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Mother’s touch

Taste of love

Fragrance of memory

A glimpse of every moment

Blare of his voice reminding me that I am not alone

“Mooooommy!!” as my son approach me.

This is my son named Dior. We ate breakfast while watching his favorite

movie. That’s what we do every Saturday because that was his day of

school break. After eating and watching his favorite movie were going to

play outside.

“Dior, please be careful”

“Okay mom, thanks!”

I am a good mother. I love to play with my son because he is

the only one that I have. I want to give him a good life and I

want to make each day special with him. I always make him

happy and I try to give him everything he needs while I was

still alive.

“Mommy, can I get some ice cream? Please?” he said.

“Okay baby, stay here and I go to store to buy you some ice cream”

I met a man who I thought would be with me for a lifetime. A few years passed

while we were together until our romance grew and was blessed with offspring.

“Ivar Grey, can we talk” as I said to him.

“Don’t you see I’m busy?” he replied.

“P- please, just give me a minute” while I’m nervously waiting for his response.

“Okay, what is it?”

“I’m pregnant” saying those words gave me uncomfortable feeling because I don’t know if he
feels the same way.

“What!? Are you kidding me? You don’t have to get pregnant at this time! We have a lot of bills
to pay.
“Then what do you want me to do? Abort the child? Are you out of your mind Ivar!!”

“Okay! Do whatever you want but don’t expect any help from me!!”

Until one day my tragedy in life came, he left without any doubt. He never think

our baby until I find out that he had another woman.

The day before today, I go home from clinic and I open our house. I saw my husband and
another woman kissing each other.

“What’s happening here!?” while holding back my tears.

“D-don’t mind us, it’s nothing”

“Nothing?! Really?! Why did you do that to me?” as my tears began to fall.

“You really want to know why?! Because I don’t want you anymore! It will be good for us if we
set apart”

I tried to convince him to come back even for the sake of our child but

then he neglected my complaint to the point that I felt like I couldn't

take everything.

“No! Please don’t do this to me Ivar” I beg to him.

“I already made up my mind”

I start my life with my son but it feels empty. I feel

his presence in every corner of our house.

I still love him, but I decided to let him go even though we need him in

our life. I manage to raise my child by myself. It hard but I remain

strong for my lovely son.

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