his shirt which he swirled and put around my neck. I
feel pain on my neck and coughing much.

But he keeps fucking me from behind and the more i scream for mercy, the more he fasten his

"I know you love it, Pete." he let go of the shirt and grabbing my neck with his hand and pulls me
until i get on my knee while he keeps fucking me. He kisses my neck and licking my ear. I can feel
my asshole ripped when he puts me in this position, hurts.

"Let's finish together." he stroking my dick and moaning on my ear.

It took about 15 minutes and we finished together.

We laid on our bed after take a shower (the second time for me in this evening.) and he pulling me
closer and put his hand under my head while hugging me.

"Don't leave me for someone new, Pete." he's being melancholic again.

"Never. You heard me, NEVER!" i said it while looking into his eyes.


He gives me a peck and smile. My body still sore and i wish i can go to sleep, but he kisses me
again and now with tongue. He grabbing my hip again and i know he'll go for another round.

"Remember, Pete. You are mine, and mine only." he said it and we obviously doing it another
round until the night come.
Special Chapter : Wedding Chaos (Part 1)

It's 3 months before the wedding ceremony, but everything get worse than before. Even though it's
the 4th year they're being together, they still can't predict everything ahead of them.


"Vegas. Where are you?" i call him again after waiting for him for 2 hours at the florist.

"What??? We're waiting for you two fucking hours and you still at your fucking office?" i didn't
know my voice got louder, the whole room now looking at me. I bow my head and say sorry to
everyone there.

I didn't continue the phone call with Vegas and just hung up the phone.

"I'm sorry, Nam. I think we have to reschedule the meeting. My fiance is forget that he had the
appointment today." she understand and calm me down.

"Hey, Pete. You are my good friend since we were in middle school. Feel free to ask me anything,
like.. this.. i know every couple went through this phase. When they're getting married, everything
is faster, harder, more complicated than when they were dating. I overheard what you said on the
phone earlier. I think your fiance is busy with his work and you don't have to think too much about
it. I told you i can come to your place and bring all the sample, right? So you can tell me when your
fiance is free, so i can come over." Nam is a really good friend of mine, she always bring positive
vibes everywhere she goes. Like right now, she really understand how to calm my rage.

"Okay, i'll call you later."

I got out from my friend's store with a little bit anger in my heart. I hate the fact that Vegas agreed
to meet me here when we talked about it this morning, but didn't tell me that he can't come.

I stick on my schedule today. After this, i have to pick up some packages in post office. Still
wedding stuff i ordered from Korea and China.

40 minutes drive because the after office hours traffic and i arrived right after the post office
closed, it's 5.30 and they were already closed. I cursed myself which waiting two hours for Vegas.
I should've left after an hour and maybe now i already have the packages. Shit!


I already cooked the dinner since 7 PM and sit in front of the television until 10 PM. Vegas still
hasn't answer my text and didn't answer my call. He didn't tell me he's gonna come home late. I
threw the remote on my hand to the sofa and left to bedroom. I have a bad mood the whole day
because of him and he didn't even feel guilty after the florist accident when i hung up his phone in
the middle of our conversation.

It's 11 PM, i can't sleep even though i really mad and want him to get home seeing i already fell a
sleep. But i'm getting anxious and worried. Where the hell is he in this time?


"Pete.." after i heard the sound of keycard opened the front door, in pretend to fell a sleep right
away. I also heard he entered the bedroom immediately after he came in.
"I know you're awake. You texted me three minutes ago. There's no way you're sleep." dang! I

"You read my texts but not answer even once?" i flip my body facing him and sulking right away.


"You didn't even tell me you're gonna come home late." i added.

"I was super busy today. You know i'm going to take a whole month off on our honeymoon. So i
have to finish all of my job before the day come." he explaining.

"What? Honeymoon? Vegas, we're getting married in three months and your off day is in the forth
month from now, a month after the wedding. Why the fuck that you have to concern about that
today? Do you think i'm stupid?" i burst out my anger.

"This is my own company, Pete. I take all the responsibility here. I have to make sure everything is
right on its place before i leave them to other person. You know how detail i am with everything."
he answer my anger with another anger and attitude that makes me wanna scream even more.

"Your advertising company is settled, Vegas. You can leave it with your partner and everything
will be fine. I already cancelled the meeting plan with Nam since last week. And today i made her
wait for two hours. You didn't even tell me that you couldn't come." i talked with lower sound, i
realized that there's no need to angry with Vegas. He still says no if he wants to say no. Don't care
how loud i shout, he's gonna stick with what's on his mind.

