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Hifi €NGINEé For more Hi-Fi manuals and set-up information please visit a ——— Rea 1 aT i Music can best express man’s greatest joys and deepest sorrows, for of all the arts it is the most eloquent. Music figures much in literature, because great writers have always instinctively realised its importance. “Music”, said Congreve, “can soothe the savage breast”. And Shakespeare famously observed: “The man that hath no music in himself, and is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils”. Bringing musical inspiration intact into the home is the audio maker's raison d’éire. Technology, no matter how complex and fascinating, is merely a means to this end, and must remain so. Paying due respect to the intentions of the composer and the artiste, Technics audio engineers and designers work to reproduce their work with the greatest possible fidelity. They have the latest and best laboratories at their disposal, but they have no magic wand. Success comes but slowly, hard-won at the frontiers of audio science. The high fidelity components introduced on the following pages are the fruits of their patient labours. Contents Digital Audio 1 Turntables 2 Tape Decks 8 Amplifiers 13 Tuners a eaIG Receivers 18 Speakers 19 Hi-fiSystems 21 Graphic Equalizers Audio Accessories 27 28 ie eee SV-P100 Digital Audio Cassette Recorder. SQ CD10 Complete Disc Digital Audio Player. so.cp10 DESTINED TO BECOME THE WORLD STANDARD: THE COMPACT DISC Only 12em in diameter, the Compact Dise holds one hour of [programme time on its single recorded side, which is encoded in {the form of microscopically small dots in an ‘intemal layer under a protective coating. The information is retrieved by a precisely focused semi-conductor laser beam which makes no physical contact with the disc, Several major manufacturers in both the hardware and software fields have already announced thele decision to standardize on the Compact Dise Digital Audio System as the audio medium of the future. sv-P100 DIGITAL MASTER RECORDING FOR EVERYBODY ‘Tho Technics SV-P100 Digital Audio Caseotte Recorder contains all electronic and mechanical systems for digital ‘aster recording and playback by the PEM process. Because of the extremely high infoamatioa density, the SV-P100 uses slandard VHS formal video cassettes, resulting ina progr time of two hours, Operation ison sesy aa, pethaps even 8 than, that of @ conventional cassatte deck te ER RNNN NRRL CP ics Technics in compactor cartridge that tinder heence by m ‘and linear tracking to newer systems have © Satisly aven the hyper-critical audiophile, ‘The professionals demand superb accuracy in tumtable design ‘and performance so its rewarding to learn that at laast 500 of the world’s leading broadcasting studios have specilied ‘Technics direct drive turntables. Another world frst is the plug- mits optimum interface between arm and cartridge. So successiul that it is now being manufactured world famous cartridge makers, Recent developments incorporating Innovative microcomputer technology anded the pinnacles of performance and created a "high rise” turntable, That will SL-5 Greadine tttabte SL-7 Soper fae ce Scanel’ TNR. “Clecines non roooant" compensa) ckoeay oe eee ee Soe aman sites EAN PAPE roe oe Seer ea eae nee ies “near acting quart