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Academic Session 2022-23

Department of School Education and Literacy

Ministry of Education

Government of India

SDMS User Manual


 School Statistics/Details……………………………………………………………………………………..4
Section Management………………………………………………………………………………………………….
 Add/Update Section…………………………………………………………………………………………
 Expand/Collapse All Sections
School Profile………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7
School Dashboard/Details - Grade Wise
 Add Student - From Dashboard
 Add Student - From View/Manage
 Age Matrix…………………………………………………………………………………………………..9
Student Profile (Preview)…………………………………………………………………………………………...
 Preview Student Record…………………………………………………………………………………..
 PDF Record of Student……………………………………………………………………………………
 Complete Student Record…………………………………………………………………………………
 Delete Student Record……………………………………………………………………………………..
 Change Section……………………………………………………………………………………………..
 Entry Status………………………………………………………………………………………………...
 Form Status………………………………………………………………………………………………...
List of All Students………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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SDMS User Manual

Student Database Management System (SDMS)

SDMS is used for data storage, updating, manipulation, analysis and sharing. This system is user friendly in terms of
viewing and managing student information. Also, custom search features help in tracking of student records.

For accessing this system, user needs to visit the site Following page will be

As shown in the screenshot below, various options are available on the Home page for accessing more information
and documentation about the SDMS and Data capture Formats (DCF), as well as FAQs and Contact information.

To access the SDMS, go to the home page and click on the Login button as shown below in the screenshot

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Enter the login credentials of the Block

lock entry user or school user along with Captcha and click on Login button.

School Statistics/Details
After Login by any user except School User select till Block, following page of “School
School Statistics”
Statistics will be
displayed having all the Schools’ list.. This page contains school information such as the UDISE Code, School
Name, School Category, School Type, School Management and School Status.

To proceed with Class addition and filling out S

Student data, the user needs to click the "Go"" button in the Action
column, as shown below.

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The page that follows will be displayed, and the user can proceed to add any section of his school by clicking on the
"Add Section" button and the user will be directed to the Section Management module.

Section Management
Add/Update Section
User now needs to select “Class”” as per the school category along with the ““Medium
Medium of Instruction”
Instruction from the drop
down list under “Select Class” and “Medium
Medium of Instruction
Instruction” and can enter “Section Alias*” *” options as shown
below and then click on “Add Section”” button. Select Class and Medium of Instruction options are mandatory but
Section Alias* is optional field. User should read the Note given on the left side before proceeding.

Section Alias* - A substitute name of section, which is normally used to refer particular section in school.

After adding the Class

ass and Medium of IInstruction, the added class and sections will be displayed. Subsequent
sections for the same class can be added by repeating the above steps. “Sorry, No Record
ecord Found”
Found will be shown if
user has not added any class. If the user wants to change the Medium of Instruction of any Section,
Section he can do so by
going to the “Edit” option under Action field. By clicking on the Edit button an “Update
Update Section”
Section pop up will be

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SDMS User Manual

In the “Update Section” popup, Userser can add/update the Section Alias and update the Medium
edium of Instruction by
clicking on “Update”” button. He/she can cancel the update by clicking on “Cancel” button.

In this way, the user can add multiple sect

sections for each class.

Note: At least one section needs to be added in each class.

If the user adds more than one Section

ection of a Class, the page will look like as shown below having Edit and Delete
options. The user can edit the Medium
dium of IInstruction in the same way that was described above. User can also delete
the added section by clicking on the “Delete
Delete” button. When User clicks Delete button the last added Section of the
Class gets deleted.

Expand/Collapse All Section

For viewing all the added classes and sections at once, the user needs to click on Expand All Section button and to
collapse click on Collapse All Section button.

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SDMS User Manual

School Profile
The user can view the school profile details such as School category, academic stream
stream,, session start/end date etc. by
clicking the School Profile button. Under this option user can go to the Section Management module as well and can
Add/Edit Class and Medium of Instruction
nstruction as described above.

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School Dashboard/Details
Details - Grade Wise
Once all the Classes/Sections and its corresponding Medium of Instruction are added, the user needs to go to the
School Dashboard option in the menu bar to add Student for Data Entry.

After clicking on School Dashboard as described above, ffollowing page will be displayed under heading “School

Details - Grade Wise”. Here the user can see the all the Sections added by him/her as well as the number of newly
added Students.

Add Student – From Dashboard

Now to proceed further for Student entry
entry, User needs to go to the “Add Student”” button for adding student
s details
given in front of each class and its corresponding ssection as shown in above screenshot.

