An Ecological Study of Temple Tanks in M

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An Ecological $tudy of Temple Tanks in

Melukote, Karnataka, lmdia
Shivalingaiah*, G. Panduranga Murthyl, G. Clridananda Murthyz and Shankar P. Hosmani3
*Department of Studies in Botany, Maharani's College, Bangalore, Karnataka, lndia
1(Corresponding Author), P.G. Department of Bio-Technology, J.S.S. College, Mysore-570025, Karnataka, lndia.
2Siddaganga College for Wornen, Tumkur, Karnataka, lndia.
3DOS in Botany, Manasagangothri, University of Mysore, Mysore - 570006. Karnataka, lndia

Ecology of two temple tanks i.e., Akkana Kola(Tank-1, Tl) and Thangi Kola (Tank-2, T:2) of Melukote - A great
historical religious hillock have been analysed at monthly intervals of one year with an aim to determine the
physico-chemical and biological parameters respectively. The study reveals that, the pH and carbon dioxide
vary inversely and a direct relation between calciurn and carbon dioxide was noticed. As temperature in-
creases, the oxygen content was decreased and both oxygen and carbon dioxide are directly related. The raise
in chloride content indicates that the wa,ter has become polluted. The BOD of both temple tanks (Tank I and
Tank 2) is not too high and the oxygen content is also normal suggesting that, both are not generally polluted.
The biological parameterslike, Chlorococcales, De.smids, Cyanophyceae arrd Bacilhrdophyceae were poorly repre-
sonted in the tanks (T, and Tr) except rainy season.Bfi, Eughnaceaewere represented as a mixed bloom and
\\/.rS not significantly represented. Microqstis aeruginasa formed a continuous bloom that occurred in abun-
d;rnce. In conclusion, the electrolytic composilion <lf T, is low but it supports 950/r of planktonic. population
while, that of T, is high but it supports 2(Xr planktonic population. This shows T, is not protected and regulates
the growth of algae. But T, is not disturbed and the electrolytic composition increases may be due to evaPora-
tion. Hence, T, is highly poliuted or eutrophic while, T, is not very much polluted and is oligotrophic but, the
electrolytic cornposition suggests that, the oligotrophic nature is tending to become eutrophic. Hence, it is
suggested that devotees must be advised to use the water safely in all the seasons and both tanks must be
guarded and protected to maintain clean envirouurent.

Keywords : Ecology-, Temple tanks, Physical, Chemical, Biological Parameters, Pollution, Melukote.

rnerging flora or the floating vegetation grows rapidly due to

INTRODUCTION discharge of organic waste and washing and dumping of tail-
ing. This adds to the concentration of nitrates and phosphates
ln recent times, major temple tanks are facing acute causing eutrophication and distrupting the whole equatic
pollution problem and are emitting a foul odour. They are environment.
chocked due to excessive algal groMh. lake water tem-
perature, physico-chemical and biological factors chanEes with Additinnally, very little work has been attempted to study
reference to season. The tank water is heated up by radiation the ecology of temple tanks (Ganapathy 1943). However,
but the water at the bottom may be cool" The change in tern- research work on the ecology of temple ponds is lacking. So,
perature changes the density which develops convection cur- an attempt has been made to compare the ecology of a pol-
rents in tank water. Due to the influence of surface winds and luted temple tank and a non-polluted tank at Melkote - a reli-
water currents, the tank water gets mixed up mainly during gious hillock. Phytoplankton population has also been
summer or winter which results in thermal stratification. The accounted.
stratification and movement of oxygen and nutrients influence
the life in the tank and their abundance, distribution density
and diversity: floating plants, phytoplankton, zooplankton MATERIAL AND METHODS
become distributed throughout the tank and give a green co!-
oration to the water. Apart from this, seasonal congregation of ln the present study, two temple tanks of Melukote,
humans to celebrate festivals often have a severe impact on Mandya District, Karnataka, lndia has been selected to ana-
the tank water. lyse various physiological, chemical and biological parameters
When devotees step into the tank for a holy dip, they
cause overturns, thus bringing huge biomass to the surface Description of Study Area : Melukote - a great historical and
and there by, disturbing the entire ecosystem of the tank. Sub- religious hillock (12.400 N-76.43oE) is a small town in the

