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Cc ae empire state ob morocco moorishe national reepublic feberall governmente ‘> ~ sotietas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ moorish divine ant national movement ob the world northwest amexem + southwest amexem + north america + morocco adjoining atlantis americana islands so ~ tempel ob the moon and sun ~ thee true anbe de jure natural peeples + heires to the lanbe & ~is.ha.m, ~ ~Slint Gregory Wiggins Jr Estate Trust~ ~vast estate pure express trust~ a sovereign ecclesiastically international commi agreement all rise and stand and remain standing into perpetuity. this is a sovereign living ancient article iii moorish american al moroccan court action. i am sovereign living justice flint gregory wiggins if el / Flint Gregory Wiggins 35 1 in capitis diminution nolo, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in proprio herede. we are the original indigenous sovereign ancient al moroccan moorish american ascendents ov the great pharaohs ov kemet and ov the ancient moabites and canaanites. our full faith and trust, our allegiance, our credit and our energy are hereby vested in ourselves for we are the people who are the moorish divine and national movement ov the world, the original indigenous natural divine ancient empire state ov morocco and the de jure moorish national republic federal government. we hereby exercise all sovereign rights at this time and at all point in time nun pro tune. declaration ob trust whereas, the ancient dejure aboriginal indigenous divine living natural moabite moorish american flint gregory wiggins ii el / Flint Gregory Wiggins 3H El and the ancient dejure aboriginal indigenous divine living natural moors ov the land at north america, northwest amexem, north africa, the northgate are the trust corpus ov this de jure ecclesiastically commissioned express trust. flint gregory wiggins ii el / flint Gregory Wiggins BF El is the exxecutor, settlor, klaimant, and beneficiary ov all said trust property. whereas flint gregotp wiggins el / Flint Gregory Wiggins FF El and the self-designated moors ov his choosing, in capitis diminutio nolo, in pro| j juris and in proprio solo are the trustees for the affairs ov this de jure ecclesiastically commissioned trust upon the land at north america, northwest amexem, north africa, the northgate. any and all benefits or privileges from any lov aboriginal and indigenous peoples documents: northwest amexem + northwest alvca+ north america +‘the north gate’ # the moroccan ‘empire «temple ofthe moon and sun! moors + muurs + belng the rightful els and primogeniture bearthright + inheritors ofthe and maen090000317054 seoo00002s4 arch 6, 1443 [2023], government that is not the moorish national government will not be received into this trust instrument ov exchange, therefore no duty is owed to any other government or outside party by this trust, its beneficiaries, executors, settiors, claimants, trustees, nor the moorish american people. this traditional, pure vast estate express trust is active and functioning in the pattern where property is conveyed by allodial title, or declaration to a trustee. it is not an association. this express trust may enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; it may grant letters ov marque and reprisal; it may coin money; it may emit bills ov credit; it may not make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment ov debts; it may pass any bill ov attainder, ex post facto law, and law impairing the obligation ov contracts, and it may grant any title ov nobility. this express trust is created by the natural right to contract which cannot be abridged and is protected under federally enforceable right ov contract law and not under any laws passed by any ov the several state legislatures. it is not subject to legislative control nor legislative restrictions, does not depend on any statutes and is within the realm ov equity, having a separate and distinct juridical personality. this trust is unalienable and inalienable. these ave the particulars 1, this declaration ov trust is completed for the kreditor flint gregorp twiggins jt estate/Flint Gregory Wiggins Fe Estate, bp Hint gregory wigains ii el/ Flint Gregory ‘Wiggins I €1 (natural living being in propria persona, sui juris). (trust hereafter) 2. the grantor ov the trust is flint gregorp wiggins ti el / Flint Gregory Wiggins BF €1 [Ex. Rel, FLINT GREGORY WIGGINS JR/Flint Gregory Wiggins Jr] 3. the beneficiary ov the trust is lint gregarp wiggins ti el/ Flint Gregory Wiggins IT €l, Carolyn Linda Wiggins El, Flint Gregory Wiggins El, and future heirs ov flint gregory wiggins if el / Flint Gregory Wiggins IF EX as designated. 