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Ryan Moon

Period 2 - AP Macro Econ.

Mr. Givens

My Community Service Project

Part I

Name: Shelter Partnership Inc

Contact Info:
Address: 520 S Grand Ave #695, Los Angeles, CA 90071
Phone: (213) 688-2188
Fax: (213) 266-8732

Mission Statement: Shelter Partnership, Inc. is a nonprofit organization collaboratively solving

homelessness in Los Angeles County through policy analysis, program design, resource
development, and advocacy in support of agencies and local governments that serve the

Mission/Purposes: Shelter Partnership addresses homelessness by building the capacity of

community-based agencies, developing resources for affordable housing, and providing housing
policy expertise to state and local government.

Part II

The non-profit organization I choose to volunteer for is the Shelter Partnership. One of
the reasons why I want to volunteer is because I have much experience in helping people out; for
example, helping in the Environmental Club. The purpose of this organization is to advocate for
resources to increase and strengthen affordable housing and homeless services. This benefits my
community since there are many homeless people around Los Angeles. It has become a
significant problem, and this organization can help provide the goods they need such as clothing,
food, and much more. When volunteering, I can help raise awareness and let the public know
what’s happening. Donations help the organization a lot because it gives the advantage of having
more goods and gives away.

The role I envision myself in is going around the building, asking people if they need
anything. I would also see myself helping move goods from trucks that arrived and be ready to
be sent. The crucial part of being involved in the organization are the donations (money). These
donations can work to collaborate with both state and local governments, develop resources for
affordable housing, and provide housing policies to decrease the percentage of homelessness.
Overall, I would be very satisfied with helping the organization because I would feel
accomplished. I’d be a part of the help my community was receiving and helping the family that
I grew up with. Though it requires a great amount of sacrifices of time itself, I wouldn’t mind
because every second that goes into the organization is a big deal; making it worth volunteering.

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