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Ethiopian Institute of Technology-Mekelle(EIT-M)



Teaching Material By:| Niguss H., Negasi G., Gebrehiwot G., Mohammed A.
List of figures .................................................................................................................................. 4

List of Tables .................................................................................................................................. 5

Chapter one ..................................................................................................................................... 6

1. Introduction to Engineering Skill................................................................................................ 6

1.1. What is engineering?............................................................................................................ 6

1.2. History of Engineering ......................................................................................................... 8

1.3. What is the difference between Science and Engineering? ............................................... 12

1.3.1. Scientists vs. Engineers ............................................................................................... 13

1.4. Engineering thinking .......................................................................................................... 14

1.4.1. How engineers think? ................................................................................................. 14

1.5. Problem solving strategies ................................................................................................. 16

1.6. Application of Engineering Experience ............................................................................. 18

1.7.Failure–Design, Construction/operation, or Maintenance .................................................. 22

1.8. Attributes of Engineer ........................................................................................................ 24

Review Question ....................................................................................................................... 26

Chapter two ................................................................................................................................... 27

2. Engineering career .................................................................................................................... 27

2.1. What is engineering career? ............................................................................................... 27

2.2. What does an Engineer do?................................................................................................ 27

2.3. What type of Engineers /Engineering is there?.................................................................. 29

2.4. How does an Engineer Do Things? ................................................................................... 42

2.5. How engineers solve a problem? ....................................................................................... 43

2.6. The Engineering programs given in our institute, EiT-M.................................................. 45

Review Questions ..................................................................................................................... 47

Chapter 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 48

3. Engineering Design Methods .................................................................................................... 48

3.1. Introduction to Engineering Design ................................................................................... 48

3.1.1. Definition of design from different perspectives ........................................................ 49

3.1.2. Design Engineering Compared to Artistic/Industrial Designing ................................ 49

3.2. Elements of Engineering Design and the Process.............................................................. 50

3.2.1.Design Procedure ......................................................................................................... 51

3.3. The Engineering Design Process ....................................................................................... 52

3.3.1.Comparing the Engineering Design Process and the Scientific Method ..................... 55

3.4.Design Considerations ........................................................................................................ 56

3.4.1. Design Criteria ............................................................................................................ 57

3.5. Design Methodology.......................................................................................................... 60

3.5.1. Features that Support Design Methodologies ............................................................. 60

Review Questions ..................................................................................................................... 63

Chapter 4 ....................................................................................................................................... 64

4. Engineering Ethics .................................................................................................................... 64

4.1. What is engineering ethics? ............................................................................................... 64

4.2. Why study engineering ethics? .......................................................................................... 66

4.2.1.Engineering as a Profession ......................................................................................... 69

4.3.Fundamental principles of Engineering Ethics ................................................................... 70

4.3.1.Moral Reasoning and Codes of Ethics ......................................................................... 70

4.3.2.Steps in Resolving Ethical Dilemmas .......................................................................... 70

4.3.3.Engineer‘s ethics regarding to safety and risk ............................................................. 72

4.3.4.Engineer‘s ethics regarding to Environment................................................................ 73

4.4. General rules (Fundamental Canon) .................................................................................. 74

4.4.1. Importance of Codes ................................................................................................... 74

4.4.2. Abuse of Codes ........................................................................................................... 76

4.4.3.Limitations of Codes .................................................................................................... 76

Review Questions ..................................................................................................................... 78

References ................................................................................................................................. 79

List of figures
Figure 1: The Egyptian pyramids at Giza ........................................................................................................... 10
Figure 2: An original bulb made by Edison‘s workshop in 1879 ....................................................................... 11
Figure 3: Information age ................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4: problem solving mechanisms of a company........................................................................................ 18
Figure 5: Ancient Ethiopian wisdoms ................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 6: Engineering outcomes ......................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 7: Civil engineering outcomes ................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 8: Civil engineering sub divisions ........................................................................................................... 30
Figure 9: Structural engineering ......................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 10: Transportation engineering................................................................................................................ 31
Figure 11: Chemical engineering outcomes........................................................................................................ 33
Figure 12: Chemical Engineering subdivisions .................................................................................................. 33
Figure 13: Bimolecular engineering ................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 14: Electrical engineering outcomes........................................................................................................ 35
Figure 15: Electrical engineering subdivisions ................................................................................................... 35
Figure 16: Electronic Engineering ...................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 17: Computer Engineering ...................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 18: Optical Engineering........................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 19: Mechanical Engineering .................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 20: Mechanical engineering subdivisions................................................................................................ 37
Figure 21: Vehicle engineering........................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 22: Mechatronics Engineering ................................................................................................................. 38
Figure 23: Textile engineering ............................................................................................................................ 40
Figure 24: Agricultural Engineering outcomes ................................................................................................... 40
Figure 25: Biomedical Engineering outcomes .................................................................................................... 41
Figure 26: Railway Engineering Outcomes ........................................................................................................ 41
Figure 27: The design elements work flow......................................................................................................... 50
Figure 28: A simple four-stage model of the design process .............................................................................. 52
Figure 29: Examples of engineering design aspects .......................................................................................... 52
Figure 30: Engineering design process ............................................................................................................... 53
Figure 31: Scientific Method .............................................................................................................................. 55
Figure 32: Electric power distribution network system ...................................................................................... 59
Figure 33: Process design ................................................................................................................................... 59

List of Tables
Table 1: The different schools/departments that teach engineering BSc programs...................... 45
Table 2: Comparison of design engineering and industrial design ............................................... 50
Table 3: Scientific method and Engineering method comparison ................................................ 56
Table 4: Technical processes in the design stage.......................................................................... 60
Table 5: Desirable features that support design methodologies ................................................... 61
Table 6: Engineering tasks and possible problems ....................................................................... 65

Chapter one

1. Introduction to Engineering Skill

1.1. What is Engineering?
The discipline of engineering is extremely broad and encompasses a range of more specialized
fields of engineering, each with a more specific emphasis on particular areas of applied science,
technology and types of application. The term engineering is derived from the Latin ingenium,
meaning "cleverness" and ingeniare, meaning, "To contrive, devise". There are various
definitions given to engineering by different bodies. The following are the common definitions.

 Engineering is the profession in which knowledge of the mathematical and natural

sciences gained by study, experience, and practice is applied with judgment to develop
ways to utilize economically the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of
 Engineering is the application of mathematics, science, economics, and social and
practical knowledge to invent, innovate, design, build, maintain, research, and improve
structures, machines, tools, systems, components, materials, processes, solutions, and
 Engineering is the creative application of scientific principles to design or develop
structures, machines, apparatus, or manufacturing processes, or works utilizing them
singly or in combination; or to construct or operate the same with full cognizance of their
design; or to forecast their behavior under specific operating conditions; all as respects an
intended function, economics of operation and safety to life and property.

From the above definitions it is generalized that, engineering is the development of cost-effective
solutions to practical problems, through the application of scientific knowledge‖. This definition
seems sold because each term here has great importance in the engineering profession. The
concept of each term is described as following;

 Cost-effective – engineering involves a consideration of design trade-offs, especially

those to do with resource usage. Cost is often used as a common evaluation criterion in
judging whether a particular engineering solution to a problem is a good one, but good

engineering also demands a wider definition of cost-effectiveness, involving wise use of
all resources, and minimizing any negative impacts of a particular solution.
 Solutions – engineering emphasizes the design of solutions, usually tangible artifacts (we
will refer to them as devices for convenience, and we‘ll explain this term shortly)
 Practical problems – the problems that engineers tackle are those that matter to people;
engineering has a wider concern with improvements to human life in general, through
technological advance. Of course, some engineering solutions to practical problems may
turn out to have detrimental effects (on the environment, for example), however, the
overall concern of the engineering profession is to make the world a better (or at least
more convenient) place for humankind.
 Applying scientific knowledge – a key feature that distinguishes engineering from other
forms of design (for example, clothing design, furniture design, etc.) is the systematic
application of analytical techniques grounded in science and mathematics, both to
analyze the problem, and to guide design choices in creating a solution.

Today, much of the world‘s population lives in engineered environments. Most of us are
surrounded by technological devices that dramatically affect how we live our lives. We live in
houses whose structural, electrical, plumbing, and communications systems have been designed
by engineers. We travel in cars, trucks, trains, and airplanes; we communicate with each other
using televisions, computers, telephones, and cell phones. Engineers have played a key role in
the development of all these devices.

It is not difficult to imagine life without many of these advances; in fact, some of the world‘s
poorest people live today without the benefits that we take for granted, such as clean water and
working sanitation systems, plentiful food, and electronic conveniences. Much of the history of
engineering has been directed at such problems, and we are the beneficiaries of their solutions as
well as the inheritors of unforeseen new problems that engineering solutions have created.

The work of engineers has dramatically affected the nature of our society today as well as the
course of civilization throughout the centuries. Engineers are often seen as purely technical
individuals whose only concern is the development of new devices or structures. However, this is
far from the truth. Throughout the history engineers have worked within their societies and have
been constrained by their societies. The success or failure of engineering endeavors often has

less to do with technical issues than with nontechnical issues including economics, social
conventions, and luck.

Most modern definitions of engineering emphasize the application of knowledge of science and
math to develop useful objects, products, structures, and so forth. While this is certainly true of
modern engineers, engineering practice has historically extended beyond the use of science and
math to include the ingenuity required to make things work. Many engineering feats of the past
are even more impressive because they were achieved without a complete. Engineering was
practiced more than 4,500 years ago. The important ideas used in each of the engineering
disciplines were typically discovered and codified as design principles well ahead of the
corresponding scientific advances. For example, engineers were able to build reliable and cost
effective bridges long before science was ever able to provide a complete analysis of the
materials and forces involved in bridge building.

1.2. History of Engineering

The concept of engineering has existed since ancient times as humans devised fundamental
inventions such as the pulley, lever, and wheel. Each of these inventions is consistent with the
modern definition of engineering, exploiting basic mechanical principles to develop
useful tools and objects.

The term engineering itself has a much more recent etymology, deriving from the word engineer,
which itself dates back to 1325, when an engine‘er (literally, one who operates an engine)
originally referred to "a constructor of military engines." military engines were devices such as
catapults as well as fortifications, roadways, and bridges. This meaning was expanded to mean
one who invents or designs. The meaning of engineers as those who plan and execute public
works was established in the early 1600s. In this context, now obsolete, an "engine" referred to a
military machine, i. e., a mechanical contraption used in war (for example, a catapult). The word
"engine" itself is of even older origin, ultimately deriving from the Latin ingenium (1250), and
meaning "innate quality, especially mental power, hence a clever invention."

Later, as the design of civilian structures such as bridges and buildings matured as a technical
discipline, the term civil engineering entered the lexicon as a way to distinguish between those
specializing in the construction of such non-military projects and those involved in the older

discipline of military engineering (the original meaning of the word "engineering," now largely
obsolete, with notable exceptions that have survived to the present day such as military
engineering corps. The history of engineering can be divided into four major areas of
development: the pre-scientific revolution, the industrial revolution, the second industrial
revolution, and the information age.

The pre-scientific revolution: would include construction of the pyramids of the Egyptians, the
famous structures of the ancient Greek culture such as the Parthenon and Acropolis, and the
ancient Roman structures such as the Coliseum, Circus Maximus, Hadrian‘s Wall and aqueducts
for water transportation. These structures were built using simple machines and tools. They also
used a very important geometric formula a squared + b squared = c squared (Pythagorean
theorem) developed by the Greek Pythagoras, as the basis for getting structures to be square and
true. The ancient civilizations built these structures but did not understand the physics or
scientific theory that allowed the structures to stand or for all of the equipment the used to build
these structures. The forerunners of engineers, practical artists and craftsmen, had to proceed
mainly by trial and error.

Yet tinkering combined with imagination produced many marvelous inventions of

consequence. Many ancient monuments are something we should admire for the ability of
ancient man to overcome and improvise to create the monuments we view today. The
admiration is embodied in the name ―engineer‖ itself. The term engineer began to be used in the
eleventh century was derived from the Latin ingeniator, meaning one with ingenium, the
ingenious one. Leonardo da Vinci bore the official title of Ingegnere Generale for the ideas he
possessed. His notebooks reveal that some Renaissance engineers had begun to ask the question
about how to systematically evaluate what works and why. One of the greatest engineering
accomplishments in the ancient world, and certainly one of the best-known, was the construction
of the Egyptian pyramids. The Egyptian pyramids were built in the period from approximately
2700 to 2200 BC. Figure 1.1 shows the pyramids at Giza. Egyptian engineers had an excellent
knowledge of geometry and measurement, which is apparent from the accuracy with which the
pyramids were constructed. In addition to the pyramids, Egyptian engineers built many temples
and other buildings.

Figure 1: The Egyptian pyramids at Giza
The Romans are also known for their engineering works. These works include road systems,
aqueduct systems to provide drinking water, and monuments and buildings. By AD 200, the
Roman road system included 44,000 miles of well-constructed roadway.