Advances ip Plant Sciences 185

An Ecological Study of Temple Tanks in Melukote, Karnataka, lndia
Pandavapura Taluk of Mandya district. lt is located about Sampllng : ln order to under stand the ecological condition of
48 Km. North west of Mysore and 157 Km, South west of the two temple tanks, water samples for physico-chemical
Bangalore, the capital city of Karnataka. analysis and plankton analysis were collected_b€tween 6 to I
a.m. for a period of one yar (February 2005 to February 2006)
Melukote is now a small town found on low pink granite at dlfferent sites of two tanks' The rrvater temperature, D'O'
hillock which rises for about 150 mts. above the surrounding (Dissolved O4pen), pH, Total dissolved solids (TDS), free
plain. A flat stretch of bend at the summit of this hillock pro- carbon-dioxide were obtained (Toledo CM-300 Sensor)'
vides enough space for the rise of a habitation. The place is Atmospheric temperature was recorded using mercuric ther-
known for salubrious climate and the natural vegetation. mometer. All the above parameters were recorded in the field'
Estimations of Magnesium, total hardness, chlorides, phos-
The place is variously referred to inspiration as Melkote, phates, B.O.D. (Bio-ChemicalO4Tgen Demand), COD (Chemi-
Yaclavagiri, Bhuloka, Vaikunta, Vardhana Kshethra, etc', the cal Oxygen Demand), Galcium hardness, wsre carried out
main deity of Melkote temple is Narayana Swamy also called immediately after the samples wore brought into the labora-
Chaluvanarayana. tory. (APHA, 1998 and Goel & Trevedi, 1986).

ln Melukote town along with the daily worship of good Phytoplankton was collected by two tanks (T1 & Tr)
number of festivals are celebrated every year' There are gen- tanks, and25 ml of 4% formaldehyde was added (Welch' 1948)
era I f e stiva ls like Adh ya nots a va, Doth i u rutsa va. Va sa ntho s a va, and sedimentation was done in glass column. The sediments
Teppoth sava Brahmothsava, Dhanurmasothsava, etc.' among were finally reduced to 20 ,hl by centrifugation and were pre-
lhese Vairamudi utsavais one of the well known world famous served in glass vial. From each vial, sample was mounted on
festival in this town and is celebrated for twelvedays continu- macroscopic slide and a cover slip was carfully put over it and
ously in every year. This festival occurs some times, in the obsarved under microscope at high power (Rao, 1958). These
month of March - April During this period. More than one lakh observations at randum and were repeated four times for each
people come together from all over lndia' of the samples. The average counts of algae were determined
as organisms/UniU per litre (O/U/l).
Apart from this, every week-end, tourist come to this
place contribute the various kind of wastes by their activities' RESULIS
This leads to severe pollution of Temple tanks. As per 1991
census data the town has a population is 4500 but now it has The results of the physico-chemical parameters and
crossed 5500. the phytoplankton count of the two temple tanks are presented
in Tabies 'l , 2 and 3 For covenience of discussion the tanks
Topography of Study Area : 'Melukote', is one of the major were represent by T' (Akkanakola) and T, Thangikola' The
hili station of Mandya district with an area oI 1'5sq miles. lt data on measurement of both tanks are given in table 4 & 5'
has elevation of 3589 ft from sea level' Highest temperature
21oC in summer months and 16oC in Winter, whereas, the The pH of T, ranged between 9.42 and 11.0 during the
Relative Humidity is 50% and the annualrain fall is 610'9mm' month of April. The water remained almost alkaline during the
The soil is loamy and sandy soil where lhe Melukote hill sla' period of study. ln T, the water remained rarely acidic during
tions in enriched by Eucatyptus plantation with scrub jungle March, June, July an-d August. The hQhest pH was during April
having Canthiun, Carrissa, Lantana, Acaccia, species is com- (8.721. Both habitats are considered to be alkaline; but T,
mon. There are more than 100 ponds located in and around being more alkaline.
Melukote among this, present study concentrates only on two
major tane, i.e., Akkana Kob (fank-1) and Thagi Kola Water temperature in both T, and T, remianed with a
low value of 23.5oC to a maximum of 29.5oC during March in
T, lt is however obvious that, the temple tank water does not
Akkana Kola (Iank-l): Akkana kola is one of the partially c6ntrol the temperature; but real conditions such as devotees
polluted tank having rectangular shape constructed by boul-
entering the water and bathing may have a slight impact on
ders all around with steps made up of stone slabs' No mud or the water temperature.
mortar has been used for the joining the steps, Akkana kola
has steps from all the four sides. The water of this pond is Total hardness (mgfl) : The location of both these tanks is in
used for washing of utensils & bathing purpose and hence it is
a hillock and the basin mainly constitutes to the hardness of
partially polluted. Some algae belonging to Bacillariophyceae,
water. ln T, hardness was highest during April (92 mg/l) and
Cyanophyceae, Chlorococcaleser etc occur occasionally least during October (45'1 mg/l); in T, the highest value
recorded was during May (79'1 mg/l) and least during April'

