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Patient Satisfaction With Nursing Care

Author(s): Jafar Alasad, Nazih Abu Tabar and Mohannad Eid AbuRuz
Source: The Journal of Nursing Administration , November 2015, Vol. 45, No. 11
(November 2015), pp. 563-568
Published by: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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Volume 45, Number 11, pp 563-568
Copyright B 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.


Patient Satisfaction With Nursing Care

Measuring Outcomes in an International Setting

Jafar Alasad, PhD

Nazih Abu Tabar, MSc, RN
Mohannad Eid AbuRuz, PhD

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess often being reduced satisfaction or even dissatisfac-
patient satisfaction with nursing care. tion.1 The higher the perceived level of performance,
BACKGROUND: Patients_ satisfaction with nursing the more likely that expectations will be exceeded,
care is considered an important factor in explaining resulting in satisfaction.1 Patient satisfaction is a term
patients_ perceptions of service quality. that can be interpreted differently by patients; its
METHODS: The study was conducted in a major meaning can also differ for the same patient at dif-
tertiary hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. An explor- ferent times.2,3 Patient satisfaction has been defined
atory approach utilizing cross-sectional survey de- Bas the patient_s perception of care received compared
sign was used. Data were collected from 424 patients with the care expected.[4(p15) Aiello et al5 concluded
through patients_ interviews using the Arabic version that patients base their expectations on their encoun-
of the Newcastle Satisfaction With Nursing Scale. ters with behaviors of nurses. Bowling indicated that
RESULTS: The results showed a high level of satis- there is prevalent recognition in health policy of the
faction among patients in all hospital areas. Female significance of evaluating health services from pa-
patients were significantly more satisfied than males tients_ perspectives and that patients_ evaluations of
with no differences among other groups. their healthcare are now an established component
CONCLUSION: Patient satisfaction with nursing of quality assessment, mainly through surveys of
care remains an important factor in explaining pa- patient satisfaction.6
tients_ perceptions of service quality. International
healthcare settings should systematically monitor the
relationship between nursing care and experience to The Relevance of Patient Satisfaction
support quality care provision. Patient_s satisfaction is an essential component in
assessing quality of healthcare.7,8 According to
Satisfaction results from meeting expectations. The O_Connor et al,9 BIt_s the patient_s perspective that
higher one_s expectations, the less service average per- is increasingly being viewed as a meaningful indica-
formance can meet or exceed them, with the result tor of health services quality and may, in fact, repre-
Author Affiliations: Associate Professor (Dr Alasad), Faculty of sent the most important perspective.[9(p32) Satisfaction
Nursing, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan; Lecturer (Mr Abu Tabar), and quality assessment are often used interchangeably,
College of Nursing, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health and although they have some elements in common,
Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; and Assistant Professor (Dr AbuRuz),
Department of Clinical Nursing, Applied Science University, Amman, satisfaction is generally recognized as the broader
Jordan. concept that can be viewed at the individual service
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. encounter (transaction) level or at a more global level,
Correspondence: Dr Alasad, Faculty of Nursing, University of
Jordan, Amman, 11942, Jordan ( encompassing all experiences with an organization.3
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct The quality of nursing care significantly influences
URL citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the patient satisfaction. Quality nursing care can be defined
HTML and PDF versions of this article on the journal_s Web site
( as care carried out by nurses meeting the patients_
DOI: 10.1097/NNA.0000000000000264 expectations.10 Patient satisfaction with nursing care

