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The PWlOO Engine: 20 Years of Gas

Turbine Technology Evolution
E. Hosking, D. P. Kenny, R. I. McCormick
S. H. Moustapha, P. Sampath, A. A. Smailys
Pratt & Whitney CanadaInc.,
1000Marie Victorin
Longueuil, QuebecJ4G 1Al

Engine Model PWl20 PWl27 PW150
The PWIOOthree-spoolturbopropengine family has been Year (Program Launch) 1979 1990 1995
designed for the commuter, utility and executive aircraft markets. Weight (Kg) 417 401 690
The first PW 100 engine, with a thermal power rating of 1780 Kw, Thermal Power (Kw) 1762 2457 4981
entered service in the mid-1980s. Growth through increased pres- Power/Weight (KwlKg) 4.27 5.11 7.22
sure ratio and turbine inlet temperature as well as application of Max. gearbox power (Kw) 1491 2050 3761
new technology has allowed the power of the engine to reach 4980 ESFC (KglKwlhr) ,286 ,273 ,255
Kw for the latest PW150. This paper will highlight examples of Turbine Inlet Temp. (“C) X X+58O x+1870
this technical evolution covering the cold and hot end, gearbox, Compressor Flow Kglsec 6.70 6.49 14.44
installation and control systems and the application of the latest Pressure ratio 12.14 15.77 17.97
three-dimensional aerodynamic and stress analysis to the design
of the different components. Control Supervisory Full a&c&y Full authority
digital elsctronic digital electronic digital eleztronic
Introduction cmlrol with control with dual channel
mechanic& hydro mechanical control
The first PWlOO entered service in 1985. Since then the fami- back up back up
ly has grown to over thirty models and has accumulated in excess Initial Installation DeHaviland ATR-72 Bombardier
of forty three million hours of operational experience. The prin- Dash&l00 Dash8400
ciple application of the engine has been in the regional aircraft
market although the engine has also been modified to suit a water-
bomber, industrial applications and it has been adapted to super Fig. 2 Evolution of the PWlOO engine
charge a piston engine in a high altitude aircraft. A few statistics
on the engine are presented in Figure 1. Installations include the PW120 to PW127 Power Growth
DeHavilland Dash 8 series of regional aircraft, Avions de In order to achieve power growth within the same engine size
Transport Regional ATR 42 and ATR 72 series of regional aircraft, as the original PWlOO, advancements have been made in all rele-
the Domier Do328 and Embraer’s EMB 120 regional aircraft. vant engineering specialist technologies including compressor and
turbine aerodynamics, materials and structural analysis of rotating
Engine Delivered .._.: .._.._,..,.,,...._,...........,.,,..,,...............,.,,,..,.,.,... 4,325
components and of the static structure of the whole engine.
Certified aircrafl applications .,_,....._.____,,...,.,.,,...............,....,,.,,.....,... 12 Increased cycle temperature has been made possible, in particular,
by better nickel-based alloys. This combined with a 50% increase
Different operators .. .. .. ..._........_............,.,..,.,.,....,........,...,,,,,,.,,....,.. 249
in the engine mass flow has enabled the power growth (Figure 3 )
Regional operators .._......_.,,...,_._.......,,.,,..,,.,,............,.,,,................. 203

Aircraft . ... . .. .. ...__._......................................................................... 1,827 5500

Countries of operation .,,.,..,.,__._._..._......,,,.,...............,..,.................... 88

5000 -
Fleet operating time (hrs) . ... .. .. .. ... . ..__._............................... 43,112.700

High time engine (hrs) ..,.,..__,...........,.,....,.................................. 29,260

g 4500 -
Highest time between ove~aul_..._..,....,_,..._...............,..,........... 12,000
Fig. 1 PWlOO engine statistics i 4000 -

The general configuration has been constant throughout the life %

of the engine program. It features a three shaft layout comprising $ 3500 -
the high pressure rotor, the low pressure rotor and the power tur- .o
bine rotor. Growth through evolution and application of technolo- E 3000 -
gy has allowed the power of the engine to grow from 1780 Kw to
4980 Kw (Figure 2).
: 2500 -
Since inception, the engines have been controlled electronical- c
ly. The earlier models incorporate supervisory electronic systems
with hydro-mechanical back-up. Later versions have progressed 2000
from full authority electronic systems with hydro-mechanical t Ii0
back-up to a full authority, dual channel electronic control on the 15001 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 1
1978 1980 1962 1964 1986 1968 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998
PWI 50 engine. The electronic control supports multiple rating Year
structures in some variants.
Fig. 3 PWlOO power growth