Thangi Kola (Iank 2) : lt is a fresh water pollution free tank and Calcium hardness (mg/l) was maximum during April
lies beside the Akkana kola. lt is also a rectangular tank made (380 mg/l) in T, and the rninimum was during August
up of boulders & the steps are made up of stone slabs where (72mgll); in T, calcium hardness ranged between an average
mud is not used. The water is used for drinking, cooking & for of 68 mg/I. Regular disturbances in T, may be the cause' spe-
pooja (Table -2).
cially during festival month of April.

Shivalingaiah ef a/.
Free Carbondiofde (mg/l) is a result of respiratory action in Cyanophyceae is one, the most predominant organ-
the water. Phytoplankton absorb the available free CO, and isms in polluted waters, usually Microcystis species represent
as a result, low concentration of CO, are recorded in T, it was the algal population during March when intense sunlight
in the range of 6.16 mg/l (June). But in T, the values were still occurs and cyanophyceae appearrnost commonly. Except dur-
less and were below 4 mg/1. ing the months of April (when Euglenophyceae were in the
form of a bloom) cyanophyceae were the major forms in the
Magnesium (mg/l) is also associated with the chlorophyll con- tank water. Since T, remains unpolluted. Cyanophyceae
tent of the cells in T,, algal blooms were abundant and there appeared at a fairly low concentraion, except during June (1071
was a regular death and decay. As a result, the magnesium o/e). Again this may be due to allocathonous origin.
content in this tank was always at a high level with a minimum
of 18.3 mg/l during May, When phytoplankton was less to a DISCUSSION
maximum of 21 .39 mg/l during April when Euglenophyceae
were 3015 organisms / litre. However magnesium in t did not
The temperature of a biotope is sharply delineated and
differ much and the phytoplankton population also did not vary
its feature exert control over the occurrence of organisms and
correspondingly changes in physical and chemical nature of
the waters occurs. lt is the most important feature in aquatic
Chlorides (mg/l) in T, was least during March (27.3 mg/l) and
ecology. Attempts to correlate these changes have been made
gradually rise to a maximum of 5E.4 mg/l during July;While in
by Rao, (1 971 ), Zafar (1 959) and Munnawar (1 970). Ganapathi
T, it ranged between 44.9 mg/l and 50.42 mg/l during June. ln
(1943) has calculated the numbers of hours of bright sunshine
general chloride content of both waters was not very high.
necessary for photosynthesis and found that, it varies from
minimum of 5 to 10 hours daily. Mannawar (1974) has pointed
Dissolved orygen (mg/l) plays a very important role in the
out that sunshine tends to deplete the corbon dioxide content,
growth of phytoplankton. lt was almost at same level in both
while temperature associated with sunshine hastens the
the tanks ranging from a minimum of 3.8 mg/l in T, and a maxi-
decay of organic matter. Corbon dioxide content in the present
mum of 7 mg/l in Tr. since there was considerable fluctuation
study did not fluctuate much and was at lower concentration
in the algal growth; the dissolved oxygen content also have
during summer when temperature is high, a definite fall in the
varied rose considerably.
oxygen content is observed although, oxygen content was low
in the present study CO, fluctuation was minimum.
BOD in both the temple tank remained at a fairly low concen-
tration during the period of collection and did not fluctuate
Gonzalves and Joshi (1946) and Rao (1977) consid-
ered that water deficient CO, are more alkaline which is also
true in the present study. Photosynthesis of plants tends to
Biological Paramsters : Although Chlorococcales are
reduce the amount of available corbon dioxide. Pearsall (1932)
ubiquitous in occurrence, they were not fairly represented in
reportes that calcium varies universally with the pH; Ganapathi
these two tanks. ln T., they appeared only during may
(1940) also reports the same which is also true in the present
(252 Oll) and with a slightly higher number during July
study. Therefore, in the present study pH and carbon dioxide
(693 O/l). However, in T, they were represented in high num-
vary inversely is observed. Dissolved oxygen is high in both
bers from April to December.
tanks which may be due to the excess Orowth of algae'
'Bacillariophyceae'are completely absent in T, during
Gonzalves and Joshi (1946), Singh (1960) and others
the entire period of collection; But were very high in T, with
opine that, chlorides increase towards summer and decreases
their peak during April, May, June, August and November.
to wards winter which is not true in T,. The rise in chlorides
indicates that the water has been polluted. ln T, chlorides were
'Desmidaceae'are very sensitive to the highest pollu-
not changed through out the period of collection' Oxygen and
tion and appear when the water is absolutely pure. ln T, they
Carbon dioxide are the fundamental substance that take part
were completely absent except during one month of July and
in chemical exchange between the orgnisms and their envi'
during August in Tr. The reason for this may be that rain water
ronment. They enter into the basic process of photosynthesis
carries algae from other places and these remain for a short
period but later are unable to sustain the quality of water and and respiration and their abundance in the water is direct ini-
tialconcern of the habitat, Birge and Juday (1911), Clark (1954)
hence disappear.
and Rao (1955) have indicated a reciprocal relation of these
'Euglenophyceae' appear most commonly in organically pol-
two. ln the present study, both tanks do not show such a
behaviour but the observations agree with Singh (1960) who
luted water ln T, they appeared as sporadic blooms especially
stated a direct relation.
during the month of April when there are large number of
devotees disturbing the water. They reached a peak of 3015
Dead organic matter in water decays, all organic mate-
O/l but slowly subsided during the course of the study, How-
rials orwaste are decomposed by bacteria and other bio-chemi-
ever in T, the water is protected and remain unpolluted and
cal activities which exerts biochemical oxygen demand. This
Euglenophyceae appeared in meagre number during March,
is because oxygen is required in the degradation process. A
May, June, November, December, January and February
water body without oxygen is considered dead and water body
with in adequate oxygen is considered polluted for those