Industrial Revolution: ―The first phase of modern engineering emerged in the Scientific
Revolution. Galileo‘s Two New Sciences, which seeks systematic explanations and adopts a
scientific approach to practical problems, is a landmark regarded by many engineer historians as
the beginning of structural analysis, the mathematical representation and design of building
structures. This phase of engineering lasted through the First Industrial Revolution, when
machines, increasingly powered by steam engines, started to replace muscles in most production.
When Watt improved the steam, people knew what the engine could do, but no one really
understood thermodynamic thrust or how it worked, just that it did work. The understanding of
the principle would be at least fifty years behind the steam engines use. The skilled people who
built these machines were artisans.

While pulling off the revolution, traditional artisans transformed themselves to modern
professionals. The French, more rationalistic oriented, spearheaded the development of civil
engineering with emphasis on mathematics and developed university engineering education
under the sponsorship of their government. The British, more empirically oriented, pioneered
mechanical engineering and autonomous professional societies under the laissez-faire attitude of
their government. Gradually, practical thinking became scientific in addition to intuitive, as
engineers developed mathematical analysis and controlled experiments. Technical training
shifted from apprenticeship to university education. Information flowed more quickly in
organized meetings and journal publications as professional engineering societies emerged.‖

Until the Industrial Revolution, there were only two kinds of engineers. The military engineers
built such things as fortifications, catapults, and, later, cannons. The civil engineers built bridges,
harbors, aqueducts, buildings, and other structures. During the early 19th century in England
mechanical engineering developed as a separate field to provide manufacturing machines and the
engines to power them. The first British professional society of civil engineers was formed in
1818; that for mechanical engineers followed in 1847. In the United States, the order of growth
of the different branches of engineering, measured by the date a professional society was formed,
is civil engineering (1852), mining and metallurgical engineering (1871), mechanical
engineering (1880), electrical engineering (1884), and chemical engineering (1908).
Aeronautical engineering, industrial engineering, and genetic engineering are more modern
developments having their development in the Twentieth Century.

The second industrial revolution: occurred during the historical period from the 1840‘s to the
1930‘s when the science base engineering fields came into existence. The areas of chemical
engineering, electrical engineering, and other science-based fields of engineering developed
electricity, telecommunications, airplanes, and mass production causing many changes in the
world as the engineer knew it. The changes also changed the product people used and the way
technological advancement was perceived.

Figure 2: An original bulb made by Edison’s workshop in 1879

The information age: has produced many more changes in the fields of engineering. The field
of engineering has matured as telecommunications, microelectronics and computers have caused
us to forge ahead into the field of information technology. Today the field of engineering is
second only in size to teaching. The field that in the 1700‘s had two major fields today had listed
on one website over 80 different majors for the field of engineering.

Figure 3: Information age

1.3. What is the difference between Science and Engineering?

Many people believe fail to understand the relationship between science and engineering. The
key difference lies in the idea of intervention. Scientists seek to understand the world through
observation and experimentation, but do not seek to change the world. Engineers, on the other
hand, seek enough understanding in order to make a change to the world, but do not regard any
scientific knowledge that they generate or use in the process as an end in it.

The history of engineering clearly indicates that this is not an accurate view of the relationship
between science and engineering. Engineers develop and validate theories in much the same way
that scientists do, and indeed each design that an engineer creates is, in itself, a theory about
some relevant aspect of the world. However, engineering science may involve a level of
approximation that is unacceptable in the ‗pure‘ sciences. For scientists, the existence of such
approximations is often the impetus for further investigation, while the engineer will quite
happily use approximations if they are good enough for the problem in hand. So, scientific
advances may help to improve engineering practice, but such advances aren‘t necessarily the
drivers of engineering advances.

Generally, Science is the study of the physical world, while Engineering applies scientific
knowledge to design processes, structures or equipment. Both Engineers and Scientists will have
a strong knowledge of science, mathematics and technology, but engineering students will learn
to apply these principles to designing creative solutions to Engineering challenges.

 In science a single failed prediction can disprove a theory, no matter how many previous
tests it has passed, while in engineering one successful design can validate a concept, no
matter how many previous versions have failed

 Science is about knowledge and engineering about invention.

 There is an overlap between science and engineering. In fact, you may find an Engineer
who "develop theories" and Scientists who "optimize".
 Science explores the phenomena of nature and attempts to find the laws that govern them;
Engineering attempts to use the laws of nature (already known) to replicate them in
situations leading to usable end results;

1.3.1. Scientists vs. Engineers

 Scientists are the ones who create the theories; engineers are the ones who implement

 The scientists telling the engineers what to make & the engineers telling the scientists
the constraints that said thing to be made does not meet. They are indeed different, but
they work very close together.
 Scientists ask what happens and why in the natural world, while engineers use the
answers scientists find to create new inventions and ideas not in the natural world. Both
are equally important, as without scientists engineers would not create, and without
engineers the research scientists do would be wasted. They go hand in hand
 Engineers trained for using tools, where Scientists are trained for making them.
Engineers are Hard Workers, Where Scientists are free Workers. Engineers spend most
of their time to looking at a solution where Scientist spends their time looking at the
Problem. Engineers always treat the decease where scientist treats the root of the
 Engineer is a person who implements new things like devices or objects. He produced
new things which are artificial not natural. But, a scientist research on the natural things,
discover new things as well as livings things like animals etc.

 "All engineers are scientist, but all scientists are not engineer"?
 Scientists discover the world that exists; engineers create the world that never was.

1.4. Engineering thinking
Critical thinking is the mode of thinking — about any subject, content, or problem — in which
the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully analyzing, assessing, and
reconstructing it. Critical thinking is self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-
corrective thinking.

Critical thinking for engineering students, future engineers, is supposed to be more important as
these specialists work in the areas of telecommunication, information and communication
technologies, mechatronics and robotics, physics, machine, building and other engineering areas
that require accuracy and fidelity, clearness of actions, practical thinking, attentiveness and

Engineers seek optimal solutions to problems. Often, though, the constraints of the problem and
the solution criteria are of several, qualitatively different types, and there is no formal way to
find the best trade-offs. Nevertheless, engineers make judgments and provide explanations to
justify their choices. Engineering thinking and rhetoric is the development of such explanations
that identify and validate a particular solution as the best. Engineering thinking involves
analogical reasoning as well as deduction. This implies that in teaching engineering, descriptive
case-based examples are important to the student as source analogs for problem solving.

1.4.1. How engineers think?

Engineers thinking to solve simple problems: In simple problems, the constraints and criteria
for evaluating the solution are all qualitatively similar. Even difficult problems in computational
terms can be simple according to this definition. The traveling salesman problem, which involves
working out the shortest path to visit a number of cities, is computationally hard, but because it
has a single evaluation criterion (distance), it is a simple problem. Many other engineering
optimization problems are simple in this sense. Designing a circuit that has to meet its
specification with the minimum number of devices is a simple problem, because two solutions
can be compared and the better one selected.

The explanatory framework of simple problem solving is deductive. Engineers solving such
problems are thinking more like mathematicians than scientists (science is fundamentally

inductive). The similarity should not be overstressed however. In many branches of math,
optimally is not essential. For a mathematician, finding any proof is often a triumph. Engineers,
by contrast, are not satisfied with existence proofs. Getting something to work is inadequate; it
has to work well according to parameters of the problem. Even in simple problem solving, the
engineer looks for evidence that the space of possible solutions was properly searched, and the
chosen solution correctly proved to be optimal.

Engineering thinking to solve compound problems: In compound problems, the evaluation

criteria are not qualitatively similar and cannot be jointly optimized. Engineering jobs that
require the balancing of cost, safety and aesthetics are compound. Most systems engineering jobs
are compound. Wherever there are choices of materials, subsystems or methods that emphasize
one or another property, the problem is compound. The engineer can now apply several

1. Disqualify (ignore) criteria that cannot be measured.

2. Express relative values of criteria based on some evidence, and then try to reduce the
problem to a simple one.
3. Divide the problem into parts that can be independently solved as simple problems.

Strategy 1 sometimes has to do. For example, it may be impossible to say how the aesthetics of a
bridge are to be measured. However, if a criterion like aesthetics is rejected, there may still be
some implicit lower limit on ugliness. It is part of the job of engineering, as an intellectual
discipline, to understand how immeasurable but implicit criteria are to be dealt with.

Strategy 2 is important. Cost-benefit analysis uses money as the common currency of diverse
constraints and criteria. When engineers do this, they are acting like economists, and must
answer the same economic (and philosophical) questions about attributed value. However,
engineers have a wider gamut of mappings between qualitatively different constraints.
Speed/accuracy and speed/size are common tradeoffs. When the engineer chooses a tradeoff, a
judgment is being made about relative value, and that must be explained.

Strategy 3 is pervasive. Almost all real engineering projects are decomposed into sub problems,
which are then solved almost independently. Explaining why the problem has been decomposed

is usually easy: The problem would be insoluble otherwise. But engineers should also be able to
explain why a particular decomposition has been chosen, to justify the belief that the aggregate
of optimal sub problem solutions will be the best overall solution, or, at least, close to it. Usually
a project-wide goal, for example use of existing components, re-usability of new designs, or
localizing properties and features into modules, guides the decomposition. Such a goal is really
an evaluation criterion, and engineering rhetoric should explain why it is weighted so highly.

Compound problems include simple problems and their solution is therefore partly deductive.
But trading off between qualitatively different domains requires a different kind of thinking. It
has much in common with legal reasoning. In law, some decisions are made by the interpretation
of legislation; some are made by developing earlier case decisions. These two routes to a
decision are different: the first is the application of an abstract rule to a particular instance, the
second is dealing with a particular instance according to similar previous instances. The first is a
top-down theory-to-application route, while the second is a sideways precedents-to-application
route. Compound problem solving uses the same two routes. Abstract rules are applied when the
relative values of different courses of action can be measured and compared. This is not usually
the case in design, so exemplars (previous designs) have to be applied too. By analogy with these
precedents, compound problem solving decides on a best solution.

1.5. Problem solving strategies

Problem solving is the act of defining a problem; determining the cause of the problem;
identifying, prioritizing and selecting alternatives for a solution; and implementing a solution.
Problem solving and decision making are key facets of any successful operation. Engineers are
blessed with typically excellent logic skills. But sometimes these innate skills require
channeling; especially when working through problems with a team of colleagues. An
organization needs to define some standard of problem solving, so that leadership can effectively
direct others in the research and resolution of issues. In problem solving, there are four basic
1. Define the problem: diagnose the situation so that your focus is on the problem, not just its
symptoms. Helpful techniques at this stage include using flowcharts to identify the expected
steps of a process and cause-and-effect diagrams to define and analyze root causes.

 Review and document how processes currently work (who does what, with what
information, using what tools, communicating with what organizations and individuals, in
what time frame, using what format, etc.).
 Evaluate the possible impact of new tools and revised policies in the development of a
model of ―what should be.‖

2. Generate alternative solutions: postpone the selection of one solution until several
alternatives have been proposed. Having a standard with which to compare the characteristics of
the final solution is not the same as defining the desired result. A standard allows us to evaluate
the different intended results offered by alternatives. When you try to build toward desired
results, it‘s very difficult to collect good information about the process.

Considering multiple alternatives can significantly enhance the value of your final solution. Once
the team or individual has decided the ―what should be‖ model, this target standard becomes the
basis for developing a road map for investigating alternatives. Brainstorming and team problem-
solving techniques are both useful tools in this stage of problem solving.

Many alternative solutions should be generated before evaluating any of them. A common
mistake in problem solving is that alternatives are evaluated as they are proposed, so the first
acceptable solution is chosen, even if it‘s not the best fit. If we focus on trying to get the results
we want, we miss the potential for learning something new that will allow for real improvement.

3. Evaluate and select an alternative: skilled problem solvers use a series of considerations
when selecting the best alternative. They consider the extent to which:

 A particular alternative will solve the problem without causing other unanticipated
 All the individuals involved will accept the alternative.
 Implementation of the alternative is likely.
 The alternative fits within the organizational constraints.

4. Implement and follow up on the solution: Leaders may be called upon to order the solution
to be implemented by others, ―sell‖ the solution to others or facilitate the implementation by

involving the efforts of others. The most effective approach, by far, has been to involve others in
the implementation as a way of minimizing resistance to subsequent changes.

Feedback channels must be built into the implementation of the solution, to produce continuous
monitoring and testing of actual events against expectations. Problem solving, and the techniques
used to derive elucidation, can only be effective in an organization if the solution remains in
place and is updated to respond to future changes. There are also 7 method of problem solving
mechanism of a company.

Figure 4: problem solving mechanisms of a company

1.6. Application of Engineering Experience

Another way to understand the engineering profession is to examine engineers from the
perspective of the work they do or the areas of application they perform. For example, an
electrical engineer could also be referred to as a design engineer, a test engineer, or a
development engineer – depending on the nature of his or her work. Following is a description of
the ten main engineering job functions.

