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NATIONAL) | caprTal Fig REBION [lene ; DILG Matino, mahusoy, at mavasahan, PUBLIC SERVICE CONTINUITY PLAN Department of the Interior and Local Government National Capital Region Department of the Interior and Local Government National Capital Region PUBLIC SERVICE CONTINUITY PLAN (DILG NCR PSCP) Version 6.0 October 4, 2021 1.0 2.0 Introduction ‘The Department of the Interior and Local Government - National Capital Region (DILG NCR) is mandated to strengthen the capacities of Metro Manila local government units, to perform oversight functions over them, and provide rewards and incentives to them. The DILG NCR provides effective technical and administrative services to promote excellence in local governance and enhance the service delivery of our Field Offices for the 17 LGUs to become transparent, resilient, socially protective and competitive, where people in the community live happily. The DILG NCR has a total of 217 personnel, 99 of which are currently assigned at the Regional Office which is located at the 4th Floor Annex Building, Sugar Center, Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) Compound, Barangay Vasra, Diliman, Quezon City, Metro Manila. The DILG NCR has developed this Public Service Continuity Plan (PSCP) to assist the operating units of the Regional Office (RO) in recovering from a disruption in service. Specifically, this plan provides policy and guidance to ensure that the DILG NCR can respond effectively to any form of disruption and restore essential services to the public as quickly as possible. The PSCP will address all the elements of a viable continuity capability: + Essential Functions + Lines of Succession + Delegations of Authority + Continuity Facilities + Continuity Communications + Vital Records Management + Human Capital + Test, Training, and Exercise + Control and Direction The goal of the all-hazards approach to continuity of operations planning is to maintain the ability to operate and provide vital services regardless of the emergency. This approach includes preparing for natural emergencies such as earthquakes and flooding as well as technological emergencies and intentional incidents, such as acts of terrorism. Purpose This PSCP provides operational actions that will be undertaken by the DILG NCR to ensure continuity of operations through the restoration of critical mission essential functions in the event of a disruption or disaster. In the event of a disaster which interferes with DILG NCR's ability to conduct public services through one of its operating units, this plan is to be used by the responsible individuals to coordinate and ensure the recovery of their respective areas and/or departments. The plan is designed to contain, or 3.0 provide reference to, all of the information that might be needed at the time of a public services recovery. Policy Statements Recognizing the role of DILG in promoting disaster resilient operations and consistent with the National Disaster Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) Memorandum No. 33 series of 2018, the DILG NCR aims to ensure the continuity of essential functions of the organization even during emergency, disaster or any other disruption. The DILG NCR, guided by its mandates, vision, mission and core values, commit to establish, implement and maintain appropriate procedures in managing immediate consequences of disruptive incidents with due regard to the welfare of its employees and guests, prioritizing immediate resumption of operations for its frontline services while mitigating further loss or unavailability of critical functions, and full recovery and resumption of its other functions. The organization shall adopt, implement and sustain an effective public service continuity management system to ensure organizational resilience, internally and externally. Specifically, the organization shall commit to the attainment of the following public service continuity principles: 4. Ensuring safety of DILG NCR Regional Office employees; 2. Prioritizing resources (manpower, equipment, funds and logistics support) allocation to facilitate the prompt recovery of mission essential functions. 3. Increasing organizational credibility by safeguarding data confidentiality, ensuring quick recovery from disruption, and immediate resumption of critical services to the public and other stakeholders; 4. Ensuring continued monitoring of operation protocols and provide policy advice during local emergencies arising from natural and human- induced hazards; 5. Ensuring continued supervision over local government units in governance, administration, social and economic welfare, environmental management; 6. Sustaining a stable peace and order condition and ensure public safety by monitoring compliance to the prescribed rules, regulations and other issuances; 7. Pursuing a system of coordination and cooperation among citizenry, local executives and the Department for effective and efficient delivery of basic services to the public; and 4.0 5.0 8. Ensuring continual improvement of the organization through public service continuity management even in the event of a disaster with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements