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Home Page: 1.Search Engine: Publication means we searching document ? 2.Upload 1.when click upload button move to upload.

html document page for upload document the (types of document)

a. (For multiple files hold down shift (Win) or control (Mac) keys when selecting). b.CAUTION: Do not upload copyrighted documents for which you do not own the rights or have permission from the owner to share.

3.Explore when Mouse hover the explore text document and people is showing 1. Documents 2.People 1.Documents (bread crum eg(Explore > Documents / People) path is showing) a.When click document which is showing under explore, it redirect into innerpage.html page. In document(innerpage.html) page we are displaying document details like a. front page of document when click frontpage image of document it call bookview.html page, In bookview page we are seeing
a.Title of the clicked document b.added by (name of the uploaded person) c. Occupation(developer or artist) d.Uploaded (time) eg: 2days ago e.views f.Rate this product g. Add to Favourites

h. Download i.Add a comments about document with mint ago j.price

b.document pages
number of pages.

c.document name d.number of views for per document e.most recent document (page ? how it will look) f.most downloaded document (page?) g.most viewed document ( like e will sow h.pagenation for comfortable view per page (they will choose) the document based on name (what)? k.document category and sub category 2.People When click people which is showing In under explore or document/people it call people.htm Here we are showing who uploaded the document those people details . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Most Followed Most Pulication Search engine Image of the person Number of followers Follow button (redirect in ton signup page or following) category


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When click it list document s

5.Upload PDF s Files & Documents

6.Publish & Share 7.Sell Documents 8. sign up for free Dollardoc account 9. SignUP 1.Contact us link what I have to give 2. terms of use and privacy policy 10.Login After login only people can upload the document After login myprofile.html page will open in that below mentioned attributes will show
My Profile 1. name 2. (Change Picture) 3. My Stats 4. 4.Total Docs: 0 how much document has uploaded by the user 5. 5.Total Views: 0 How many user has ?(doubt) 6. 6.Downloads: 0 doubt? How much I have download document or other
people has download my doc ?


7.My Documents 8.My Favorite

8. 9. 10. My Profile > Other Persons Profile

9.My Following Same as document page but who has logged in that person document Enable Download button

When click the book image page it call otherpersonprofile.html page same as my profile page but few attribute has added and remove Added attributes
1 .name 2. person (Picture) 3. Occupation 4. Follow 5. Uploads: 0 6. Total Views: 0 7. Followers: 0 8. Enable Download button (not needed here because we are seeing other image)

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