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is considered an increasingly important factor in ex- younger than 18 years. Patients meeting the inclusion
plaining patients_ perceptions of service quality.10,11,12 criteria were invited to participate. To determine the
Perceptions about what is quality nursing care differ sample size, Cohen_s24 technique for power analysis
between nurses and patients and across care settings.13 was used. The sample size was computed based on
Zhang13 indicated that patients find satisfaction in the t test for independent means (2-tailed). The as-
aspects other than the technical expertise of the hos- sumption in using the t test is that the populations_
pital staff, primarily the human aspect of caring.13 samples are normally distributed and that they are
For hospitalized patients, satisfaction represents a homogeneous. The G*Power 3.0.10 software (Franz
balance between the patient_s perception and expec- Faul 2008; Kiel University, Germany) was used to
tation of their nursing care.14 Patients_ satisfaction compute sample size.25 A total sample of 200 partic-
has been widely advocated as an outcome measure ipants was obtained for an ! of .05, a power of 0.80,
of quality nursing care.15,16 Measures of patient satis- and medium effect size of 0.40. The actual sample
faction have been found to correlate directly with treat- obtained in the study was 424 patients.
ment compliance, nursing quality, and outcome of care.10
Studies have demonstrated varying results con-
cerning the relationship between patient characteris-
Data Collection and Instrument
tics and patient satisfaction with nursing care.16,17 Patients_ satisfaction with nursing care was assessed
The patients_ ability to evaluate their care is dimin- using the Newcastle Satisfaction With Nursing Scale
ished when they do not have enough knowledge about (NSNS),26 Arabic version.10 The NSNS is considered
their condition.18 Research indicates that older people parsimonious and empirically supported. The scale
tend to be more satisfied with most aspects of hospital provides information about nursing quality from pa-
care than do younger people.10,19 In addition, patients tients_ perspectives. In addition, specific items of the
might be reluctant to be honest when assessed for scale can be used to monitor particular aspects of nurs-
their satisfaction if they feel that they may be iden- ing practice. Scale scores could be monitored over
tified because of fears of retaliation by care providers. time to build up population norms. The NSNS in-
Because patient satisfaction is a subjective evaluation cludes demographic information, satisfaction with
about the care received, it must be assessed from the nursing care scale, and 1 item scale (7-point response
patients_ perspectives.16 scale) of overall patient satisfaction.26 The satisfac-
Few studies report patient satisfaction with tion with nursing care part consists of 19 items. All
health services in Saudi Arabia or other areas in the items are scored on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = not at
Middle East.20-22 Data reporting satisfaction with all satisfied, 2 = barely satisfied, 2 = quite satisfied,
nursing care are limited in number and relatively re- 4 = very satisfied, and 5 = completely satisfied). The
cent.8,15,23 Study findings are inconsistent and high- total score was computed and transformed to yield
light the need for further research. This study is 1 of an overall satisfaction score of 0 to 100, where 100
few studies to report Saudi patient satisfaction with denote complete satisfaction. The 1-item scale on over-
nursing care and contributes to the literature. all patient satisfaction serves as stand-alone scale and
used to check validity and reliability of participants_
Purpose response in the total score of the 19-item scale. The
The purpose of this study, a cross-sectional survey de- NSNS was found to be valid and reliable in previous
sign, was to assess patient satisfaction with nursing care studies.10,11,27 The Arabic version of the scale was
at King Abdulaziz Medical City in Riyadh (KAMC-R), translated from English by Alasad and Ahmad.10
which is 1 of the main tertiary hospitals in Saudi Arabia. Translation and back-translation was conducted by
2 professionals and checked for face and content val-
idity by a panel of bilingual nursing experts. Beaton and
Participants and Setting colleagues_28 guidelines for adaptation of self-reported
The study sample constituted all patients who were measures were used to guide the translation process.
admitted to medical, surgical, and obstetrics and gy- Alasad and Ahmad10 reported Cronbach_s ! internal
necology wards at KAMC-R during the period of consistency reliability of the Arabic version of the NSNS
data collection. Inclusion criteria for the participants to be .93. In the current study, Cronbach_s ! was .92.
included the following: (1) be 18 years or older, (2) A total of 446 patients admitted to KAMC-R
have been in the ward for 2 nights or more, (3) alert between October 2011 and December 2012 meeting
and oriented, and (4) agree to give informed consent the inclusion criteria were invited to participate. Four
to participate in the study. Exclusion criteria included hundred twenty-four of the patients (95%) who were
the following: patients in critical care areas or other invited agreed to participate. Data were collected through
specialized units, day-care patients, and patients standardized interview with patients by a single trained

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data collector. The data collector read the scale items, plore differences among groups of patients in relation
and participants were asked to rate their satisfaction to satisfaction and selected aspects of care.
with nursing care by selecting 1 number best describ-
ing their opinion in each item of the scale. Patients Results
were able to read through each item while listening to A total of 424 patients participated in the study;
it read by the data collector. Patients_ responses were 62.7% (n = 266) of them were female. Participants_
then filled in the questionnaire by the data collector. average age was 43.7 (SD, 17.4) years, and the ma-
jority (76.2%, n = 323) had less than high school
Ethical Considerations education, with 91 (21.5 %) reported as illiterate.
Participation on the study was voluntary and based Median length of hospitalization was 6 nights with a
on informed consent. The study was reviewed and range of 2 to 70 for all patients. Most participants (n =
approved by the institutional review board (IRB) at 336) were residents of the central region of Saudi Arabia
KAMC-R. Ethical integrity was monitored by a re- and are described in the Table, Supplemental Digital
search coordinator reporting directly to the IRB. Pe- Content 1,
riodic reports were submitted to the IRB on the process The mean satisfaction score for all participants
of data collection, consenting of participants, and was 90.67%, which means that patients were highly
protection of their rights. satisfied. Table 1 shows the mean (scale of 5) satis-
faction score for all items of the satisfaction scale for
all participants and for medical, surgical, and gyne-
Data Management and Analysis
cological patients. Items are sorted according to the
All descriptive and inferential statistics were com- total mean. The highest (mean, 4.83) satisfaction was
puted using the Statistical Package for the Social with the item Bthe amount of privacy nurses gave
Sciences (SPSS) version 20 (New York). Preliminary you,[ and the lowest (mean, 4.17) satisfaction was
data analysis was conducted to describe the study for the item Bhow quickly nurses came when you called
sample and report mean of satisfaction for the entire for them[ for all patients.
sample and among groups. Satisfaction with differ- The result of ANOVA revealed no significant dif-
ent aspects of care was presented based on the mean ferences between medical, surgical, and gynecological
score of individual items. Inferential statistics (t test wards (P > .05) in the overall satisfaction scores and in
and analysis of variance [ANOVA]) were used to ex- all individual items of the satisfaction scale. Table 2