Paper presented at the RTO AVT Symposium on “Design Principles and Methods for Aircrafi Gas Turbine Engines”,
held in Toulouse, France, II-I.5 May 1998, and published in RTO MP-8.

g 6.5
123 .g
II e
125B E 6.0
I217 I':7D .cn
127C 3
z 5.5

B 127 127D
.oE '1'
I:” 127C

$ 4.5 I

0.25 1 I I I I I I I I I 3.51 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I
197819801982198419861988199019921994 19961 8 1978 1980 1982 19841986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 19!98
Year Year
Fig. 4 PWlOO fuel comsumption evolotion Fig. 5 PWlOO specific power evolution

Fig. 6 PW120 gas turbine

Fig. 7 PW150 gas turbine

while specific fuel consumption improvement ( Figure 4 ) has
resulted from increased cycle pressure ratio and improved compo-
nent efficiencies. Increasing mass flow and pressure ratio have
resulted in higher relative Mach numbers along with higher blade
loading. Power to weight ratios have improved while maintaining
high durability ( Figure 5 ).
The high pressure rotor carries a centrifugal compressor and a
single stage cooled turbine ( Figure 6 ). The low pressure rotor car-
ries a centrifugal compressor and a single stage turbine. In the low
power versions of the engine this turbine is completely uncooled.
In the high power variants the turbine vane is cooled. The higher
power variants require some form of shroud bleed on the com-
pressor and an electronically controlled handling bleed valve. The
power turbine rotor features a two stage shrouded turbine which
delivers power to a reduction gearbox featuring two stages of
speed reduction. The reduction ratio varies from 15.4: 1 to 17.2: 1
depending on the model.

PW127 to PW150 Power Growth Fig. 8 PWlOO inlet system

The year 1995 saw the start of the PW150 engine model devel-
opment with a goal to certify the engine in mid 1998. This engine
rated at nearly 5000 Kw thermally (Figure 2) uses the general lay-
out of the PWlOO series engines. Again a three spool contigura-
tion has been used with the following significant configuration
changes ( Figure 7 ): the low pressure compressor features three
axial stages, and the low pressure turbine vane and blade are
cooled. Overall the engine is much larger than the PWlOO series
accommodating a 75% increase in mass flow through the gas path
while delivering 80% more mechanical power through an uprated
gearbox. A 130 degree C increase in turbine inlet temperature has
been realized through the use of advanced alloys and advanced
cooling technology in the combustor and the turbines. To accom- Experimental Data CFD 3D-prediction
modate the length increase while maintaining acceptable dynamic
characteristics, the power turbine shaft has been fitted with an Fig. 9 PW150 intake total pressure profiles

additional bearing supporting the rear of the power turbine assem-

bly. The engine also features a two channel FADEC control with-
out mechanical back-up.

Compressor Technology
The PWIOO compressor has evolved through twenty years of
research and development. The original arrangement of two con-
tra-rotating centrifugal compressor stages on concentric shafts has
grown to a family of four different low-pressure stages, all with a
common high-pressure stage. The higher specific speed demands
of the PWl50 engine have recently lead to the introduction of a
three stage axial low-pressure compressor, in combination with a
centrifugal high-pressure compressor stage. All PWlOO models Fig. 10 3D multistage viscous analysis for PW150 low pressure compressor
use pipe diffuser, first introduced on PT6 engines, because of its
demonstrated superior performance and compactness (Kenny,
1973). The fundamental qualities of high performance, mgged-
ness, and reliability with long-life critical- parts, have been main-
tained on all models.
Compressor performance has been developed by testing in a
gas generator facility, in which the power turbine is replaced by an
adjustable valve to obtain individual stage maps. Compressor
intake performance has also been verified in an intake and exhaust
facility, which permits detailed instrumentation to be installed.
Aerodynamic analysis codes have advanced dramatically in
twenty years. Beginning with blade-to-blade Euler analyses
linked to a robust finite-element throughflow code, and progress-
ing via a three-dimensional Euler program, today a three-dimen-
sional viscous code (Habashi et al, 1992) is in routine use in the
design of centrifugal impellers and diffusers.
The air induction system of the PWlOO turboprop family of
engines is characterized by an S-shaped intake providing a transi-
tion from a quasi-rectangular cross-section at the nacelle inlet to
an annular cross-section at the entry to the low pressure compres- Fig. 11 3D finite element model of PW127 impeller
sor ( Figure 8 ). Such a duct is considered ideal for high ram recov-
PWlso Mochlnod Fuel Nor&a
1 upleu