"Can you just pick any flowers you want? I don't really know anything about flowers anyway." he
said while loosen up his belt and unbuttoned his shirt.

"I can pick them by myself. But how about the buffet last week and fitting up the suit yesterday?" i
brought up about everything about wedding that he missed since last week.

"Pete... Can you let me do the important things first before i'm dealing with those stuff?" he said
that with his tiring face, like begging for me to not talk about it.

"Hmm.. if the wedding is not the important things. Why were you even asking me to marry you,
then?" i felt really disappointed with his answer. I know he's not the kind of guy who would be
excited with unnecessary things like flower, food, and suits for the wedding. But can he at least
think that it's important?

"That's not what i'm talking about." he tried to touch my hand before i dodged it and stood up from
the bed.

"Where are you going?" he ask me when i stood up and get out the bedroom.

"I can't sleep with you tonight." i closed the door behind me and laying my body on the couch.
Crying the whole night. I know Vegas took a shower inside our bedroom and maybe he already fell
a sleep now. It's 2 AM and i re-think my decision to marrying the man like him.


I didn't even sleep and Vegas woke up at 6 AM.

"Babe.. where's my breakfast?" how dare he asked about that after what he said last night.
"Pete.. Are you still angry about what i said? I'm sorry, alright?" he trying to kiss me but then he
noticed my tears running.

"Peteee.. don't cry. I don't have time for this." he said.

"Yes. I know. I know you have to prioritize something important. Like your start up company,
right?" i answered.

"You know that's not what meant." he said.

"What you meant, then? Tell me. What you meant when you said you don't have time for.. this.." i
pointing out to myself.

"I'm so tired, Pete. I mean i don't have time to fight with you." he stood up from the seat next to me
and walk away.

"I want to cancel the wedding. Only our close friends and your brother knew about this, so it's still
fine to cancel everything. I'll call Nam and every vendor that already arranged the meeting with
us." i stood up trying to grab my phone on the kitchen counter.

"Pete.. You can't do that." Vegas said.

"And why's that? Why can't i do that?" i really want him to answer this question with the answer
which can calm my heart down.

"Because that's what you want. That's your dream, Pete." but he gave me this answer instead.

"You know that i love you, right?" i asked.

"Of course i know, Pete. I love you, too." he answered.

"And because i love you, i don't want you to living someone dream which not yours. Since the
wedding is only my dream, so it's better if i keep you off of it. Maybe i can find someone who have
the same dream as me, so we can living our dream together. Not only my dream." i left him
standing in the middle of our apartment unit and grabbed car key, wallet, phone, and i left the unit
with tears running down my cheeks.


I spent the whole day on Jin's coffee shop. Yes, he opened the coffee shop a year after our
graduation. He's still with Zee and Zee already have a settle job at multinational company with
huge income, that's why he can gave Jin what he wants, open up his own coffee shop.

"Pete.. i believed that's not what he meant. He loves you, Pete. I know you know that." Jin trying to
cheer me up.

"If only Gen is here. He must have something good to say. You only blame me the whole day." i

"I'm a logical person, Pete. I only gave you the truth. He's been so busy because his company
attracted a lot of high-end brand which waiting to use his service. You should be happy for him.
Not making out the excuse to fight him like this." right, i shouldn't talk to Jin. His logic is killing

Gen is now in Edinburgh with Arm. Arm is getting his new job there and Gen is tagging along. I
missed Gen so much, i should call him tonight.

Vegas texted me. I don't know if i'm ready to talk with him. I already call off every vendor and i
told Nam that i'm in the place when i reconsidering my choice of get married this soon.

Even though i think getting married after 4 years together and now i'm 27 years old is not too soon
if we're talking about married.


I decided to meet Vegas at home, i came home at 4 PM and preparing dinner. My anger already
gone and i think i want to cuddle with him all night.

And the messed up thing happened. It's 10 PM and he's not here yet. He didn't answer my call and
texts. Until my dial tone finally stop and someone answer.

"Vegas? Where the hell are you?" i asked, worry about him.
the woman across the phone answering Vegas' phone.
"Who are you?" she's not answering my question yet, i heard my fiance's voice from far away.

'Are you answering my phone?' Vegas' voice really break my heart. Is he cheating? With a woman?

I hung up the phone immediately.