Analysis: the analytical engineer is primarily involved in the mathematical modeling of physical
problems. Using the principles of mathematics, physics, and engineering science – and making

extensive use of engineering applications software – the analytical engineer plays a critical role
in the initial stage of a design project, providing information and answers to questions that are
easy and inexpensive to obtain. Once the project moves from the conceptual, theoretical stage to
the actual fabrication and implementation stage, changes tend to be time-consuming and costly.
Design: the design engineer converts concepts and information into detailed plans and
specifications that dictate the development and manufacture of a product. Recognizing that many
designs are possible, the design engineer must consider such factors as production cost,
availability of materials, ease of production, and performance requirements. Creativity and
innovation, along with an analytic mind and attention to detail, are key qualifications for a design
Test: the test engineer is responsible for developing and conducting tests to verify that a selected
design or product meets all specifications. Depending on the product, tests may be required for
such factors as structural integrity, performance, or reliability – all of which must be performed
under all expected environmental conditions. Test engineers also conduct quality control checks
on existing products.
Development: the development engineer, as the title indicates, is involved in the development of
products, systems, or processes. The context in which such development occurs, however, can
vary considerably. Working on a specific design project, the development engineer acts as a kind
of intermediary between the design and test engineers. He helps the design engineer formulate as
many designs as possible that meet all specifications. Once a design is selected, the development
engineer oversees its fabrication – usually in the form of a prototype or model. The results of his
collaboration with the design engineer and subsequent supervision of the prototype‘s fabrication
are bound to affect the kind and amount of testing the test engineer will then need to conduct. In
a more general context, the development engineer is instrumental in turning concepts into actual
products or applying new knowledge to improve existing products. In this capacity, she is the
―D‖ in ―R&D,‖ which, as you probably know, stands for research and development. Here, the
development engineer is responsible for determining how to actualize or apply what the
researcher discovers in the laboratory, typically by designing, fabricating, and testing prototypes
or experimental models.
Sales: the sales engineer is the liaison person between the company and the customer. In this
role, the sales engineer must be technically proficient in order to understand the product itself

and the customer‘s needs. That means he must be able to explain the product in detail: how it
operates, what functions it can perform, and why it will satisfy the customer‘s requirements. He
also needs to maintain a professional working relationship as long as the customer is using his
company‘s products. He must be able to field questions about the product, explain its features to
new users, and arrange prompt service should the customer experience problems with the
product. Obviously, along with solid technical knowledge, the sales engineer must possess strong
communication skills and ―people‖ skills.
Research: the work of the research engineer is not unlike that of a research scientist in that both
are involved in the search for new knowledge. However, the difference lies in what motivates
their work. Scientific researchers are generally interested in the new knowledge itself: what it
teaches or uncovers about natural phenomena. Engineering researchers are interested in ways to
apply the knowledge to engineering practices and principles. Research engineers thus explore
mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering sciences in search of answers or insights that
will contribute to the advancement of engineering. Given the nature and demands of their work,
research engineers usually need to have an advanced degree. Indeed, most positions available in
engineering research require a Ph.D.
Management: tf you are successful as an engineer and have strong leadership skills, within a
few years of graduation, you could very well move into management. Opportunities exist
primarily in two areas: line management and project management.
In a company, the technical staff is generally grouped into a ―line organization.‖ At the base of
this ―line‖ are units of ten to 15 engineers, managed by a unit supervisor. At the next level up the
line, these units report to a group manager. This organizational line continues up to department
managers, a chief engineer or engineering vice president, and finally the president. Often the
president of a technical company is an engineer who worked his or her way up through the line
Project management is a little different, as the personnel are organized according to a specific
project or assignment. At the head of each project is a project manager. For a small project, one
manager is usually sufficient to oversee the entire project; for a larger project, the project
manager is assisted by a professional staff, which can range from one to several hundred people.
The overall responsibility of the project manager and staff is to see that the project is completed
successfully, on time, and within budget.

Consulting: the work of the consulting engineer differs from that of all other engineers in that a
consulting engineer performs services for a client on a contractual basis. Some consulting
engineers are self-employed, while others work for consulting firms that hire out their engineers
to companies
that either lack the expertise the consulting engineer can provide or want an outside evaluation of
their organization‘s performance. Depending on the client‘s specific needs, the consulting
engineer‘s work can vary considerably. Investigations and analyses; preplanning, design and
design implementation; research and development; construction management; and
recommendations regarding engineering-related problems are just a few examples.
The time a consulting engineer puts into each assignment also can vary. Sometimes the work can
be done in a day; other times it can require weeks, months, or even years to complete. Last,
engineering consulting is increasingly becoming a global enterprise. If the diversity of work and
the opportunity to travel catch your interest, a career in engineering consulting could be for you.

Teaching: the engineering professor has three primary areas of responsibility: teaching,
research, and service. Teaching includes not only classroom instruction, but also course and
curriculum development, laboratory development, and the supervision of student projects or
theses. Research involves the pursuit of new knowledge, which is then disseminated throughout
the professional engineering community by papers published in engineering journals,
presentations at scholarly meetings, textbooks, and software.
The research demands of the engineering educator also include success in generating funds to
support research projects as well as participation in professional societies.
―Service‖ is a catch-all term that refers to the many functions expected of engineering professors.
These include such activities as community involvement, participation in faculty governance,
public service, and consulting.
Entrepreneur: an entrepreneur is a person who starts a new business venture. If you are able to
combine your strong technical expertise with qualities of inventiveness, risk-taking, and a sense
of adventure, someday you may be the president of your own company. There are many
examples of engineer entrepreneurs. Some of the most prominent examples are William Hewlett
and David Packard (Hewlett-Packard), Jeff Bezos (, Pierre Omidyar and Jeffrey

Skoll (E-Bay), Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Google), Andrew Grove (Intel), Leonard Bosack
(Cisco Systems), and Jack Gifford (AMD). And these are not exceptions.
The fact that many engineers become entrepreneurs should come as no surprise. Engineers
develop products or processes to meet desired needs. The creative and analytical skills of an
engineer can also be put to use in developing a business, particularly one that focuses on high-
tech products or services. A list of the traits of successful entrepreneurs would include
disciplined, confident, open-minded, a self-starter, competitive, creative, determined, strong
work ethic, strong people skills, passionate. If you combine these traits with a strong technical
background, you may someday be the CEO of your own company. The opportunity for engineers
to start businesses is on the increase as technology plays a more and more important role in our
lives. One reflection of this is that a growing number of universities are developing courses or
even entire programs on entrepreneurship for engineers.

1.7. Failure–Design, Construction/operation, or Maintenance

The design of a component, structure or system often calls upon the engineer to minimize the
possibility of failure. Thus, it is important to understand the behavior of the various failure
modes and, in addition, be familiar with appropriate design principles that may be employed to
prevent in-service failures.
Causes of failures:
 Design deficiencies
 Material selection deficiencies
 Manufacturing defects that remain in the final part
 Inadequate maintenance, inspection, and repair
 Overload and other ―abuses‖ in service.
 Effect of Operating environment
 Effect on environment / society
At the heart of engineering is the engineering design process. The engineering design process is a
step-by-step method to produce a device, structure, or system that satisfies a need. The design
should reliable enough to keep the product or the system functional.
An operation is the intentional changing of an object in any of its physical or chemical
characteristics; the assembly or disassembly of parts or objects; the preparation of an object for

another operation, transportation, inspection, or storage; or the planning, calculating, or giving
and receiving of information. Various engineering fields study on operation to optimize the
operational activities. Operations research, Operation optimization, and operations management
are one of the study areas that engineers work on.

Construction, procedures involved in the erection of various types of structures. The major trend
in present-day construction continues away from handcrafting at the building site and toward on-
site assembly of ever larger, more integrated subassemblies manufactured away from the site.
Another characteristic of contemporary building, related to the latter trend, is the greater amount
of dimensional coordination; that is, buildings are designed and components manufactured in
multiples of a standard module (10 cm/4 in being standard in the U.S.), which drastically reduces
the amount of cutting and fitting required on the building site. A third trend is the production or
redevelopment of such large structural complexes as shopping centers, entire campuses, and
whole towns or sections of cities.

Since the Industrial Revolution, maintenance of engineering equipment in the field has been a
challenge. Although impressive progress has been made in maintaining equipment in the field in
an effective manner, maintenance of equipment is still a challenge due to factors such as size,
cost, complexity, and competition. Needless to say, today‘s maintenance practices are market
driven, in particular for the manufacturing and process industry, service suppliers, and so on.

An event may present an immediate environmental, performance, or safety implication. Thus,

there is a definite need for effective asset management and maintenance practices that will
positively influence critical success factors such as safety, product quality, speed of innovation,
price, profitability, and reliable delivery.

Each year billions of dollars are spent on equipment maintenance around the world. Over the
years, many new developments have taken place in this area. The terms ―maintenance‖ and
―maintenance engineering‖ may mean different things to different people. For example, the U.S.
Department of Defense sees maintenance engineering as a discipline that assists in acquisition of
resources needed for maintenance, and provides policies and plans for the use of resources in
performing or accomplishing maintenance. In contrast, maintenance activities are viewed as
those that use resources in physically performing those actions and tasks attendant on the

equipment maintenance function for test, servicing, repair, calibration, overhaul, modification,
and so on.

Even though maintenance engineering and maintenance have the same end objective or goal (i.e.,
mission-ready equipment/item at minimum cost), the environments under which they operate
differ significantly. More specifically, maintenance engineering is an analytical function as well
as it is deliberate and methodical. In contrast, maintenance is a function that must be performed
under normally adverse circumstances and stress, and its main objective is to rapidly restore the
equipment to its operational readiness state using available resources. Nonetheless, the
contributing objectives of maintenance engineering include: improve maintenance operations,
reduce the amount and frequency of maintenance, reduce the effect of complexity, reduce the
maintenance skills required, reduce the amount of supply support, and establish optimum

1.8. Attributes of Engineer

Engineers are responsible for some of the greatest inventions and technology the world depends
on. Everything from space shuttles to air conditioning systems to bridges requires the work of an
engineer. To be successful in the field of engineering, one must have certain qualities. Some of
those top qualities include:

An engineer possesses a strong analytical aptitude: A great engineer has excellent analytical
skills and is continually examining things as well as thinking of ways to help things work better.
They are naturally inquisitive.

An engineer shows an attention to detail: A great engineer pays meticulous attention to detail.
The slightest error can cause an entire structure to fail, so every detail must be reviewed
thoroughly during the course of completing a project. Engineering projects are extremely
complex. There are millions of details that have to be thought through during the planning and
construction processes. Engineers need to possess a high level of attention to detail to ensure
nothing important gets forgotten that could potentially derail the enterprise. If the success or
failure of a project falls upon you, attention to detail is one of the most important attributes you
can possess.

An engineer has excellent communication skills: A great engineer has great communication
skills. They can translate complex technical lingo into plain English and also communicate
verbally with clients and other engineers working together on a project. Additionally, clear
communication is vital when working with other teams and personnel on any project, and in
letting other people know what you expect of them.
An engineer takes part in continuing education: A great engineer stays on top of
developments in the industry. Changes in technology happen rapidly, and the most successful
engineers keep abreast of new research and ideas.
An engineer is creative: A great engineer is creative and can think of new and innovative ways
to develop new systems and make existing things work more efficiently.
An engineer shows ability to think logically: A great engineer has top-notch logical skills.
They are able to make sense of complex systems and understand how things work and how
problems arise.
An engineer is mathematically inclined: A great engineer has excellent math skills.
Engineering is an intricate science that involves complex calculations of varying difficulty.
An engineer has good problem solving skills: A great engineer has sharp problem solving
skills. An engineer is frequently called upon solely to address problems, and they must be able to
figure out where the problem stems from and quickly develop a solution. Engineering is a
profession full of problem solving. Therefore, almost every task needs to be approached with an
analytical mind. The solution has to be developed so that it meets all of the requirements with as
little risk in the construction process as possible.

An engineer is a team player: Nobody completes an engineering project by themselves: there is

a vast team working on various parts of the project. It‘s rare that any one engineer will be chosen
to head up the whole thing. This means that the ability to work as part of a team is essential great
engineer understands that they are part of a larger team working together to make one project
come together successfully, and therefore, must work well as part of that team.An engineer has
excellent technical knowledge: A great engineer has a vast amount of technical knowledge.
They understand a variety of computer programs and other systems that are commonly used
during an engineering project.

Review Question

1. What is engineering?
2. How can you relate Aksum obelisk and Lalibela church with engineering?
3. What is the basic difference between science and engineering?
4. "All engineers are scientist, but all scientists are not engineer"? is this expression
true/false? Why? Put your explanation!!
5. Why engineers have specialized in the past 200 years?
6. Why you study engineering?
7. What is an engineering skill?
8. How can Engineering experience gained?
9. For what purpose Engineers use their communication skills.
10. What is the basic thing Students in engineering programs must have?
11. List out engineering achievements in the last 30 years.
12. What are the biggest challenges of engineering?
13. How can you solve engineering problems?
14. Why engineering design is refined?
15. What are the characteristics of a good engineer?
16. Assume you are an engineer in engineering project. If failure is happened in that project
how can you handle that?
17. If there is no engineering in the world, what kind of life we will have?
18. Relate the engineering knowledge that you have learnt in this chapter with the ancient
Ethiopian wisdoms, depicted in figure 5. What incredible engineering knowledge do you
see from the Ethiopian-made rock crafts when you see from engineering point of view?

Figure 5: Ancient Ethiopian wisdoms

Chapter two
2. Engineering career

2.1. What is engineering career?

Career is an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with
opportunities for progress. Careers in engineering are constantly evolving and new processes and
technologies are being developed all the time. This allows engineers to stay on the ball and react
to new problems and challenges in their chosen field. Engineering careers are constantly varied
in terms of their job responsibilities, but also in their working locations. As an engineer you
could be working in an office, in a laboratory, on an oil rig in the middle of the ocean, in a
factory, or even in outer space.

