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Effective Date :

April 18, 2016


Safety Data Sheet

No Drop Bitumen Black

1. Product and Company Description :

Product name No Drop Bitumen Black
Other Identification Not available
Product Description Paint
Product Type Viscous liquid
Usage Type For Waterproofing
PT. Avia Avian
Jl. Raya Surabaya – Sidoarjo KM. 19
Manufacturer / Supplier
Desa Wadungasih, Buduran PO. BOX 126
Sidoarjo, East Java - Indonesia
Telp. +6231 – 8968000
Emergency phone number
Fax. +6231 – 8921734

2. Hazard Identification :
Product hazard classification : Sensitivity to skin - Category 1
Hazardous to chronic or long term aquatic life - Category 2
Danger symbol :

Danger statement : May cause skin sensitivity (allergies)

Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects

3. Composition / Information on the substances used :

Composition type : Mixture
Other identification : Not available
CAS number / other identifier : Not applicable

Substances that are hazardous to health or to the environment in accordance with the meaning stated in the Dangerous
Substance Directive 67/548/EEC:

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Effective Date :
April 18, 2016

Chemical Name CAS number EC number % by weight

Bitumen Resin 12002-43-6 - < 30
Ethylene Glycol 107-21-1 - <1
Nonylphenol 84852-15-3 - < 2,5
Formaldehyde 50-00-0 200-001-8 < 0,1
Exposure threshold values (if any), are listed in section 8

4. First Aid Measures :

If you have doubts about treatment, or if symptoms persist, seek medical help
In general immediately. Do not give anything by mouth to an exposed person who is not
conscious. If the victim is unconscious, If the victim is unconscious (fainted),
then immediately seek medical assistance for treatment.

Immediately move the exposed person to a place with fresh air and plenty
of air circulation. Keep the exposed person warm and rested. If not
Inhaled breathing, or if breathing is irregular, or if a respiratory arrest occurs, give
artificial respiration or oxygen immediately and must be performed by
trained personnel.

First remove clothing and shoes that are also exposed. Wash the skin with
Skin contact soap and rinse with water until clean. Do not rinse with solvents or diluents
used in the product.

Do checks to determine whether the exposed person is wearing eye lenses

Eye contact or not. Release if any. Immediately flush eyes with running water for at
least 15 minutes, keeping the eyelids open.

Immediately give water to drink. Keep the body condition of the person
exposed to it warm and able to rest. Do not force the victim to vomit.
Immediately take the person to medical personnel by bringing/showing
this label, package or data sheet.

Potential acute health effects:

Eye contact May cause eye irritation
Inhaled No known significant effects or serious hazards
Skin contact May cause skin sensitivity (allergies)
Swallowed No known significant effects or serious hazards

Symptoms of overexposure :
Eye contact No data available
Inhaled No data available
Skin contact Irritation and redness of the skin
Swallowed No data available

5. Action Against Fire :

Suitable extinguishing media No risk of causing fire
Inappropriate extinguishing media No risk of causing fire
If it gets hot or catches fire, the pressure inside the container can cause the
Specific hazards of the material container to burst and explode. Contamination of this material with water
will interfere with aquatic life, so make sure the former handling of the fire
does not contaminate channels or water bodies

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Effective Date :
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 carbon dioxide
Product description results if burned  Carbon monoxide
 nitrogen oxide
 metal oxide
Keep everyone away from the location of the fire and isolate the location as
Special handling in case of fire soon as possible. Handling fires and removing containers of burned product
must be carried out by trained personnel. Cool the burning container with
water .
Personnel carrying out firefighting must wear appropriate protective
Special protective equipment equipment and must also wear breathing apparatus

6. Accidental Spill or Leak Management Measures :

Personal protective measures, personal protective equipment and emergency response procedures
Do not perform actions that could endanger yourself without proper prior
training. Immediately provide assistance to evacuate personnel who are not
For non-spill/leak emergency included as spill/leak emergency response officers. Do not start a fire or
smoke around the spill/leak area. Avoid inhalation of spilled vapours, wear
suitable breathing apparatus (respirator) if ventilation is inadequate /

For spill/leak emergency responders If special protective equipment is required, see section 8 for reference.

Ensure that spills do not spread to drains and bodies of water. Spills
Pollution prevention
that occur in large quantities can harm the environment.