Airectdrive rable: Sapte aan sre Quan ed cad aching lengarm ‘wih oplniacroic’ east de mice: Seat conte devo abet cpr, Aun, Gompoupd) bose construction. Automatic record sped selection 2epsod lvard aa bacon “nesh’ nto AUtocutss ook ‘iting Rope lacy: High penance plug conece HM ‘Stee wk pute err pipe Sana SL-10 ieee Soe SL-QU1 Simaststisr eects tratable Compact redo tac eo Ouatphawe ced cnc] Ounts pac ced eet wth ogra trae oct de ones ae ores e See Dinsct-ive fal SL-DLS5 tctomatc linear wacking mtnble Fully automatic with egal tcerplater diet dive sce. Bratt late ier ching etm nl ne ‘ln Alumiis Siceat wer cont seat NR econ foro conpcutdl hot Ruonatic crt speed lst Fe em ete gee cae Toner Sa cae Se = Taliyanionateresconl SL-Q30 fentcrhancleted 5 tetabe Prbncey open cena ee See ee Fiprren GSAT nic Safi eM AR Feohestmimace: "Osby (cota ect, ROMER RE 4 ) ic0303 Tulysnomalie ronteoatrol an SL-Q303 quartephase-locked DD turntable ‘Si Shoe ler tence wh dtachblebndabll and EPCS ‘i Srwidg nlaed High que at sta up ine ‘PSG Bec Mate Won roo beak a SEATS Sit, tee a cH ae eee {0 Sot un nao clei ee sy Teka Hagin rome ete te th adhe ‘Gomi-anlomatie “owntceatel™ SL-D20 aireci-trive turntable et mjeoal er plc, dec dave notgPich afisable ope 10% tom rated peed. Cumig fact. uminted stotcactpe. Fou pea umbal suspense Senn NAC but Teck ley tsveimecer cage spew’ ‘ih EPCPENOND cae a hated th uh cones Euddnerrione 7 Simson: (nS3e Horie Deo ‘eetoum ho Gem atematle “ront- contol SL-D202 iret drive turntable Sign i eh nap al SVS SMa ES Bee a ee ae “omi-anlomalic DE carve SL-B21 vetvarive turntable ‘Pesan, Show nani ale nar, Ce Telit Techies plage come cance trem Pid rnin Bacto vce He SL-B202 fevcvetbadive tonablo (bg 'entidge tctnded. Bich ctl abalty tom, sie epee” ilmimated eeokoncpe or “astro epod pe el DD, SL LOOOMEC2 icratle win ‘variable dynamic SP-1OME2 thecarve uses tac i eda qua conte! soy Sorte aver sto tt Nese cat wi fr arep co, ey, reat a engi gS Ee etal SF IOMEVetble deme deme xpeanan onload ty bal SL-1200MK2 Siccaleeteratiae fitiinater fr owlight coulis on Same: See = Technics®* ee eee Technics kD ee ee et ee eee pee ee te eee Tipe sid a male oan py mi mach ol a cl Spe We aca dh Ray ee ti pte mt en ar oes tuk ues ope print by wey of 3 motor direct drive mechanisms and one vwith a double capstan drive system, Of even greater appeal will be the dbx noise reduction system incorporated into some decks, in addition to Dolby C and B systems ont oun deck wth of touch tape aps mo etching Eiind aay and cust! ochy Sool tous ees ud oe uo ier ep MX rep fend debe oa ROW up UrrER. o6) ors) 20.4% (Dav FarooENeY BEE Tein dala iy nee | aggooos RS-M216 site ces {S00 LS segue acre ws pon lwo play ad Sanat eorene mans rangoracy Pores eee RS-M222 Risinspeodaubving capeity Sof ough tae torent conte: Two cour FL ptr th oak tho simply dbbing mocene We ming and 6 WR. ER srt eased RS-M226 tered case Dey Band € pie reductase epee postal Regist spay ao conten ‘cdi 20 one tine cn yor au ose as 01s oo rmnouner ‘Technics bx NR egulpped RS-M228X siereo cassette deck eee aod Reb aaa eee es ee iSerehereiarenerensate Ring Tope Solecor” sumac melarGxOs oral tape aimee eat eee Cae ae eee eee es ee nen stbock Mi tocph hand aad doubiogop TON ap reorrenco:8> wets 20145 cre reeset Aen Bag eg cis oh FOE Miccoprocesorconioliod RS-M255X ttoree