and international standards geared towards organizational efficiency and resiliency in pursuing our mandate and achieving our client's satisfaction. Ultimately, the DILG NCR will consistently demonstrate and abide of being a “Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahang Kagawaran Para sa Mapagkalinga at Mauniad na Pamahalaang Lokal’. Scope This PSCP shall apply to the DILG NCR RO and any person occupying the physical office at the 4th Floor SRA Annex Building, Sugar Center Compound, North Ave., Bray. Vasra, Quezon City 1128, including its contracted providers and guests. The DILG NCR Field Offices shall adopt the PSCP of their respective LGUs. This Public Service Continuity Plan is limited in scope to recovery and public service continuance from a serious disruption in activities. This plan is separate from existing disaster-related plans, such as Emergency Response Plan and Contingency Plans. Unless otherwise modified, this plan does not address temporary interruptions of duration less than the time frames determined to be critical to business operations. Roles and Responsibilities This section discusses the roles and responsibilities of the work group tasked to coordinate activities on the development, promotion, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of the PSCP. Role Position Responsibilities __| Expected Deliverables Head of Regional | Approves the PSCP. _| Approved PSCP. Office Director Ensures that the Ensured that the PSCP is established, | PSCP is established, maintained, and maintained, and reviewed periodically. | reviewed periodically. Approves allocation of | Approved allocation of resources to ensure resources. successful implementation of the | Activated PSCP during plan and its continual | the occurrence of improvement. disruption through the issuance of a written advisory. Role Position Responsibilities _ | Expected Deliverables Approves the activation of the PSCP during the occurrence of disruption. Continuity | Assistant | Recommends to the __| Recommendation of Manager Regional | Head of Office the the overall policy, Director _ | overall policy directions, guidance, directions, guidance, | and objectives for and objectives for PSCP planning and PSCP planning and _| activation activation, Implemented PSCP Ensures the during disruption. implementation and compliance to the Recommendation for PSCP. the activation of the PSCP. Convenes senior officers of the Served as a media Regional Office point person to release (Division Chiefs and _| official statements. Chief of Staff), together with the head of the Incident Command Team and Safety/Damage Control Team, to analyze the situation, determine and recommend if PSCP will be activated. Serves as the media point person. Regional Division _ | Develop their Implementation plan Office Senior | Chiefs and | Division's developed. Officers Chief of | Implementation Plan Staff based on the PSCP. Identify specific personnel needs according to their functions and operations and ‘communicate the PSCP to concerned staff. Ensured compliance to the PSCP. Role Position Responsibilities Expected Deliverables Ensure compliance to the PSCP for the continuity of the operations and services to meet their client/stakeholder needs during disruption. Continuity | PSCP Provide overall | Reviewed, analyzed Planning Focal continuity coordination | and recommended Team Persons |and develops _and | updates of the PSCP. from the | updates the continuity following: | plan of the | Documented the Office of | organization. activation of the PSCP. the Regional | Serve as the principal Director; | continuity coordinating Lc organization and forum Monitoring | for exchanging ideas and and information Evaluation; | regarding continuity Lc planning procedures Capability | and resources for the Developme | organization. nt Division; and Ensure the continuous Finance —_| monitoring, evaluation and and improvement of Administrat | the PSCP. ive Division Preparation of Annual Activity Design with the corresponding Budgetary Requirement to cover the operational expenses. Evaluation | DILG Field |Serve as _ external | Evaluated and Team Office and |evaluator in the | recommended LGU with implementation of the | improvements of the Pscp PSCP. plan. backgroun d Role =| Position | — Responsibilities | Expected Deliverables Stakeholders | Regional | Be informed of the Informed stakeholders. Office provisions of the Plan. Personnel and Participate in the Contracted | continuity drills and Providers | exercises. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE PUBLIC SERVICE CONTINUITY PLAN, Figure No. 1 6.0 Definition of Terms This section includes a glossary of all terms used in this Public Service Continuity Plan. 4s Alert — formal notification that an incident has occurred which might develop into a Business Continuity Management or Crisis Management invocation (BCI Glossary, 2011). 