Erwin Schrodinger, Werner Heisenberg, Louis de Broglie Et. Al

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1922 AD 1808 AD 1909 AD 460 BC 1930+ 1897 AD

Erwin Schrodinger,
J.J. Thomson Democritus John Dalton Werner Heisenberg, Rutherford Niels Bohr
Louis De Broglie et. al.

Danish New Zealander England Germany England Greek

Plum pudding Electron Shell

Billiard Ball model Planetary Model ‘atomos’ model Quantum Model
model model

Atoms are mostly

Atoms are indivisible Atoms are indivisible
empty space. Atoms
and indestructible; and indestructible;
contain a tiny nucleus of
infinite kinds of atoms there are a set amount
highly dense, positive
exist of different shapes of types of atoms but
matter, and tiny
and styles which are like bond together to make
electrons orbit around
the substance itself. new substances
the nucleus.

Electrons surrounding Highly dense nucleus (of

the nucleus orbit in set positive protons and
levels (shells) of energy. Atoms are a large mass neutral neutrons).
Electrons can move of positive matter with Orbited by electron
between levels by tiny negative electrons ‘clouds’ where the exact
absorbing (moving up) mixed throughout it. location of the electron
or emitting (moving is unknown but given as
down) light. a probability.

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