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Concept of Digital Marketing

Pover goes to connected customers

► From exclusive to inclusive
► From vertical to horizontal
► From individual to social
► The world is changing from polarized power structure to multilateral power
► Demografy of developed counries are attractive
► Lıve together despite dıfferencies
► Importance of external innovation
► Market provide ideas, company commercialize them
► Rise of multi industrial companies
► Rise of social media influence
► In transparent digital world honesty/fair is fundamental demand
Disputes of connected customer
► Online and offline interaction
► Informed and confused consumer
► Positive and negative advocacy
Online and offline interaction

► Offline or online marketing?

► Balanced marketing of offline and online
► Customer journey shaped by the results of both, online and offline experience
► Ex: traditional media and social media, and amazon go
Informed and confused consumer

► Consumer nowadays are well informed but at same time confused what to buy
► Customers are under the influence of:
► 1) marketing communication activities such as advertising, press, PR
► 2) F factor or family and friends
► 3) knowledge and experience
But now this concept going to change as priority of F factor than others.
Connectivity gets trust but makes confuse for decision making. Also cause
problem of focusing skills and limit decision making abilities. The voice of crowds
are getting more effective so it trigger WOM, word of mouth phenomenon. WOM
marketing gets popular.
► Profıle of future consumer: connected but confused
► Prior objectives of marketers will be to attract an attention
Positive advocacy and negative advocacy

► One of the important signs of loyal customer is advocate, support and advise
the brand to others
► The main 3 attitudes of customer: supporter, passive or hater
► In many cases negative advocacy trigger positive action
► Its possible brands will have an amount of haters, so to get effective sales
that company have to target to construct positive advocate `army` in digital
Effective digital segments

► Youth - get the share of reason

► Women get market share
► Netızens get a share of sympathy
Youth - get the share of reason

► %30 of population in the world are people less than 20

► Big segment rising: young, urban, mobile (active), connected
► Quality adv., trendy content, support of celebrity, newness of brand
supported by innovation
► Youth are early adopters, they are risk takers
► Trendsetters
► Game changers
► Fundamental impulsive power
Women - get market share

► Too big segment

► family and business environment
► Roles of women: collectors of information,
► holistic,
► managers of family community
Netızens - get a share of sympathy

► Social connectors
► `Expensive` missioners
► Content partners
Cover from traditional to digital

► From fundamental STP analysis to digital communities

► Permission marketing
► Brand is a collection of values that differentiate the product from
competitors. It can be logo, name, or slogan.
► Brand and brand positioning
► Brand positioning is the effort trying to place positively in the mind of
consumers. In transparent economy it have to be actual, real because the
brand fallowed by consumers deeply and close.
► Brand concept have to be accepted by communities, or it will be just empty
efforts of company
► Brand character and codes must be consistent, marketing communication
have to be elastic and dynamic
Cover from traditional to digital

► Marketing mix shows what to offer and how to offer. It consists 4P

► The new characterization is 4C, that means Consumer, Cost, Convenience,
► Consumer- customer wants and needs, co-creation that include customer and
company, customer value,
► Cost- customer cost, cost to satisfy, currency
► Convenience- ease to buy, communal activation
► Communication- give and take, conversation, cooperative (enables 2 way)
► Product development = co-creation =
maximum satisfaction
► Price = elastic pricing (depends on demand
and capacity)
► Place , Distribution Channel = share
economy, interpersonal distribution, recent
get or own
► Promotion = from one way sending messages
to 2 way conversation, recent feedback
► CRM = from one way service, to fellowship,
clear listening, answering, continuously
fallowing, real care of customer
► The key word is Cooperation
Questions to think

► How to create in interpersonal connected digital world, effective

differentiation of your brand (differentiation strategy)?
► How your company will transform from 4P to 4C?
► What to do to adopt cooperation CRM, what to change in customer relation
Indicators of marketing productivity

► Brand recognition, consumer satisfaction rate, customer loyalty, rate of repurchase

► Loyalty = rate of advise = volume of advocate community
► Awareness and advocacy
► Purchase Action Ratio (PAR)
► Brand Advocacy Ratio (BAR)
► PAR measures how good companies “convert” people who are aware of them into
purchase action.
► BAR measures how good companies “convert” people who are aware of the brand
into loyal advocates.
► Primer result is positive rate of sales, secondary result is indirect increase of sales
meant by advocacy.
Converting rates
To increase productivity

► To rise loyal advocates rise awareness, high recognition means high

advise, but this is expensive to do
► Easy way to trigger a conversation between community
► E-talks about brand are like lever to times an effectiveness of massage
► In digital world customer conversation ( effect of others or external effect) is
cheap way to make a good brand awareness. But hard to control them
► That’s why using this way as a lever include some risks
► What to do to avoid all risks in customer journey process?
1) Increase attractiveness