Each engineering discipline requires professionals with very specific skill-sets. However, each
and every area of this sector is as complex as the next. Consequently, all engineers need to have
strong mathematical skills, logic and the ability to rise to intellectual and practical challenges.

2.2. What does an Engineer do?

The work of engineers is everywhere, and many types of engineers work together or cross fields
to work in another or partially in another type of engineering. Engineers design machinery, build
skyscrapers, and oversee public works, but they address society's needs and problems on so
many other levels as well. At a molecular level, they work on drug delivery systems that work
inside cells. At a macro level, they quantify the particle flow of pollutants through soil to clean
up oil spills, abandoned industrial sites and other biohazards. At a galactic level, they are
designing spacecraft for other-planet exploration. At an atomic level, they are developing data
storage that focuses on the spin of electrons in atoms. Clean drinking water, safe food storage,
and the protection of our environment are also under the domain of the engineer.

Engineers apply the principles of science and mathematics to develop economical solutions to
technical problems. Their work is the link between scientific discoveries and the commercial
applications that meet societal and consumer needs.

 Many engineers develop new products. During the process, they consider several factors. For
example, in developing an industrial robot, engineers specify the functional requirements
precisely; design and test the robot's components; integrate the components to produce the
final design; and evaluate the design's overall effectiveness, cost, reliability, and safety. This
process applies to the development of many different products, such as chemicals,
computers, power plants, helicopters, and toys.
 In addition to their involvement in design and development, many engineers work in testing,
production, or maintenance. These engineers supervise production in factories, determine the
causes of a component‘s failure, and test manufactured products to maintain quality. They
also estimate the time and cost required to complete projects. Supervisory engineers are
responsible for major components or entire projects.
 Engineers use computers extensively to produce and analyze designs; to simulate and test
how a machine, structure, or system operates; to generate specifications for parts; to monitor
the quality of products; and to control the efficiency of processes. Nanotechnology, which
involves the creation of high-performance materials and components by integrating atoms
and molecules, also is introducing entirely new principles to the design process.
 Practice engineering requires one to develop a body of knowledge and of math as well as the
ability to think logically in the search for solutions to problems. You may rarely be aware of
when an engineer has had a hand in your daily life, but their work permeates everything you
do unless you live in an undeveloped country. Engineering combined with a sound financial
system is precisely the difference between an undeveloped country and your current relative
 Here are some examples of what a variety of engineers do. Some of them only require one
type of engineer, but most require the knowledge of engineers from several fields working as
a team:

1) Design a building that will withstand an earthquake without killing you and yet be
affordable and possible to build.
2) Design an affordable automobile that has high fuel efficiency but still offers passengers
reasonable safety in an accident while promising to start in the freezing weather or high
temperature deserts.
3) Design a hearing aid that works well and is easy on the batteries but is small enough to fit
in elder‘s ear without making them feel that everyone is looking at it.

4) Design a factory and method of production that produces Ipods at a fast enough rate and
with low enough labor cost that Ipods are affordable and dependable enough for
5) Devise a synthetic material used for things like skateboard shoes or car tires that gives
good grip but doesn't wear through at an unacceptable rate.
6) Design a highway that allows you to take a curve at the posted speed limit in wet

Figure 6: Engineering outcomes

2.3. What type of Engineers /Engineering is there?

Engineering is a broad discipline, which can be divided into many specialized fields or sub-
disciplines. Although initial training is usually gained in a specific engineering field, an engineer
can become multidiscipline and work in several engineering fields during their career. In the
past, engineering could be divided into four major branches: Mechanical, Chemical, Civil and
Electrical, with sub branches of each discipline. Today however, the number of engineering is
available have increased dramatically. The main engineering sub-disciplines or specializations
are discussed below:

1. Civil engineering

Civil engineering is all about designing, building and maintaining things that can change the
world. Roads, bridges, offshore structures, tunnels, highways, transit systems, dams and
buildings have all played an integral role in how the human race has developed over thousands of
years. Civil Engineering is the discipline that has laid the foundations for the growth of villages,
towns, cities and ultimately civilization. Civil Engineers deliver a vital service in ensuring the
safe, timely, well-resourced construction of a huge range of projects in the built and natural
environment, from transport networks to the Olympic stadium.

Figure 7: Civil engineering outcomes


Minig Structural Transportation Geotechnical water

Figure 8: Civil engineering sub divisions

Sub-disciplines of civil engineering include:

 Geotechnical engineering: this is the science of studying the interior of the

earth. Geotechnical engineering includes the specialties of gas, geological, geometrics,
metallurgical, mineral, mining, oil 
and petroleum engineering.

 Structural engineering: is the engineering of structures that support or resist structural
loads. Major specialties include earthquake, wind, architectural and ocean engineering.

Figure 9: Structural engineering

 Transportation engineering: is the use of engineering to ensure safe and efficient

transportation of people and goods. Major specialties include traffic engineering, a
branch of transportation engineering focusing on the infrastructure necessary for
transportation highway engineering, and railway systems engineering a branch of
engineering that deals with major roadways and transportation systems involving
automobiles. Highway engineering usually involves the construction and design of

Figure 10: Transportation engineering

 Environmental engineering: is the application of engineering to the improvement and

protection of the environment. Major specialties include ecological, fire protection,
sanitary, hydraulic and municipal engineering.

 Mining engineering: is discipline that involves the science, technology, and practice of
extracting and processing minerals from a naturally occurring environment. Mining
engineering is closely related to many other disciplines like mineral processing and
metallurgy, geotechnical engineering, and surveying. A mining engineer manages all
phases of mining operations – from exploration and discovery of the mineral resource,
through feasibility studies, mine design, development of plans, production and
operations, to mine closure. With the process of mineral extraction some amount of waste
material and other byproducts are generated which are the primary source of pollution in
the vicinity of mines. Mining activities by their nature cause a disturbance of the natural
environment in and around which the minerals are located. Mining engineers must
therefore be concerned not only with the production and processing of mineral
commodities, but also with the mitigation of damage to the environment both during and
after mining as a result of the change in the mining area.

 Water resources engineering: deals with Prediction, planning, development and

management of water resources. Major specialties include Hydraulic engineering,
concerned with the flow and conveyance of fluids, principally water; intimately related to
the design of pipelines, water supply network, drainage facilities (including bridges,
dams, levees, channels, culverts, storm sewers), and canals. River engineering, is the
process of planned human intervention in the course, characteristics, or flow of a river
with the intention of producing some defined benefit—to manage the water resources, to
protect against flooding, or to make passage along or across rivers easier. Coastal
engineering, the study of the processes ongoing at the shoreline and construction within
the coastal zone, often directed at combating erosion of coasts or providing navigational
access. Groundwater engineering, involves the analysis, monitoring and often modeling
of groundwater source to better understand how much remains and if the water can be
used for e.g. recharging reservoirs and irrigation.

2. Chemical engineering

Chemical engineering deals with the chemical and physical processes for converting raw
materials to useful products and involves designing, developing, constructing and operating

industrial processes to produce a huge range of products including oil and gas, pharmaceuticals,
energy, water treatment, food and drink, plastics, and toiletries involving chemical or biological
transformations for large-scale manufacturing. It‘s an industry that is firmly focused on meeting
the challenges of tomorrow; using the earth‘s resources as efficiently as possible to provide for
the needs of future generations.

Chemical engineers are involved at every stage from researching and testing new products
through to making them commercially viable, helping them to be implemented on an industrial
scale and then modifying and improving them once they are in operation.

Chemical Engineers will work with process chemists and control engineers to make sure process
plants are set up efficiently, and configure equipment to help with that process – all the while
taking environmental and economic aspects of their role into consideration. They‘ll apply new
technologies, design, install and commission new production plants and make sure that safety
issues are considered at all stages.

Figure 11: Chemical engineering outcomes

Figure 12: Chemical Engineering subdivisions

Sub-disciplines include:

 Materials engineering: is involved in the development, processing, and testing of the

materials used to create a range of products, from computer chips and aircraft wings to
golf clubs and snow skis. They work with metals, ceramics, plastics, semiconductors, and
composites to create new materials that meet certain mechanical, electrical, and chemical
requirements which involve the properties of matter and its applications to engineering.
Major specialties include ceramic and crystal engineering
 Process engineering: focuses on the design, operation, control, and optimization of
chemical processes. Major specialties include petroleum, plastics and paper engineering

 Molecular engineering: focuses on the manufacturing of molecules.

 Bimolecular engineering: focuses on the manufacturing of biomolecules. Major
specialties include Genetic engineering (of whole genes and their
chromosomes),Immunology and bimolecular/biochemical engineering, Engineering of
DNA and RNA (related to genetic engineering).

Figure 13: Bimolecular engineering

3. Electrical engineering

Electrical engineers design, develop, test, and supervise the manufacture of electrical equipment.
Some of this equipment includes electric motors; machinery controls, lighting, and wiring in
buildings; radar and navigation systems; communications systems; and power generation,
control, and transmission devices used by electric utilities. Electrical engineers also design the
electrical systems of automobiles and aircraft. Electrical engineering is a rapidly developing and

diverse field ranging from integrated circuits and submicron devices to powerful computational
systems and massive communication networks.

Figure 14: Electrical engineering outcomes

Figure 15: Electrical engineering subdivisions

Sub-disciplines include:

 Electronic engineering: is the design of circuits that use the electromagnetic properties of
electrical components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, and transistors to
achieve a particular functionality. Major specialties include control engineering focuses on
the modeling of dynamic systems and the design of controllers using electrical circuits,
digital signal processors and microcontrollers and telecommunications engineering focuses
on the transmission and processing of information through communications channels that are
created by making use of applied electromagnetism in the physical world and are oftentimes
divided in wired and wireless.

Figure 16: Electronic Engineering
 Computer engineering: is a discipline that integrates several fields of electronic and
computer science required to develop computer systems. Major specialties include software
engineering focuses on the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to
the development, operation, and maintenance of software, and the study of these approaches;
that is, the application of engineering and computer science to software., Hardware
engineering, designing, developing, and testing various computer equipment. Can range from
circuit boards and microprocessors to routers. and Network engineering, designing,
deploying and maintaining computer networks, such as corporate networks or the Internet.

Figure 17: Computer Engineering

 Power engineering: deals with the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity,
and the design of devices such as transformers, electric generators, electric motors, high-
voltage engineering, and power electronics.
 Control engineering or control systems engineering: is an engineering discipline that
applies automatic control theory to design systems with desired behaviors in control
 Optical engineering: deals with the design of instruments and systems that utilize the
properties of electromagnetic radiation.

Figure 18: Optical Engineering

4. Mechanical engineering
Mechanical engineering is the discipline of engineering that designs, develops, builds, and tests
mechanical devices, including tools, engines and machines and applies to the principles of
physics and material sciences for analysis of design, manufacturing, and maintenance of
mechanical systems.

Mechanical engineers design tools, engines, machines, and other mechanical equipment. They
design and develop power-producing machines such as internal combustion engines, steam and
gas turbines, and jet and rocket engines. They also design and develop power-using machines
such as refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment, robots, machine tools, materials handling
systems, and industrial production equipment. The work of mechanical engineers varies by
industry and function.

Figure 19: Mechanical Engineering


Vehicle Mechatronics Acoustical Thermal

Figure 20: Mechanical engineering subdivisions

Sub-disciplines include:
 Vehicle engineering: is the design, manufacturing and operation of the systems and
equipment that propel and control vehicles. Major specialties include automotive engineering
deals with the design, manufacture and operation of motorcycles, automobiles, buses and
trucks aerospace engineering deals with the application of engineering principles to
aerospace systems such as aircraft and spacecraft, and marine engineering refers to the
engineering of boats, ships, oil rigs and any other marine vessel or structure, but also

Figure 21: Vehicle engineering

 Mechatronics engineering: is a mix of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering,

Computer Engineering, Systems Design Engineering, Control Engineering and Software
Engineering, commonly intended to examine the design of automation systems.

Figure 22: Mechatronics Engineering

 Thermal engineering: concerns heating or cooling of processes, equipment, or enclosed

 Acoustical engineering, which is the branch of engineering dealing with sound and

5. Industrial engineering

Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering which deals with the optimization of

complex processes, systems, or organizations. Industrial engineers work to eliminate waste of
time, money, materials, person-hours, machine time, energy and other resources that do not
generate value. According to American Institute of Industrial Engineers ―Industrial engineering
is concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of men,
materials, equipment and energy. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the
mathematical, physical and social sciences together with the principles and methods of
engineering analysis and design to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from
such systems.‖They create engineering processes and systems that improve quality and
productivity. Industrial engineering is concerned with the development, improvement, and
implementation of integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment,
energy, materials, analysis and synthesis, as well as the mathematical, physical and social
sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering design to specify, predict, and
evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems or processes. Basically, Industrial
engineering field focuses on operations analysis and design, production management, system
optimization, quality and value engineering , humans factor and ergonomics, and so on.

6. Manufacturing Engineering

Manufacturing Engineering is a branch of professional engineering concerned with the

understanding and application of Engineering Procedures in Manufacturing Processes and
Production Methods. Manufacturing Engineering requires the ability to plan the practices of
manufacturing to research, to develop tools, processes, machines and equipments, and to
integrate the facilities and systems for producing quality product with the optimum expenditure
of capital. Manufacturing or Production Engineer's primary focus is to turn Raw Material into an
Updated product or a New Product in the most effective, efficient & economic way possible.