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15, Alternate facility - refers to a pre-identified relocation area of the DILG NCR RO available for use after a major disaster. Business Impact Analysis — the process of analyzing activities and the effect that a business disruption might have upon them (ISO 22300). Call Tree — a structured cascade process that enables a list of persons, roles and/or organizations to be contacted as a part of information exchange or plan invocation procedure (BCI Glossary, 2011). CBRNE - is an acronym for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and high yield Explosives. These types of weapons have the ability to create both mass casualties as well as mass disruption of society. Continual Improvement — recurring activity to enhance performance (ISO 22300). Continuity of Operations ~ the capability to continue essential program functions and to preserve essential facilities, equipment, and records across a broad range of potential emergencies (Emergency Management Standard, 2007). Continuity Core Team - refers PSCP Focal Persons from the Office of the Regional Director, LG Monitoring and Evaluation, LG Capability Development Division; and Finance and Administrative Division Contracted service providers- refers to the security services contracted by the organization. Crisis - an abnormal situation which threatens the operations, staff, customers or reputation of an enterprise (BCI Glossary, 2011). Designated Next highest-ranking official in the Regional Office - Refers to the division chief who will assume the authority in activating the PSCP in case of death or incapacity of both the regional director and assistant regional director in the succession order provided in Chapter 9.1. DILG NCR - Refers to the Department of the Interior of Local Government National Capital Region. DILG NCR Personnel - refers to the regular plantilla employees and contract of services. Disruption — an event that interrupts normal business, functions, operations, or processes, whether anticipated (e.g., hurricane, political unrest) or unanticipated (e.g. Blackout, terror attack, technology failure, or earthquake) (BCI Glossary, 2011) Evaluation Team — Composed of external evaluators from the DILG NCR Field Office and invited LGU experts with PSCP background 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. Exercise — process to train for, assess, practice, and improve performance in an organization Incident — an event that has the capacity to lead to loss of or a disruption to an organization's operations, services, or functions — which, if not managed, can escalate into an emergency, crisis, or disaster (BCI Glossary, 2011). Incident Management Team — a group of individuals responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive plan for responding to a disruptive incident (BCI Glossary, 2011) Mission Essential Functions — the limited set or organization-level government functions that must be continued throughout, or resumed rapidly after, a disruption of normal activities (FEMA) Occupational Safety and Health Officers refers to the designated SHOs that are represented in the CCT. Operating Units - refers to the Office of the Regional Director, LG Monitoring and Evaluation Division, LG Capability Development Division; and Finance and Administrative Division Public Service Continuity — refers to business continuity for the public sector; refers to the capability of the organization to continue delivery of products or services at acceptable predefined levels following disruptive incidents (ISO 22300). Public Service Continuity Plan — refers to the business continuity plan for the public sector; refers to the documented procedures that guide organizations to respond, recover, resume, and restore to a pre-defined level of operation following disruption (ISO 22301). Recovery — the implementation of prioritized actions required to return an organization's processes and support functions to operational stability following an interruption or disaster (FEMA). Recovery Time Objectives — the period of time following an incident within which: a. product or service must be resumed; or b. activity must be resumed; or ©. resources must be recovered. Testing — refers to the procedure for evaluation; a means of determining the presence, quality, or veracity of something (ISO 22300). The Organization - refers to the DILG NCR 7.0 8.0 Assumptions The viability of this Public Service Continuity Plan is based on the following assumptions: 1. Critical resources (electricity, telecommunication, water etc.) are not available for at least 12 hours. 2. Incapacity of the top management (Regional Director and Assistant Regional Director) to perform their functions. 