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Họ và tên: Cao Nguyễn Ngọ c Á nh

MSSV: 225150448
The Happy Prince
" Happy Prince" is a world fairy tale, although it’s short, the meaning
of the story gives readers deep feelings about kindness, and silent
sacrifice even at the expense of others. The story is about a prince
who was called “Happy Prince”. When he was alive, he lived a
happy life with no sorrow in the Palace of Sans-Sousi. After he
died, despite carrying a heart made of lead , he still had feelings
and compassion for people. Swallow, the animal that lingered for
love, had a chance to meet with the prince. For the first time, he
asked Swallow to bring the ruby from the hilt of his sword to a poor
woman with a feverish child living at the end of the street. The
second time, it brought one of his eyes that are jade to the poor
student who was fainting from hunger. For the third time, Swallow
gave the remaining jade eye to the poor match girl. Finally, he took
the gold that was covering his body to give to homeless children that
were starving because of the cold winter. Touched by the prince's
actions, Swallow willingly stayed in the city, staying beside the good
prince. But according to the laws of nature, the Swallow could never
get through the winter. The Swallow said goodbye and kissed the
Prince on the lips before he died. The leaders in the town decided to
burn the statue of " Happy Prince " because he was no longer as
handsome as before. The strange thing was that the lead heart is still
intact. The heart was discarded along with the body of the Swallow,
and an angel of God picked them up with the name " Two most
precious things of the city ".

1/ Swallow (noun) /ˈswɒl.əʊ/ Én – swallow (verb) Nuốt

2/ Gilded (adjective) /ˈɡɪl.dɪd/ Mạ và ng
3/ Weathercock (noun) /ˈweð.ə.kɒk/ Chong chóng gió
4/ Mutter (verb) /ˈmʌt.ər/ Lẩm bẩm – mutter (noun) tiếng lẩm
bẩm, lầm bầm
5/ Unpractical (adjective) /anˈprӕktikəl/ Không thực tế, thiết thực
6/ Dagger (noun) /ˈdæɡ.ər/ Dao găm
7/ Scarlet (noun, adjective) /ˈskɑː.lət/ Đỏ tươi
8/ Cloak (noun) /kləʊk/ Áo choàng
9/ Pinafore (noun)  /ˈpɪn.ə.fɔːr/ Tạp dề
10/ Slender (adjective) /ˈslendə/ Mảnh khảnh
11/ Coquette (noun)  /kɒkˈet/ Làm đỏm, làm dáng
12/ Curtseys (verb) /ˈkɜː Sự khẽ nhún đầu gối cúi chào (phụ
13/ Trifling (adjective)  /ˈtraɪ.flɪŋ/ Không quan trọng, tầm thường,
14/ Dreadful (adjective) /ˈdred.fəl/ Dễ sợ, khiếp, kinh khiếp
15/ Weeping (noun)/ˈwiː.pɪŋ/ Khóc
16/ Drech (verb) /drentʃ/ Ngâm ( da thuộc ), ướt sũng, ướt sạch
17/ Companion (noun) /kəmˈpæn.jən/ Bạn đồng hành
18/ Solid (adjective) /ˈsɒl.ɪd/ Chất rắn
19/ Lofty (adjective) /ˈlɒf.ti/ Kiêu căng, kiêu kỳ
20/ Coarse (adjective) /kɔːs/ Kém, tồi tàn, không mịn, thô
21/ Seamstress (noun) /ˈsiːm.strəs/ or /ˈsem.strəs/ Thợ may ( nữ )
22/ Fasten (verb)  /ˈfɑː.sən/ Buộc chặt, đóng chặt
23/ Pedestal (noun)  /ˈped.ə.stəl/ Đế cột, bệ của cái cột
24/ Tomb (noun)  /tuːm/ Mồ, mả -The tomb Sự chết
25/ Coffin (noun) /ˈkɒf.ɪn/ Quan tài
26/ Emblam (verb) /ɪmˈbɑːm/ Ướp
27/ Withered (adjective) /ˈwɪð.əd/ Héo mòn ( người ), tàn tạ ( sắc
đẹp ), tiêu tan ( hy vọng )
28/ Agility (noun) /əˈdʒɪl.ə.ti/ Nhanh nhẹn
29/ Bargaining (noun)  /ˈbɑːɡɪnɪŋ/  Mặc cả
30/ Feverishly (adverb)  /ˈfiː.vər.ɪʃ.li/ Luống cuống
31/ Thimble (noun) /ˈθɪm.bəl/ Cái đê, cái bọc ngón tay ( dùng để
khâu )
32/ Curious (adjective) /ˈkjʊə.ri.əs/ Tò mò, hiếu kỳ
33/ Remarkable (adjective)  /rɪˈmɑː.kə.bəl/ Đáng chú ý, phi
thường, xuất sắc
34/ Phenomenon (noun) /fəˈnɒm.ɪ.nən/ Hiện tượng
35/ Monument (noun) /ˈmɒn.jə.mənt/ Tượng đài
36/ Steeple (noun) /ˈstiː.pəl/ Tháp chuông ( nhà thờ )
37/ Bulrush (noun) /ˈbʊl.rʌʃ/ Cây bấc
38/ Cataract (noun) /ˈkæt.ə.rækt/ Thác nước lớn
39/ Pomegranate (noun)  /ˈpɒm.ɪˌɡræn.ɪt/ Trái lựu
40/ Command (noun) /kəˈmɑːnd/ Yêu cầu
41/ Pluck (verb) /plʌk/ Sự kéo giật, sự nhổ, sự gảy
42/ Swoop (verb) /swuːp/ Nhào xuống, sà xuống, cướp, cuỗm đi
43/ Ibis (noun) /ˈaɪ.bɪs/ Cò quăm
44/ Merchant (noun)  /ˈmɜː.tʃənt/ Nhà buôn, thương gia
45/ Ebony (noun) /ˈeb.ən.i/ Gỗ mun
46/ Worship (verb) /ˈwɜː.ʃɪp/ Sự thờ phụng, sự tôn kính
47/ Priest (noun) /priːst/ Tư tế
48/ Beggar (noun) /ˈbeɡ.ər/ Người ăn xin
49/ Archway (noun) /ˈɑːtʃ.weɪ/ Vòm
50/ Fur (noun) /fɜːr/ Lông thú

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