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Courtesy: good manners

2. Decency: - the quality of being polite and respectable
3. Treason: - the crime of betraying one’s country e.g.: they were convicted of treason.
4. Convict: - a person which is found guilty.
5. Lousy: - very poor or bad, disgusting. E.g. The service of the hotel is usually lousy.
6. Wanderer: - a traveler e.g. I like to be a wanderer.
7. Unanimous: - fully in agreement e.g. they are unanimous with pyour idea.
8. Confiscate: -take or seize with authority e.g. they confiscated my money.
9. Rejoice: -make happy e.g. He rejoiced when he saw his friend alive.
10. Ignorance: - Lack of knowledge or information. e.g. he acted in ignorance in basic
11. Stagnate: - stop to flow or move.
12. Indigenous: - originating or occurring naturally in a particular place. e.g. the
indigenous peoples of Nepal
13. Scarce: - insufficient for the demand. E.g. as raw materials became scarce, synthesis
were developed.
14. Ensnare: - catch in or as in trap. e.g. they were ensnared in downtown traffic.
15. Devoured: - eat hungrily or quickly
16. Frantic: - marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotions. E.g. she was frantic with
17. Fidelity: - the quality of being faithful.
18. Insane: - mad, crazy, nuts
19. Trickster: - a person who cheats other.
20. Cleave: -
21. Prophecies: - a prediction.
22. Beseech: - ask urgently to do something.
23. Repugnant: - extremely distasteful, unacceptable
24. Invasion: - attack
25. Divulge: - make known
26. Frail: - weak and delicate
27. Notorious: - famous or well known for some bad quality or deed.
28. Retreat: - an act of moving back or withdraw.
29. Assailed: - make violent attack on
30. Calamity: - an event causing great and often sudden damage, a disaster.
31. Fuss: - A display of unnecessary or excessive excitement, e.g. I don’t know what all
the fuss is about.
32. Inmates: - a person confined to an institution such as a prison or hospital.
33. Scam: - a dishonest scheme, a fraud, swindle. E.g. an insurance scam.
34. Stretch: - an act of stretching one’s limbs or body
35. Obtuse: - slow to learn or understand.
36. Meticulous: - showing great attention to detail, very careful and precise.
37. Midget: - an extremely or unusually small person, very small
38. Awful: - horrible, very bad or unpleasant, appalling, gruesome. E.g. the placed
smelled awful.
39. Distraught: - deeply upset and agitated. E.g. a distraught women sobbed and screamed
for help.
40. Sobbed: - cry noisily, making loud, e.g. he felt and sobbed like a child.
41. Vibrant: - full of energy and enthusiasm.
42. Idiotic: - stupid
43. Indolent: - slow to heal or develop and usually painless.
44. Amiable: - friendly
45. Overjoyed: - glad
46. Destitute: - poor, without the basic necessities of life. E.g. the charity cares for
destitute children.
47. Furious: - angry
48. Petrified: - terrified, so frightened
49. Sage: - having, showing or indication profound wisdom, a profoundly wise man
50. Profound: - at form or extending to a great depth, very great or intense.
51. Delicate: - easily broken or damaged, fragile
52. Absolution: - formal release for guilt, obligation or punishment.
53. Envious: - jealous. E.g. I am envious of their happiness.
54. Precarious: -uncertain, dangerously likely to fall, not stable
55. Culprit: - a person who is responsible for major crime or other misdeed.
56. Disguise: - give a different appearance in order to conceal one’s identity. e.g. did you
disguise yourself.
57. Taunt: - provoke or challenge with insulting remarks.
58. Spun: - turn or cause to turn.
59. Creepy: - causing an unpleasant feeling of fear
60. Distracted; - unable to concentrate
61. Deceived: - defraud, evade, elude
62. Censure: - the expression of formal disapproval,
63. Massacre: - an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of people, deliberately and
violently kill a number of people. E.g. the attack was described as a cold-blooded
64. Conduct: - behavior, the manner in which a person behaves
65. Riot: - a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd, e.g. riots broke out in the capital
66. Casualties; - a person killed or injured in a war or accident.
67. Sporadic: - occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places, scattered or
68. Communal: - shared by all members of a community; for common use
69. Stalemate: - a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is
70. Upheavals: - a violent or sudden change or disruption something. E.g. major
upheavals in the financial market
71. Intervention: - the action or process of intervening, interference
72. Assets: - property, possession, wealth
73. Pursed: - follow (someone or something) in order to catch or attack.
74. Proclamation: - a public or official announcement, especially one dealing with a
matter of great importance.
