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Self-esteem is considered one of the most important affective factors in predicting success or failure

in foreign language learning (Fakieh Alrabai, 2017). The study was conducted on 263 Saudi students
pursuing English as their foreign language and statistical methods such as Mean deviation,
correlation and t test were used to analyse the data. The findings showed a direct positive
correlation between the achievement in English and levels of self-esteem.

The literature written by Basco and Han(2016) mainly reviewed learning of English as a foreign
language among Korean students. It studied the relation between the levels of self-esteem, anxiety
and motivation and how it impacted English proficiency level in different gender and different years
of study. The findings of the research established a positive correlation between self esteem and
motivation, while it established a strong negative correlation between self esteem and anxiety.
Further study showed a significant impact of these variables on the level of proficiency among the
EFL learners. There were also differences found in levels of English proficiency when grouped with
same or different genders but no such difference was evident according to years of study.
Rahmani Doqaruni, Vahid. (2014) focused on how various activities such as interview can be implemented to
improve the English oral skills among students. For the study 8 Iranian students were taken as subjects. The
study indicated that incorporating various speaking activities helped build the self confidence of the student and
improved their performance in the English language

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