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MEDA 222 Project 4

Claire Woyke

1. Project details
Client / Client contact information:
Kelly Nile, 555-345-7525,

Project name and description:

The Forever Pet: a comfort and a companion for the lonely or impaired.

Prepared by:
Claire Woyke , 604-702-8965,

2. Background/ Overview
My product is a robotic pet, called The Forever Pet, to help and comfort lonely or
widowed seniors in care homes, or disabled people in group homes. It could also be of
use for those who are unable to constantly walk a pet, those who don’t have enough
money to keep a pet, people who have allergies to pets, or those who live in a place
unfit for pets but still really want to have a pet. There is no need to walk, clean, clean up
after, or feed the pet. It will be programmed to sleep on a charge mat each night, then
it’s charge will last throughout the next day. It will be connected to a website and/or
app where your family would be able to access the pet too. There would be a camera
through the eyes so they will know their family member who owns the forever pet is
safe. The pet will have the functions to call an ambulance or 911 if it sees that its owner
is in peril. You could also set alarms into it so you and it will wake up at certain times
together, and it has voice recognition software, so it will respond like a real dog. You
could also have the choice to make the animal look and have the personality of an old
pet (but that might be too depressing for some). When you first go onto the official
website they have you log in and give all your basic information. Then you can choose to
upload an old pet or create your own. Right now there would be an option between a
cat or a dog. You would get to pick their breed, personality, and whether you would like
it to look like a real pet or just a robot. There is also an option for disabled people who
can’t speak. They need to communicate through the PECS communication system,
where they need to have someone else flip through a book and point to different
pictures to make a sentence. The pet could be programmed to understand this language
and/or sign language, so it can communicate with deaf people. It could either be
designed to have a screen instead of a dog head, so instead a dog head shows on the
screen when it’s not using the PECS system, or a screen could pop out from its body
After the model is chosen, the next step is to choose your payment method of monthly,
yearly or all at once, and then the pet will be shipped to you. Once it arrives there is a
video online that will show you how to set it up, or you can pay more to have someone
deliver it and help you set it up to the app and tell you how it works. If you need any
help with the pet, there is a help section in the app/website.

3. Objective
The main goal is to use “sadvertising” to get the customer to buy the product, by making
them feel sad, relief, and even guilt.

4. Target audience
The Forever Pet is mostly targeted at widowed senior citizens, the family of those
seniors, and people with disabilities. They can be any gender, age, or race. They do not
necessary need to have a high education level because the technicians will be doing
most of the maintenance. The people paying for the product should work full time and
earn at least $50,000 per year. They live in senior care homes or disabled group homes
that are within 100 km of larger cities with a population of at least 150,000 or more.
Forever Pet users are living alone and do not have many opportunities to leave the
house. They are extremely lonely, but find it difficult to talk to other people. They need
someone who will inspire them. The family just wants to see their mom/dad happy and
cared for and want to enjoy life without being constantly tied down to said person.

5. Focus
Have you ever felt like you don’t belong? Or do you suffer from loneliness? The Forever
Pet can fill that void for you. It’s a robotic pet that you don’t need to walk, feed, clean,
or clean up after.

6. Reasons why
The Forever Friend will provide continuous support, safety and comfort to your loved
one by being built to last and to be easy to maintain.
7. Creative Insights
The tone is mainly comforting. I want people to feel a bit sad too, but The Forever Pet
will lead to that comfort for them.

Word map:

“You’ll never be lonely again!”
“Because everyone needs a best friend.”

Slogan: “Your best friend, forever”

Mood board/logo:
8. Schedule
Our goal is to have the product ready to present to the client by late November. At that
presentation we want to have the website up and running as a trial to see customers
interest in the product, have completed prototypes for two posters, and have
completed storyboards for a commercial.

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