75. Reluctant: - unwilling and hesitant, disinclined. e.g. she seems reluctant to discuss the
76. Insightful: - having or showing ab accurate and deep understanding; perceptive e.g.
thank you for your all the insightful comments.
77. Virtuous; - having or showing high moral standards. E.g. she considered herself very
virtuous because she neither drank or smoked.
78. Vicious: - deliberately cruel or violent, immoral, imperfect.
79. Deliberate; - done consciously and intentionally.
80. Ascent; - an instance of rising e.g. the first ascent of the Matterhorn.
81. Erudite: - having or showing profound knowledge
82. Ingenuity: - the quality of being clever, original and inventive. Skill, art
83. Impediment: - a hindrance or obstruction in doing something. E.g. a serious
impediment to scientific progress.
84. Amid; - surrounded by, in the middle of.
85. Culminating; - reach a climax or point of highest development.
86. Intrusion: - the action of intruding.
87. Tenure: - karyakal
88. Unprecedented: - never done before, adhbhut
89. Somber: - lacking brightness or color, nirasajanak
90. Inaugurated: - being or introduce, udhghatan
91. Scourge: - cause great suffering to.
92. Transcribe: - put (thoughts, speech, or data) into oriented form or written.
93. Abominable: - causing moral revulsion
94. Revulsion: -
95. Disband: - break up or cause to break up and stop functioning,
96. Fallible; - capable of making mistakes, e.g. experts can be fallible.
97. Deformity: - a deformed part, especially of the body, a malformation.
98. Compendium: - a collection of concise but detailed information about a particular
99. Restraint: - a measure or condition that keeps someone or something under control or
within limits. Moderate behavior, self-control
100. Temptations: - a desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise.
101. Embezzled: - steal or misappropriate.
102. Atonement: - reparation for a wrong or injury
103. Reparation: - the making of amends for a wrong one, the action of repairing
104. Devour: - eat (food or pray) hungrily or quickly
105. Reconcile: - restore friendly relation between. E.g. she wanted to be reconciled with
her father.
106. Puppet: - a puppet ruler, kathaputali
107. Grievous: - of something bad, very severe or serious. His death was a grievous blow.
108. Severe: - (of something bad or undesirable) very great intense.
109. Intrudes: - put oneself deliberately into a place where one is uninvited or not
110. Rapture: - a feeling of intense pleasure or joy,
111. Inevitable; – certain to happen, the situation that is unavoidable.
112. Immoderate; - not sensible or restrained. Excessive
113. Obligation: - a duty or commitment
114. Emancipate: - set free; especially from legal society, government
115. Fugitive: - a person who has escaped from a place or is in hiding to avoid arresting.
116. Emissaries: - a person sent in a special mission, usually as a diplomatic representative
117. Renounce: - formally declare ones abandonment of words.
118. Meticulous: - marked by precise way for showing great attention in details.
119. Punitive: - inflicting or intended as punishment.
120. Alleviate: - make less, severe
121. Contrition: - the state of feeling remorseful and Penitent
122. Untenable: - specially of a position or view, not able to be maintained
123. Euphemisms: -
124. Fornicate: - having sex without marriage
125. Celibacy: -an un married status
126. Reinstate: -restore to the previous state or rank
127. Outraged: - the act of scandalizing, a disgraceful event
128. Entrails; -
129. Rationale: - a set of reasons or a logic for a course of action
130. Filth: - the disgusting dirt
131. Inquisitives: - curious or inquiring (inquisitives about every things)
132. Supplant: - suspended or replaced
133. Withered: - become dry and shriveled
134. Tomb: - burial ground, grave
135. Mithril: -
136. Exhume: - dig up or reburial or for the medical purpose.
137. Encumbrance: - a burden or impediment
138. Perish: - suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden or untimely way
139. Endeavor; - try hard to do or achieving something
140. Herculean: -

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