cannot dock Buitin ale NR provides erceptonlly wide dyramic ranee {GHGHB “nd Stadt ection aac” db Sac deceding inay sree pe cone eater th ceo Deakhold: Mulichoncticn FL dupa with realtime counter Au Epeclacor Opa loa ante Gua ont rocpe hoe sod able gop ler woe head ee eee ee A 10 spots opin eee ieetege sec Eigen xed bea we soit otra and to douliegop TaicSSxh165» Deseo WEIR 8 Thresshond sloreo RS-M260 cassetie deck Sol ouch tape tanezor cont. Thee hod ese with LED Fitton play Bole aby NK spt faghtece sagan fo Sarfati Femina Senda tis od ar ‘etal laa oxrding Single osc ering snd oe baton met esrlnpplayluck rind ouoplay end aetevew ici Samant Toca ocmding ee ie acie earcmerer erent SERBS, Shad rem ee “ita ratte how 0c agraiotesionan ase ha RS-M26sx == RS-M265X. stciopee norco cata Sock seeing peakbold My recline ape Aeare tects Chol een Wheels eh Saeuae rem ss i, memes Se taperat estas Cima coe rane Ragoumenaiers “ac 240k.” PoweRcowemnmon 70" BEST. (elke Tiros motor BS-M275XK fier const dock appraise bad ory tere soviapuataraltateds Rareaehing ‘ari rea ine counter Bars few adjntpont Avo tape selector Sess eee emer ante mares, 0, 0c on meee SEU a ere Be erg Os bel ete gear rok SpiMnarone Wes sn tleam® Weta e Se Tejas Now Co ales coroy ate pn tt caer es Ge See ee eee a Technics EQUUS ee ae aa Eee bernie opt eet anes eos eR ETE RESIST ee ee ee FA ore renga en erry mG ee rey gE hhigh perlormance and clean sound qualily of Technics amplifiers, “iarea integrated SU-Z45 35 wate per chanel, 2088-00, to 8 ohms wo tore tha Dood. THD. FL power daplay wall tange owt. Two topo ‘entorstath dubng capably Mancematetwospeckerr saan Sana {ghee 1 2 MD (30 il at ed pes 0% Faegonwey one IRR ta SES IaU oie vows esi cae Bist Sea pivots sean ‘nicer sen ee SU-W3 integrated amptiter aoe eee ee oo So eee 2a eee oem a aia de i feral a a Picce: GB Tana naktape, 1000 POWER. “ach T= SU-V5 intesrated ampiitier ew Clay A with Unest Fesdbecl od wochohies ari Stigh DC cemtactoeConvertated Power Blak” (Ch dest couplet MSEC pho oquakst th LED inleston Remote nee Sage sch Recording sales wih wo nay dubbing Mam ‘tle pase tcainll_ Aveta fs ck ae se Siew Tachniccs® 12 Gierso DE SU-V7K iniograted ampiitior New Claw A sath Linear Fesdback and erste ion cet, Sisght Bo tomtuctin Ccenated per tos YL dct espn slain wath two way ding siren speaker SU-W9K incsrted amoser ew Clow with Linear Faedback and svacto ae coat. Sout BC Soehaciat Ghenetnied Yorey tsak Sy ‘ilar Soperiser Enon ICL dec egerled phone esualsnt Roane sot torerovich A and Me Sime Seca pl ecg elicit ay dabtgg” al contol ance ened yo oo ded gia ar sae pes iaadbeb iad nm MEET 16 Techies eninge have develope the fl over DC tuner. Thi radical concep lob made possible by the quartz controlled frequency synthesizer has made an ecnnics tenormous diferonce to bass range broadcast sound. New DC peak sampling and low mpx eloreo decoder euouitry i state-of the-art technology reslling in e dramatic improvement in stereo wave form fidelity. Newly developed microprocessors permit digital readout of frequency channel number and signal strength, ST-ZA5L Pmwilin sores tance fal gna wth ua eyatbeasee ning ol. op = 15 ‘ca atBen (RM Sh toca nig "Denl geen FL Spr eae chara gem cie eaney Fem SS adhd Baits Be Sigeal ecg Spe ao ‘Taoguuney Bao 2 [coune mao See ee, el a ee ee tS diam Wee