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Her name is Dede Rosita Dewi,ande her nickname is Dede. She was born in Pandeglang 11 April
2003. She was the first child of 2 diblings namely Ristia Dewi from the couple Sunengsih and Anwarudin.
First, she attented Tk Puspita for 1 year,continued to SDN 4 Saketi,SMPN 1 Saketi and is currentliy she
was studying at SMKN 1 Pandeglang. Now,she lived in Saketi with grandmother and grandfather from
his mother's family.

She went to SMKN 1 Pandeglang not from Dede's own wish,it was his mother's wish that gave the
reason that the school was not too far from home and near grandfather and grandmother from his
father's family. Dede's first impression of schooling at SMKN 1 Pandeglang was normal.

Dede had a fairly unique habit where if she felt depression she would aet muvh and then fall to sleep
and after waking up she would eat egain.

The advantage she had comparesto other was that she could do anyting with her left hand and even if
she ate a lot and her body would not change and remain ideal. Besides she had was forgerful and
careless person but for money she would never forget it.

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