Fig. 12 PW150 combnab ar compared to PW127

(c) Aom&ermo heat tmnsfer

Fig. 13 PW150 combostol r q omerical modelling

ery and, coupled with a bypassing portion, for good ice and for- PW150 compressor, with excellent results as shown in Figure 9
eign object damage protection. Since its inception in early PWlOO (Robichaud et al., 1997). The design of the axial low-pressure
applications, the inlet system concept has undergone some refine- compressor of the PW150 engine has also benefitted from the
ments to improve performance and separation efftciency. Ice pro- application of a three-dimensional multi-stage Navier-Stokes
tection of the customer supplied nacelle inlet is accomplished solver (Rhie et al., 1995) as illustrated in Figure 10.
using either pneumatic boots or electrical de-icing systems. Both
have been successfully implemented in revenue service. Viscous On early PWlOO engines, rotating stall produced a loud, low-
3D code has been used recently in the design of the intake for the frequency tone accompanied by a large amount of broadband

noise. The combination of these could, in some instances, have 1993). In addition, work is underway on the industrial derivative
resulted in aircraft noise exceeding regulatory limits. Since the of the PWI 50-ST30 which will eventually have dry low emission
low-frequency tone could not be effectively attenuated by sound technology for both liquid and gaseous fuels.
treatment, it was eliminated by modifying the low-pressure
impeller design and the bleed valve schedule. Building on the expe Turbine Technology
rience from previous models, the PWl50 low pressure compressor
incorporates features that eliminated rotating stall from the outset. Figure 14 shows the improvement in the turbine efficiency of
the PWIOO models over the last 20 years. Compressor turbine
Structural analysis of the compressor is conducted with three- efficiencies have, on average, increased despite the increased
dimensional finite element codes as shown in Figure 11, using cooling flow, requirements for higher turbine temperatures and
temperature distributions obtained from both steady-state and higher aerofoil Mach number. The PW150 design used a full hot
transient thermal analyses. The complete compressor assembly is end 3D multistage viscous simulation compared with the compo-
analyzed over the mission cycle to study the changes in tip clear- nent or stage analyses performed on early PWlOOs. These codes,
ances with changes in centrifugal and thermal loads. Compressor coupled with research, have allowed, for example, the optimiza-
geometry is optimized to give the best Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) tion of vane end wall contouring (Moustapha and Williamson,
life, while satisfying often-conflicting dynamic, aerodynamic, and 1986) and aerofoil leans that have reduced secondary flow vorti-
weight requirements. The predicted LCF life is substantiated by cal strength and radial pressure gradients. This has also resulted
thorough spin-pit testing, while rotor forgings are continuously in better integration with downstream blade rows. Blade tip
monitored for the required quality. This process ensures the reli- geometries and loadings have been analyzed in recent designs
ability of published LCF lives. with 3D viscous solvers to optimize the tip leakage loss and down-
stream incidence effects on vanes. Research on optimal aerofoil
State-of-the-art technology is used to manufacture the com- loading (Moustapha et al., 1987) has helped increase blade load-
pressor rotors. The design and manufacture of rotors has been ing coefficients throughout the compressor turbines so reduced
integrated to allow the flank of a conical cutter to finish a blade aerofoil counts are achieved, with little or no eficiency penalties.
surface in one pass (Wu, 1994). The compressor of the PWl50 Cooled aerofoils in the more recent engines have been optimized
engine incorporates such flank-milled Integrally Bladed Rotors to
with an integrated approach. Aerodynamics and durability consid-
improve LCF life and reduce part count. Rotor blades are erations have resulted in more optimal vane leading edge shapes
extrude-honed after machining to improve surface texture, and for heat load and reduced cooling flows and losses. The feasibili-
critical regions are peened to enhance LCF life. ty of reducing aerofoil unsteadiness, through aerofoil spacing
and/or clocking, was for the first time introduced in the design
Combustion Technology process.
In recent years, major strides have been made in making com-
bustors small, to ensure compact installation in engines. The com-
bustor for the PWl50 represents a very compact design, with the
overall size only slightly larger than the PWlOO, yet capable of g 7 HPT

