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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: |
KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
Relationship: Build Jakapan Puttha/Bible Wichapas Sumettikul
Character: Build Jakapan Puttha, Bible Wichapas Sumettikul
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-07-27 Words: 2331


by GhieeLynne


"Build, here!" One staff member got his attention, he turned to look at her and saw her
pointing inside the van. Oh! He is going to ride that one. They have two vans waiting for
them because one van is not enough to accomodate them all. When he went inside, he
waited for someone to be with him but minutes passed, there's no Bible coming inside, even
his shadow was out of sight. He looked around but the person he was looking for is not
here. So, without thinking, he got out of the van and told the staff that he was going to ride
the other one.


Hiiiiiiii. I am baaaaack. Thank you all the people who read my BBB fics, I very appreciated
it. Hope you enjoy reading. This time, of course, it's a BBB fanfic based on their real life.
Have you seen a clip wherein Biu got out from the van and went to the other vehicle? Yes,
it based on that. Pure fiction. Enjoy reading!

See the end of the work for more notes

A big grin plastered on his lips when they got out of the venue. Fans were waving at them as they
held their phones in front, taking pictures and videos. His heart filled with so much happiness
because of the sight. Even in the arena, the concert is a blast. His fans and the people there,
welcome him with open arms. He felt the love and support coming from them. They welcome his
return with cheers and screams. The appreciation filled his lungs that he wanted to cry once again.
He shook his head with that thought and waved at them in return.
"Build, here!" One staff member got his attention, he turned to look at her and saw her pointing
inside the van. Oh! He is going to ride that one. They have two vans waiting for them because one
van is not enough to accomodate them all. When he went inside, he waited for someone to be with
him but minutes passed, there's no Bible coming inside, even his shadow was out of sight. He
looked around but the person he was looking for is not here. So, without thinking, he got out of the
van and told the staff that he was going to ride the other one.

He walked fast to the other vehicle with a simple thought in mind. He wanted to be with Bible. He
wanted to stay with him throughout the night. Even in the concert, Bible looks like a cute puppy
following him behind. So for him, he needs to find his puppy and be with him. Memories from last
night flashed before his eyes. Him confessing, Bible accepted it with a smile. He didn't talk much
but the hug and kiss that turned into making out is enough. The whispers of 'I love yous' is bliss.
He confessed first, yes! The nervousness filled his entire being that night. He wanted to run at first
but let's just say go with the flow and never say never.

Sounds of laughter echoed the whole room. They all looked so lively, so happy, so enthusiastic.
Day 1 of KinnPorsche World Tour is a pure bliss. They had so much fun. Meanwhile Biu was
covered with mixed emotions. Glee and nervousness with a bit of worriedness. Oiiiiiii! He already
prepared himself but he can't help but panic. This is not his first time, but it is his first time to
confess to a guy, to his best of friend to be precise. They shared their moments together. Their
thinkings. Their… He didn't finished his thought when he felt a nudge on his side. He looked at
the culprit and saw Tong who was smiling sheepishly at him.

Tong knows. Of course, he knows. He is also part of the reason why he will going to confess to
Bible. He looked at him worriedly but Tong just grinned at him genuinely. "You will be fine."
Tong said with assurance, his smile. Yes. Okay. He will be fine. He will be fine. He hope nothing
will go wrong. Tong patted his shoulder and motion his lips to follow Bible. He diverted his gaze
to that direction and saw Bible walking towards the bathroom. He let a loud breathe and settled his
gaze to Tong, who nodded at him and says, "Go get him tiger". He nooded as a response then
moved his feet towards that direction, to the bathroom, to Bible.

When he got there, the first thing he saw is Bible looking at the mirror, face is wet. Seems like he
notice his prescence because he settled his gaze at him, looking at him through the mirror. There it
is, the intense gaze. So intense that he needed to avoid it for a second. He gulped as if his throat dry
because of that gaze. Their eyes met once again through the mirror, Bible still fixing his gaze at
him. He has this poker face with no one around or with others but when they are together, his eyes
were glistening with so much emotions that he, himself, have no strength to name it.

