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Longline fishing gear

Aquatic resources management

Lecturer ma’am periwati kaban
Group 4
The Group’s Leader : Dewi Chyntia Sembiring (190302042)

The Group’s Members : Persada Hermasnyah Tampubolon (190302038)

Ananda Hera Utama (190302024)
Riski Kristina br. Sinaga (190302052)
Gabriel Androni V Nainggolan (190302064)
Long line is a fishing
gear consist of a
series of ropes
stretched across the
high seas. At each
certain distance a
branch line or branch
line is installed and
equipped with fishing
rods and bait.
Components of longline fishing gear
a. Float
Float is used as a marker and
so that
the longline can float
b. float line/buoy line
connecting buoy with the main
c. main line
connecting the float line and
branch line .
d. branch line
the size of the branch line is smaller
than the main line.
e. Hook
Types of fishing hooks
Table 1. materials for making longlines
There are several long line fishing aids : Fishing aids
1. Line Haulers 6. Side Rollers
. .
2. Line Arrangers 7. Long Line Spools
3. Line Emitter 8. Radio Buoy
4. Branch Haulers 9. Long Line Blocks

5. Line Setters 10. Long Hooks


In long-line fishing gear, the types of bait used can generally be

divided into two types, dead bait and live bait. Fish such as lemuru,
kite, and squid are dead bait commonly used by fishermen,
whereas live bait generally only has one type, namely milkfish. The
type of bait used on a long line boat is usually determined by the
catch target, the conditions of the moon at the time of fishing,

the fishing position, and the experience and preferences of each

boat captain.
Fising ground
A waters can be said to be a fishing ground for a fishing
gear, if the gear can be used continuously and profitably. Factors
that determine fishing ground include:
• The presence of fish (fish season)
• Factors of the types of fish that exist and can be caught with
the tool
• Factors that benefit fishing effort
• Meteorological and oceanographic factors and other influencing
The nature of the fishing ground really depends on the target
to be caught. In the fishing season, fish can be caught all year

round. However, due to the influence of water temperature,

climate and currents, there are differences in fishing seasons in
various regions.
fishing operation
An important part of the operation
The Fishing Master and the captain in the wheelhouse steer the boat while
paying attention to security/safety at setting time, setting speed, presence
of other boats and their distance, trajectory of the fishing line, speed of
the ship, water temperature, eddies, seabirds, dolphins and driftwood.
b. Bait
Things to note are the search for bait, installation on the fishing line (usually
the fish is hooked on the head). For mackerel on the back, order the
hooks, unroll the branch line, and check for defects in each part of the

branch line
C. Radio – buoys and lights
For withdrawals at midnight, 5 - 6 lights are installed on the main line and 12 - 13
radio buoys.
Hauling technique
- Hauling time
The hauling operation starts at approximately 12 noon. Hauling
time is between 12 – 18 hours.
- When hauling
While rolling the main line, you need to pay attention to the
direction of the stretch of the rope, the state of
the catch and cutting the tangled rope if necessary.
Settings technique
- setting time
Setting takes place at 2 – 3 am. The rope that is set
first is the branch rope for deep sea waters. Setting
time is approximately 5 hours. The mainline is up to 100
miles long.
Thank you

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