► Have good aware but bad appeal

► Means problem in product or brand, value offering or lack in brand
► Most attractive brands = humanized brands= human centric brands = to
care human value meanings
2) Suitable curiosity

► High expectation means high curiosity

► Source of curiosity to offer interesting information to customer (not
► Interesting information creates by content marketing
► Content marketing means the process of distributing a content that connected
with customers life at the same time reflects brands strong massages. It
includes creating and designing, distributing and strengthening contents.
3) Increase commitment

► Make ease to purchase

► Omnichannel marketing
► Customer journey without barriers
► Organizational cumbersome
4) Increase emotional relationship

► Real experience satisfy expectations, more of it creates emotional proximity,

it cause to rise of loyal advocates.
► Humanized brands, different customer relationship interfaces, social media
coactions, gamification and other interaction with customer
Industrial archetypes and best
► Channel, brand, sales and service management
► Customer journey - is the complete sum of experiences that customers go
through when interacting with your company and brand. Instead of looking at
just a part of a transaction or experience, the customer journey documents
the full experience of being a customer.
1) Awareness

► This is the gateway to the Customer path. Here potential customers are exposed to
a brand through word of mouth, advertising, social media, past experience & every
other medium that lets the customer know about the existence of a brand.
► The brands in this stage focus on creating a short-term memory that will help the
customers to recall or recognize the brand if they do come across one.
Customer touch points
► Exposed to the brand.
► Recall & Recognize the brand.
► Learn about the brand from others.
Customer Impression
► I Know
2) Appeal

► Here the potential customers move from the stage of being aware of the product to
the stage of wanting to know more about the product.
► The brands in this stage focus on amplifying the short-term memories created during
the first stage. They also focus to make the brand more appealing by making it
interesting or creating a “WOW” factor that will help the brand to provoke or
encourage curiosity.
Customer touch points
► Become Interested in the brand.
► Amplify past memory.
► Create a consideration set of brands.
Customer Impression
► I Like
3) Ask
► After learning about the product the curious customer at this stage will seek out to gather
more information & opinions about the product. The customer might approach his friends,
family, colleagues or anybody who might have an idea about the product. They might also
check online reviews, social channels, forums & any other platforms for more info on the
product or service. They might also directly approach the brand through offline or online
mediums seeking more information on the product or service. So basically, the
customer will gather as much information as he can to make the final decision.
► Brands under this stage will help the customer through both online and offline strategies to
provide the information the customer seeks to help him make the final decision. The brands
will also focus to establish their presence on all platforms the customer might visit seeking
out help and try to convince them to act.
Customer touch points
► Approach for advice.
► Online reviews.
► Approach the brand offline & online.
► Physically try the product.
Customer Impression
► I’m Convinced
4) Act

► In this stage, the customer is convinced with the gathered information & will
decide to act. Here act refers to making the purchase.
► The brands in this stage will make sure that the process will not end with a
purchase & will try to establish a relationship with the customers by creating
a positive & memorable experience for the customer.
Customer touch points
► Buy the product online or in-store.
► Post-purchase services.
Customer Impression
► I’m Buying
5) Advocacy

► In this stage, the customer would have built loyalty to the brand because of the
positive & memorable experience. This will result in Retention, Repurchase, and
finally Advocacy for the brand. The customers in this stage will turn into brand
evangelists and recommend the brand in all possible scenarios.
► In this stage, the brands will continue to hold the strong relationship with the
evangelists. They will try to retain the quality of their service or product & focus on
providing a better experience on every purchase.
Customer touch points
► Retention.
► Repurchase from the brand.
► Recommend the brand.
Customer Impression
► I Recommend
Model 1: Door knob

► low interest, more obligation or feel of

responsible (habit buying)
► Example: consumer goods, wheel
automotive, banking, cellular operative.
► Spending less time to research or collect
an information. Need less information
about competitors.
► Have prior expectations and preferences
► Low brand attachment
► Aggressive branding and marketing
► Many competing brands
Model 2: Goldfish

► Most evident specification: High interest

► Example: B2B, tour tourism
► Collection of information before
decision, more questions, looking for
comments, compare with competitors
► Lengthy and through evaluation before
► Involve multiple stakeholders
► Commoditized offerings
► Similar positioning between competing
Model 3: Trumpet

► Amount of advocates more than buyers

► Example: Luxury goods, niche brands
► Highly involved in purchase decision
► Have confidence in brand quality
► Have special communities
► High amount of fans
► High level of advise
► Reputable image from quality association
► Strong influence from WOM
Model 4: Funnel

► Planned and informed decisions

► Example: Tech. gadgets, house hold
tech., service sector.
► Customer passes through every stage
► Trust real experience not claims
► Company have to create strategy for
every stage
► Also companies have to focus on
innovation and continuous development
► Competing brands can easily compare
► Evaluating depends on customer
Model 5: Bow tie

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