Bible dried his face with a clean towel he got from the staff as he turned himself and face that one
person made his heart palpitates furiously. He cleared his throat and walked towards him slowly.
"What's wrong, Biu? Do you need something from me?" He stopped his movements in front of
him, looking straight to his eyes, diverting it to his lips. Damn! He wanted to taste those luscious
lips once again. He almost did it on the stage but they remembered that there are kids in the
audience. He licked his lips before settling his gaze to that person's eyes as a mere fact Build's
looking to his lips too. His lips curving into a smirk before uttering his words softly. "Do you want
to kiss me?"

"W… What? N-No!" Stuttered, Build slapped himself mentally. He cursed under his breathe
before glaring at the person who was laughing so genuinely. "You can't say that!" Build said like a
whining. Bible let out a throaty laugh before responding. "Sorry. You're so fun to tease." He said in
pure English. Build slapped his shoulder that earned a soft groan from the other. He looked at him
in disbelief. "Stop acting. I didn't slap you hard." Only a chuckle escaped from Bible's mouth, after
a second Bible became so serious as he gawking at him intensely that made his heart pounding
rapidly. "W-What?"

"Then, when are you going to stop acting?" He creased his forehead because of confusion. Acting?
Him? Since when? He only acts when their scripts and camera. "What do you mean?" Bible let out
a tired sigh before shaking his head. "Nevermind. Let's go outside." Before Bible can step forward,
Build stop him with a gentle push. "Wait a second. What do you mean about your words?" Bible
settled his gaze at him but averting it after a few seconds. "Bible, look at me!" Bible shook his head
stubbornly. "Bible! Look at me I said." He stubbornly said, "No!" Build is so confuse as hell. Why
he will not look at him? "Why not!?" He asked, seems mad. "Because if I am going to stare at you
more, I might kiss you without your permission!" Bible's reply made Build's mouth agape. His eyes
widen in surprise. Heart beats so fast.

"What?" He saw how Bible's ears turned red and bited his lower lip, stopping himself to speak. "Y-
You want to kiss me?" Build asked, stuttering. Bible closed his eyes then scratched his neck before
looking at him. "Let's go outside, Biu." He stopped him by holding his wrist. Bible looked at him,
pleading. His eyes were begging to just let it go. Begging him to stop asking. But, who is he to
comply with those dark eyes? That, even himself, wanted to. That, he went here, in this place, so he
can have a word with him. To confess, right? To say what he wanted to say. "I-I want too." Bible
knotted his forehead because of his words, letting Build to speak his words.

"I mean, who wouldn't to kiss you? You are the standard of a guy that every woman wants. You
are so perfect." Bible interrupted his speech. "I am not perfect, Biu." Because of his interruption,
he earned a glare from the older one. "Of course not, you are perfect. You are perfect for me. You
are perfect in my eyes. Everybody likes you. Our friends likes you. The staffs likes you. Our fans
likes you. Cats likes you. Even my parents likes you. So, yes, anybody in this Earth likes you."
There's a small grin plastered on Bible's lips. "How about you? Do you like me, Biu?" Without
hesitation, Build replied. "Yes. I like you."

Bible chuckled a little before poking his nose. "I know, like everyone else. Do not worry, I like you
too." Bible said before moving step forward to clutch the door handle, but before he can open it.
He heard him speak. He stopped in his track because of his words. "No. I don't like you like
everyone else. I don't like you like the likes they have for you. I like you because it's you. I like
you because that's the way I feel for you. Ah, no! It is not like anymore. I already fallin' for you. I
already love you. I fell in love to someone named Bible. So my like is different from theirs. I love
you, okay? Do you even understand that?" He said between huffs. His speech were so fast that he
didn't know if Bible catches those up. He waited for him to respond but there's none.

