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Seul, pronounced, officially City, is the capital of South Korea since the

creation of this republic in 1948, the historical capital of Korea for more than
600 years, and the most populous city on the Korean peninsula.

Seúl, pronunciado oficialmente Ciudad, es la capital de Corea del Sur desde la

creación de esta república en 1948, la capital histórica de Corea durante más
de 600 años, y la ciudad más poblada de la península de Corea.

Seoul has re-emerged as one of the world's most fashion-forward cities. Its Fashion Week, which

showcases the latest in urban style from the city's incubator of designers, has become an essential

event for fans of the sector.

Seúl ha resurgido como una de las ciudades del mundo más a la vanguardia en la moda.

Su Fashion Week, que exhibe lo último en estilo urbano del vivero de diseñadores de la

ciudad, se ha convertido en un evento imprescindible para los aficionados del sector.

Seoul's constant pursuit of innovation has turned the city into a tech haven. It has the fastest

internet connection speed in the world

La constante búsqueda de innovación de Seúl ha convertido a la ciudad en un paraíso

tecnológico. Tiene la velocidad de conexión a Internet más rápida del mundo.


Han River Park

Han River Park, located on the banks of the Han River, actually
contains 12 different parks, all part of Yeouido Hangang Park.
Exploring Yeouido Hangang Park by bike is the best way to take
in the area's views of the river, native trees, and well-tended

El parque del río Han, ubicado a orillas del río Han, en realidad
contiene 12 parques diferentes, todos parte del parque Yeouido
Hangang. Explorar el parque Yeouido Hangang en bicicleta es la
mejor manera de disfrutar de las vistas de la zona del río, los
árboles autóctonos y los jardines bien cuidados.

Lotte World Tower

It is the tallest skyscraper in both Seoul and South Korea, and
ranks as the sixth tallest skyscraper in the world. In addition, it
houses the 2nd highest observation deck in the world

It is a dessert based on crushed ice covered with condensed milk and
different ingredients. The most traditional option.
Es un postre a base de hielo picado cubierto con leche condensada y
diferentes ingredientes. La opción más tradicional
This word refers to small dishes that are served as starters. You may not
even have to ask for them as they are usually included with the meal.
Expect to find you, among others, kimchi and namul.

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