Advances in Plant Sciences

An Ecological Study of Temple Tanks in Melukote, Karnataka, lndia
organisms that survive on oxygen. The BOD of an establlehed Cyanophyceae are ubiquotious in occurrence. ln some
ecosystem and normal condition is about 1mg per litre. When they occur continuously while in others they occur as seasonal
BOD is too high the dissolved oxygen content of water out burst, but in some others they occur rather causally and in
becomes too low. The BOD of both temple tanks is not too insignificant numbors. The main factor emphasized for their
high and the oxygen content is also normal suggesting that T, growth are temperature, pH and orygen. Ganapathi (1940)
and T, are not severely polluted. points out that low pH and dissolved oxygen favours the abun-
dance of myxophyceae, while Rao (1953) observed them in
These were poorly represented in both tanks under good nurnbers when the pH was about 7 and orygen was low.
study. Their meagre appearance in T, and T, indicates that These factors are similar in T, and hence it favoured an abun-
most physico-chernical parameters do not favour their growth. dant myxophyceae during April in T,.
However, the representative species were mainly of
Scenedesmus quadricauda and Scenedesmus uiiugatus. lt is Microcystis aeurginosalormed a more or less continu-
evident from this observation that chlorococcales in general ous bloom, sometimes appearing in low numbers and some-
react to a wide variation in the physico-chernical complex. times as outbursts of blooms.

It would be difficult to assess their presence to any one Myxophyceae are present in both tranks butdo not show
individual factor, since some prefer a single factor in low con' a marked periodicity. Microcystis aeurginosa owurs commonly
centration and others in higher concentration. The maximum and this is indicative of the fact that it has a wide adaptability
number recorded 693/ O/l in T,. to all types of water bodies.

