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At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

Differentiate animal and plant cells according to presence or absence of certain

organelles Competency Code: (S7LT-IIc-3) 1.1

Identify the parts of the cell and its function (S7LT-IIc-3) 1.1


A. Topic: Parts of the cell and its function

B. References:
Values Integration: Cooperation and Participation
Strategies: 4 A’s Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application)
C. Instructional Materials:
➢ Marker
➢ Manila paper
➢ Laptop (PowerPoint Presentation)
➢ Scotch tape

A. Preliminaries
➢ Prayer
➢ Greetings
➢ Checking of attendance
➢ Review of the previous lesson
1. Who discovered the cell?
2. Who is the father of microbiology?

A. Activity

“Unscramble Me”

The class will be divided into three groups. Each group shall pick a representative
to place their answer on the board. The first group to complete and give the correct
set of words will be declared winner and will get additional points.
1. Plant - tplna
2. Animal - mniaal
3. Organelles - rgaonllees
4. Nucleus - unclsue
5. Cell - elcl
6. Protein - tniepro
7. Genetic - cgetien
8. Membrane - enarbmme
9. Function - onitcfnu
10. Structure - erutcruts

Each group will be given a task, afterwards the teacher will gather the work of the
students and will check if each group got the correct answer.

Follow up questions:
1. Are these words being familiar?
2. Why did you come up with these words?
3. What is their relation with each other?

B. Analysis
Let the learners analyze this picture base on their observation.

Follow up questions:
1. In the picture above, what do you think is that?
2. Can you tell me what is your observation about that picture?
3. Do you think they are look the same?

C. Abstraction
CELLS – The basic unit of life that can perform all activities associated with life,
like growth, reproduction, excretion, and nutrition. There are 2 types of cells the
UNICELLULAR is made up of one cell. Example for that are bacteria,
amoeba and paramecium.
MULTICELLUAR are made up of 2 or more than cells. Example for that
are humans, animals, and plants.
1. Cell Wall – it is the outer covering positioned next to the cell membrane or
plasma membrane in most plant cells, fungi, bacteria, and algae. It is also made
up of cellulose that protect, support, and give plants their shape. PRESENT

2. Cell Membrane – is also known as plasma membrane, which is the outer

covering of the cell which cover the surface of the cell. Its act life a “security
guard” of the cell because it controls the kind of substance that enters and exist
the cell. PRESENT IN BOTH CELL (Animal and Plant)

3. Nucleus – It contains DNA or carries the genetic material, it is the “BRAIN”

and also known as the command center. Because it controls all the activities
inside the cell. PRESENT IN BOTH CELL (Animal and Plant)
4. Cytoplasm – a jelly like substance that contains the organelles of the cell.
Organelles are the specialized parts of the cell that perform specific functions.
PRESENT IN BOTH CELL (Animal and Plant)

5. Mitochondrion – It is the “powerhouse of the cell” it releases the energy needed

for cell activities it supplies energy by undergoing cellular respiration.
PRESENT IN BOTH CELL (Animal and Plant)
6. Ribosomes – it is the “protein factories of the cell” it carries out instructions
coming from the nucleus to synthesis proteins. PRESENT IN BOTH CELL
(Animal and Plant)

7. Nucleolus – where the ribosomes are produced and it is located inside the

8. Endoplasmic Reticulum – has to types SMOOTH reticulum no present of

ribosomes, involved in the synthesis of lipids into vesicles for delivery to the
targeted destinations. ROUGH reticulum contains the production of the various
proteins in the cell antibodies, insulin, as well as transportation of proteins into
the smooth reticulum. PRESENT IN BOTH CELL (Animal and Plant)
9. Golgi Apparatus – it is the “mailman of the cell” it responsible for transporting
modifying, and packaging proteins and lipids into vesicles for delivery to the
targeted destinations. PRESENT IN BOTH CELL (Animal and Plant)

10. Vacuole – “storage rooms of the cell” it is the membrane bound structure which
main function is for storage of food, water and even waste. PRESENT IN
BOTH CELL (Animal and Plant)
11. Lysosomes – “suicidal bag of the cell” act as the waste disposal system of the
cell by digesting or breaking down trash or unneeded materials in the
cytoplasm. PRESENT IN BOTH CELL (Animal and Plant)

12. Centrioles – a cylindrical structures which play an important role in cell division
and only be found in animal cell because it helps to produce a new cell. Only in

13. Chloroplast – contains the pigment of the chlorophyll that captures energy from
sunlight for the photosynthesis. Only in PLANT CELL
Cell membrane, nucleus, smooth or rough endoplasmic reticulum,
lysosome, vacuole, Golgi apparatus, ribosome, mitochondria, cytoplasm, are
present in both cell animal and plant cell only the centrioles is not present in plant
cell because it can be only found in animal cell while the chloroplast only be found
in plant cell. Animal and plant cells have almost the same structure because they
are both eukaryotic. Cells are essential to life as we know it. No living thing would
survive without cells. Plants would not exist if plant cells did not exist. All living
things would perish if plants did not exist.
1. What are the organelles are both present in animal and plant cell?
2. Based on our lesson do you think cell is important? Why?
3. How is it important the cell in all living things?

D. Application
Let’s just say in our body, what organ represent the cell wall? Why do
you think that organ represent the cell wall?

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Identify the parts of the cell choose the letter of correct answer

1. What controls most of the cell processes and contains the genetic information of
A. Mitochondria
B. Chloroplast
C. Nucleus
D. Nucleolus
2. What is the primary function of the Cell Wall?
A. To protect and provide support for the cell.
B. Builds proteins.
C. Convert solar energy to chemical energy.
D. Takes in carbon dioxide.

3. What regulates what enters and leaves the cell and provides protection and
A. Nucleus
B. Ribosomes
C. Cell Wall
D. Cell Membrane

4. Cell was is present in both plant and animal cell.

A. True
B. False

5. Which cell part is not present in plant cell but is found in animal cell?
A. Centrioles
B. Mitochondria
C. Nucleus
D. Vacuoles

V. Assignment
Bring your art materials because you will be going to draw animal and plant cell


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