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Required Competencies Type & Specific Professional Significance of the activities Requirements Potential Barriers and Solutions
(1) Intervention (2) (3) (4) (5)

Demonstrates Seminar, Workshop/training Being resourceful does need a Personal fund, Potential Barriers: Time constraints
resourcefulness and the wide range of knowledge about MOOE/School Fund, due to conflict with Intervening tasks
ability to succeed and cope what our community can offer Moral support from in school and at home, Lack of
up with limited available and to achieve that, I need family and friends to knowledge on Indigenous methods
resources. trainings that can stimulate my sustain consistency and strategies.
knowledge towards my
community, it may be a local Possible Solution: Utilize free time
training or national. wisely and better time management.
Achieve results with optimal Self-training in using time and Being effective and efficient is Personal fund, Potential Barriers: Time constraints
use of time and resources. resources in the most efficient very important but it doesn’t MOOE/School Fund, due to conflict with Intervening tasks
way. only involve the effort and self- Moral support from in school and at home, Lack of time
Seminars and trainings discipline but also trainings on family and friends to management.
this matter is well important. sustain consistency
Possible Solution: Familiarize on
indigenization and try to make use of
every available resources.
Acts with a sense of urgency Seminar, Workshop/training More trainings and refresher Personal fund, Potential Barriers: Time constraints
and responsibility to meet courses to bring me back to my MOOE/School Fund, due to conflict with Intervening tasks
the demands of the teaching main goal and that is to become Moral support from in school and at home.
profession. an effective educator. family and friends to Possible Solution: Prioritize the
sustain consistency completion of the task immediately
and do not wait for the deadline.
Continuous expansion of the Seminar, Workshop/training The vast advancement of Personal fund, Potential Barriers: Time constraints
repertoire of adaptive Always update on trends and technology and constant cycle MOOE/School Fund, due to conflict with Intervening tasks
approaches in teaching upskill your teaching techniques of innovation and emulation Moral support from in school and at home.
using or applying new and approaches. resulting in new trends forces us family and friends to
trends in technology. teachers to adapt in order for us sustain consistency, Generational gap between the
to cope up in the ever-changing teacher and the students
environment. Possible Solution: Better time
management and closed the
generational gap by providing a
variety of communication channels.
Applying knowledge of Seminar, Workshop/training, In understanding the Personal fund, Potential Barriers: Time constraints
content within and across Reading online articles, curriculum, training/workshop MOOE/School Fund, due to conflict with Intervening tasks
the Senior High School Applying updates on the SHS and seminars are necessary for Moral support from in school and at home.
curriculum more curriculum, Study and get the teachers to provide greater family and friends to
importantly within the area familiarize more with the SHS service needed by the learners. sustain consistency, Possible Solutions: Maximize the
of specialization. curriculum. use of free time.
Promotes a healthy and Team Building To achieve better results in Personal fund, Potential Barriers: Time constraints
creative working Recreational activities with the finding solutions is thru a good MOOE/School Fund, due to conflict with Intervening tasks
environment that promotes co-workers teamwork among all the Moral support from in school and at home.
collaboration to develop members of the group. Nothing family and friends to
better ideas or solutions. beats collaborative effort from sustain consistency Possible Solution: Better time
all members in achieving a management and giving priorities or
common goal or to complete a get involved on team building
task in the most effective and activities or group activities.
efficient way.

Learner’s Signature:_______________________________ Reviewed/Approved by: MARIA GRACIA B LEDESMA, PhD

My journey in SEAMEO GURO21 made me realize many things, opened my desires to learn and improve myself more, taught me to not be
complacent and stock on the level I'm currently at. Then here comes another opportunity, I must craft my Personal Development Plan which will
be my step-by-step guide in being a better 21st century teacher. A personal development plan is an essential tool for the in being a 21st century
teacher, it helps us plan on the basic strategies to use to evaluate and enhance our capabilities.

I have made my professional development plan made sure that it meets the learner-centered principles because it addresses the needs of 21st
century learners and also develop teachers also I have addressed the underlying problems among my co-teachers wherein there are some
misunderstandings that resulted division to groups or factions which Is common among big schools. My plan also allows me to practice existing
classroom management techniques and develop ideas with my peers, plus allow them to practice those new skills in a controlled environment,
adapt teaching techniques and incorporating ICT and new trends like multimedia platforms in teaching. My plan is subjected to continuous
improvements and changes as some of the deficiencies may addressed and also there is a possibility that some problems may occur while
implementing it.

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