7. Systems engineering
Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary field of engineering that focuses on how to design
and manage complex engineering projects over their life cycles. Issues, such as reliability,
logistics, and coordination of different teams, evaluation measurement, and other disciplines
become more difficult when dealing with large or complex projects. Systems engineering deals

with work-processes, optimization methods, and risk management tools. It overlaps technical and
human-centered disciplines such as control engineering, industrial engineering, organizational
studies, and project management. Systems engineering ensures that all likely aspects of a project
or system are considered, and integrated into a whole.

8. Textile Engineering

Textile Engineering is about designing and controlling all aspects of fiber, textile & apparel
processes, products, and machinery. It includes research & development, manufacturing and
merchandising. Textile Engineering combines the principles of engineering with specific
knowledge of textile equipment and processes. This knowledge is then implemented for the
processing and production of all kinds of textile fabric & yarns from textile fibers.

Figure 23: Textile engineering

9. Agricultural engineering:

The application of engineering principles to agricultural fields such as farm power and
machinery, biological material process, bioenergy, farm structures, and agricultural natural

Figure 24: Agricultural Engineering outcomes

10. Biomedical engineering

It is the application of engineering principles and design concepts to medicine and biology for
healthcare purposes (e.g. diagnostic or therapeutic). This field seeks to close the gap between
engineering and medicine. Much of the work in biomedical engineering consists of research and
development, spanning a broad array of subfields (see below). Prominent biomedical engineering
applications include the development of biocompatible prostheses, various diagnostic and
therapeutic medical devices ranging from clinical equipment to micro-implants, common
imaging equipment such as MRIs and EEGs, regenerative tissue growth, pharmaceutical drugs
and therapeutic biology.

Figure 25: Biomedical Engineering outcomes

11. Railway engineering

Railway engineering is a multi-faceted engineering discipline dealing with the design,

construction and operation of all types of railway systems. It encompasses a wide range of
engineering disciplines, including civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical
engineering, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering and production engineering. A great
many other engineering sub-disciplines are also called upon.

Figure 26: Railway Engineering Outcomes

12: Applied engineering

Is the field concerned with the application of management, design, and technical skills for the
design and integration of systems, the execution of new product designs, the improvements of
manufacturing processes, and the management and direction of physical and/or technical
functions of a firm or organization. Major specialties include packaging engineering.

13: Biological engineering

Biological engineering is the application of concepts and methods of physics, chemistry and
mathematics to solve problems in life sciences are using engineering‘s own analytical and
synthetic methodologies. Major specialties include biomedical, genetic, biochemical, tissue
and protein engineering.

14. Bioenvironmental engineering

Bioenvironmental engineering utilizes the physical and biological sciences in solving problems
related to plants, animals, food, wastes, and our natural environment.

2.4. How does an Engineer Do Things?

Engineers adapt theoretical principles to solve real-world engineering problems. They start with
a specific objective in mind and arrives it at what they consider the best way of achieving that
objective by developing and evaluating possible designs. They adapt theoretical principles to
solve real-world engineering problems.

In reality most engineers will find themselves working side-by-side in multi-disciplinary project
teams. One of the greatest professional assets that you can have is the ability to function well in
this team set-up. In part good team-working is about having good interpersonal and
communication skills.

Engineers must analyze and solve a wide range of technical problems. Some will be reasonably
simple single-solution problems, others will be open-ended and will likely require a team of
engineers from several disciplines and some problems may have no clear solution.

2.5. How engineers solve a problem?
Problem solving is a powerful human activity. It is impossible to teach specific facts that will
always lead to a solution. The ability to solve problem comes from doing it. Many things must
pull together to solve a problem.

Steps used in engineering problem solving are:

Steps 1 identify the problem: What are things like when they are the way we want them to be?
This question helps you find the standard against which we‘re going to measure where we are
now. If things were going the way we want them to go, what does that look like? If this person
were doing the job we want him or her to do, what would they be doing?

And then ask this important question: How much variation from the norm is tolerable? Therein
lies the problem. From an engineering perspective, you might have very little tolerance. From a
behavioral perspective, you might have more tolerance. You might say it‘s okay with me when
this person doesn‘t do it exactly as I say because I‘m okay with them taking some liberty with
this. Some other issue you may need 100% compliance.

Step 2 analyzes the problem: At what stage is this problem? This helps you identify the
urgency of the problem, and there are three stages. The emergent stage is where the problem is
just beginning to happen. It does not cause an immediate threat to the way business operates
every day. It is just beginning to happen and you have time on your side to be able to correct it
without it causing much damage to the processes it is affecting.

The mature stage is where this problem is causing more than just minor damage. Some amount
of damage has been done, and you need to jump on it immediately to fix it before it becomes a
problem where the consequences may be greater, deeper, and more expensive if we don‘t solve
this problem fast.

The third stage is the crisis stage, when the problem is so serious it must be corrected
immediately. At this stage, real damage has been done to company processes, reputation,
finances, etc. that will have potentially long-term effects on your ability to do business.

Step 3 describe the problem: you should be able to describe a problem by writing it in the form
of a statement and you should do it in 12 words or less, assuming it‘s not a complicated,
scientific problem. This way, you have clarity exactly what the issue is. Then, perhaps try
distributing it to your team to ensure they agree that this is the root of the problem that it makes
sense, and everyone that is working toward a solution is working toward the same goal. The most
important question of all, when describing your problem: Is your premise correct?

Let me give you an example of what I mean. We‘ve all heard – or read – the story of the
engineer‘s takes on the old ―half empty, half full‖ question. A speaker holds up the glass of water
and asks if the glass is half empty or half full, a discussion within the group ensues, and you
generally expect some sort of lesson in optimism, etc. from it. In this version, an engineer is in
the room and answers, ―I see this glass of water as being twice the size it needs to be.‖

You see, sometimes when you are the one in charge of the problem, you tend to set the premise
of the problem from your own perspective. But, that premise may not be accurate, or it may just
need an alternate perspective from which to see it. If your premise is not correct, or at least
incomplete, you are not fully understanding the problem and considering all the best options for
a solution.

Step 4 look for root causes: this step involves asking and answering a lot of questions. Ask
questions like: What caused this problem? Who is responsible for this problem? When did this
problem first emerge? Why did this happen? How did this variance from the standard come to
be? Where does it hurt us the most? How do we go about resolving this problem?

Also, ask the most important question: Can we solve this problem for good so it will never occur
again? Because an important aspect to leadership is coming up with solutions that people can use
for a long-term benefit, rather than having to deal with the same problems over and over and

Step 5 develops alternate solutions: just about any problem you have to deal with has more
solutions to it than the one that you think of first. So, it is best to develop a list of alternate
solutions that you and your team can assess and decide which one will be the best for the
particular problem. Then rank those solutions based on efficiency, cost, long-term value, what

resources you have and that you can commit to the solution of the problem. Then, look at every
one of those solutions carefully and decide what you believe to be the best solution to this
problem at this time.

Step 6 implements the solution: implementing the solution, you decide on can include creating
an implementation plan. It could also include planning on what happens next if something goes
wrong with the solution if it doesn‘t work out the way you thought it would. Implementation
means that everyone on your team knows and understands their part in making the solution work,
that there are timelines for execution, and also that you have a system in place to track whether
or not the solution has corrected the problem.

Step 7 measures the results: from your implementation plan in step 6, make sure you track and
measure the results so you can answer questions such as: Did it work? Was this a good solution?
Did we learn something here in the implementation that we could apply to other potential

These seven simple steps will help you become a more effective, efficient problem solver in your
organization. As you practice this process and develop the skills, these steps will become more
natural to you until the point that you are using them without noticing!

2.6. The Engineering programs given in our institute, EiT-M

Ethiopian Institute of Technology-Mekelle (EiT-M), which is one of the 10 IOTs in the country,
embraces 5 schools and 2 departments in the institute. From these schools/departments 3 schools
and 2 departments offer engineering programs. Each school and department in the institute has
one or more their own BSc engineering program that takes 5-year duration. Some of the
engineering disciplines hold different specialization areas which are going to be selected by
students when they became 3 or 4 year students. Table 1 depicts the engineering programs‘

Table 1: The different schools/departments that teach engineering BSc programs

School/Department BSc Programs
School Electrical & Computer - BSc in Electrical Engineering:- The specializations
Engineering (SECE) that BSc students can be joined are; power,
communication, industrial control, and computer
School Civil Engineering - BSc in Civil engineering
(SOCE) - BSc Water resource & irrigation
- BSc Hydraulics & water resource
School Mechanical & - BSc in Mechanical Engineering:- The specializations
Industrial Engineering (SMIE) that BSc students can be joined are; design,
automotive, Electromechananical and thermal
- BSc in Industrial Engineering
- BSc in Manufacturing engineering
Department of Chemical - BSc in Chemical Engineering:- The specializations
Engineering that BSc students can be joined are; process,
biochemical, and environmental
Department of Textile - BSc in Textile Engineering

Review Questions
1. How do you explain engineering career?
2. What is the impact of this chapter in choosing your future career? Is your choice of your
future career changed after learning this chapter?
3. Explain the importance of science and mathematics principles in solving engineering
4. What were the engineering disciplines you knew before learning this course?
5. State some examples of what a variety of engineers can do.
6. Explain the difference between mechanical engineering and mechatronics engineering
based on their field of study.
7. Describe the steps in solving engineering problems.
8. What are the criteria to select one engineering discipline?
9. At the end of this semester it is expected that you would choose one filed. From the given
engineering fields here in EiT-M, which one is your first preference?
10. To answer question number ―9‖ the institution is going to ask you to rank each of the
programs as 1st, 2nd, …, nth, the question is, what is your criteria to rank or prioritize each

Chapter 3
3. Engineering Design Methods

3.1. Introduction to Engineering Design

Engineering design had become a subject of investigation of design research for more than 100
years. Since it began in the middle of 18th century, it was explored by researchers across
disciplines, which required it as an important facet of their discussions. Still, it did not have a
single agreed definition to precisely explain its concerns on guiding designers in their unique
activities. Although there was no agreement among researchers, their opinions were concluded
into a single joint statement to explain the terminology of design methodology from two
distinguished perspectives: art and science. Design, as its nature as a methodological process,
was characterized as an art and at the same time also science.

Design as an art: It incorporated art-based approaches because they stated that creativity was
the core of any design practices. Creativity was interpreted as a natural gift of humans. It
emerged as each designer grew in a set of conditions which would construct his/her own way-of-

Design as science: Design scientists were strongly contributing pure scientific approaches for
design processes. The methodologies consisted of detailed scientific derivation for any design
considerations. They tended to breakdown conceptual design into snippets, decompose each
snippet into detailed taxonomies, and reconstruct them into an integral assembly of design
concept. In short, design scientists attempted to understand design methodology as a scientific
guideline which incorporated deep scientific analysis throughout design stages to every snippet
of a designed technology.

Design and engineering are two facets of the same profession. Engineering is a profession
concerned primarily with the application of a certain body of knowledge, set of skills, and point
of view in the creation of devices, structures, and processes used to transform resources to forms
which satisfy the needs of society. Design is the activity in which engineers accomplish the
preceding task, usually by responding to a design imperative for the required task.

In contrast, for design, product development and innovation, no single discipline is the dominant
provider of scientific knowledge.

3.1.1. Definition of design from different perspectives

Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET): Engineering design is the
process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. It is a decision-
making process (often iterative), in which the engineering sciences and mathematics are applied
to convert resources optimally to meet a stated objective. Among the fundamental elements of
the design process are the establishment of objectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis,
construction, testing and evaluation.

From the perspective of Mechanical Engineering Design: Mechanical design means the
design of components and systems of a mechanical nature—machines, products, structures,
devices and instruments. For the most part mechanical design uses mathematics, materials, and
the engineering-mechanics sciences. Additionally, it uses engineering graphics and the ability to
communicate verbally to clearly express your ideas. Mechanical engineering design includes all
mechanical design, but it is a broader study because it includes all the disciplines of mechanical
engineering, such as the thermal fluids and heat transfer sciences too. Aside from the
fundamental sciences which are required, the first studies in mechanical engineering design are
in mechanical design, and that is the approach taken in this course.

From the perspective of art: Industrial Design means the artistic elements, appearance,
ergonomics, marketing, customer appeal, satisfaction, and other observable properties of a
product. This includes color, line, shape, form, pattern, texture, proportion, juxtaposition,
emotional reactions.

3.1.2. Design Engineering Compared to Artistic/Industrial Designing

Design engineering and the more artistic forms of designing, industrial design; have much in
common, with partly overlapping duties, but substantial differences. Engineering designers tend
to be primary for technical systems and their operational processes, as well as their
manufacturing processes. These designers tend to solve the problems of making something work,
including usability, manufacturability, economics, and life-cycle related properties. Whereas
industrial design is the external aesthetics design. Table 2 is a comparison of the two types.