4. the fiduciary for Flint Gregory Wiggins Jr Estate Crust is el.” Flint Gregory Wiggins IF 1 . " flint gregory wiggins it 5. the Flint Gregory Wiggins Jr Estate Trust is aboriginal allodial ecclesiastical and irrevocable. 6. the mailing location ov the responsible party is Care of Post Office Box 2, Cottonton, Alabama Republic Near [36851]; nae: 7wb6tnbq2m, non-domestic, non-residential. non-subject 7, the Flint Gregary Wiggins Jr Estate Crust in existence as ov the October 21, 1986. 8. the trustees or authorize natural person by the fiduciary ov the Flint Gregory ‘Wiggins Ix Estate Crust have the authority under the terms ov the trust to claim title, to request a certified copy ov title, and to transfer title ov all property in the name ov the trust. this trust is governed pursuant to, the Zodiac Constitution AA222141 Library ov Congress, Constitution for the United States Republic of North America 1791, Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786/1836 between Morocco and the United States of America. the jurisdiction ob this estate is within mp moroccan ancestral lands ob morocco. ov v _borigna and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem + northwest fica + north america + ‘the north gate’+ the moroccan ‘empire + temple ofthe moon and sun’ moors + muurs + being the rightful heirs and primogenture bearthvght «inheritors ofthe land macn0000003174058 ‘weo9000026 march 16, 1443 2023], north anterica at latitude longitude coordinates, fifty-four point five two six zero degrees n [54.5260%n], one hundred five point two five five one degrees w [105.2551°w]; south anterica at eight point seven eight three two degrees s [8.7832%s], fifty-five point four nine one five degrees w [55.49152w], and tentral america at twelve point seven six nine zero degrees n [12.7690® n], eighty-five point six zero two four degrees w [85.6024%w]. Sudenture made pursuant to the Zodiac Constitution AA222141 Library of Congress Un Res. 61/295- Declaration of the rights of Indigenous Peoples, Un Res. 60/147 Human Rights law. mission statement: spirit is law, law is nature, nature is nation, nation is government. Flint Gregory Wiggins Ir Estate Trust is an aboriginal ecclesiastically international commissioned divine natural agreement ov the autochthon peoples ov the moabite / moorish / olmec decedent estate trust restated on june 24, 1439 [2018] nunc pro tune Flint Gregory Wiggins It Estate and by these articles in the ancestral estate ov the al maghrib al aqsa, amexem (north, south, central america) moor empire). (BIRTH CERTIFICATE registered with State of Vi November 13, 1986) hypothecated 23 days after live birth ov flint gregory wiggins ft / flint Gregory Wiggins Jr October 21, 1986 the primary objective ov Flint Gregory Wiggins Jr Estate Trust is to gain assets and secure wealth for direet and indirect beneficaries ov the estate trust. purpose: Flint Gregory Wiggins Jr Estate Trust will serve as a ecclesiastical estate trust ov flint gregory twiggins ii el / Flint Gregory Wiggins FJ €1 an aboriginal heir ov ancient moor descent, that holds lawful title to all activities/assets. tangible and intangible. in trust irrevocable including aboriginal services/businesses ov all kinds for all subsidiaries dba (s) (doing business as) entities and affiliate entities ov Flint Wiggins Ix Estate Trust. Example: Kingg Estate, Bing Trust any other amendments to these articles can only be made by flint gregory twiggins ii el / Flint Gregory Wiggins IF El and or a properly delegated fiduciary by flint gregory wiggins fi el / Flint Gregory Wiggins IF €1 or heir delegated to do so. *pursuant to the Declaration of