70% Human resources are severely affected Delay of delivery of common use supplies and equipment. DILG Intranet and DILG NCR Web Management Portal cannot be accessed. Government electronic mails are hacked Denied access to office premises. An Incident Command System within the organization has been established; 9. Aviable and tested IT Disaster Recovery Plan exists and will be put into operation to restore data center service at a backup site within five to seven days; 10. DILG NCR has identified alternate facilities for relocation of its Regional Office available for use after a major disaster, and 11. Regional Office will be either partially or completely damaged or inaccessible for a period of at least 30 days. 12. Presence of evacuation plan 13. Alternative Work Arrangement Scheme wae OND Mission Essential Functions and Recovery Time Objectives The occurrence of a disruption will affect the regular operations and functions of the DILG NCR. The following processes are the identified Mission Essential Functions of the DILG NCR that must be continued throughout or resumed rapidly after a disruption of normal activities: Mission Essential Functions (MEF) Recover roy ee Monitoring and evaluation of Typhoon, weather - disturbances and other disasters and calamities Within-dey Provision of public assistance and complaints Within 1 day Issuance of Certificate for Foreign Travel Authority - Local Government Officials and Employees Within 3 days Indorsement of LGU application for foreign Within 3 days Ischolarship ys Review and process Death Benefit Claims Within 3 days Issuance of Certification for Services Rendered by 'Sanggunian Members for Application for CSC Within 3 days Eligibility Issuance of Cerlificate of Incumbency Within 3 days 9.0 [Coordination for the management of the Dead and Missing MDM Within 3 days Issuance of Confidential Fund Certcaion to 17 Within 3 days Provision of legal assistance Within 3 days Provision of technical assistance to NCR LGUs on er local governance ithin 4: days Review and process request for Department - ‘Authority to Purchase Vehicle Within 5 days Preparation and submission of compliance report Within 5 days Activation Crit ia, Procedures and Authority Activation occurs after a disruption to DILG NCR operations, which triggers the activation of the DILG NCR PSCP. An executive decision must be made after a quick and accurate assessment of the situation to determine the best course of action for the Regional Management. The decision process also prevents the premature or inappropriate activation of the DILG NCR PSCP. 9.1. Authority to Activate the PSCP Upon occurrence of the following, the Regional Director or the designated next highest-ranking official in the Regional Office, as the case may be, shall activate this PSCP based on the recommendation of the Continuity Core Team In case of the demise or incapacity to perform official function of both the Regional Director and Assistant Regional Director, the following succession plan shall be observed for the purpose of activating this PSCP: 4. Division Chief of FAD; 2. Division Chief of LGMED; 3. Division Chief of LGCDD; and 4. Chief of Staff (COS) The DC/COS, in accordance with the succession plan, shall assume the authority to undertake all necessary steps to activate the PSCP and for the immediate recovery of mission essential functions based on the prescribed recovery time objectives and shall turn over such authority as soon as the next designated or acting Regional Director and/or Assistant Regional Director is appointed. 9.2. Criteria for Activation The PSCP shall be activated when any of the following criteria is met: 1. Disruption of 70% mission essential functions due to disasters, calamities and other disruptive incidents; 2. Demise or incapacity of both the Regional Director and Assistant Regional Director; or 3. Upon the recommendation of the Continuity Core Team that shall contain the damage assessment and status of personnel concerning their safety and health. becistonsanraix [FOR CONTINUITY PLAN ACTIVATION ae Figure No. 2 Based on Figure No. 2, after a 70% disruption on Mission Essential Functions caused by region-wide power outage, compromised/hacked DILG NCR owned system, or occurrence of any natural or man-made hazard, the Continuity Core Team, in coordination with the SRA Building Administration, shall conduct a damage and risk assessment of the DILG NCR Regional Office, including all the equipment and devices therein. The Core Team shall account the health and safety status of all personnel and evaluate whether itis still safe to continue the office operations. Based on the said assessment, the Continuity Core Team shall make a recommendation to the Regional Director or the designated next highest- ranking official in the Regional Office, as the case may be, for the activation of the PSCP, provided that any of the criteria mentioned in Section 9.2 of this PSCP is met. The Continuity Core Team shall use the fastest, available mode of communication to relay to the Regional Director or the designated next highest-ranking official such recommendation. The Regional director or the designated next highest-ranking official shall direct, the activation of the PSCP through the issuance of a written advisory. A. Deactivation of the PSCP owonane, DEACTIVATION OF CONTINUITY PLAN. Figure No. 3 10.0 The Figure No. 3 underlines the process of deactivating this PSPC. The Continuity Core Team shall reassess the situation every 24 hours from the time of the activation of this PSCP and make recommendation to the Regional Director or the designated next highest-ranking official in the Regional Office, as the case may be, for possible deactivation of the PSCP The Continuity Core Team shall recommend that the PSCP be deactivated if all the following requisites are present: 4. Restoration of full operations of the Regional Office or 100% of DILG NCR's mission essential functions; 2. The Continuity Core Team has recommended that it