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What Do You Already Know?

To find out how much you already know about the concepts discussed in this module, try to answer the
following Module pre-test:

1. Identify at least three attributes or characteristics of 21st century



A 21st Century teacher should be 1. Expert on the subject matter or topic 2. Has a good fascilitating skills
and 3. Adapts to the situation in the classroom very well.

2. As a teacher, why is it important to acquire the knowledge, skills,

attitudes, and values needed to adjust to the demands of the 21st century?

As a teacher it is very important to acquire these knowledge, skills, attitudes and values because as the
question says it is demanded by 21st century teaching and learning process., without adapting to these
demands a teacher will stay as a traditional teacher not a 21 st century one.

3. What are the characteristics of teaching and learning in the 21st

century? Describe each.

Learner Centered- The design of lessons should be based on the learners needs and preference also
during discussions the learners should discover themselves through the guidance of the teacher as the

Adaptive- Adapts on what the situation demands during discussion and the teacher can change the
strategy right away when the need arises.

Diverse- In terms of strategies techniques by teachers and also learning styles by learners.

4. What are the “four pillars of learning”? Provide a brief description for


Learning to know – This pillar is the foundation or fundamentals and or basic knowledge one must have
in order to understand things in our environment.

Learning to Live Together – These are the social skills that one should possess in oerder to engsge ones
self into others or how can an individual co-exist harmoniously with other individuals guided by
acceptable social norms.
Learning to Do – Is about acquiring skills needed to be a productive member of the society like technical
skills, vocational skills or can be leadership skills.

Learning to Be - These pillar is about improving one’s self in order to be better in what he or she does.
Like acquiring or devising new strategies for us teachers.

5. Identify and briefly describe some of the core literacies of the 21st


The Arts and Creativity, manifested in creative ways of problem solving and expressed through the
production of various art works.

Ecoliteracy – Knowledge about the environment, the different treats present including climate change
and how can we eases or help with the situation.

Cyberliteracy/Digital literacy (Computer and ICT Knowledge) – Knowledge about the exixting
technologies especially computer and the internert.

iv. Financial Literacy – About economics, entrepreneurship and other aspects of finances including

v. Media Literacy – Knowledge on the different channels of communications may it be printed or other

vi. Social/Emotional Literacies – Knowledge on social skills and knowing and managing your own

ix. Globalization and Multicultural Literacy – Knowledge and acceptance of diversity and respecting ones
cultural beliefs.

6. Why should cultural diversity be respected and promoted in schools

and in communities?

Cultural diversity should be accepted and promoted in schools in order to teach students those cultural
differences should be accepted and not to be a source of conflict.

7. Identify three attributes of a teacher who is a leader in 21st century

schools. Briefly explain each attribute.

Has a vision and the ability to communicate it. A teacher should have a vision or goal in teachinh his and
her students and he/she must have the skills to communicate these goals to his/her students for them
to understand what is expected of them.
Has integrity – A teacher who is a leader in 21 st Century should have to maintain his moral integrity for
him to be respected in the school and in the community

Has the innate ability to inspire, energize, and encourage his/her followers. – A leader ofcourse is the
source of of inspiration among his members and also gives his followers encouragement that will
energize them to function better.

8. Describe a person who is:

A. information and communications technology (ICT) literate

Know how to use technology and incorporates it in his works and use it to its full potential to his
advantage and always up to date and adapt with the trends in technology.

B. media literate

A person who is knowledgeable in the different forms of media and can understand the message being
Competency I cannot I am I can do this I can
do this learning how but I need to do this
yet to do this learn more very well
(Novice) (Apprentice and improve (Expert)

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Describe the critical √ √
attributes of 21st century

Discuss the new parameters √ √

for teaching and learning in
the 21st century.

Explain the four pillars √ √

of learning framework for
21st century education

Explain the importance √ √

of lifelong learning in the
21st century.

Identify the core themes, √ √

literacies, and competencies
of the 21st century.

Determine ways to improve √ √

knowledge, skills, attitudes,
and values (KSAVs) on
21st century life and career
Promote peace and respect √ √
for cultural diversity as a
21st century teacher.

Demonstrate the leadership √ √

attributes of a 21st century
Integrate Information and √ √
Communications Technology
(ICT) in the √classroom.

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