I can't think straight.

Vegas' name pop out from my phone screen again. Of course i don't have a strength to answer that.
I came to conclusion that his behavior these past weeks was because of that woman. I should've
known better, then he came home late, always run out of energy, and not asked for sex these past
four days. Shit, it hurts like hell. Why does karma come to me when i already dreaming about my
dream wedding with him? Fuck!


I grabbed anything i can grab and leave the apartment.

I ordered an online taxi and decided to stay in the hotel for tonight. I left Vegas' dinner on the
dining table and just left.

That's the only answer i can give.

His response made me laugh. Why he answering like that.

"Pete.. Baby.." i decided to call him after he replied my text like that.
"Fired her!" i asked him to fire the lady that answered his phone earlier.
"Okay, i'll fire her tomorrow. Now, where are you?" he asked.
"What? Why?"
"I thought you were cheating on me."
"With her?? Are you serious?"
"Who knows!!"
"Dumb! Which hotel? I'll come to you right now."


He came to my hotel room at 15 minutes.

"Why did you call me and tell me you're coming home early and then come home late?" i confront
him right after he open up the door.

"I forgot. I swear. I'm in the middle of a huge project and i totally forgot that i wanna come home
early to surprise you." he said.

"Surprise me?"

"Yes.. This!" he showed me something on his phone.

"..." i read email from his phone and yes, this is the big surprise for me.

"UK?" i asked.

"Yes, that's why i finished all the works this week because i already booked the flight. I know how
much you missed your best friend. So we can meet Gen and have a winter holiday there. At least
we can chilling there for two weeks before all the headache we'll going through to prepare our
wedding." he said while smiling and rubbing my hands.

"Why didn't you tell me since the day i was angry with you after you cancelled the appointment
with the buffet?"

"It's a surprise! You know i'm not good at hiding things from you. So i just avoiding you this whole
week so i don't slipped and say things about this surprise." how cute, he even trying to gave me this
kind of surprise.

"So you didn't cheat on me? You didn't try to cancel the wedding or changed your mind to
marrying me?" i asked while pouting.

"Cutieeee.. Baby pete.. NO! NEVER! I even want to ask you this. Can we get married just in the
government office and the Church? Not making the whole ceremony and invite people? So we
worry less about the decoration, food, and anything else.. Can we?" and i laugh again when
hearing him saying that nuisance.

"No. We have to stick with the plan. Big, glam, and pretty wedding ceremony." i answered.

And, since i already paid the hotel for tonight, i think we're about to make some mess here.


Special Chapter : Wedding Chaos (Part 2)


Edinburgh. We're here and this is the last day of our 'refreshing' plan before the hectic or the
wedding preparation. Pete seems really happy when he met his bestfriend. It's been too long since
all the bad pages between me and Arm happened and we're on the good page now.

From the day Pete knew about the trip, he called Gen right away. And the next thing i know, since
the day we landed here, Pete and Gen already have a very long list of places they have to visit. Let
me underline this, THEY HAVE TO VISIT. So, yeah, they have to go there, the places on that list,
with or without me or Arm. The first day, we went to the famous restaurant there, four of us really
having a good time there, but the second day they planned to go to Palace of Holyroodhouse which
when i asked Arm, he said he didn't want to go because that place is huge and he knows that he
wouldn't have the patient to go around and walking and watching his boyfriend takes a selfie in
every inch of that place. And since this is winter, Arm alert me about how tiring that gonna be to
stand still waiting for them while chilling cold because the weather. So, i took the same decision as
him. I let them visit the palace without me, and they both went there without us.

"How's the wedding preparation goes?" Arm asked me as we sit on the coffee shop in the evening,
sipping on our same order, hot Americano.

"Two words. Headache and expensive." i answered so fast. Because that was really what comes on
my mind everytime i think about the wedding.

"Expensive?" he asked like he misheard what i just said.

"Yes, how come you pay for wedding flower the same amount with the motorcyle i just bought for
my brother? Like.. that motorcycle can be used at least three until five years maybe, but the flowers
is dead within a week. And Pete insist to using the real flower because he said that the fake one
have to flower scents. Gosh! No one gonna smell the flower decoration. Right?" i just throwing up
my concern about the wedding's flowers.

