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AQUINO, Grace Ann R.

February 01,
BEED 3-C EEd Sci 2

Attending our first discussion in EEd Science 2 with Sir Jon is like watching a K-Drama
without subtitle. Not because he is not a good teacher, but because my brain isn’t working during
our class. To be honest, Science course is one of my weaknesses since when I was in Grade
school. I would rather be writing an essay or just make me speak in front of the class than
solving a Mathematical or Scientific equation and lessons. I felt so down when I can’t even
answer some of his questions about basic general science. I know the answers on some of his
questions, but I don’t have any courage to raise my right hand to answer. Maybe because I am
not confident enough to share my knowledge since this is my weakness. I always thought that
“baka mali ako.” But today, upon attending our first formal discussion with him, I have realized
that it’s not yet too late to make my weakness as my strength. It’s not too late for me to study
hard. Maybe, I have no choice but to help myself survive this course, and I think that wouldn’t
be impossible since Sir Jon is a good science teacher (too obvious even if it’s just our 2 nd
meeting). This day, much information was being given by our teacher, generally, it is about the
introduction of science, different branches of it, and even some of the great men and women in
this subject, etc. Every piece of information that were being given was not hard since most of the
topics were already tackled by my former science teachers when I was in Elementary and High
School. But as I have said, Science is my weakness, so I find it difficult to recall some of those
lessons. I thank God for helping me to survive this day, even though I don’t have yet any
recitation points, I know next time, I can do better (really need to). One of the best highlights of
our discussion for me is the part where our teacher gave us some advice about his study habits.
And I think, that would also be a great help especially now that we are already in face-to-face
set-up. Science for me is hard, but I chose this course, so I have no choice but to study smart and
give my best to survive it. I know that our teacher will be our guide to make it happen, I just
need to do my part as his student. I am afraid for the next week’s discussion, but I know, I can
make it.
AQUINO, Grace Ann R. February 08,
BEED 3-C EEd Sci 2

I find myself chill but focused today. I am glad that I survived another session with Sir
Jon. The lessons are just somehow easy topics (well, I guess ^^). I thought, this week will be
going to be a stressful but I’m happy that it’s not (slight hehe).

I enjoyed learning today because I was able to recall some of my experiences with my
science elementary and even my high school teachers. Indeed, as the facilitator of your class, you
need to be creative, innovative, and resourceful enough to present your lesson to your learners
depending upon the availability of materials, and off course on your lesson and the abilities of
your learners. It is essential to have enough knowledge about your subject matter because we
cannot give what we don’t have. If you don’t know your topic, your teaching process will not be
effective. As a future elementary teacher, I want my children to remember me as to how I helped
them to be fully equipped with learning and experiences. I am frequently asking myself, “Why
did I took this course?” “Am I really ready to teach young learners?” “Will I be an affective
teacher someday?” Honestly speaking, I am doubting myself. What if I can’t make it? But
maybe, I am not here for nothing. I am here because I can and I am capable of teaching. For now,
maybe I am still figuring it out, but through studying smart, I know someday, “magiging
effective teacher ako!” I also felt excited but nervous for the upcoming demo teaching. I am
number 38 demonstrator but I am planning to find one of my classmates who’s willing to switch
our number.

Overall, our session today was very informative and fun. I enjoyed our session again and
I hope, the lesson next week will be as light as today :>.

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