more than twice the power (Figure 12). This higher loading has g1
been facilitated by the use of advanced numerical tools, which E
enable more efficient use of combustor space. Lessons learned B
from PWlOO have been applied to this design. The demands from g0
the combustion system include combustion efftciencies exceeding LPT
99.5% over most of the operating range, exit conditions matching .z -1
0 Size. research 8
turbine requirements, cold starts down to -45’C, low exhaust 3D CFD
smoke, good stability and relight characteristics. With the use of E
highly sophisticated numerical simulation methods, such as steady g.- -2 2 -\
state and unsteady CFD, the performance of the PWl50 was opti- z fe
-5 5:: 2x ‘\ k3 - - _ _ _ _ - - a; ’ ksed Mach
mized without resorting to any rig testing, a first in the entire T 8 stage loading
industry (Figure 13). Combustor exit profiles were optimized by -3
l! 5 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
3D viscous methods and the hardware has shown performance Year of Certification
consistant with the predicted temperature profiles. The PW150
Fig. 14 Evolution of PWlOO turbine effkiency
was designed with 12 aerating fuel nozzles, two fewer than in the
PWIOO family. To ensure good integration with the combustor
flow fields, the fuel nozzle design was undertaken in house , a first
at P&WC. These nozzles have fuel flow passages exceeding 0.46
mm thus minimizing coke formation, and the atomization charac-
teristics meet the requirements for good combustion efficiency as
well as low smoke.
The combustor has been designed for 10000 hour field life.
Since the combustor exit temperatures are significantly higher
than that of the top mode1 of the PWlOO family, advanced wall
cooling methods have been employed. These include double pass
(impingement backside convection with front side film) cooling
for the large entry duct, impingement film on the skin for the small
entry duct and machined louvres elsewhere in the combustor. The
machined louvres have eliminated the hot side filming skirts (like
in PWIOO) which are known to buckle. Uniform wall films are
produced by use of multi-layored rows of cooling jets. In addi-
tion, thermal barrier coating has been incorporated throughout the
combustor. Testing to date has shown promising results with this
design. All the performance gqals have been met and the engine
is demonstrating state-of-the art emission levels consistant with an
environmentally friendly turbomachine (Sampath and Eatock, Fig. 15 PW150 inter-turbine vane