The concept of distribution of desmids is well estab-

lished and yet one finds variation in different waters. They are
very sensitive to slightest organic pollution. Munnawar (1970)
On the basls of the above observations, we may
noted that, the Desmids were present where high calcium
assume that the ocology of the two temple tanks Akkana kola
occurred; but such behaviour was not noted in the present
(T,) and Thangikola (Ir) was not well marked. Although T, is
study. Since Desmids were almost absent in both the tanks,
rneant for drinking also shows certain contaminatlon es corn-
their distribution cannot be discussed. The interpretation of
pared to T, which is used for other domestic purpose.
the data on the whole indicate that, desmids react to varied
physico-chemical factors, they sometimes also grow in pol- Euglenaceae and Myxophyhyceae are common in both to a
certain extent end we may consider this as slightly polluted.
luted water. While many a time they respond negatively to its
presence. The presence of Myxophyceae hinders their growth.
On the other hand T, is not disturbed and the electro-
The common species that appeared were Closteium lunula
lytic composition increases, may be due to evaporation, but
and Cosmarium marginatum.
only specific group of organisrns occurs. On the basis of this
Bacillariophyceae were absent in tank T, while they we may concludes that Akkankola fI,) ls highly polluted or is
Eutrophic while Thanglkola (T,) is not very much polluted and
were represented in lower numbers in tank T, Pearsall (1923)
points out that the deficiency of orygen and calcium are usu- is oligotrophic; but the electrolytic composition suggest that
the oligotrophic nature is tending to become Eutrophic.
ally the factors that limit the growth of diatorns. Some diatoms
favour higher concentratlon while a few prefer factors in lower
concentration. The commonly occurring diatoms in T, were ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
Synedra ulna. Navicula rhomboides, Navicula sphaerophora,
Cyclotella sp. and Gomphonema tenellum. Their occurrence Authors thenk tho Research guide and the Authorities
in T, during May and June may be a result of heavy rains of Department of Studies in Botany. Annamalai University,
bringing water frorn near by pools and puddles temporarily. Annarnalai Nagar, Tamilnadu for en-couragement & support.

It is not unlikely that, 'euglenaceae'occurs more fre-

quently than is know. ln certain classes of small waters they REFERENCES
are completely absent, except during the month of April in T,
Alam, M. and Mabcon, A. 1906. Ground water quallty in Jamia nagar
(30156 O/l). ln t which is considered less polluted, theywere
and adjoining area. Oriental. J. chem. 14 (2): 333 - 335.
in very low number. The commonly occurring from were
Akehurst, S.E. '!931. Observation on pond llfe with speclal reference
Euglena acus, Euglena elastica, Euglena graoilis, Phacus to the possible causation of swarming of phytoplankton' J. Ray.
orbicularis, Trachelomonoas charkowenisis and Peocinclis Micrsor. (ser3) 51 : 237 - 65.
owri.lnT, during ApriL Euglena elasticaoccuned as a bloom, Baruah, B.K., Talukdar, S. and Borthakar 1994. Water qualify of
but suddenly subsided during the consequitive months. ponds in chandrapur area of Kammp district. Assam. Env. Ecol.
Akehurest (1931) is of the opinion that every member of the 16 (21:2il - 256.
phytoplankton produces an antitoxin which limits the growth Bharathi, S.G. and Hosmanl, S.P. 1S73. Hydrobiological studies in
ponds and lakes of Dharwar (Yemmekeri pond) Part - l. K. Uni.
of it own population. lt may be that the bloom ol Euglena
J.Sci. )0/lll'. 246 - 2il.
elastica produced an antitoxin which limited the growth of its
Bharathi, S.G. alrd Hosmanl, S,P. 1974. Hydrobiological studies in
own population causing an abrupt disappearance. ponds and lakes of Dharwar (Railway pond) Part l. .|.A.P. Acad-
emy of Sciences Xl : '101 - 115,

Advances in Plant Sciences

Shivalingaiah el a/.
Tabte 1 : Monthly Average of Physico-Chemical parameters of Tank -1 (Akkana lGla) of Melukote.

- Chemical Paramotors (mgflitre)

Months pH Tempr. TDS Ca Free DO Mg Chlorldes T.Hardness BOD coD
(ce) Had.... cq
fr T, Tr T, fr ri T, Tr

February 7.58 26 98.38 110 8.8 10.8 6.97 22.72 51 2.7 56

March 9.4 28 108.1 125 4.96 3.8 12.5 27.3 75 2.9 48

April 11.0 27 114.1 380 5,61 6.4 16.5 58.4 92 2.2 46

May 8.94 26 165.6 73 5.21 6.0 18.39 56.5 78 2.7 52

June 8.93 27 113.1 79 6.16 6.5 12.30 44.1 76 2.3 44

July 9.10 26 95.1 81 4.96 6.6 13.50 31.24 75 3.1 72

August 8.42 26 92.1 72 4.28 6.7 16.11 25.56 73.3 3.1 72

September 8.01 26.4 90.7 76 6.10 7.5 14.',| 22.72 60.1 2.9 70

October 7.58 24 87.5 85 3.96 7.0 13.2 25.24 45.1 3.2 76

November 7.91 24 80.3 90 3.25 6.2 10.0 31.24 48.0 1.91 84

December 8.13 19 85.5 95 4.15 8.9 9.61 29.82 49.1 1.71 85
January 7.87 23 84 '101 3.00 9.5 11.2',1 76.68 68.1 2.96 86
February 8.53 27 91.2 120 5.16 7.5 10.9 36.92 56 2.O8 84

