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“We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile

scientific discovery could have been made.”- Mark Twain

Yes, according to me the statement- Indian society is modern only in its appearance; it is
inherently old-fashioned is somewhat true in every aspect, but I firmly support that one
should never forget their roots.
Indian society has an eclectic demographic dividend in itself
Undoubtedly, we have inculcated various westernized ideas from our colonizers before and
improving daily to grow exponentially through expatriated or indigenous technologies,
management techniques, and democracies, due to which we are one of the fastest growing
developing nations according to the data supported by IMF or World bank. Even, the recent
Economic Budget presented by Nirmala Sitaram proposed our projected economic growth to
be 6-6.8% wherein in inclusive and greener growth was the highlight of the budget.
As I firmly believe in not losing one’s essence due to external factors, I believe in changing
yourself to the required amount.
India is primarily known for its unique historical achievements ranging from the invention of
the number zero to Ayurveda, Yoga, etc in a world which is full of allopathic medicines with
side effects. Undoubtedly, we are still trying to modernize the skills and technologies
required to complete tasks effectively and efficiently. However, I believe that even various
foreigners across the globe come to India for its culture, diversity, and unique way of
handling issues pertaining to our society. Let’s not forget that it is no doubt that we learn
from our other countries, our longest and bulkiest constitution which studied over 60
countries is a good example of the same. India, according to me, while preserving its culture
and diversity is a sound nation trying to match the global market through its constant effort to
outgrow its competitors in the global market.

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