Detailed 2D and 3D stress analyses have been used to optimize 40-50% reduction in oil consumption relative to a conventional
the life of the turbine discs and fixings (Figure 17). Transient double pass centrifugal breather. Further tank size reduction has
analyses have been used to determine the correct tits and stresses been obtained with the introduction of a cyclonic deaerator locat-
on the rotor assembly at all engine conditions. The predictions ed at the tank inlet.
were correlated with heat transfer rig, engine temperature surveys To avoid flooding at sub-idle conditions, the PWlOO requires
and extensive spin pit rotor tests. The disc attachment profile has two valves : a switching valve and a minimum oil pressure relief
been optimized to achieve a high service life and the blade fixing valve . These two valves have been eliminated on the PW150.
fatigue life has been enhanced by high intensity shot peening of
Each bearing cavity has a dedicated scavenge pump which has
the fir-tree necks. The low pressure turbine was designed for fail-
been sized to create a partial vacuum at sub-idle conditions. Oil is
ure sequence by blade release and the power turbine overspeed
then introduced at first spin without flooding. To minimize scav-
protection was achieved by airfoil burst. This intrinsically safe enge pump sizes, special care has been taken to optimize the bear-
overspeed protection design philosophy was validated by exten- ing cavity pressure balance at sub-idle conditions.
sive high energy spin pit tests and full engine testing. Calibration
of 3D tools ( Figure 18) permits single pass designs with target All PWlOO models from PW119 to PW150 have a 5 mount
speeds reached with an accuracy better than 4%. Cover plate configuration with rubber vibration isolators. The five mounts
design evolved to low loss aerodynamic profiles while maintain- allow for continued safe operation with one mount link failed. The
ing adequate strength margin. 3D creep effects were successfully PW 118 model has four mounts with a catcher mount to cover any
analyzed and resolved. 3D dynamic effects can be modeled to per- single link failure. For total installed weight reduction and
mit the design of large blades without dampers. improved noise suppression, the PW150 has a hydraulic torque
restraint system replacing the torque tube system of all previous
High pressure turbine tip clearance control and power turbine
blade containment were also subjected to sophisticated 3D analy-
sis at the detail design stage, resulting in predicted clearances, Three dimensional finite element modelling of the structural
materials and thicknesses remaining unchanged following all of casings has been applied since the earliest PWlOO models. For the
the appropriate development and certification testing. PWl50, a full engine model (Figure 19), including both static and
rotating parts, was made to study mount reactions, carcass deflec-
System and Structure Technology tions and clearance control. Advanced steady state and transient
thermal analysis techniques have been applied to all the engine
Improvements in air and oil systems have been achieved static components. The internally-cooled ITV, which is both an
through research and concept development which have led to aerodynamic component and a structural load path for two bearing
great enhancements in analysis capability and to the introduction
supports, experiences high temperature gradients, but was
of improved air/oil system components. The PW150 engine has designed with the appropriate analytical tools to achieve the high
largely benefited from this evolution. service lives required by the commuter market.
The use of non-contacting control gap carbon seals on all bear-
ing chambers has reduced by 65% the non usable air thrown over- Gearbox and Bearing Technology
board through the breather (engine air/oil separator) and has there- The PWl 00 reduction gearbox is a two stage offset design for
fore, diminished the amount of heat rejected to the oil. At suitable
locations, labyrinth seals have been supplanted by brush seals due turboprop applications with reduction ratios varying from 15.4: 1
to 17.16: 1. The low turbine input speeds combined with these
to their compactness, their superior sealing performance and their
high reduction ratios allow the use of slower larger diameter pro-
ability to sustain occasional shaft radial excursion. This has con-
pellers for quieter operation. The offset design of the gearbox pro-
tributed to minimize air system consumption and, consequently, to
vides easy access to the rear of the propeller shaft for propeller
improve engine performance.
controls. This basic gearbox configuration has been maintained
In order to minimize oil tank size, a more efficient air/oil sep- throughout the evolution of the PWlOO from the original PWl15,
arator has been used. The “Retimet” breather has demonstrated a rated for 1119 Kw, to the newest PWl50 reduction gearbox rated

