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E X T R A S O F T ( I N D O O R  +  O U T D O O R )

design Piero Lissoni

Modular elements of different dimensions available for indoor and Outdoor version: frame in steel lacquered for outdoor for bases
outdoor. and in steel lacquered for outdoor and plywood for outdoor for
Indoor version: frame in double-paneled poplar and pine. Support in backrest and armrests. For bases only, support in cross-woven,
cross-woven coated rubber elastic straps. Padding in differentiated coated rubber elastic straps and hooks in Stainless Steel for outdoor.
density polyurethane foam covered with a quilted mat in prewashed Padding with open cell structure polyurethane foam DRYFEEL S,
and sterilized goose down, stitched into separate compartments or, with a quilted mat in fibre for outdoor covered with waterproof
on request, padding in differentiated density polyurethane foam with fabric protection. Upholstery with outdoor fabrics only, fully
a mat covered with acrylic fibre layers. Fabric or leather upholstery, removable by Velcro fastenings. Both versions are with black
both fully removable by Velcro fastenings. adjustable PVC feet. The various elements are joined together by
means of hooks.
Seat depth: 68-94-120-134 cm.

All elements can be ordered 5 to 10cm higher than standard. For 146cm and 172cm armrests and backrests with upholstery in floral, textured or velvet fabrics or in
leather, there is always a central stitching.
On request, all indoor elements can be covered with the mat in acrylic fibre layers,
instead of goose down. The various elements are joined together by means of hooks, as per the instructions supplied with the
On request can be ordered a spacer, to lift the elements of further 4cm, to be screwed
to the standard feet. Hooks for assembly elements with Hooks for assembly elements with
standard feet in PVC. feet with spacers.



For the outdoor version it is recommended to place the elements on the floor; for placing
the elements on the lawn it is recommended to use feet with spacers.

Furthermore, especially after rain or during period of high humidity, it is recommended to periodically
separate the different elements and / or to temporarily lift the seat / backrest / armrest cushions to
allow a complete drying of the same and to avoid the accumulation of dirt and humidity that might
cause mildew. To improve the life of the product, it is also recommended to protect it with the
“Outdoor Covering”; remember that this covering is water vapour repellent and prevents mould and
corrosion. It can be washed with water and soap.

For composition with different elements, please attach a general sketch to the order.
Technical Drawings Modello " EXTRASOFT "
Modello " EXTRASOFT " Examples of Composition
Modello " EXTRASOFT " / sedute
base Braccioli / armrest
Base base / sedute
base / sedute Modello " EXTRASOFT "
Braccioli / armrest
Braccioli / armrest
Armrest Composition 01 Composition 02
base / sedute Braccioli / armrest
68 154 154 30/ 30/
35 68 46 51
35 68 46 51
35 4 46 4 51
4 4
4 68 4 51
35 68 94 94 46 51 94 94
68 94 94 51 94 94
68 94 4 94 51 94 494

68 94 94 51 94 94
94 51
94 46 51 154 154 30/ 30/
94 46 51
35 46 4
35 4 4 154 154 154 154
35 4 94 4 51
4 46 120 120
35 94 94 94 120 120
94 94 94 120 120
94 94 4 94
120 120
94 94 94
68 46 51
68 46 51
35 68 46 4 51
35 4 4
35 4 4 51
4 68 46 146 146 154 154 154 154
146 146
35 68
120 146 146 4
68 1204 120
146 146
68 120 120
46 51
94 46 51
94 46 4 51
94 4
35 4 51
35 4 46 172 172
35 4 94 172 172
4 172 172 4
35 94 120 120
94 120 120
94 120 4 120 172 172
schienale / backrest
94 120 120 schienale / backrest
schienale / backrest
schienale / backrest
120 63 51
120 63 51
63 4 51
35 120 4
35 4 63 4
35 4 51
4 51 94 94
120 120 120 51 94 94
35 51 94
120 120 4 120
120 120 120 ESOE068 ESOB120A ESOE968 ESOB094B
51 94 94
120 120 120 63 51 ESOE994 ESOB094A ESOE094 ESOB120A
63 51
94 63 4 51 ESOE968 ESOB094B ESOE094 ESOB094A
94 4
35 63 4 51 ESOE094 ESOB120B ESOE094 ESOB094A
35 4 120 120
35 4 94 120 120
4 ESOE134 ESOB120B
4 120 120
35 94 134 134 ESOE994
94 134 134
94 134 4 134 120 120
128 128 41/ 41/
63 51
94 134 134 63 51
63 4 51
63 4 51
146 146
cuscini / cushions 146 146
146 4 Composition 03 Composition 04
cuscini /Cushion
cuscini / cushions 146
146 146
cuscini / cushions 63 060 060
63 51 077 077
70 63 51 190 128 41/ 41/
50 50 70 4 51
50 50 70 4
50 50 63 4 51
70 172 172
172 172
70 70 172 172 4
50 70 70
50 70 70 172 172
50 70 70
077 060 060



The commercial codes refer to the elements chosen

in the above-proposed compositions.

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