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COMPETENCY BASED CURRICULUM GRADE 4 -YEAR 2020 SOCIAL STUDIES & C.R.E Learners Number Gender Boy| Girl | County Name. _Sub -County Name __ Sub-county code L_] County code l School Name TEACHER'S SCORING GUIDE The teacher to fill the grid below after marking the learner’s work. Exceeds Meets Approaching] Below expectation | expectaticn | expectation | expectation School code | " SECTION A (SST) SECTION B (CRE) Printed by step flyer SUC'ASTUDISS/CR.E GRADE 4 i KATI_ AREA ‘Study the map of Kati area and use it to answer questions 1-4 RS Poline Station ee ae [ESD Chueh [LL sina [07 Severe [Ce Cote So Balding Roi a = Cate di ake 1. People in kati crea get water trom | 8. An instrument used to tell the direction of one place from another is called, 2 tne main cash crop in the area is . 9. Tre sun sets to the 10. The other name for the four main . The name 1 8. The norm of the schoo! in kati Bee eeareoe © . 11. Mountains, rivers, lakes are all 4. Kati are is likely to be _ called reais sub-locaiton, location, county) 12, The direction of a compass 5. River kati starts from what direction marked below Is called x 6. Children you leam with in the same class and share iterns are your 7 nin th ein stcramesnnne |r, apaaon wo ee comecs = 2 direction to land at an airport is 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. There are Kenya counties in The smallest county in Kenya is The head of a county is called Which one of the following is the du one out. (bus, aeroplane, ship and curt) An area with many trees is called a Rainfall, sunshine, temperature, wind are all called__ Drops of water that fall from the sky are called _ (clouds, rain, sunshine} 21. 22. 23. 24, 28. . Kamau is sitting fe The head of a loc: is called river which flows throughout ine year is called Crops that are grown for sale are called, My father's tather is my___ . Name one physica! feature in your county. the sun in and is the moming. Hi facing. . Planting different types of crops at different times is called____ (soil erosion, crop rotation, shifting cultivation} What is the name. of your county? Use the diagram below to answer questions 29 - 32. . . Hospital MMM SOCIASTUDIES/CRE GRADE 4 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Name one economic activity in the picture Name the two crops that are sold in the picture__ The means of transport in the area is by. The roof of the houses in the picture are made of, (soil, grass, stones, iron sheets) People come together in our county to {chase one another, help one another, quarrel with one another) Dairy animals are mainly kept for (meat, milk, blood, mutton) The people who keep law and order In our country are the A flat area Is called a (valley, coast, plain) A person who mends our cloths is called a The largest county in Kenya is Mountains, valleys, hills and rivers all are called features. A weather instrument used to measure the amount of rainfall is called, ae RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. Human beings are special. They are created in. image. Complete psalms 139:13 “You created every part of me, you put me together in my. womb. Write one good thought The commandment that has a promised added is was punished by abusing his sister sexually, (David, Amnon) Our bodies are the of the Holy spit. God does not make mistakes we say He is (loving, Holy) When lam sad, | can control my emotions by. (crying, sleeping, playing) The members of a nuclear family are . When your friend wrong you, you should — (fight, abuse, forgive) SOCIA STUDIES /C.RE GRADE 4

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