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3/15/23, 2:52 PM MyGovUC2.0 Mail - [KDI School] Congratulations! You are matched as the Alumni Working Partners!

(Team 3)


[KDI School] Congratulations! You are matched as the Alumni Working Partners! (Team 3)
1 message

KDIS PR <> 15 March 2023 at 14:13


Dear Team 3 - Collen Jonasi, Mark Aboagye and Siti Mariam binti Sulaiman.

Congratulations! You are matched with others as the Alumni Working Partners.

You can now start working on your project by contacting each other via email.
The way of collaboration is truly up to you. Be free to be creative! 
Please take note of the instruction as below:

1 (Interim Evaluation) Before July 31, 2023, please submit the INTERIM REPORT with the FORM 1(Statement of Payment), FORM 2(Foreign Transmission Form).

2 (Final Evaluation) Before September 30, 2023, please submit the FINAL Report REPORT with the FORM 1(Statement of Payment), FORM 2(Foreign Transmission Form).

3 Please reply to this email ( for the INTERIM/FINAL report and FORM1, 2(payment statement).

4 In the previous year, there are some transfer issues. So, please ensure that you fill out all the information correctly.

5 We have attached a PDF file, [Guidelines for the FORMs], for your reference. If you have any questions, please refer to the Guidelines.

The overview of the proposed project can be seen as below. 

Team 3 Proposed Project

Tentative Title Revamping the Education Sector in Developing Countries for Enhanced Development Outcomes

Investigating factors that enable the transformation of the education sector in developing countries to ensure
achievement of SDGs, eradication of hunger, and upliftment of lives through education.  

Objective Improve education policy planning for developing countries.

Expected Benefits Improving policy strategies for enhancement of education sectors

SDGs Timely Global Issues Sub-category
4. Quality Education 2. Comparative Policy Analysis Education

Created by (Team Leader) Matched Partner 1 Matched Partner 2

Name Collen Jonasi Name Mark Aboagye Name Siti Mariam binti Sulaiman

Ghana /
Country Zimbabwe Country Country Malaysia
United Kingdom

Program/ Program/ Program/

MDP 2022 MPM 2018 MDP 2017
Year Year Year
Email Email Email
Ministry of Primary and Secondary
Workplace Workplace University of Cambridge Workplace Ministry of Education Malaysia,
Position Deputy Director, M&E Position Education & Insights Analyst  Position Principal Assistant Director

Also, if you cannot continue working on the project due to any reason, please let us know any time.
We look forward to a fruitful result of the collaboration.


During your collaboration, if there is anything the school or the Alumni Office could help, please feel free to contact us. We will try to help as much as we can.
(E-mail : )

Best regards,

KDI School PR

Lee, Ahhyun (Ms.) l 이아현

Public Relations Division l 홍보팀

KDI School of Public Policy and Management l KDI 국제정책대학원 
263, Namsejong-ro, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea l 세종시 남세종로 263
TEL: 82-44-550-1174ㅣFAX: 82-44-550-1245
KDI School website: 

Guidelines for the FORMs.pdf

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