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After this, the screen as shown below will be displayed. Here the user will enter all the required student details under
the “General
General Information Student, Enrolment Details Student and Facility and Other Details of the Student

Add Student – From View/Manage

User also can add new student by clicking on “Add Student” button in View/Manage page as shown in below

Age Matrix: While adding the Date off Birth (DOB) field, the user must first visit the Age Matrix
atrix page for viewing
the age criteria for different classes and should only add within that age bracket. IF DOB is not within the age
bracket given in the age matrix, it will not be accepted and error will be displayed.

After filling all the details carefully, the user will proceed to save the page by clicking on the “Save”
“ button as
shown below.

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After clicking the "Save"" button, a pop

pop-up window will appear to confirm the details for saving.
saving If the user is
certain, he should click "Confirm,"
," otherwise he should click ""Cancel."

After clicking on confirm button, a notification window will pop up. In this window, the user can proceed to the next
form of “Enrolment Details Student”” by clicking on “Next” button. He/she he can also add another student and can
fill its “General Information Student”” details by going to the “Add New Student” option as shown below.

The user can navigate to the “School

School Details - Grade Wise” page by clicking on the “Go to
o Dashboard”
Dashboard button.

Similarly, the user needs to fill the rest of the two forms i.e. Enrolment Details Student & Facility and Other
Details of the Student and Save the form by clicking on “Save”. The user can go back to the previous form by
clicking on “Back” button and for navigating to the next form by clicking on ““Next”” button as shown below.

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SDMS User Manual

Student Profile (Preview)

Preview Student Record
The user can see the preview of the save
saved details in the School Profile (Preview) section.. For navigating to this
section, user needs to go to the “Grade
Grade & Section Wise Enrolment Details” page and click on the Preview icon
under “Complete/Delete” field.
User can preview the details of Student after saving the “Facility
Facility & Other Details of the Student”
Student by clicking on
Next button.

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SDMS User Manual

PDF Record of Student

User can also download the PDF of the saved details by clicking on the “PDF” button. The user can go back to the
“Grade & Section wise Enrolment Details
Details” page by clicking on the Back too Student Dashboard button.

Complete Student Record

Once the user is sure, that all the details filled by him/her are correct, he/she needs to go the “Complete
“ Data”
option to submit the final data. The “Complete
Complete Data”” option is available at the bottom right side of the “Student
Profile (Preview)” page as shown below.

On clicking “Complete Data”, ”, a confirmation window will be displayed. If the user is sure to complete the data,
he/she needs to click on “Okay”” button otherwise click on ““Close”.

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SDMS User Manual

After completing the data, the user needs to click on the “Back to School Dashboard” in the “Student “ Profile
(Preview)”)” page to view the status of the school with respect to added students and student data entry in the “School

details – Grade Wise” page.

Delete Student Record

If the user wants to delete any student entry, then he
he/she can do so by clicking on the “Delete” icon available under
“Complete/Delete” field as shown below.

Following screen will be displayed to delete the student by giving appropriate reason and enter remarks.

User needs to select the reason for deleting the student from the drop down options in the “Select Reason”
R field and
enter remarks in the “Remarks” field as shown below. After that user needs to click on “Delete
elete” button otherwise
click on Back button if he does not want to delete.

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To view the status of the school, user needs to click on “View Manage” button available under “Action” field in the
“School details- Grade Wise” page.

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Change Section
User can change the section of a student by clicking on Change Section icon under Action column as shown
sho in
below screenshot.

Note: Option should display only when more than one Section in Class.

When User clicks on Change Section option icon, following below shown screenshot will appear, from there User
can select the section from dropdown and click on Update Section to change the section of the student.

Entry Status
The status will be shown “Completed
Completed”” only when he has Finalized Data as described above. If the user has just
completed and saved all or any of the one forms without clicking finalizing data, the “Entry
Entry Status”
Status will be shown
as “In-Progress”.

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Form Status
If the “Entry Status is “Completed”,”, the GP (General Profile), EP (Enrolment Profile), SF(School facility) buttons
under “Form Status”” field will be shown in Green color.

If the “Entry Status is “In-progress”,”, it means the user has either not started or has comp
eted just “General profile
(GP)”)” form and not the rest of the forms. In this case, EP (Enrolment Profile), SF (School facility) buttons under
“Form Status” field will be shown in Red color. Also all the GP, EP, SF buttons will be shown in red color if the
user has not filled any of the form.

Note: If the user wants to change/update any information even after saving the form, then he can directly go to any
of the GP, EP and SF buttons to update any of the information. After making any changes user needs to click on
Update button in each of the form and proceed further as described below.

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List of All Students

This is another feature of SDMS to view the entire added students list having basic student profile along with
Aadhar Card details. The button “List of All Students” is available in the Menu Bar of “School Details - Grade
Wise” module.

Following page willl be displayed with the students Aadhar and basic details.

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