KASH Architecture and Flow

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KASH Promised by the Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills and Habits Promised by the Programme a
Overall Programme as a whole real world in a job role, contribute and rise to be a leading professiona

Provides the context for the design of the KASH promises of Courses, M

The entire flow of KASH over the courses, modules and sessions have
provide for cross fertilisation, innovation and synergy. They could also
The second is the KASH acquisition process asset that has enabled the
What do the Participants Essentially this is the modes of learning which the participants have us
Bring to the programme on bring with them.brings
The participants This istwo
the learning modeswith
types of assets the participants have
them. The first alrea
type is
1 Day 1? to participant.
have In anover
accumulated MBAthe programme we have
years through participants
experiences with divers
and exposures.
participants would have accumulated KASH through Class room lectur
and or actual working in industries through industry internships. The A
accumulated their KASH through Class room lectures. The Doctors am
room lectures and ward duties.
This would mean there would be some who are hands on and listenrs

What does the programme The programme would provide opportunities to discover, invest and d
2 do to the two types of assets variety of learning opportunities

The participants are expected to make two types of demand from the
are: Give us opportunitis to build our assets furthers. This is in the mod
What kind of demands can deciding what the participants should do and how they should add to
the participants expect to The other demand is for letting them figure our which opp
3 make? further. Here the administrators and instructors are primarily hands off

There are four ways in which the programme administrators respond t

class to the field, Take the library to the class and take the class to the
Give and Let me figure out modes. The case method of discussion in th
How does the Programme by BRINGING the field to the class. There could be field analogues like
4 respond to the demand? based on field happenings.

The participants are required to comprehend, analyse, diagnose, evalu

decision making and action building. These processes building differen
The participants are required to engage in these processes as individua
What is expected from the in the class and as individuals and small team after the class. The smal
participants when the field is the individual to share his or her comprehension etc, receive feedbac
5 in the class provide feedback on team members comprehension etc.

Expectations could be variants of the above in other modes.

In all the above, providing feedback for discovery, further investment
both formal and informal. Could be provided by peers, superiors and in

What is expected from the

administrators and
instructors when the
participants progress from The administrators and instructors should recognise the changes in the
one stage of asset building to the extent of adequacy or inadequacy in the accumulation, change the
6 the others? all the stages.

Do participants graduate NO. The accumulated set of both types of assets would vary from parti
with one Uniform set of participant has leveraged his or her initiatl Conent and process KASH a
assets on the last day of the of opportunities. There would however be a core Content and Process
7 programme? participants.
ARCHITECTURE and KASH Flow Processes

bits Promised by the Programme as a whole to enable the participants to enter the
nd rise to be a leading professional

of the KASH promises of Courses, Modules and Sessions of the programme

urses, modules and sessions have to be co-designed by the Programme team to

ation and synergy. They could also think of co-delivery for the same positive effects.
process asset that has enabled the participants to build the accumulated KASH asset.
ning which the participants have used to acquire and internalise the KASH that they
assets the participants have
them. The first already
type is thebeen exposured
accumulated to. This
KASH differs
asset which from
me we have
rough participants
experiences with diverse background. The engineers among the
and exposures.
ed KASH through Class room lectures, Hands on Experiments and projects in the lab
hrough industry internships. The Arts and Commerce students would have
ass room lectures. The Doctors among them would have accumulated through class

me who are hands on and listenrs and some others who are listeners.

ortunities to discover, invest and develop both types of assets further through a

ake two types of demand from the programme administrators and instructors. They
r assets furthers. This is in the mode of the administrators and instructors pre
ld do and how they should add to ther assets.
letting them figure our which opportunities to choose for building their assets
d instructors are primarily hands off facilitators.

ogramme administrators respond to the demand. Take the field to the Class, Take the
the class and take the class to the library. Each way offers distinct opportunities in
The case method of discussion in the class is in the category of Response to GIVE ME
There could be field analogues like Simulation, Inpired exercises and Imagined cases

mprehend, analyse, diagnose, evaluate options and exercise judgement in final

. These processes building different components of KASH individually and collectively.
age in these processes as individuals and small teams before the class, in large teams
mall team after the class. The small teams and large teams provide opportunities to
mprehension etc, receive feedback on it for improvisation and modification, and
s comprehension etc.

e above in other modes.

for discovery, further investment and development is crucial. The feedback could be
provided by peers, superiors and instructors.

should recognise the changes in the asset accumulation of the participants, evaluate
cy in the accumulation, change the learning opportunity mix and provide feedback at

pes of assets would vary from participant to participant depending on how the
initiatl Conent and process KASH assets to build new assets in response to both types
ever be a core Content and Process KASH that would be common across the

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