Fig. 19 PW150 full engine finite element model


for 3783 Kw. The development and application of technology to

this gearbox design has enabled this growth without a corre-
sponding increase in weight.
The first stage gears of all PWlOO gearbox designs incorporate
double helical gears for increased capacity and smoother running.
The first stage torque from the input pinion is shared between two
gears on opposite sides of the pinion. This reduces the loading on
each gear mesh and balances the load on the input pinion bearings
for increased life and reliability. The use of a double helical gear
arrangement with the split torque path means that the torque in the
first stage is shared by four gear meshes. The torque is transferred
from the first stage to the second stage gearing by means of two
layshafts which provide both torsional and lateral flexibility to
ensure equalized gear load sharing and accommodating any mis-
alignments. The torsional flexibility of the layshafts also allows
them to be used for torque measurement on the large PWlOO
engine models (PW124 and larger).
The two second stage pinions drive a bullgear mounted direct-
ly on the propeller shaft. These are high contact ratio straight spur
gears, which means that at least two gear teeth carry the load at
any instant in time, to provide high load capacity combined with
smooth running.
The gear designs on PWlOO gearboxes have benefited from the Fig. 20 PW127 reduction gearbox finite element model
latest technology in 3D finite element gear tooth contact analysis
(FEA), developed in house. The FEA model of the complete
geartrain and casing includes details such as tooth profile modifi-
cations, crowning, tooth lead errors, manufacturing tolerances and
engine distortion effects on each gear mesh (Figure 20 and 21).
This detailed analysis is used to optimize the gear design for min-
imum stress which is compared to gear fatigue rig testing and
extensive field experience.
Propellers impose once-per-revolution (1P) aerodynamic loads
on the gearbox, which result from non-axisymetric air flow into
the propeller, that must be considered in the design of propshafts,
bearings, gears and casings. To address this, aircraft and propeller
aerodynamic modeling techniques have been developed and cali-
brated, with flight tests, to predict the air flow into the propeller
and resulting loads on the engine (Gates and Smailys, 1989). The
1P load is a cyclic load on the propeller flange and contributes to
the loads between the bullgear and propshaft which, if not
addressed, can lead to problems. A design method, based on 3D
FE contact analysis, has been developed to avoid types of inter-
face problems (Smailys and Brownridge, 1987).
In addition, the thorough characterization of materials and
more precise shaft lifing techniques, accounting for HCF/LCF
interaction, combined with FEA of loads due to misalignment has
resulted in reliable yet lightweight shaft and coupling designs.
The bearings used in PW 100 gearboxes and mainshafts are all
designed using the latest state-of-the-art techniques. Bearings are
designed to minimize skidding, skewing and internal stresses, in Fig. 21 PWlOO gearbox second stage finite element analysis
addition to achieving life. Extensive field experience has been
used to calibrate the bearing lifing methods to ensure their life and laws and fault accommodation. The underlying mechanical con-
reliability. trol is a derivative of the PT6 pneumatic DPF-2 control fitted with
a stepper motor interface. This allows full authority control in the
Control Technology electronic control mode and full mechanical back-up. Failure of
the electronic control results in fixed fuel flow until the manual
From the outset of the PWlOO program there has been a desire control is selected by the pilot.
to take advantage of the benefits of electronic control technology
to improve the operability of the engines and to reduce the pilot Development of the software is a shared responsibility with
workload. The low power models ofthe engine incorporate a sim- Hamilton Standard Division of United Technologies, the supplier
ple electronic control derived from the JTlS-D family of engines. ofthe electronic control. Control laws are defined using a Pictures
This control comprises an 8 bit processor and 8k bytes of memo- to Code utility and passed to HSD. Validation of the engine con-
ry. It is configured to act in a supervisory arrangement acting trol system including software includes bench, engine and flight
through a torque motor in a hydro-mechanical control capable of testing consistent with industry standards such as DO1 78B.
providing complete mechanical back-up. Failure of the electronic
control results in fuel schedule enrichment during the transition. As the engine has grown, the demand on the control system has
grown to include more sophisticated monitoring of engine para-
Later variants of the engine benefit from a more powerful 16 meters, fault accommodation and control of the engine. Early
bit processor and a quadrupling of memory available for control controls were based on the rate of chanee of hieh comnressor rotor