Table 2: Comparison of design engineering and industrial design

Objectives, design conditions Design Engineering Industrial design

The object to be designed Transformation process and/or Tangible product; primary:
technical system; primary appearance, functionality
functioning, performing a task
Representation and analysis Preparing for manufacture, Rendering for presentation
of the object as designed assembly, distribution, etc. and display
Design process and Theories of designing, Intuitive, interactive designing
methodology engineering design science
design phenomenology Empirical, experimental and Protocol studies
implementation studies
Responsibilities Professional, ethics, reliability, Organization, stakeholders,
safety, public legal liability, (architecture adds
enterprise, stakeholder organizational and contract )
Location Design/drawing office Studio

3.2. Elements of Engineering Design and the Process

In order to develop an engineering design which could accommodate as many as possible
existing engineering designs, into a compact engineering design in the field of design
methodologies is the product development process. The methodology consisted of four stages
namely; analyzing/planning, concepting, designing, and finalizing/assessing, and also several
steps in each stage (see figure 27). Concepting and designing stages are also the core activities in
design process. Between two sequential stages, there are two kinds of outcomes: result and error.
Result is the output of previous stage and input for next stage, and error is the misplaced output
caused by misinterpretation of some considerations in previous stage(s).

Figure 27: The design elements work flow

The process of design is a long and time consuming one. The end result of the engineering
design process is a specification set from which a machine, process, or system may be built and
operated to meet the original need. Engineering design is a formal discipline within the field of
engineering. A methodology is purposefully positioned in a formal hierarchy of scientific
approaches, supported by a specific paradigm and philosophy while acting as the framework for
more detailed methods and techniques.

The engineering design process is a series of steps that guides engineering teams as they solve
problems. The design process is iterative, meaning that engineers repeat the steps as many times
as needed, making improvements along the way as they learn from failure. Two key themes of
the engineering design process are teamwork and design.

3.2.1.Design Procedure
Even though there may have various design procedures that have stated by different ways, but
their very objective is the same. At least the key concepts like problem/need identification,
concept/model development, prototyping, and validation have been included by many of them.
The general procedure for design is listed in the following procedures.
1. Identification of need
2. Problem statement/definition of goal
3. Research
4. Development of specifications
5. Generation of ideas
6. Creation of concepts
7. Prototype and laboratory testing
8. Selection and specification of best concept
9. Production
10. Marketing
11. Usage (maintenance and repair)
The design process may consist of different models. Even here, there may have various design
process models. The common and simple four stage model of the design process consists of
exploration, generation, evaluation and communication.

Figure 28: A simple four-stage model of the design process

3.3. The Engineering Design Process

Different Engineering fields design various products, systems and processes. Many engineering
disciplines contribute to the design science (see figure 3). Engineering is a profession whereby
principles of nature are applied to build useful objects. For instance,
 A mechanical engineer designs a new engine or a car suspension or a robot
 A civil engineer designs a bridge or a building
 A chemical engineer designs a distillation tower or a chemical process
 An electrical engineer designs a computer or an integrated circuit
 An industrial engineer design an optimal production system or an automated and flexible
production process

Figure 29: Examples of engineering design aspects

As discussed in the design procedure in section 3.2.1 above, there are various design procedures
even though there is no any concept difference. There are several different versions of the

engineering design process in use today. Figure 4 shows an 8-step process that goes from the
identification of the problem, through the entire engineering design process, ending with the
presentation of the final design.

Figure 30: Engineering design process

1. Identification of the Problem: It seems obvious that in order to solve a problem, we must first
identify what the problem is. Sometimes this is not so straightforward. For example, what
appears to be a problem may actually be a result of something else that is actually the problem
you should be solving? Also, identifying a problem may come from identifying a customer need,
and a lack of an existing solution to that need
2. Research the Problem – Gather Information: The next step in the engineering design process
is to research the problem. What background information is needed before we can start
developing possible solutions to the problem? What sources do we need to obtain that
information, and how reliable are those sources. What previous work has been done on this or
similar problems that could be used?
3. Analysis of the Problem – Design Constraints: After the information has been obtained, the
next step is to perform a preliminary analysis. A lot of this analysis will concern design
constraints. The optimal solution to a problem may vary depending on the constraints placed on

the design. These constraints can be technical, economic and time issues. For example, engineers
could probably design a car that could withstand any collision and protect its occupants from
injury, but it would be so expensive that nobody could afford to buy the car. Another constraint
is that the technology that could be used for this collision-free car is still under development, and
is not available to be used in the design.
4. Brainstorm Alternative Design Solutions: At this point we are ready to start developing
potential solutions to the problem. Brainstorming is an effective method to start this part of the
engineering design process. In brainstorming, all members of the design group contribute
potential problem solutions. The solutions proposed at this point are more conceptual and at a
high level of abstraction, lacking specific implementation details. No idea is judged or discarded;
all ideas are recorded for use in the next step of the process.
5. Modeling “Best” Solution: After listing possible solutions to the problem, the design team
reviews the list, discusses the pros and cons of each possible solution, and comes to a consensus
on the best solution to pursue. The design constraints are considered in determining the best
solution. The team models this solution, determining what work must be done to convert it from
a concept to a solution that can be implemented.
6. Testing and Evaluating Model/Prototype: The best way to evaluate a solution is to build and
test it. To test it, you need to first develop a detailed design specification, as well as a test
protocol. A prototype is an actual device built to implement the proposed solution. Building the
prototype provides feedback on the ease or difficulty of creating the proposed solution device.
After the prototype is built, it is tested to see if it actually solves the problem. If the prototype
does not work out, it may be necessary to return to the previous step and select a different
solution and then prototype and test that solution.
7. Refine and Retest Model/Prototype: The engineering design process rarely yields a complete
and final solution with the first prototype. It is more likely that the design team will take the
feedback from the initial testing and revise its solution. Also, the initial specification for this
product will be refined. Then the team prototypes the new solution and tests it, repeating the
process as necessary until an acceptable prototype has been developed. This step is often the
most time-consuming part of the engineering design process, often taking more time than the
other steps combined.

8. Communicate Final Design (e.g. Presentation): There are many ways to present the final
design, often varying depending on the audience. For an engineering audience, the presentation
may include circuit diagrams, blueprints, and other technical materials such as operating
manuals. A presentation for a sales team might focus on the capabilities of the final product and
how it compares to other products in the marketplace. A presentation for the general public
might emphasize how to use the product, as well as the production of marketing materials.

3.3.1.Comparing the Engineering Design Process and the Scientific Method

The difference between science and engineering is scientists discover the world that exists;
engineers create the world that never was. While scientists study how nature works, engineers
create new things, such as products, websites, environments, and experiences. Although science
and engineering share some common features, there is a difference between the two. The
traditional ―scientific method‖ is not used in engineering design. Instead, an engineering design
process is used. Although there is some overlap between the two, they are distinct processes.
Because engineers and scientists have different objectives, they follow different processes in
their work. Scientists perform experiments using the scientific method; whereas, engineers
follow the creativity-based engineering design process. Both processes can be broken down into
a series of steps, as seen in diagram 5 and table 2.

Figure 31: Scientific Method

In addition to the figure the overall comparison is compiled as in table 2 below.
Table 3: Scientific method and Engineering method comparison

The Scientific Method The Engineering Design Process

State your question Define the problem
Do background research Do background research
Formulate your hypothesis, identify Specify requirements
Design experiment, establish procedure Create alternative solutions, choose the best one
and develop it
Test your hypothesis by doing an Build a prototype
Analyze your results and draw Test and redesign as necessary
Communicate results Communicate results
Why are there two processes: Both scientists and engineers contribute to the world of human
knowledge, but in different ways. Scientists use the scientific method to make testable
explanations and predictions about the world. A scientist asks a question and develops an
experiment, or set of experiments, to answer that question. Engineers use the engineering design
process to create solutions to problems. An engineer identifies a specific need: Who need(s) what
because why? And then, he or she creates a solution that meets the need.

3.4.Design Considerations
An engineer might not only be interested in a design which works at some sort of nominal level,
but is the best design in some way. The process of determining the best design is called
optimization. Thus,
- We may wish to design the smallest heat exchanger that accomplishes the desired heat
- Or we may wish to design the lowest-cost bridge for the site
- Or we may wish to maximize the load a robot can lift
- Or we may wish to design a production line that produce high quality product at
minimum cost

Often engineering optimization is done implicitly to tradeoff the conflict of interest. Using a
combination of judgment, experience, modeling, opinions of others, etc. the engineer makes
design decisions which, he or she hopes, lead to an optimal design. Computer-based optimization
refers to using computer algorithms to search the design space of a computer model. The design
variables are adjusted by an algorithm in order to achieve objectives and satisfy constraints.

3.4.1. Design Criteria

Although the general criteria used by a designer are many, the following list addresses almost all

 Function
 Safety
 Reliability
 Cost
 Manufacturability
 Marketability

Product & service design is the process of deciding on the unique characteristics of a company‘s
product & service offerings. Design considerations vary from the very objective. ―To design‖
refers to the process of originating and developing a plan for a product, service or process. This
means the design consideration for product, service, and process are different.
 Product design is tangible offerings which consider the dimensions, materials, tolerances
& performance standards
 Service design is intangible offerings which consider the physical elements, sensory,
esthetic, & psychological benefits
Product design: Product design is the creation of new and better products like machines and
improving the existing ones. A new or better product is one which is more economical in the
overall cost of production and operations. To design the product components the knowledge of
mathematics, engineering mechanics, strength of materials, production process and engineering
drawing are necessary. The product design may be classified as adaptive design, development
design, and new design.
Adaptive design: is minor alternation or modification in the existing designs. This type of design
doesn‘t need special knowledge or skill and can be attempted by ordinary designers.

Development design: this type of design needs considerable scientific training and design ability
in order to modify the existing design in to a new idea by adopting a new material or different
manufacturing method. In this case, the final product may differ quite markedly from the original
New design: this type needs lots of research, technical ability and creative thinking. The general
considerations that can be done in product design are those listed below
- Type of load and stresses caused by the load
- motion of the parts or kinematics of the machine
- selection of materials
- form and size of the parts
- frictional resistance and lubrication
- convenient and economical features
- use of standard parts
System design: The following definitions of engineering and the engineering of systems are
adopted here: Engineering: discipline for transforming scientific concepts into cost-effective
products through the use of analysis and judgment. Engineering of a System: engineering
discipline that develops, matches, and trades off requirements, functions, and alternate system
resources to achieve a cost-effective, life-cycle-balanced product based upon the needs of the
A system is commonly defined to be ‗‗a collection of hardware, software, people, facilities, and
procedures organized to accomplish some common objectives.‘‘ The word design is used by
many professions (artists, architects, all disciplines of engineering) and is claimed by each. By a
system design we imply about the entire combination of machines, technology, people
information and capital required to accomplish some pre specified work. A system may be an
electric power distribution network for a village or city of a country (see figure 6), a complex
system of rail ways for transportation, combination of automobile parts, production line, or
textile manufacturing unit.
So, the ways to think about design system is to break a complex system which needs to be
designed in to smaller subsystems and large assemblies in to sub-assemblies. The subassemblies
are further broken in to individual components and parts. Design individual parts, perform

quality check and then go for subassembly and then for large assemblies and then a complex

Generator Setup transformer Distribution lines

Step-down transformer

Village or city

Figure 32: Electric power distribution network system

Process design: Production is any part of an organization which takes a set of input resources
which are then used to transform something into outputs of products or services. A process may
be design of products and services which use the designers and the design facilities to convert the
idea in to a final product or service design or else a process may be is the way of producing
goods or services through the production process (see figure 7).

