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Hello my name is johan pratama jati waluyo

I will tell story of sipitung

from jakarta
Si Pitung
SiPitung from rawabelong jakarta,he is good young
man.Sipitung is diligent in worship and has noble
character.Apart from holi Qur'an , he also learns silat
from haji naipin.
Seen the people suffering greatly as a result of being
enslaved by the dutch colonialist and many victims of
dutch atrocities, sipitung felt sorry for seeing the people
being exploited.
With his friend, rais and jii, he stole the wealth of
dutch landlord to distributed them to people in need,this
made the dutch angry,varios methods had been taken by
the dutch to catch sipitung.However,the always failed.
Eventually the dutch catch the sipitung family and
Haji Naipin to know whereabouts.The existence of
sipitung was known by the dutch and finally he was

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