is already safe to resume normal office operations based on the abovementioned reassessment; and 3. New Regional Director and Assistant Regional Director have been appointed or assigned to the Regional Office, such as the demise of the incumbent Regional Director and Assistant Regional Director or became incapacitated to perform official function. Based on the said recommendation, the Regional Director or the designated next highest-ranking official shall deactivate the PSCP and direct the resumption of normal operations. Continuity Strategies This chapter ensures the RO's recovery and continuity in the face of a disaster or other major incidents or service interruptions. Facilities and Buildings Pre-identified alternate facility only (no MOA/MUO yet) © Adoption of Alternative Work Arrangement (Work-from-Home): see CSC MC 10, s. 2020 People * Provision of laptop with support to communication/internet expenses (DBM Circular Letter No 2021-7 dated July 1, 2021) * Provision of Go-bags with PPEs, First Aid Kits * Provision of shuttle service © Evacuation Pian /Emergency Assembly Area Vital Records and Online File Database All the DILG NCR Initiatives Systems are housed in one Portal ( hosted by Amazon Web Services Back-ups: ‘Amazon Back-up Center daily Desktop daily DILG NCR Network Attached Storage (weekly) Systems: - HRMS - Records Tracking - Contract Tracing - Assets and Inventory System Request for Vehicle DILG NCR Website ( 1.3rd party back up 2. Desktop Daily 3. Network Attached Storage- Weekly All intranet Systems (% ISTMS) with 3 back- ups (Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao) eRe Procurement “Stocking up in the Regional Office of 2 months provisions of common-use office supplies and equipment; -Maintaining an open credit line with established suppliers of common-use office supplies and equipment; +Requiring nearby DILG-NCR Field Offices. (Quezon City, Marikina, Caloocan City, Mandaluyong and City of Manila) to maintain sufficient common-use office supplies to be utilized by the Regional Office during disruptive events; and, -Procurement of emergency equipment (e.g. tents, mono block chairs, emergency lights, first aid kits, portable Wi-Fi and additional laptop computers) that will be essential in setting up alternate site or for working from home. Communications and Technology Online File Alll the DILG NCR databases can be downloaded as CSV, excel, jpeg and pdf that can be used as reference or to generate reports. Availability of various equipment that can be used such as mobile phones, two-way radios, postpaid mobile internet (distributed to all divisions and field offices), lease lines (DICT and Converge) ‘Specifically, the folowing are the Mission Essential Functions (MEF) with corresponding recovery strategies on vital records, people, facities/equipment and communications and technology: jonitoring and evaluation of 'yphioon, weather disturbances snd other disasters and calamities ‘+ Faciiies/equipment - Adoption of Alternative Work Arrangement '* Communications and Technology - Availabilty of various equipment that can be used Vital Records - Organization database can be recovered through an in-house andlor Sr party backup system, People - Provision of laptop with support to communicationintemet expenses. ‘such as mobile phones, two-way racios, postpaid mobile intemet. vision of public assistance and | Vital Records - Organization database can be recovered through an in-house andlor rd mplaints party backup system, People - Provision of laptop with support to communication/nternet expenses. Faciitesiequipment - Adoption of Alterative Work Arrangement ‘© Communications and Technology - Provision of alternative platforms through official ‘social media accounts, website, or designated hotline to lodge the client's ccomplaints/concerns. issuance of Certificate for Foreign Vital Records = NIA [Travel Authority Local Government i aac aa euorest a Gaiam ie ieratecsenais [retuoara conse People - Provision of laptop with support to cationinternet expenses Faciitieslequipment - Adoption of Allerative Work Arrangement (Communications and Technology - Availabilty of various equipment that can be used such as mobile phones, postpaid mobile internet. indorsement of LGU application for reign scholarship Vital Records - Organization database can be recovered through an in-house andlor 3rd party backup system, People - Provision of laptop with support to communicationinternet expenses. aciitiesequipment - Adoption of Allerative Work Arrangement ‘Communications and Technology - Availabilty of various equipment that can be used such as mobile phones, postpaid mobile internet. feview and process Death Benefit aims Vital Records - Organization database can be recovered through an in-house andlor 3rd party backup system. Hard copies can be retrieved from the Field Offices. People - Provision of laptop with support to communicationinternet expenses. Faciites/equipment - Adoption of Aterative Work Arrangement ‘Communications and Technology - Availabilty of various equipment that can be used such as mobile phones, postpaid mobile internet issuance of Certification for Vital Records - Organization database can be recovered through an in-house