Figure 33: Process design

3.5. Design Methodology
Design theory (or design science) and design methodology have their own unique viewpoints.
The two subject areas are simply defined as follows:
Design theory—is descriptive as it indicates what design is
Design methodology—is prescriptive as it indicates how to do design

3.5.1. Features that Support Design Methodologies

Design contains many well-known activities such as decision making, optimization, modeling,
knowledge production, prototyping, ideation, or evaluation. However, it cannot be reduced to
any one of them or all of these activities (e.g., decisions are made in design, but design is more
than decision making). Thus, design theory is not about modeling everything that one can find in
a design practice, its goal is to precisely address issues that are beyond the scope of the classical
models that accompany its constituent activities (decision making, prescriptive models,
hypothetic-deductive model and others). The questions this goal raises are of course: What, then,
are the core phenomena of Design? Is Design driven by novelty, continuous improvement,
creativity, or imagination? Design methodology effectively and efficiently executes eight
technical processes of the design stage described in 8 below.
Table 4: Technical processes in the design stage

SN Technical process Purpose

1 Stakeholder Define the requirements for a system that can provide the
requirements definition services needed by users and other stakeholders in a defined
2 Requirements analysis Transform the stakeholder, requirement-driven view of desired
services into a technical view of a required product that could
deliver those services
3 Architectural design Synthesize a solution that satisfies system requirements
4 Implementation Realize a specified system element

5 Integration Assemble a system that is consistent with the architectural

6 Verification Confirm that the specified design requirements are fulfilled by

the system
7 Transition Establish a capability to provide services specified by
stakeholder requirements in the operational environment
8 Validation Provide objective evidence that the services provided by a
system when in use comply with stakeholders‘ requirements,
achieving its intended use in its intended operational

There are a number of features (or properties) that should be possessed by each and every design
methodology. Ten features that support design methodologies are presented in table 9. All of the
features represent unique facets that the design methodology must contain in order to effectively
and efficiently execute the technical processes of the design stage during the systems life cycle.
Table 5: Desirable features that support design methodologies

SN Feature Description
1 Exploratory Design is a formal professional endeavor requiring specific knowledge,
skills, and abilities
2 Rational Design is rational involving logical reasoning, mathematical analysis,
computer simulation, laboratory experiments and field trials, etc
3 Investigative Design requires inquiry into the stakeholder‘s requirements and
expectations, available design techniques, previous design solutions,
past design failures and successes, etc
4 Creative Design requires know-how, ingenuity, memory, pattern recognition
abilities, informed solution scanning, lateral thinking, brainstorming,
analogies, etc
5 Opportunistic Both top-down and bottom-up approaches are used by the design team
based upon the situation presented
6 Incremental Improvements or refinements are proposed during the design process in
order to achieve an improved design
7 Decision-making Design requires value judgements. Courses of action and selection
from competing solutions are based on experience and criteria provided

by the system‘s stakeholders
8 Iterative Design is iterative. Artifacts are analyzed with respect to functional and
non-functional requirements, constraints, and cost. Revisions are based
on experience and feedback mechanisms
9 Transdisciplinary Design of engineering systems requires a transdisciplinary team
10 Interactive Design is interactive. The design team is an integral part of the actual

Review Questions
1. When we say design is both an art and science, what makes it art and what makes it
2. Define what design means from different perspectives.
3. Take a specific product as a case study; compare the design engineering and industrial
design contributions on that product.
4. It is known that scientists and engineers are two different knowledge domains. The two
facets follow different ways of design process? What is the main difference in this two
design process? Elaborate by using an example.
5. As an engineer who engaged himself in designing a machine what kinds of design criteria
you are going to consider
6. What is optimization in engineering design? Explain this concept by using a specific
7. Discuss on the engineering design processes that can be to conduct a new machine
8. It is known that there are different engineering fields that run in Mekelle University,
Ethiopian Institute of Technology-Mekelle. Considering the different design perspectives
and discuss on the different design perspective of each engineering field of study.
9. As a designer what are the basic design methodologies to be followed?
10. What does it mean by system and process design? Discuss by using an example.
11. Professionally non engineering peoples can design products, systems or process. What
makes the engineering design superior than that of the ordinary designers?

Chapter 4
4. Engineering Ethics

4.1. What is engineering ethics?

Ethics is the word that refers to morals, values, and beliefs of the individuals, family or the
society. The word has several meanings. Basically it is an activity and process of inquiry.
Secondly, it is different from non-moral problems, when dealing with issues and controversies.
Thirdly, ethics refers to a particular set of beliefs, attitudes, and habits of individuals or family or
groups concerned with morals. Fourth, it is used to mean ‗morally correct‘.

In light of this overview of moral complexity in engineering, we can now define engineering
ethics and state the goals in studying it. The word ethics has several meanings, and hence so does
engineering ethics. In one sense, ethics is synonymous with morality. It refers to moral values
that are sound or reasonable, actions or policies that are morally required (right), morally
permissible (all right), or otherwise morally desirable (good). Accordingly, engineering ethics
consists of the responsibilities and rights that ought to be endorsed by those engaged in
engineering, and also of desirable ideals and personal commitments in engineering.

In a second sense, ethics is the activity (and field) of studying morality; it is an inquiry into
ethics in the first sense. It studies which actions, goals, principles, policies, and laws are morally
justified. Using this sense, engineering ethics is the study of the decisions, policies, and values
that are morally desirable in engineering practice and research.

The study on ethics helps to know the people‘s beliefs, values, and morals, learn the good and
bad of them, and practice them to maximize their well-being and happiness. It involves the
inquiry on the existing situations, form judgments and resolve the issues. In addition, ethics tells
us how to live, to respond to issues, through the duties, rights, responsibilities, and obligations.
In religion, similar principles are included, but the reasoning on procedures is limited. The
principles and practices of religions have varied from to time to time (history), region
(geography, climatic conditions), religion, society, language, caste and creed. But ethics has
grown to a large extent beyond the barriers listed above. In ethics, the focus is to study and apply

the principles and practices, universally. Table 34 shows the possible problems that could reveal
by unethical engineers.

Table 6: Engineering tasks and possible problems

Tasks A selection of possible problems

Conceptual design Blind to new concepts. Violation of patents or trade secrets.
Product to be used illegally.
Goals; performance Unrealistic assumptions. Design depends on unavailable or
specifications untested materials.
Preliminary analysis Uneven: Overly detailed in designer‘s area of expertise,
marginal elsewhere.
Detailed analysis Uncritical use of handbook data and computer programs based
on unidentified methodologies.
Simulation, prototyping Testing of prototype done only under most favorable
conditions or not completed.
Design specifications Too tight for adjustments during manufacture and use. Design
changes not carefully checked.
Scheduling of tasks Promise of unrealistic completion date based on insufficient
allowance for unexpected events.
Purchasing Specifications written to favor one vendor. Bribes, kickbacks.
Inadequate testing of purchased parts.
Fabrication of parts Variable quality of materials and workmanship. Bogus
materials and components not detected.
Assembly/ construction Workplace safety. Disregard of repetitive-motion stress on
workers. Poor control of toxic wastes.
Quality control/testing Not independent, but controlled by production manager.
Hence, tests rushed or results falsified.
Advertising and sales False advertising (availability, quality). Product oversold
beyond client‘s needs or means.
Shipping, installation, training Product too large to ship by land. Installation and training
subcontracted out, inadequately supervised.

Safety measures and devices Reliance on overly complex, failure-prone safety devices.
Lack of a simple ―safety exit.‖
Use Used inappropriately or for illegal applications. Overloaded.
Operations manuals not ready.
Maintenance, parts, repairs Inadequate supply of spare parts. Hesitation to recall the
product when found to be faulty.
Monitoring effects of product No formal procedure for following life cycle of product, its
effects on society and environment.
Recycling/disposal Lack of attention to ultimate dismantling, disposal of product,
public notification of hazards.

4.2. Why study engineering ethics?

Why is it important for engineering students to study engineering ethics? Several notorious cases
that have received a great deal of media attention in the past few years have led engineers to gain
an increased sense of their professional responsibilities. These cases have led to an awareness of
the importance of ethics within the engineering profession as engineers realize how their
technical work has far-reaching impacts on society. The work of engineers can affect public
health and safety and can influence business practices and even politics.

Engineering ethics should be studied because it is important, both in contributing to safe and
useful technological products and in giving meaning to engineers‘ endeavors. It is also complex,
in ways that call for serious reflection throughout a career, beginning with earning a degree. But
beyond these general observations, what specific aims should guide the study of engineering

In our view, the direct aim is to increase our ability to deal effectively with moral complexity in
engineering. Accordingly, the study of engineering ethics strengthens our ability to reason
clearly and carefully about moral questions. To invoke terms widely used in ethics, the unifying
goal is to increase moral autonomy.

Autonomy means self-determining, but not just any kind of independent reflection about ethics
amounts to moral autonomy.

Moral autonomy can be viewed as the skill and habit of thinking rationally about ethical issues
on the basis of moral concern and commitment. This foundation of general responsiveness to
moral Professionalism values derives primarily from the training we receive as children in being
sensitive to the needs and rights of others, as well as of ourselves. When such training is absent,
as it often is with seriously abused children, the tragic result can be an adult sociopath who lacks
any sense of moral right and wrong. Sociopaths (or psychopaths) are not morally autonomous,
regardless of how independent their intellectual reasoning about ethics might be.

One result of this increase in awareness is that nearly every major corporation now has an ethics
office that has the responsibility to ensure that employees have the ability to express their
concerns about issues such as safety and corporate business practices in a way that will yield
results and won't result in retaliation against the employee. Ethics offices also try to foster an
ethical culture that will help to head off ethical problems in a corporation before they start.

The goal of engineering ethics is to sensitize you to important ethical issues before you have to
confront them. You will study important cases from the past so that you will know what
situations other engineers have faced and will know what to do when similar situations arise in
your professional career. Finally, you will learn techniques for analyzing and resolving ethical
problems when they arise.

Our goal is frequently summed up using the term "moral autonomy." Moral autonomy is the
ability to think critically and independently about moral issues and to apply this moral thinking
to situations that arise in the course of professional engineering practice. The goal of this topic,
then, is to foster the moral autonomy of future engineers.

The question asked at the beginning of this section can also be asked in a slightly different way.
Why should a future engineer bother studying ethics at all? After all, at this point in your life,
you're already either a good person or a bad person. Good people already know the right thing to
do, and bad people aren't going to do the right thing no matter how much ethical training they
receive. The answer to this question lies in the nature of the ethical problems that are often
encountered by an engineer. In most situations, the correct response is very obvious. For

example, it is clear that to knowingly equip the Pinto with wheel lugs made from substandard,
weak steel that is susceptible to breaking is unethical and wrong. This action could lead to the
loss of a wheel while driving and could cause numerous accidents and put many lives at risk. Of
course, such a design decision would also be a commercial disaster for Ford.

However, many times, the ethical problems encountered in engineering practice are very
complex and involve conflicting ethical principles. For example, the engineers working on the
Pinto were presented with a very clear dilemma. Trade-offs were made so that the Pinto could be
successfully marketed at a reasonable price. One of these trade-offs involved the placement of
the gas tank, which led to the accident in Indiana. So, for the Ford engineers and managers, the
question became the following: Where does an engineering team strike the balance between
safety and affordability and, simultaneously, between the ability of the company to sell the car
and make a profit.

These are the types of situations that we will discuss in this Topic. The goal, then, is not to train
you to do the right thing when the ethical choice is obvious and you already know the right thing
to do. Rather, the goal is to train you to analyze complex problems and learn to resolve these
problems in the most ethical manner

Improving the ability to reflect carefully on moral issues can be accomplished by improving
various practical skills that will help produce autonomous thought about moral issues. As related
to engineering ethics, these skills include the following.

1. Moral awareness: Proficiency in recognizing moral problems and issues in engineering

2. Cogent moral reasoning: Comprehending, clarifying, and assessing arguments on
opposing sides of moral issues
3. Moral coherence: Forming consistent and comprehensive viewpoints based on
consideration of relevant facts
4. Moral imagination: Discerning alternative responses to moral issues and finding creative
solutions for practical difficulties
5. Moral communication: Precision in the use of a common ethical language, a skill needed
to express and support one‘s moral views adequately to others

These are the direct goals in college courses. They center on cognitive skills—skills
of the intellect in thinking clearly and cogently. It is possible, however, to have these
skills and yet not act in morally responsible ways. Should we therefore add to our list of
goals the following goals that specify aspects of moral commitment and responsible
6. Moral reasonableness: The willingness and ability to be morally reasonable
7. Respect for persons: Genuine concern for the well-being of others as well as oneself
8. Tolerance of diversity: Within a broad range, respect for ethnic and religious differences
and acceptance of reasonable differences in moral perspectives
9. Moral hope: Enriched appreciation of the possibilities of using rational dialogue in
resolving moral conflicts
10. Integrity: Maintaining moral integrity and integrating one‘s professional life and
personal convictions

4.2.1.Engineering as a Profession
We have been speaking of engineering as a profession, but what exactly is a profession? In a
broad sense, a profession is any occupation that provides a means by which to earn a living. In
the sense intended here, however, professions are those forms of work involving advanced
expertise, self-regulation, and concerted service to the public good.

1. Advanced expertise. Professions require sophisticated skills (knowing-how) and theoretical

knowledge (knowing-that) in exercising judgment that is not entirely routine or susceptible to
mechanization. Preparation to engage in the work typically requires extensive formal education,
including technical studies in one or more areas of systematic knowledge as well as some
broader studies in the liberal arts (humanities, sciences, and arts).Generally, continuing education
and updating knowledge are also required.

2. Self-regulation. Well-established societies of professionals are allowed by the public to play a

major role in setting standards for admission to the profession, drafting codes of ethics, enforcing
standards of conduct, and representing the profession before the public and the government.
Often this is referred to as the ―autonomy of the profession,‖ which forms the basis for individual
professionals to exercise autonomous professional judgment in their work.

3. Public good. The occupation serves some important public good, or aspect of the public good,
and it does so by making a concerted effort to maintain high ethical standards throughout the
profession. For example, medicine is directed toward promoting health, law toward protecting
the public‘s legal rights, and engineering toward technological solutions to problems concerning
the public‘s well-being, safety, and health. The aims and guidelines in serving the public good
are detailed in professional codes of ethics.

4.3.Fundamental principles of Engineering Ethics

4.3.1.Moral Reasoning and Codes of Ethics

Ethical (or moral) dilemmas are situations in which moral reasons come into conflict, or in which
the applications of moral values are unclear, and it is not immediately obvious what should be
done. Ethical dilemmas arise in engineering, as elsewhere, because moral values are many and
varied and can make competing claims. Yet, although moral dilemmas comprise the most
difficult occasions for moral reasoning, they constitute a relatively small percentage of moral
choices, that is, decisions involving moral values. The vast majority of moral choices are clear-
cut, although we sometimes fail to act responsibly because of negligence and weakness of will.
We begin by illustrating how choices involving moral values enter into routine decisions during
technological development, punctuated by periodic moral dilemmas. Next we discuss some
aspects (or steps) in resolving ethical dilemmas, draw codes of ethics and comment on some
possible limitations in relying solely on codes for moral guidance.