"It's not all, Arm. That's only about flowers. There's more.. About the food. Like, can't we just
order a full packs of food for all the guess? Like maybe ordered one bento rice with spicy beef,
vegetables, and fruit, who comes with water and packed inside a bento box, and give them to all
the guess one pack each?? Why we should considering the vegetarian one, the 'don't want the spicy
food' one, and 'can't eat the pork' one? If you as the guess, seeing that we serve food that you can't
eat, just don't eat." i said it with full excitement.

"So basically he ordered like four kinds of group of foods. Crazy.." i added.

"But that's the fun part for Pete." he replied.

"Hmm. Yes. I think." i answered.

"No, i'm not asking, i'm telling you that Pete loves that kind of hectic. He loves how he made the
tangled thread into a beautiful art. He's the type of person who loves sorting something ugly and
put into and beautiful order. That's just how he is." i admit that at some point, he knows Pete way
better than me.

"It seems like it." i sipped my coffee after saying that.

"Hmm, sorry i don't mean to 'i know him better' and show off to you. I just.." he said as he airquote
the part that he thought might disturb me.

"No, Arm, relax. I just, you know, i've never seen the side from that point of view. I always saw
what it meant to me, and not really think about how it is for Pete. So thank you for making me see
everything from that side." i answer.

"Do you come to my wedding?" i asked.

"If course, Gen will murder me if we're not come."

And we continue the conversation until 7 PM. Without any texts from our boyfriends, we walked
back to Gen's house where we spend the night.


The last day, we went to buy souvenirs for Macau and Pete's other friends. Arm still on his day off,
so we went there full team, four of us.

"We already bought these, where the hell we're going right now?" i asked Pete and Gen which
walking in front of us.

"Shhtt.. just let them." Arm elbowed my hands.

I want to let them, but me and Arm's hands already full with all the paperbags and recyclable
plastic filled with all the stuff they bought.

"Arm, look at these." i raised my hand and show him all the things i carried.

"We need those things." Pete answers me as i talk to Arm.

"Need? How can you need this?" i showed him a medium paperbag full with make up.

"That brand is from UK, they're much cheaper if i bought it here." of course he have the answer for
everything i ask.

"Let them." again, Arm forced me to let them be.

Until finally we arrived at this one shop, full of pastel colors, and i hate to say this, this is a cake
shop. Like sweets food all over the display.

"We just ate." i said.

"So??" Pete rolled his eyes on me.

"Must be good having a boyfriend who always understand what you want." Pete look at Gen and
said that. The audacity. Gosh! He's not only talking about his bestfriend's boyfriend, he's talking
about his ex-boyfriend.

After that, we went back to Arm's place and have little chat before our flight tomorrow. Me and
Pete still haven't really talk about what he said at the sweets shop. I feel like he doesn't think that
was a problem on what he said.

(In the bedroom.)

"Pete.." i called him when he's sitting and applying something on his face. Night cream or mask, or


"Earlier, when you said something about Gen. Did you mean it?"

"What?" he looked at me from the reflection on the mirror in front of him.

"When you said to Gen that Arm is understand what Gen's wanted."

"Hmm.. Of course i mean it. Arm is always understanding with whatever Gen's wanted. Not aways
agree, but understand why Gen wanted it. Do you know what i mean by that?" he finished his
night routine and climb up to the bed.

"But he's you ex-boyfriend. And i think you shouldn't said that in front of me." i said it as gentle as
i can. I just didn't want to see me as a jealous fiance or worse, a toxic one. Who feel insecure and
questioning about my partner's motives in everything he did or said.

"I just saying that without thinking anything. It just came out from my mouth, just like that." he
"I'm sorry if that words making you feel uncomfortable." he added as he rubbing my arm gently.

"For our wedding..." i didn't even finish my sentence, he already cuts it.

"NO!! Don't tell me you're gonna cancel the wedding" he said, panic.

"I.. I just.. I really didn't mean it. It just slipped like that. I swear to you, there was nothing to do
with Arm being my ex or whatever, just.. please.." he's so cute when he talks really fast and pouting
like this.

"Pete.." i run my fingers through his hairs. Gently.

"I just wanna say that after we go back home, i'll make time to taste the wedding cake, choose the
flowers, pick the color themed for the photobooth, and do everything that we need to get done for
the wedding." i finished my words and he's tearing up. Why is he crying now?

"Really??" he said, again, with the cutest face.

"Yes. Really.." i replied.

And yes, we're on the good page now. I try to understand Pete and try to realizing his wedding

Then, we went to sleep and get back home at the morning.


See you at the wedding.


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