TDS - Total Disolved Solids, DO - Dissolved Oxygen, Mg - Magnicium, T. Hardness - Total Hardness,
BOD - Bio-ChemicalOxygen Demand, COD - ChemicalOxygen Demand,
Except pH and Temparature, all the parameters are expressed as mg/l

Tabte 2: Monthly Average of Physico-Ghemical parameters of Tank -2 (thangiu lGla) of Melukote.

Physlco - Chemical Parameters (mgflltro)

Months pH Tempr. TDS Ca Free DO Mg Ghlorldes T.Herdnees BOD coD
(cp) Hard.... cq
l2 l2 l2 f2 T2 T2 l2 l2 f2 T,
February 7.58 28.0 110.1 62 4.61 8.9 25.3 45.9 639 3.1 66
March 7.99 29.5 114.',| 68 6.97 7.0 27.1 44.9 75 2.5
7.2 26.9 49.8 68.5 3.9 '',t.2
April 8.72 28.O1 175.6 67 9.8
May 8.27 27.0 '123.4 67.8 3.9 6.9 27.0 48.2 79.',| 2.8 54.3
June 7.89 27.2 111.2 68.9 3.01 5.8 28.9 51.42 68.0 3.8 49.2
July 7.92 27.06 96 66,7 3.02 6.9 19.9 49.35 69.5 2.7 72.1

August 7.94 26.50 93.1 65.8 4.8 7.4 21.2 42.17 70.5 2.9 83.2
September 7.86 26.0 115.5 60.5 3.5 7.5 24.3 39.56 65.6 3.2 91.3
October 8.05 27.01 89.'l 55.1 3.4 4.1 27.5 41.0'.1 67.2 2.6 86.5
November 7.15 23.00 87.1 54.6 4.9 4.3 31.2 44.9 72.3 2.8 84.2
December 8.28 22.5 88.1 48.9 6.98 5.1 25.5 39.1 70.1 2.5 79.3
January 7.25 25.0 92.0 57.2 8.69 6.7 26.0 43.6 66.7 2.7 81.6
February 8.0 26.05 95.0 59.6 9.05 7.6 27.0 40.2 64.1 3.2 80.9

TDS - Total Disolved Solids, DO - Dissolved Oxygen, Mg - Magnicium, T. Hardness - Total Hardness,
BOD - Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand, COD - Chemical Oxygen Demand,
Except pH and Temparature, all the parameters are expressed as mg/l
An Ecological Study of Temple Tanks in Melukote, Karnataka, lndia
Table 3 : Monthly Average of Biological Farametors of Tank '1 &2 kt lvhlukoto.

Months Chlorococcales Bacillariophyceae Desmldaceae Euglonaceae

Tl f2 T1 T? Ir T2 I
12 Tr 2

February 65 346 229 m 35 109 85 240

March 196 63 445 336 110 84 335 254 90

April 180 65 2014 't704 22 10 155 63

May 252 126 3114 1194 189 301 5 101 630

June 131 135 1779 1861 35 '175 128 1664 1071

July 693 1201 1008 45 15 1806 118/,

August 302 125 3009 2100 30 25 75

September 115 80 285 350 40 30 1065 954

October 75 91 267 225 10 40 950 660

November 55 65 915 756 15 806 il1

December 50 65 214 301 110

January 40 55 105 113 20 15 60 15

February 53 43 95 60 08 't5 2A

- = Not Detected
The planktons are expressed as organisrns / unit per litre. (O/Ull)

Table 4 : Dimension, Area & Volume of Tank 1 - Akkana Kola

Length m. Breadth rn. Avorage Depth m. &€a sq m Vol" cum

\5.4 15.4 4.5 2 237.16 1067.27

Table 5 : Dimension, Area & Volume of Tank 2 - Thangi Kola

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Advances in Plant Sciences

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