4.3.2.Steps in Resolving Ethical Dilemmas

Reasonable solutions to ethical dilemmas are clear, informed, and well-reasoned. Clear refers to
moral clarity—clarity about which moral values are at stake and how they pertain to the
situation.It also refers to conceptual clarity—precision in using the key concepts (ideas)
applicable in the situation. Informed means knowing and appreciating the implications of
morally-relevant facts. In addition, it means being aware of alternative courses of action and
what they entail. Well-reasoned means that good judgment is exercised in integrating the
relevant moral values and facts to arrive at a morally desirable solution.

These characteristics of reasonable solutions also enter as steps in resolving ethical dilemmas. By
―steps‖ we do not mean single-file movements, but instead activities that are carried out jointly

and in repeating patterns. Thus, a preliminary survey of the applicable moral values and relevant
facts might be followed by conceptual clarification and additional fact gathering, which in turn
evince a more nuanced understanding of the applicable values and the implications of the
relevant facts. In discussing the example, we will illustrate the importance of professional codes
of ethics in identifying and highlighting applicable moral reasons. A chemical engineer working
in the environmental division of a computer manufacturing firm learns that her company might
be discharging unlawful amounts of lead and arsenic into the city sewer. The city processes the
sludge into a fertilizer used by local farmers. To ensure the safety of both the discharge and the
fertilizer, the city imposes restrictive laws on the discharge of lead and arsenic. Preliminary
investigations convince the engineer that the company should implement stronger pollution
controls, and Codes of Ethics but her supervisor tells her the cost of doing so is prohibitive and
that technically the company is in compliance with the law. She is also scheduled to appear
before town officials to testify in the matter. What should she do?

1. Moral clarity: Identify the relevant moral values. The most basic step in confronting ethical
dilemmas is to become aware of them! This means identifying the moral values and reasons
applicable in the situation, and bearing them in mind as further investigations are made.
These values and reasons might be obligations, rights, goods, ideals (which might be
desirable but not mandatory), or other moral considerations. Exactly how we articulate the
relevant values reflects our moral outlook. Another resource is talking with colleagues, who
can help sharpen our thinking about what is at stake in the situation. But the most useful
resource in identifying ethical dilemmas in engineering are professional codes of ethics, as
interpreted in light of one‘s ongoing professional experience.
2. Conceptual clarity: Be clear about key concepts. Professionalism requires being a faithful
agent of one‘s employer, but does that mean doing what one‘s supervisor directs or doing
what is good for the corporation in the long run? These might be different things, in
particular when one‘s supervisor is adopting a short-term view that could harm the long-term
interests of the corporation. Again, what does it mean to ―hold paramount the safety, health,
and welfare of the public‖ in the case at hand? Does it pertain to all threats to public health,
or just serious threats, and what is a ―serious‖ threat? Again, does being ―objective and
truthful‖ simply mean never lying (intentionally stating a falsehood), or does it mean
revealing all pertinent facts (withholding nothing important) and doing so in a way that gives

no preference to the interests of one‘s employer over the needs of the public to be informed
of hazards?
3. Informed about the facts: Obtain relevant information. This means gathering information that
is pertinent in light of the applicable moral values (as identified in step 1). Sometimes the
primary difficulty in resolving moral dilemmas is uncertainty about the facts, rather than
conflicting values per se. certainly in the case at hand, the chemical engineer needs to check
and recheck her findings, perhaps asking colleagues for their perspectives. Her corporation
seems to be violating the law, but is it actually doing so? We, like the engineer, need to know
more about the possible harm caused by the minute quantities of lead and arsenic over time.
How serious is it, and how likely to cause harm?
4. Informed about the options: Consider all (realistic) options. Initially, ethical dilemmas seem
to force us into a two-way choice: Do this or do that. Either bow to a supervisor‘s orders or
blow the whistle to the town authorities. A closer look often reveals additional options.
(Sometimes writing down the main options and sub options as a matrix or decision tree
ensures that all options are considered.) The chemical engineer might be able to suggest a
new course of research that will improve the removal of lead and arsenic. Or she might
discover that the city‘s laws are needlessly restrictive and should be revised. Perhaps she can
think of a way to convince her supervisor to be more open-minded about the situation,
especially given the possible damage to the corporation‘s image if it should later be found in
violation of the law. Unless an emergency develops, these and other steps should be
attempted before informing authorities outside the corporation—a desperate last resort,
especially given the likely penalties for whistle-blowing
5. Well-reasoned: Make a reasonable decision. Arrive at a carefully reasoned judgment by
weighing all the relevant moral reasons and facts. This is not a mechanical process that a
computer or algorithm might do for us. Instead, it is a deliberation aimed at integrating all the
relevant reasons, facts, and values—in a morally reasonable manner. If there is no ideal
solution, as is often the case, we seek a satisfactory one, ―satisficing.‖

4.3.3.Engineer’s ethics regarding to safety and risk

Thing is safe if its risks are judged to be acceptable. However, judgment depends on three things;
someone may under estimate, the other one over estimate or the third one no estimate at all.
Ethical engineers use scientific risk assessment and safety regulations. Thus, a thing is safe if,

were its risks fully known, those risks would be judged acceptable by reasonable persons in light
of their settled value principles.

In the other side, a risk is the potential that something unwanted and harmful may occur. Good
engineering practice has always been concerned with safety. But as technology‘s influence on
society has grown, so has public concern about technological risks increased. In addition to
measurable and identifiable hazards arising from the use of consumer products and from
production processes in factories, some of the less obvious effects of technology are now also
making their way to public consciousness.

A plane crashed because of landing gear problem, a building demolished because of structural
problem, and a fake kids‘ milk distributed worldwide are few examples to show the engineering
mistakes that affect the safety and risk.

4.3.4.Engineer’s ethics regarding to Environment

Like the word ethics, the expression environmental ethics can have several meanings. We use the
expression to refer to (1) the study of moral issues concerning the environment, and (2) moral
perspectives on those issues. Engineering as a profession should be responsible for all the
environmental agreements. Chemical pollution, water pollution, carbon emission, in general the
greenhouse emission are some the environmentally damaged by industries and products in which
engineers are critical players. This engineer‘s responsibility to environment is sometimes called
green engineering or sustainable design.

The same kind of competitive, unmalicious but unthinking, exploitation arises with all natural
resources held in common: air, land, forests, lakes, oceans, endangered species, and indeed the
entire biosphere. Hence, the tragedy of the commons remains a powerful image in thinking about
environmental challenges in today‘s era of increasing population and decreasing natural
resources. Its very simplicity, however, belies the complexity of many issues concerning
ecosystems and the biosphere. Ecosystems are systems of living organisms interacting with their
environment—for example, within deserts, oceans, rivers, and forests. The biosphere is the
entirety of the land, water, and atmosphere in which organisms live. Ecosystems and the
biosphere are themselves interconnected and do not respect national boundaries. There is need

for multifaceted and often concerted environmental responses by engineers, corporations,
government, market mechanisms, local communities, and social activists.

Furthermore, there is no single canonical professional attitude or philosophical ―green‖ attitude.

Individual engineers, like individuals in all professions, differ considerably in their views,
including their broader holistic views about the environment. What is important is that all
engineers should reflect seriously on environmental values and how they can best integrate them
into understanding and solving problems.

In many respects, engineers are singularly well-placed to make environmental contributions.

They can encourage and nudge corporations in the direction of greater environmental concern,
finding ways to make that concern economically feasible. At the very least, they can help ensure
that corporations obey applicable laws. In all these endeavors, they benefit from a supportive
code of ethics stating the shared responsibilities of the profession. Increasingly, engineering
codes of ethics explicitly refer to environmental responsibilities under the heading of sustainable

4.4. General rules (Fundamental Canon)

4.4.1. Importance of Codes

Codes of ethics state the moral responsibilities of engineers as seen by the profession and as
represented by a professional society. Because they express the profession‘s collective
commitment to ethics, codes are enormously important, not only in stressing engineers‘
responsibilities but also in supporting the freedom needed to meet them. Codes of ethics play at
least eight essential roles: serving and protecting the public, providing guidance, offering
inspiration, establishing shared standards, supporting responsible professionals, contributing to
education, deterring wrongdoing, and strengthening a profession‘s image.

1. Serving and protecting the public. Engineering involves advanced expertise that
professionals have and the public lacks, and also considerable dangers to a vulnerable public.
Accordingly, professionals stand in a fiduciary relationship with the public: Trust and
trustworthiness are essential. A code of ethics functions as a commitment by the profession
as a whole that engineers will serve the public health, safety, and welfare. In one way or
another, the remaining functions of codes all contribute to this primary function.
2. Guidance. Codes provide helpful guidance by articulating the main obligations of engineers.
Because codes should be brief to be effective, they offer mostly general guidance.
Nonetheless, when well written, they identify primary responsibilities. More specific
directions may be given in supplementary statements or guidelines, which tell how to apply
the code.
3. Inspiration. Because codes express a profession‘s collective commitment to ethics, they
provide a positive stimulus (motivation) for ethical conduct. In a powerful way, they voice
what it means to be a member of a profession committed to responsible conduct in promoting
the safety, health, and welfare of the public. Although this paramount ideal is somewhat
vague, it expresses a collective commitment to the public good that inspires individuals to
have similar aspirations.
4. Shared standards. The diversity of moral viewpoints among individual engineers makes it
essential that professions establish explicit standards, in particular minimum (but hopefully
5. Support for responsible professionals. Codes give positive support to professionals seeking to
act ethically. A publicly proclaimed code allows an engineer, under pressure to act
unethically, to say: ―I am bound by the code of ethics of my profession, which states that . . .‖
This by itself gives engineers some group backing in taking stands on moral issues.
Moreover, codes can potentially serve as legal support for engineers criticized for living
6. Education and mutual understanding. Codes can be used by professional societies and in the
classroom to prompt discussion and reflection on moral issues. Widely circulated and
officially approved by professional societies, codes encourage a shared understanding among
professionals, the public, and government organizations about the moral responsibilities of
7. Deterrence and discipline. Codes can also serve as the formal basis for investigating
unethical conduct. Where such investigation is possible, a deterrent for immoral behavior is
thereby provided. Such an investigation generally requires paralegal proceedings designed to
get at the truth about a given charge without violating the personal rights of those being
investigated. Unlike the American Bar Association and some other professional groups,
engineering societies cannot by themselves revoke the right to practice engineering in the
United States. Yet some professional societies do suspend or expel members whose

professional conduct has been proven unethical, and this alone can be a powerful sanction
when combined with the loss of respect from colleagues and the local community that such
action is bound to produce.
8. Contributing to the profession‘s image. Codes can present a positive image to the public of
an ethically committed profession. Where warranted, the image can help engineers more
effectively serve the public. It can also win greater powers of self-regulation for the
profession itself, while lessening the demand for more government regulation. The reputation
of a profession, like the reputation of an individual professional or a corporation, is essential
in sustaining the trust of the public.

4.4.2. Abuse of Codes

When codes are not taken seriously within a profession, they amount to a kind of window
dressing that ultimately increases public cynicism about the profession. Worse, codes
occasionally stifle dissent within the profession and are abused in other ways.

Probably the worst abuse of engineering codes is to restrict honest moral effort on the part of
individual engineers to preserve the profession‘s public image and protect the status quo.
Preoccupation with keeping a shiny public image may silence healthy dialogue and criticism.
And an excessive interest in protecting the status quo may lead to a distrust of the engineering
profession on the part of both government and the public. The best way to increase trust is by
encouraging and helping engineers to speak freely and responsibly about public safety and well-
being. This includes a tolerance for criticisms of the codes themselves, rather than allowing
codes to become sacred documents that have to be accepted uncritically. On rare occasions,
abuses have discouraged moral conduct and caused serious harm to those seeking to serve the

4.4.3.Limitations of Codes
Codes are no substitute for individual responsibility in grappling with concrete dilemmas. Most
codes are restricted to general wording, and hence inevitably contain substantial areas of
vagueness. Thus, they may not be able to straightforwardly address all situations. At the same
time, vague wording may be the only way new technical developments and shifting social and
organizational structures can be accommodated. Other uncertainties can arise when different

entries in codes come into conflict with each other. Usually codes provide little guidance as to
which entry should have priority in those cases.

For example, as we have noted, tensions arise between stated responsibilities to employers and to
the wider public. Again, duties to speak honestly—not just to avoid deception, but also to reveal
morally relevant truths—are sometimes in tension with duties to maintain confidentiality.

Review Questions
1. What makes the engineers ethics unique from other professions ethics
2. You have learnt as there are different engineering branches, take three types from them
and describe on the possible ethical problems that may happened in these.
3. Any nation may have its own code of conduct regarding to professional code of ethics.
Having this in mind, what are the professional codes of conduct in Ethiopia?
4. Assume that you are an engineer working in cement industry, what environmental ethics
regarding to the industry you think to have.
5. Computer ethics is one kind of engineering ethics. Describe the engineering ethics
regarding to computers.
6. Risk is inevitable phenomenon and unethical engineers may contribute if they can‘t
design safe technologies. Do you have ever listen catastrophic occasions which
happened because of poor safety consideration by engineers?
7. Why you learn about ethics?
8. What is ethical dilemma and how it can be resolved?

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