andlor Sr Services Rendered by Sanggurian| "pay bacup system, Hard copies can be retieved frm he Fe Ofices fener for Appleton &°CSC | 5 ple Provision of top wth suppor o communications expense. Facitestequipment- Adoption of Atematve Work Arrangement Communication and Tecnology - Avail of various equipment that canbe used Such 28 moble phones, postpaid mabe internet. |ssuance of Corfest of Vital Recor - Organization database canbe recovered through an in-house andlor ed Incumbency Baty backup sytem. Hard copies canbe reticwed rom the Fld Ofices. People - Provision of laptop with support to communicationintemet expenses. "+ Faciiies/equipment - Adoption of Altemative Work Arrangement ‘Communications and Technology - Availabilty of various equipment that can be used such as mobile phones, postpaid mobile internet. ‘ordination for the management | Vital Records - NIA the Dead and Missing (MDM) |). people - Provision of laptop with support to communicationvinternet expenses. ‘+ Faciiies/equipment - Adoption of Alternative Work Arrangement ‘+ Communications and Technology - Availabilty of various equipment that can be used such as mobile phones, postpaid mobile internet issuance of Confidential Fund ‘© Vital Records - Hard copies can be retrieved from the Field Offices. [Periicaton to 17 LGUs ‘+ People - Provision of laptop wit support to communicatonintemet expenses. ‘© Facilties/equipment - Adoption of Altemative Work Arrangement ‘= Communications and Technology - Availablity of various equipment that can be used such as mobile phones, postpaid mobile internet. Provision of legal assistance ‘Vital Records - Organization database can be recovered through an in-house andlor 3rd party backup system, '* People - Provision of laptop with support to communicationintemet expenses, ‘© Facilties/equipment - Adoption of Altemative Work Arrangement '* Communications and Technology - Provision of alternative platforms through oficial ‘social media accounts, website, or designated hotline to lodge the client's ‘complaints/concems, Vital Records - Organization database can be recovered through an in-house andlor 3rd party backup system, People - Provision of laptop with support to communicationinternet expenses. aciitiesequipment - Adoption of Allerative Work Arrangement ‘Communications and Technology - Availabilty of various equipment that can be used such as mobile phones, postpaid mobile internet. Review and process request for Jepartment Authority to Purchase ebicle Vital Records - Organization database can be recovered through an in-house andlor 3rd party backup system. Hard copies can be retrieved from the Field Offices. People - Provision of laptop with support to communicationinternet expenses. Faciites/equipment - Adoption of Aterative Work Arrangement ‘Communications and Technology - Availabilty of various equipment that can be used such as mobile phones, postpaid mobile internet. aration and submission of smpliance report '* People - Provision of laptop with support to communicationintemet expenses, ‘+ Faciities/equipment - Adoption of Alternative Work Arrangement = Communications and Technology - Availablity of various equipment that can be used Vital Records - Organization database can be recovered through an in-house andlor Sr party backup system. Hard copies can be retrieved from the Field Offices. ‘such as mobile phones, postpaid mobile internet. 11.0 Resource Requirements This section provides the list of resources such as human resources, finances, equipment, transportation and enabling mechanisms available to implement the DILG NCR's continuity strategies. Resource Details Remarks Human 99; 49 males, 50 With employees resources/disaster- | females belonging to vulnerable related data sectors (PWD and Senior Citizens) DILG NCR has nine (9) ICS trained Regional Office personnel Transportation seven (7) 2 for RD, 1 for ARD and 4 for operations; all are functional IT Equipment two (2) internet All computing connections (DICT and | employees are issued Converge; with desktops; program 22 mobile Wi-Fi managers are also Desktops issued with laptops Laptops 10 Televisions DRRM Logistics 200 Hard hats 1:1 for employees 5 Two radio (hardhats); all are 1 generator set functional 1 megaphone 5 folding beds 15 dry chemical fire extinguishers (10 Ibs.) 5 DOST Ready to eat meals 200 BLS-FA basic equipment 5 cadaver bags Personal Face masks, face all employees are Protective shields, disinfectants provided Equipment (alcohol, hand soaps, sanitizers), footbaths and thermometers Enabling DILG NCR has Adopted during the Mechanisms formulated an pandemic Resource Details Remarks Alternative Work ‘Arrangement (AWA) Policy ‘Internal Procurement process Relief Assistance Mechanism Financial Resources Various DILG NCR Fund Sources with Capital Outlay and MOOE Vital Records Hard and soft copies stored by respected offices, Key Contacts Presence of contact numbers: DILG NCR employees Central Office LGUs Partner Agencies Suppliers These existing resources are sufficient for the Regional Office to continue providing its mission essential functions through work from home arrangement or through relocating to an alternative “hot' site. To augment the PSCP implementation the