ee ST-S3.1L PumiLw sora woner ‘Tieng digital aes ah goats ratio ening op 1018 Eee en aie Rh em ie SET ceca al TT Souuntao notin. wakes ST-S4T Ee ENERWY lg roo on, 000, a tum es oc ir 0088, 1 CAPFOME RARE TO, TEN SeUROMVEY, 9: raBQUENCY RaNeE $22 ST-SGK fost Zaree toner etal adexoaby agin depag ee su TaD 0% Ss 0 aor TERT seucenvire ss eanqvencr maven 522 SRE Penmer cuauciy co, sow Cams ouihees ST-S8 Favansisreo ner ton ine: RF tage) DC ate smd DOample ty Gace aime soe 18 aon ema vper narrow I band hate. Das upay a egy ih. LED muhipath 0 FMB M0 os 5 SES ra hii 2 RE LOT Sel op non re org mao ati om ou apie ad Btstolabeblotey Receivers | jericnye.rm Qe hantes arcu guar omttosaa on, SA-104L sorreoroctor AI ou SA-2121 Purvi stereo receiver Btetattetien) Speakers | sie: tisicckci shin, tulsa ssaieclor Set on = hos been the fact thet in over hall a ceslury the dynamic speaker desig has Peace oaiaed ha srs ais lst weblons ere ec up “avy elo, Several le vorkt ein media manulatorur eine et on ina thed eco ling Tat laphengasposkar uni wh uateral cl hgh dy ood lev ane smnus sree peice woven este face, ‘Ra Tachles ested Renepeasts dc peter peor eine ee eee tee actrees erin cording he now age mer dyoaic and Seiad SB-8, SB-6, SB-4, SB-2 oneyomb Dis ives eel inherent esac, edt esos WIS Teter a, ERrstoven rmeiizachs ss Omtssons Wil) Technics® 1° SB-F40, SB-F20 Btleemtiac} Hi-Fi Systems | ‘ie riscoo Boge Standards which enable the lose technical, assurance of hii reproduc SYSTEM Z25 ST-Z25L FWUMW/LW stereo tuner RS-M216 Stereo cassotto deck 5-645 naio eabinet 22. SYSTEM Z45 SE-D21 Semtastomatic directive turntable Fa tg Grater DD mot, wom en Sate, 0.005% ‘nconontrcrtedae xn high prance Ocwsge ‘SU-Z45 Stereo integrated amplifier ‘Eizatepc cana, 20 sn chavo mocha TREE fect mtr hang vce Aco ps moon ROUSE RS-M216 Stereo cassette deck tnpay end cunteien. Sagetoueh snd conto finer rope Wow se SB-3130 Threo-way speaker sysiom Bical pester ten oth 204 ‘oeoced cotta wk daha HS-645 Audio cabinet a7 0048s DAS, SYSTEM Z45T ‘Thi system nozpocatoe dente elctocic — as tho 24S cyto Seth niece pec sax planes ad SB-T10 2way linear phase tower speaker system Fy tending pak com ry GO te rom hniog HS.665 ‘Audio cabinet hegre WGeDN4Smm, SYSTEM Z65K SL-O21K Quartz DD semi-automatic temtable ‘Sate: Ete le snd yuri colar se ptosis i cane cation nse ws bah pcos 0 hing capa Salone ot Nok kar ST-245LE Quarts synthesize Autosean tang a (857 «WES X(D 50m, Technics® 23 LA MINI SERIE sU-co4 Stereo integrated DC amplifier 80s have scan the eration of "New Audio", a concept only made “Tochnice ollors @ w of orecord sleeve “a'classic blend of perlectly metched, high technology products with simple operation separate brochure “315 SERIES’ 315 Series wow austo systems SA-CO5L/SB-FOS PORTABLE HI-FI SYSTEM int apelier, tuner and svete deck lun detachable ale | Ye bil ee pyro tbe Eling Fates ae SLR paver cout oplane sul yng Rate 300 pe chanel use omer oy Ballin 7 bad tee ‘Siete mechanism with TPS sytem. 2 way Liner phase speaker hing Aueepat Rec et terminals (ape dabbng. ES Ses ages bp 20 fob ers iaps 3916000 ape CL rec eeeeie eee eee Mt=veshatiecy Graphic Equalizers (MRM tle a Figures Technics Eda abe oa Beasz00 Dynamic EPe-100enrs Bee ——— ater ney an ih ae Sian. 1 sus2 BAe ages Spectre

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