speed. Later models followed with closed loop on torque and ulti- References
mately closed loop on power. Rating algorithms were added to
drive bug torque indicators in the cockpit and now some models Arora, S.C., and Abdel-Messeh, W., 1985, “Pressure Drop and
have multi-rating software to allow customers to buy one engine Heat Transfer Characteristics of Circular and Oblong Low Aspect
suited to many variants of the aircraft. Both Arinc 429 and RS 422 Ratio Pin Fins”, AGARD Conference Proceedings 390, PEP
data busses are available for communication with the cockpit, Symposium, Bergen, Norway.
electronic prop controls and the ground based diagnostic systems. Arora, S.C., and Abdel-Messeh, W., 1990, “Characteristics of
The latest versions of the electronic control also support field Partial Length Circular Pin Fins as Heat Transfer Augmentors for
loadable software. To address the bleed requirements of the larg- Airfoil Internal Cooling Passages”, ASME Journal of
er engines, the control modulates the handling bleed valve through Turbomachinery, Vol. 112, No. 3.
a torque motor interface.
Benner M.W., Sjolander S.A. and Moustapha S.H., 1997,
The PW150 uses a two channel FADEC to control the engine. “Influence of Leading Edge Geometry on Profile Losses in
As there is no mechanical backup in this control, the architecture Turbines at Off-Design Incidence : Experimental Results and an
has been modified extensively to provide redundant inputs and Improved Correlation”, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery,
effecters. The fault accommodation has been extensively modi- January 1997.
fied to use the redundant channel, the redundant effecters and to
use redundant inputs or synthesized parameters. The configuration Gates, F., and Smailys, A., 1989, “Prediction of 1-P
supports the use of Time Limited Dispatch in the event of certain Aerodynamic Loads on Tractor Aircraft Engine Installations”,
classes of uncorrected system faults. AIAAIASMEISAEIASEE 25th Joint Propulsion Conference.
The FADEC communicates with an engine monitoring unit Habashi, W.G, Peeters, M.P., Robichaud, M.P., Nguyen, V.-
(EMU) that records engine data for uses such as trend analysis, N.,and Bhat, M.V., 1992, “Finite Element Solution of viscous
trouble shooting, event analysis, parameter exceedences and life Compressible Flows in Gas Turbine Ducts and Diffusers”,
cycle factor counting. The EMU is the prime interface with AGARD Proceedings 5 10, CRD Techniques for Propulsion
ground based diagnostics systems, The EMU also interfaces with Applications, Feb. 1992.
cockpit for display of engine parameters in the cockpit. Kenny, D.P., 1973 “A Comparison of the Predicted and
Measured Performance of High Pressure Ratio Centrifugal
Conclusion Compressor Diffuser” , ASME Paper No. 72-GT-54.
The PW 100 series of engines has become the engine of choice Moustapha S.H., and Williamson R.G , 1986, “Effect of Two
in the regional aircraft sector through the effective application of Endwall Contours on the Performance of an Annular Nozzle
appropriate technology. The basic layout provided a rugged turbo- Cascade”, AIAA Journal, Sept. 1986.
machine with few rotating components which was relatively easy
to control and grow. The application of new technology as it Moustapha S.H., Okapuu U. and Williamson R.G , 1987, “The
became available provided the means to increase operating tem- Influence of Rotor Blade Aerodynamic Loading on the
peratures and loads without sacrificing durability. Improved ana- Performance of a Highly Loaded Turbine Stage”, ASME Journal
lytical tools have provided the means to increase flow and pres- of Turbomachinery, April 1987.
sure ratio as well as component efficiencies.
Sampath P., and Eatock, H.C., 1993, “Low emissions
The large number of variants reflect the diversity of applica- Combustor Technology for Small Aircraft Gas Turbines”,
tions and the need to satisfy a wide range of customer needs. The AGARD 82nd Symposium on Technology Requirements for
three shaft modular layout of the engine has facilitated this diver- Small Gas Turbines, October 1993.
sity in that modules can be combined in many ways and can be
Smailys, A., and Brownridge, C., 1987, “Designing for
upgraded independently.
Fretting Fatigue Free Joints in Turboprop Engine Gearboxes”,
First engine run of the recent PW150 model was achieved Paper No. AIAA-87-2046
within a year from program launch. PW150 certification will be
after 36 months from program launch compared to 60 months for Rhie, Chae M., Glexiner, Aaron J., Spear, David A., Fishbeg,
Craig J., and Zacharias, Robert M., 1995, “Development and
early PWIOO models. This reduction in elapsed time is mainly
Application of a Multistage Navier-Stokes Solver”, Paper No.
attributed to the integrated product development, advanced design
ASME 95-GT-342.
and analytical tools, early interaction with manufacturing and con-
current engineering. Robichaud, M.P., DiBartolomeo, W., Heikurinen, K., and
Habahsi, W.G, 1997, “Turboprop Air Intake Design Using 3D
The PW 100 engine family has gained wide acceptance for its
Viscous Analysis”, 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting,
reliability, low operating cost and broad range of power over the Paper No. AIAA 97-0171.
past two decades and like the PT6 before it will serve the industry
for decades to come. Wu, Chung, 1994, “Arbitrary Surface Flank Milling of Fan
Compressor and Impeller Blades”, Paper No. ASME-94-GT-426,
Acknowledgments 1994.
Industry, Science and Technology Canada and Technology
Partnership Canada have participated in the support of the differ-
ent phases of the PWlOO engine development programs. The
authors wish to extend their sincere appreciation to all personnel
at Pratt & Whitney Canada who have worked on the PWlOO
engine throughout its 20 years of research, design and develop-
ment. Special thanks also go to the personnel who have con-
tributed to this paper.

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