Table 1. Mean Satisfaction Score for Items of the Satisfaction Scale for All Patients
Medical Surgical Obstetrics/Gynecology
Scale Item All (N = 424) (n = 141) (n = 124) (n = 159)

The amount of privacy nurses gave you 4.83 4.76 4.78 4.92
Nurses_ awareness of your needs 4.79 4.75 4.72 4.88
How willing nurses were to respond to your requests 4.78 4.74 4.72 4.86
Nurses_ treatment of you as an individual 4.69 4.75 4.68 4.65
How nurses listened to your worries and concerns 4.66 4.70 4.66 4.62
Nurses_ manner in going about their work 4.60 4.69 4.58 4.53
The type of information nurses gave to you about your 4.54 4.59 4.51 4.52
condition and treatment
The amount of time nurses spent with you 4.54 4.60 4.47 4.55
Nurses_ helpfulness 4.53 4.59 4.45 4.52
The amount of freedom you were given on the ward 4.53 4.60 4.46 4.51
How nurses helped put your relatives_ or friends_ minds at rest 4.53 4.63 4.43 4.52
How capable nurses were at the their job 4.51 4.49 4.42 4.61
The amount nurses knew about your care 4.49 4.56 4.37 4.49
The way nurses explained things to you 4.49 4.50 4.44 4.52
How often nurses checked to see if you were okay 4.45 4.39 4.40 4.54
The amount of information nurses gave you about your 4.41 4.46 4.33 4.43
condition and treatment
The way the nurses made you feel at home 4.33 4.39 4.29 4.31
They are always being a nurse around if you needed one 4.18 4.15 4.18 4.22
How quickly nurses came when you called for them 4.17 4.10 4.17 4.23
Overall, how would you rate the nursing care you received in 6.22 6.20 6.05 6.33
this ward (1-item scale) 4.44 4.45 4.32 4.52

P > .05 for all items among the groups.

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reports the total satisfaction score for all patients and may have led to high patient satisfaction, which would
total satisfaction for medical, surgical, and gyneco- improve hospital care safety and quality.2
logical patients with the F statistics and P value. The high satisfaction in this study is consistent
Testing for differences in satisfaction between with other studies that also reported high satisfaction
age groups and educational level revealed no signif- scores.10,19,30 Ervin3 pointed out that studies of pa-
icant differences (P > .05) among these groups of tient satisfaction with nursing care have demonstrated
patients. However, female patients were more satis- high levels of satisfaction in general but still need to
fied than males as the t test revealed significant dif- be linked to patient outcomes such as health status.
ference (P < .05) between males and females in the In this study, data about patient outcomes were not
total satisfaction score and in the 1-item scale of collected and should be the focus of a future study to
overall satisfaction. Furthermore, there was signifi- explore the relationship of satisfaction and health
cant correlation (0.54, P < .01) between total patients_ status of patients. High satisfaction with nursing care
scores in the 19-item satisfaction scale and the 1-item may imply that the care has been individualized and
scale on overall patient satisfaction. that the nursing assessment and care were effective
during hospitalization.3
Several studies found that patients treated on
surgical wards reported higher satisfaction than pa-
The purpose of this study was to assess patient sat- tients treated on medical wards.10,19,31 In the current
isfaction with nursing care at KAMC-R at 1 of the study, there was no significant difference in satisfac-
main tertiary hospitals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. tion scores between patients treated on surgical wards
Most previous satisfaction studies collected data from and those on medical wards. Medical patients usually
patients after discharge, relying on patients_ retro- have several chronic health problems that negatively
spective experience of the care they received.16 Data affect their level of satisfaction, whereas most surgical
in this study were collected from patients during patients are treated for more acute health problems
their stay in the hospital and therefore report cur- that have tangible outcomes on their health status.32
rent patient satisfaction with nursing care. The issue This issue needs to be explored further as it is most
of low response rates related to postal questionnaires likely the health status and patient_s treatment out-
was avoided in this study by having a research as- come that have the greater effect on their satisfaction
sistant collect data concurrently during the inpa- rather than the ward where they were treated.6
tient stay. Patients_ gender and level of education have been
This study demonstrated a high level of satisfac- reported to affect level of patient satisfaction in pre-
tion by patients (mean, 90.67%). This is in contrast vious studies.19,33,34 In this study, female patients were
with low satisfaction reported in other Saudi hospi- significantly more satisfied with the nursing care than
tals.23 The high level of satisfaction could be due to males. This finding is inconsistent with previous re-
the quality of nursing services provided. KAMC-R search where male patients tended to have a positive
was opened in May 1983. The facility has been ap- experience of nursing care more often than did female
proved by The Joint Commission international stan- patients.8,35,36 The majority of nurses at KAMC-R
dards with excellent performance. The nursing services are females, and in medical-surgical wards, female
department incorporates an international workforce patients are usually cared for by female nurses, whereas
of almost 4000 personnel comprised of professional male patients are cared for by male and female nurses.
nurses, paranursing, auxiliary, and support staff.29 The gender of the individual nurse related to patient
Organizational culture including recruitment stan- satisfaction is not reported in this study.
dards, financial benefits, and the retention of a qual- The level of education in this study was not found
ified and committed nursing workforce at KAMC-R to have significant effect on patient satisfaction as