Methods and tools/materials used to contain and clean up spills/leaks

Immediately stop the spill / leak that occurs and remove the container from
the spill area, and make sure it is carried out by trained personnel and does
not pose an additional risk. If the spill is in the category of water-soluble
Small spills material, dilute the spill with water and wipe clean and dry. If it is not
included in the water-soluble material, then absorb the spill using a dry
absorbent material (eg dry sand) and then put it in a container that meets the
standards (not leaking and the place will fit). Dispose of spills through a
waste collection company that has an official permit from the government.

Immediately stop the spill / leak that occurs and remove the container from
the spill area, and make sure it is carried out by trained personnel and does
not pose an additional risk. Distribute the spill to the containment area or
Large spills limit the outer edge of the spill area by using a non-combustible absorbent
material (eg sand, earth or vermiculite), then collect it and place it in a
container that meets standards (no leaks and a place to fit). Dispose of spills
through a waste collection company that has an official government permit.

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April 18, 2016

7. Handling And Storage :

Handling And Storage :
Use proper personal protective equipment ( see section 8 ). Do not breathe
vapour, avoid swallowing, avoid direct contact with eyes, skin and clothing.
Make sure the paint is used in a state of adequate air circulation (good
ventilation). Use a respirator if ventilation or air circulation is inadequate.
Protection measures
Do not allow spills / leaks. Do not eat and or drink around the area where
the painting process is taking place using this product. Clean your hands
and wash your face before eating and or drinking when you have finished
using this product.

Make sure the product is tightly closed during storage. Store and use away
from sources of heat, sparks or flames. Avoid refrigeration, as the product
Storage conditions may become viscous. Store in an area that has a fairly good air circulation
system. Storage must also comply with applicable regulations, both local
regulations and national regulations

8.Exposure Controls and Personal Protective Equipment:

Controlled parameters and their threshold values in the working area
Material name Standard reference Exposure Limit
Regulation of the Minister of Manpower and
Formaldehyde PSD : 0.30 mg/m3, 8 hours
Transmigration of Indonesia ( 13/2011 )
Bitumen Resin ACGIH TLV ( United States, 1/2005 ) TWA : 3 mg/m3, 8 hours

Provide and use adequate ventilation using a local exhaust system. If this is
not sufficient to keep the concentration of particulate matter and solvent
Technical Control vapor below the lowest limit, personal protective equipment should be used,
in particular respiratory protection.

Personal protective equipment

Use clothing that can protect the entire body and also use shoes that
Skin and body protection
are resistant to chemicals.
Use a breathing apparatus (respirator) that is certified and suitable for use.
The selection of a respirator must be based on established standards and
especially if the results of the hazard assessment require the use of this
Respiration respirator. The choice of a respirator must be based on the level of exposure
that can be generated, the level of product hazard and the safe working
limits of breathing apparatus an (respirator) selected.

Use appropriate, chemical-resistant gloves. It is recommended to use

gloves that can protect for > 8 hours, namely gloves made of rubber:
Hand Protection nitrile, butyl or viton. It is not recommended to use gloves with
protection < 1 hour, for example, those made of PVA base material.

Eyes & Face Use eye protection (safety goggles).

9. Physical and Chemical Properties:

Physical form : Fluid
Color : Black
Smell : Characteristics
Odor threshold : No data available
pH : No data available
Melting point : No data available

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Boiling point : No data available

Titik nyala ( Flash point ) : Flash point ( Flash point )
Evaporation rate : Not applicable
Flammability level : Not applicable
Lowest flash point ( LEL ) : Not applicable
Highest flash point ( UEL ) : Not applicable
Vapor pressure at 20 oC : Not applicable
Vapor Density : Not applicable
Relative Density : 1,00 - 1,30 g/cm3
Solubility : Can dissolve in water
Temperature can burn itself : not applicable (auto ignition temperature)Temperature
Decomposition occurs : No data available
Thickness : 200 - 300 poise at 25 oC
Solids Content ( % ) : 55 - 65

10. Stability and Reactivity:

Reactivity No data available
Chemical stability This product is stable
Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous reactions will not
Possibility of hazardous reactions
Conditions to avoid No data available
Incompatible materials No data available
Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous reactions will not
Hazardous decomposition products