DILG NCR may procure the additional resources listed below. Particulars/Items Quantity Generator sets with max output of 5000W, 10HP 2 (In addition to an existing genset of same specification) Laptops (To replace out modeled units) 30 Portable WIFIs 6 Tents (3x3 meters) 6 Portable folding tables 12 Monobloc chairs 48 Air coolers 6 12.0 Communication Procedure This procedure outlines and describes the coordination (internal and external) and information flow as reference in reaching or communicating with all personnel, partner agencies, media, public and other stakeholders affected by the incident or disaster, through a multi-channel communication system and use of technology. A. Communication diagram and notification The table below shows the communication diagram and notification. Information to | Information Communication | Office/ Personnel be disseminated] _user/Audience Platform Responsible (Changes in the |LGUclients, DILG —_[DILG NCR Website [Continuity Manager, list of services to [Central Office, DILG [and Social Media _|RICTU Officer, PIO ibe provided fora |NCR Field Offices, _|such as Facebook, _ [and Records Officer ‘given period of partner agencies and |Messenger and Email time. lorganizations and lgeneral public [Alternate site |LGUclients, DILG _[DILGNCR Website [Continuity Manager, {Central Office, DILG jand Social Media JRICTU Officer, PIO INCR Field Offices, [such as Facebook, _and Records Officer partner agencies and |Messenger and Email lorganizations and Iservice providers New contact [LGUccients, DILG__[DILG NCR Website [Continuity Manager, information |Central Office, DILG_ jand Social Me IRICTU Officer, PIO INCR Field Offices, [such as Facebook, _and Records Officer lpartner agencies and |Messenger and Email lorganizations and Iservice providers Responses to [LGUccients, DILG __|Social Media such as | PIO, Records ‘queries {Central Office, DILG Facebook, lofficer and Focal INCR Field Offices, Messenger, Email, [Person of each lpartner agencies and |mobile phone and’ _|service. lorganizations and —_andline. lgeneral public With this communication procedure, accompanied by an established critical information system, the DILG NCR can expect an efficient and effective conduct of its MEFs. Hence, it is important that all critical data is backed up and stored accordingly for the smooth flow of critical information necessary for the accomplishment of MEFs using the multi-channel communication system discussed. 13. B. Call tree This procedure in relaying information internally from the employee to the management and vice versa shall observe the established organizational structure as presented in the diagram below. Figure No. 4 The Call Tree shall contain the important communication details (i.e. Office Telephone Number, Mobile Number, Email Address and Facebook Messenger, among others) of all the personnel, allowing them to check the status or condition of each other and providing them ways to reach or contact the DILG NCR management. The same can be accessed through http://bit.1y/DILGNCRCallTree. Testing and Maintenance The Continuity Core Team shall be responsible in ensuring the workability of the PSCP. It shall conduct testing and various exercises to review and improve the PSCP. In this regard, the plan shall be periodically verified by active or passive testing. aypecet Exercise Date ace arc era Objectives | Conducted Orientation | Continuity Core Team, Quick | To orient Yearly/As: Seminars Response Team, Incident participants on the needed Management Team PScP Workshops | Continuity Core Team, Quick | To build Semestral Response Team, Incident —_| competence among stakeholders and 14. 45. 16. Type of A Sa Exercise Date Exercise Participants oo aceite Objectives Conducted Management Team, and all__| help come up with Responsible Officials improvements. Updates in the PSCP Tabletop | Continuity Core Team, Quick | To review and Yearly Exercises | Response Team, Incident —_| update the PSCP Management Team, and all Responsible Officials Drills (Fire, | All Stakeholders To simulate, Quarterly Earthquake, | All DILG NCR Regional exercise and CBRNE Office Personnel improve recovery incident) actions and measures under the PSCP. The Core Team is responsible for ensuring that the personnel who would carry out the Public Service Continuity Plan are sufficiently aware of the plan's details. This may be accomplished in a number of ways including; practice exercises, participation in tests, and awareness programs. References a. b. c. d. Harmonized National Contingency Plan for the Magnitude 7.2 Earthquake National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2020-2030 DILG Citizens Charter DILG NCR Regional Implementation Plan on the Management of Dead and Missing Persons Appendices sppogp Spot Map Evacuation Plan Pertinent Plans (¢.g., RIP on MDM, CP for Earthquake, etc.) DILG Citizens Charter Contact Information (Stakeholders) FAQs Approval and monitoring This PSCP shall be approved and immediately effective upon signing by the Regional Director. This shall be considered a working document and shall be subjected to continuous review and enhancement by the Continuity Core Team.

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