Indigenous Rights enacted by organization ov American States which the United States and all its departments are subject to all articles incorporated. ‘pursuant to the Constitution for the United States of America 1791. { flint gregory wiggins ii el / Flint Gregory Wiggins FF Et at the age ov maturity to make this affidavit and the facts herein, mentally competent to make this official affidavit ov facts for the record and have personal knowledge ov the facts in this affidavit. tov aboriginal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem + northwest aca + north america + ‘the north ate’+ the moroccan ‘empire + temple ofthe moon and sun’ moors + muurs+belng the rghtul his and primogeiture bearthrght + inheritors ofthe land acn000000317+058 ‘weoo0000264 ‘march 16, 1483 (2023) this affidavit is made under the penalties ov perjury and stands as the certificate ov the formation ov this moorish american national aboriginal peoples trust as a matter ov the Jaw and ov the fact. iflint gregory wiggins el / Flint Gregory Wiggins JF El declare under the penalty ov perjury under the laws ov the Zodiac Constitution ov the moorish american national aboriginal peoples that the foregoing is true and correct to the best ov my knowledge. trust organizational chart ~ Flint Gregory Wiggins Ir Estate Trust~ the grand boty flint gregory wiggins ii el: tiuciary, trustee carolyn linda wiggins el: trustee beneficiaries: flint gregorp wiggins ti el, Flint Gregory Wiggins IF EL carolyn linda tiggins el, Carolyn Linda Wiggins EL flint gregorp wiggins el, Flint Gregory Wiggins EL future beits chronos time immemoriall inn to perpectuitee wovw aborignal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem + northwest africa + north america + the north gate’ + the moroccan ‘empire + temple of the moon and sin’ moors + muurs + belng the rightful heirs and primogeniture bearthrght + ineritors ofthe land macnd00000817+054 ‘wafoo0000268 march 6, 1443 [2023], aa “a a BZ ~ empire state ob morocco moorishe national republic feberall governmente .o ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~~ moorish divine and national movement of the world northwest amexem + southwest amexem + north america + morocco adjoining atlantis americana islands so ~ tempel of the moon and sun ~~ thee true anbe be jure natural peeples + heites of the lanbe & ~is.Lam. ~ en honoure, eye the divinne sovereignee being, flint gregory wiggins ii el, affirms that eye am the sovereignee natural ande divinne being here en proklaimed, en capitis diminutio nolo en. propria persona sui juris en proprio solo ande en proprio heredes; affirmed bye law full bearthright; being law fullie universalllie quallified ande kompetent to affirme this dockument. i therefour plaice mye hande ande seall heretwo ande en favorr ov all moorishe amggyiggn nationalees. ‘ego sum: 4 flint gregory Wiggins il, justise / vizir /allodial american national / minister /allodial lord imperial en propria persona sui juris, en proprio solo, en proprio heredes at all times. all rights. exercised, retained and reserved. witness: - ego sum: © 2) Zarolyn linda wiggins el, justise / vizir/alodial american national / tanita /alodal empress imperl en propia persona suits . proprio solo, en proprio heredes at all times. all rights exercised, retained and reserves. ego sum: - flint gregéry Wiggins el, festise / vizir/ allodial american national! minister / allodial lord imperial en propria persona sui juris, en proprio solo, en proprio heredes at all times, all rights exercised, retained and reserved. en amen dy vei, qc alin pr rn crt gat got can toca slits spr eam cn sl tin alo in: aen diss wets. gue lier superar gt goes lion solver ram co sol tn clo en enc in vb guscungor liver sarc gt goes et useage solves sper tera cat sl nla stograph page aboriginal endigenous sovereigne moorishe smmerican natlonall documento northwest amexem north afics« north america + the maroczen empire + continental united stats: ‘tempat ov the moon ande sunt non * domestic, non + resident non * subject + being the right hers ande ehertors ov thee land, ‘lo post ofes box 2 a trator eepuble

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