EFB Task 4 Juni Exercise 43 and 45

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Exercise 43.

Looking at grammar
2. Anya, can you hand me that dish ?
3. We should not go to classes again until the twenty second
4. The baby is only a year old, but she should already say a few words.
5. All children must attend six years of elementary school.
6. We had to wait almost an hour to buy our tickets.
7. You should go to Hawaii or Mexico. Or how about Indonesia?
8. She didn’t see the sign.
9. It must not be his. He doesn’t have a laptop computer, at least not that I know. It may
belong to Jana or Mindy. They sometimes bring their laptops to class.
10. In my country, a girl dan a boy must not go out to date unless they are accompanied by
a chaperone.
11. We must not laughed at him.
12. I’m not sure. It can be salmon. Let’s ask.

Exercise 45. Check your knowledge

Correct the errors
these are my correct answers :
1. If you have a car, you can travel around the United States.
2. During class the students must sit quietly
3. When you send for the brochure, you should include a self-addressed, stamped
4. A film director must have control over every aspect of a movie.
5. When I was a child, I could climb to the roof of my house and saw all the other houses
and streets.
6. We need to reschedule. I won’t be able to see you at the time we scheduled for
7. I used to broke my leg in a soccer game three months ago.
8. Can you please help me with this?
9. Many students would rather study on their own than going to classes.
10. We are supposed to bring our books to class every day.
11. You can have a very good time as a tourist in my country. My country has many
different climates, so you have better plan ahead before you came.

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