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PRN – 21050341014
BATCH – 2021-23

“Chocolate is the first luxury. It has so many things wrapped up in it: Deliciousness in the
moment, childhood memories, and that grin-inducing feeling of getting a reward for being
good.” ~ Mariska Hargitay

We will never be able to forget our early years. Some events stick in our brains so vividly that
we keep thinking about them. We all have several childhood memories. These memories
contribute to the development of our personality and character.
There is more to "chocolate" than the fact that it is a 9-letter word with a "C" as its first letter.
Many of us have fascinating, amusing, and unquestionably memorable tales of how we first
discovered the sweet delight that is wrapped, unwrapped, and consumed billions of times every
day throughout the world. At my house, Cadbury has always been a favorite bar of chocolate.
Fighting over Cadbury pieces or melting chocolate to make chocolate milk are examples.
I was never a milk drinker, so my mother had to buy that Cadbury chocolate powder to mix in
my glass twice a day, and viola, hot chocolate was ready in a jiffy. I still remember the smile it
brought to my mother's face looking at my toothy grin and chocolate-colored face.
I vividly recall when I was four years old, and my aunt gave me a Cadbury's chocolate bar. It
melted in my palm, and I tried to lick half of it before spilling the rest all over my dress.

A tiny blue bag contained one of my favorite chocolate candies. That little bag was stuffed with
various colors. Gems was an easy-to-remember name. The best thing about these sweets was that
contrary to what was stated, they just melted in your mouth. The firm candy shell protects the
creamy, silky chocolate.
There's something about Cadbury's Gems that makes you smile. Everything about them is
instantly recognizable, from their vibrant color to the sound they make when you shake the
packet to the distinctive crunch they create when you bite into them.
Even the methods for eating them vary. The first is where you munch them down. The
alternative is to take a leisurely approach, hold them under your tongue, and then swirl them in
your mouth. Enjoy how they melt on your lips, how the coating breaks, and how happy you are
when you finally get to the chocolate inside.

There are also those Blue Gems. It is a highly sought prize because there is only one of its kind
in each pack. One of my favorite childhood memories is my brother, cousins, and I arguing over
who would get the "Blue" gems. I'm still unsure if it tasted different or if the unusual color was
the only difference. The same disputes break out when you open a pack of Gems, except this
time, they involve my mid-thirties and my under-5 nieces and nephews.
Judge me all you want for that, but as the Blue Gems goes, it is still the same attraction that goes
back into a fond childhood.

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