Table 2. Total Satisfaction (%) and SD for All Patients According to Area of Admission and
F Statistics
Patient_s Category Mean % n SD F Statistics P

Medical 91.08 141 9.41 0.890 .411

Surgical 89.64 124 11.27
Obstetrics and gynecology 91.12 159 10.11
All patients (total) 90.67 424 10.24

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there was no significant difference among patients The highest 5 items of satisfaction were the amount
with different levels of education. In other studies, of privacy nurses gave you, nurses_ awareness of your
patients with higher levels of education were signif- needs, how willing nurses were to respond to your
icantly less satisfied with nursing care than patients requests, nurses_ treatment of you as an individual,
with lower educational level.37<39 It has been sug- and how nurses listened to your worries and concerns.
gested that patients with high level of education have The lowest 5 items of satisfaction were how often
higher expectations of the standard of care and therefore nurses checked to see if you were okay, the amount of
demand greater individual alignment of their care.10,11 information nurses gave you about your condition
The significant correlation between total pa- and treatment, the way nurses made you feel at home,
tients_ scores in the 19-item satisfaction scale and the they are always being a nurse around if you needed
1-item scale on overall patient satisfaction (0.54, P < one, and how quickly nurses came when you called for
.01) reflects the internal consistency of the satisfac- them. Result of the study could be used to improve
tion scale and would support the use of the 1-item specific aspects of nursing care as it highlights main
scale as a standalone scale of satisfaction. Overall, areas in which patients were less satisfied. Results
Cronbach_s ! for the scale was .92, which is consid- can be further used to enhance decisions at an exec-
ered to be reliable in measuring patient satisfaction utive level in nursing management, in planning and
and consistent with previously reported reliability co- maintaining quality care nursing services. The reten-
efficients for the same scale. tion of a qualified and committed nursing workforce
should lead to high patient satisfaction with care and
Limitations improve hospital care safety and quality in general.
Relationship of patient satisfaction with health status Further research to link patient satisfaction with their
was not examined in this study. Such data would have health status and outcomes is recommended across a
been valuable in showing the effect of health status variety of care settings and cultures.
on satisfaction as a patient outcome. Satisfaction in
this study was examined only during hospitalization Acknowledgments
using cross-sectional design; it would be worth know- Thank you to the deanship of academic research, Uni-
ing how patient satisfaction changed after discharge. versity of Jordan because this research was conducted
In addition, the convenience sampling used in the during sabbatical leave granted to the author by the
study limits its external validity. Also, cultural norms University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan. The authors
may influence the outcomes when conducted in 1 site thank King Abdullah International Medical Research
in the Middle East. Center at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for
Health Sciences for their approval of the project and
for providing data collectors. They also thank Joan
Murray, associate executive director, Nursing Services,
Level of patient satisfaction with nursing care was KAMC-R, for facilitating data collection; College of
high (90.67%) at KAMC-R. Age, level of education, Nursing, KSAU-HS for their support; research coor-
and place of admission were not found to have sig- dinator Hani Fanoush for his efforts in coordinating
nificant effect of patient satisfaction with care. Female data collection; and Prof Mohga Refai for contribu-
patients were significantly more satisfied than males. tions during proposal submission.


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