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Pollution has become a challenging issue around the world.

One contributor to it is amount of waste

which is increasing day by day. There can be numerous causes for this such as population, increased
demand and production of goods. However, authority can effectively control this rate of increment by
introducing some solutions such as spreading awareness and utilization of recycling. Explained below are
the some causes and solutions in detail.

To begin with, the global population has reached to seven billion which is expected to climb up to nine
billion by 2050. Should the situation stay same, debris produced would be higher due to the usage of
bigger amount of goods. Additionally, not only does huge population add up for wastage but also boosts
demand of different items in market. Addressing this increased call would require a larger production by
companies. Owing to that, industrial waste will be generated more and more.

Luckily, there are certain remedies for this. Amount of garbage could be reduced by spreading awareness
among people about proper handling and disposal of waste and its long-term impact on environment
which could otherwise be impossible if governments do not take such steps. Furthermore, the
authorities can indicate certain restrictions for the industries to produce waste and promote recycling
which can be helpful to reuse the material that would significantly lower debris.

In conclusion, certainly there are plethora of reasons for the amount of rubbish to go up such as
population, greater industrial produce due to increased demand; however, by utilizing certain solutions
such as spreading awareness and encouraging salvaging, the issue in question can be tackled effectively.

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