He sighed, forcing himself not to cry. He settled his gaze at Bible's back, holding the door knob,
readying himself to leave. "I am sorry if I fell for you. It is not my intention to. This is my first time
to have feelings to my co-star, to my partner in a series. I didn't mean to. I am sorry." Build, head
low, voice crack, looks down. "Why are you saying sorry?" He heard Bible asking him in English.
"Because…" When he looked up, he saw Bible smiling at him, eyes glistened with unshed tears.
He is now looking at his face, not his back. "Because?" Bible waited for him to continue. He
knows that kind of smile pretty well. "Are you going to tease me?" He asked, pouting. "Of course
not, why would I?"

Build bites his lower lip, unable to speak. Bible cupped his cheeks with his two large hands. "Can I
kiss you?" Bible asked, he felt his breathe fanning to his face. He slowly nodded before a soft lips
covered his. It is so gentle and passionate that made his tears crawling to his cheeks. Bible nipped
his lower lip, tugging it before letting it go. "I feel the same way. I love you too, Biu." He caressed
his cheek before planting kisses on his forehead, eyes, nose and cheeks. Build, without second
thought, snaking his arms on Bible's neck and pulled him closer to a kiss. French kissing the hell
out of him. Bible just smile between their kisses before wrapping his arms around his waist, pulling
him closer that even an air can't get through between them.

Build parted his lips as Bible snaked his tongue inside, battling with dominance, small groans and
moans filled the room. Bible's tongue tasting every sweetness of Build's mouth. They sucked each
other's tongue, exchanging salivas and when they parted, string of saliva visible on their parted
mouths. They are both panting after that kiss. That kiss is so different from those kisses they did in
front of the camera. That kiss was intense yet passionate and filled with spoken love. They went
for a second kiss and both smiling afterwards. When they went for the third one, several knocks
were heard and a rumbling voice seems like mad. "Oi! Whoever you are inside, get out now. You
are not the only person who in need for bathroom!" They chuckled because of that. That voice
sounds like Apo, eh? They stare at each other lovingly before Bible placed a kiss on his temple.
"Thank you." They both said unison.

"Build, Build! Biu, Biu! Biuuu!" Build got startled that he came back to his reverie. "What?" He
looked at Apo who is smiling at him ever so fondly. "What are you doing daydreaming? Are you
going inside or not?" He chuckled and uttered an apology to him. "Yes, yes. I am coming. Sorry."
He went inside the van and his eyes landed on someone who was settling his gaze at him in
somewhat confusion but in a spur of second, it changed to adoration. He nodded at him as he
tapped his seat beside him. He smiled at him before sitting besides Bible comfortably. "You didn't
follow me there." Bible scoffed. "I did but that one staff stopping me from entering inside. He
pointed this van at me, means I am going to sit here." Bible explaining like a child throwing a

He let out a soft chuckle then nodded. He felt a hand grasping his and intertwined their fingers
together. Bible held his hand firmly, like the way he held his hand on stage, protected. "How about
you? Why are you here?" Bible asked after a minute of silence. The van is already moving towards
their hotel. Day 2 of KinnPorsche World Tour is already done. Now, they are going back to their
hotel and their own lives, to rest, of course. "I am looking for my puppy." A throaty laugh escaped
from Bible's mouth that made the others turned at them. They just looked at us smiling cheekily
and shook their heads before continue what they are doing. Enjoying their own little world.
"Puppy, huh? I thought you are looking for your owner." He gasped with that use of words.
"Owner? As if I am the person who follows me like a puppy everywhere I go." Bible just laughed
and placed his head on his shoulder.

"Are you happy?" He asked in a whisper. "I am more than that." He replied. "Biu?" A hummed
escaped from his mouth when Bible called his name. "Thank you." Build looked at him through
his lashes. Even though he can't see his face, he knows that he is smiling. "Thank you for what?"
Bible held his hand up, the one he is holding, and placed it on his lips before planting a soft kiss.
"Thank you for existing." There's a lump on his throat that he needed to cleared it through
coughing. He felt like crying. He just placed a kiss on his head before mumbled his words. "Thank
you for staying."

'Yeah, thank you for staying Bible. You mean so much to me. I exist because you stay.'

End Notes

Thank you for reading!

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