11.Toxicological Information :
Acute Toxicity

Name of ingredients contained Results Species Type Dose Exposure

Formaldehyde Acute LD50 Oral Large rat 500 mg/kg -
Acute LD50 Oral Large rat 580 mg/kg -
Nonylphenol Acute LD50 Dermal Rabbit 2031 mg/kg -
Acute LD50 Oral Large rat 4700 mg/kg -
Ethylene Glycol
Acute LD50 Oral little mouse 5500 mg/kg -

Irritation / Corrosiveness No data available

Sensitivity No data available
Mutagen hazard No data available
Carsogenic Hazard No data available
Danger to the reproductive system No data available
Effect on fetal growth No data available
Specific hazard to organs (due to single No data available
Specific hazards to organs (due to repeated
No data available
Exposure path information No data available

Potential acute health effects

Eye contact : No data available
Inhaled : No data available
Skin contact : Can cause skin sensitivity/allergy
Swallowed : No data available

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April 18, 2016

Symptoms related to physical, chemical and also toxicological properties

Eye contact No data available
Inhaled No data available
 irritation
Skin contact
 Reddish skin
Swallowed No data available

Delayed effects and immediate effects as well as chronic effects due to short and long term
exposure Short term exposure
 Potential immediate effect : No data available
 Potential delayed effect : No data available
Long term exposure
 Potential immediate effect : No data available
 Potential delayed effect : No data available

12. Ecological Information :

Ingredient Name Results Species Exposure
Acute EC50 14,6 mg/l Daphnia 48 hours
Acute LC50 1,79 mg/l Fish 96 hours
Acute EC50 0.41 mg/l Freshwater Algae 96 hours
Acute EC50 0.140 mg/l Water Flea 48 hours
Acute LC50 41000 mg/l Trout Fish 96 hours
Acute LC50 46300 mg/l Water Flea 48 hours
Ethylene glycol
Acute LC50 34250 mg/l Bluegill Fish 96 hours
Acute LC50 34250 mg/l Goldfish 72 hours

Persistence and biodegradability to the environment

Ingredient Name Half aquatic life Photolysis Easily biodegradable
Formaldehyde - - Not easy
Nonylphenol - - Not easy
Ethylene glycol - - Not easy

13. Disposal Information:

 Do not allow to enter drains or watercourses. When burning, it must be controlled Used materials and/or containers must
be disposed of as hazardous waste. Used containers can be reused after cleaning.
 If the materials and/or containers that are disposed of are mixed together with other waste, then this rule no longer applies
given the appropriate code.
 For more clear and correct information regarding the rules for how to dispose of waste, you must contact the agency which
has the authority to handle waste in their respective regions.

14. Transportation Information:

Classification for ground and rail transport : Unregulated
Classification for sea transportation : Unregulated
Classification for air transportation : Unregulated
Transport hazard class : Unregulated
UN Number : Unregulated
IATA Number : Unregulated
IMO Number : Unregulated
Transport classifications may vary based on the size of the container and also based on local or state regulations. Make
sure it is always transported in a tightly closed container and placed with the lid facing

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Effective Date :
April 18, 2016

15. Informasi Mengenai Peraturan:

Environmental, health and So far, it is known that there are no national regulations or local regulations that apply to this
safety regulations for the product (including the ingredients of this product).
EU regulations 1994/45/EC This product is classified as a hazardous product
Risk Phrases
S2 – Keep out of reach of children
S23 – Do not breathe vapour
S24 – Do not contact skin
Safety Phase S37 – Wear suitable gloves
S46 – If swallowed, seek help
S51 – Use in a well-ventilated area

16. Other Information:

Explanation of the hazard symbol and the symbol R which is mentioned as a hazard code in section 15:
R43 : May cause sensitization when in contact with skin
R22 : Harmful if swallowed
This Safety Data Sheet is made in accordance with Annex II Regulation No 1907/2006

Effective date : April 18, 2016

Version : 0

Notice to readers/users:
The information contained in this Safety Data Sheet is based on our current knowledge and in accordance with applicable
regulations.The information provided is intended as a guide in terms of handling, use, processing, storage, transportation,
disposal of waste and is not to be construed as a guarantee or quality specification. Do not use the product for purposes other
than those listed in section 1.Users are also responsible for complying with, implementing and following applicable local laws
and regulations.

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